Finally in 2023, we have some very carefully worded evidence that permanent cellular changes happen after the mRNA injection.
How is it that 2 months (or more) after the second dose of mRNA, artificial “vaccine” spike proteins persist in the body. The most likely explanation is a permanent genetic change to that person. Though it is theoretically possible for a highly modified mRNA that resists degradation, to last for a number of weeks, such an altered cell would take the spike mRNA with it after that cell dies. For spike proteins derived from an mRNA injection to persist for many months, that mRNA has to be passed down to future cells when the mRNA “infected” cell divides. DNA integration by reverse transcribed mRNA is one way to produce cells that continuously pass on their “spike protein” alteration, forever until the host dies.
In the european review paper, however, they are careful not to release the exact number of months that they detected “Covid Vaccine” spike proteins in their patients. The longer the period, the more conclusive the evidence that there has been a permanent genetic change.
The Future
Recently by accident while overseas, I overheard that in San Francisco, massive venture capital investment is pouring into “Genetic Repair” technology. While this was possible in the 1990’s on a small scale, where labs regularly did “Gene edits” on groups of cells; repairing a defective gene in an entire organism looked to be very far off in the future. To “gene edit” a whole individual the size of a human is the equivalent of pulling a blond hair out of every piece of straw in a field full of haystacks, and then replacing it with a black one.
With hundreds of millions, maybe even billions of dollars being poured into “gene edit and repair” technology, it seems likely that this capability migh only be decades away. The massive venture capital investment indicates that “big money” has an expectation of a massive worldwide market for gene alteration technology. With more than half of the world having taken mRNA injections, even if only 10% suffered genetic alteration side effects, the market for genetic repair would be immense.
Especially if patients are suffering, many would be willing to pay anything to go back to the way they were before taking the Covid mRNA injections. Unfortunately, I suspect there is an entire technology industry who want to take advantage of such suffering. In a dystopian future, the young might have take out “Mortgages” to pay for expensive whole body DNA repairs. If we cannot find a fair way to undo the damage from the mRNA injections forced upon society over the past 3 years, many of our younger generation may fall into debt slavery, from the cowardice of our generation today. Despite tens of thousands of cell biologists and geneticists knowing that mRNA can change DNA, few have voiced their concerns. And those that have warned humanity are quickly labelled, insulted and defamed by ignorant politicians, reporters and bureaucrats. Anyone capable reading a cell biology textbook published in the past 50 years is capable of comprehending the harms of DNA alteration, and the various ways it can happen, through chemicals, radiation, and of course mRNA. The side effect I warned about in November 2021 has become a proven reality. How could so many “scientists” stay silent against government bureaucrats and the medical “establishement”? Was it ignorance, cowardice or both?
How can we prevent the financial enslavement of our future generation? All the young who were threatened into harming their own DNA by fearful adults? Can we free them from paying for expensive “genetic repairs”? Do we have the courage to fix a problem that our generation created?
Can we find a fair solution?
One idea that shows promise is fasting. There is a biologic idea that long periods of fasting help to clear out dead or damaged cells from the body.
The reason is that the longer and more severe the fast, the more the body has to break down old cells to stay alive. Here is where it gets interesting. When the body breaks down cells, it destroys the most damaged and imperfect cells first. People often notice old scars and injuries becoming painful again if their fasting is prolonged. This is a sign that the body is preferentially breaking up imperfect tissue. The body tries to preserve the healthiest and strongest cells. Damaged, precancerous and cancerous cells are selected to be destroyed and “recycled” first. However this selection process can only happen if the body can detect the damaged and unhealthy cells. This detection process is currently thought to be performed through the T-cells of the immune system. Thus a healthy immune system is essential for fasting to work properly.
Theoretically at the end of a fast, only the healthiest cells survive. When the fast ends, and the body starts to rebuild, only the healthy cells remain to divide and regenerate the tissue that was destroyed. This populates the body with cells healthier than those that were “recycled” to provide energy during the fast. A number of researchers have looked at and optimized this process, and purportedly it even attracted the attention and investigation of NASA. One fasting system is known as the Phoenix protocol:
Another benefit of fasting may have to do with how it alters cell physiology. There’s some evidence within the cellular biology field, that when cells are in a fasting state, anything that comes in gets immediately destroyed, broken down and used for energy. One such cellular pathway involves the Torin receptor.
There are already drugs out there used for transplant rejection that change the activity of the Torin metabolic pathway. Theoretically, altering the way cells process energy, whether through drugs or fasting, can change the way cells process something like a mRNA contained inside an artificial lipid nanoparticle. Cells can be adjusted to break down and convert into energy any foreign substance such as an mRNA injection.
If, for example, someone were on a fast before taking an mRNA injection, and stayed on a fast for some time afterwards, they may increase the chances that whatever was injected would be destroyed before causing any permanent genetic harm.
So for the new year, I encourage everyone to optimize their mind and spirit to keep their immune system in top shape, research and perhaps try a 3 day (or longer) fast to renew their body.
Who will trust such venture technology when they are stil saying this planet is over populated? It will be short circuited.
I wish you a happy new year, Dr Nagase.
Yoi otoshi wo.
Thank you Dr this is just another example of why we need more people like you in the world. Best wishes to you and family for 2024