Even though it has only been 3 days since my last article, and I know that asking everyone to digest its implications is an immense task to ask of all of you, this article today and how it is to redefines reality is best understood if you first read:
Why are only certain people allowed to make money out of metals? e.g. Jewelers and licensed “Mints”
We don’t think of Jewelers typically as being licensed to mint money, but technically they do. They stamp 10K, 18K or 24K imprints that certify an object’s purity of Gold. These dies are only allowed to be used by licensed Jewelers. With one stamp, a jeweler can take a lump of Gold and “certify” it as Pure gold. This power to make money is “licensed” by a greater power of government.
If you were to melt down coins and make your own, pure gold, silver, or copper coins without a “license”, in most countries that would be illegal. If any national authority found out, the likely response would be a small army of well armed and body armored personel seizing your property and arresting you with the threat of death. If a Jeweler were similarly found to be abusing his or her authority stamping jewelry in a way that is not “authorized”, a similar show of power would also come from the “Authorities”.
So what is the meaning of Power?
As far as money is concerned, POWER is the ability to threaten and deliver punishment.
What is Greater? Money or Power?
While money can sustain life, Power can end life, either permanently through death or temporarily through confinement.
So in the case of our Jeweler, (or our home made gold and silver currency hobbyist):
The POWER to end or destroy life takes greater precedence
over making money (a reward)
For this reason, most Jewelers and Mints (Companies that “Mint” and certify tradeable pressings of metals), obtain LICENSES that allow them to operate without the threat of violence and death.
Power > Money
This is the mathematical reality of the material world we live in today.
The Reward vs. Punishment algorithm I wanted people to start thinking about in
has manifested into reality on both the individual and international levels.
The punishment of Death outweighs the “Reward” of money not only for individuals, but for “Nations” as well. That is why every nation on this planet, invests so much into acquiring power. This is not just any power, it is specifically the power to cause Death. The same way a mugger with a gun has more power in the moment than an individual with millions of dollars, nations with deadlier weapons can “overrule” the “wealth” of another. The only caveat in this scenario is if the individual with millions of dollars, or the nation with wealth but not power, can “use” others with more Power (to cause death) to protect them.
Then the situation quickly changes such that the party with more power quickly drains the wealth of the other, creating the situation once again where Power Overrules Money.
From the perspective of individuals with limited resources, an institution’s greater power to punish will always overrule the limited material reward of an individual making money (This applies both to the jeweler making objects of value, or indirectly making money as in the case of a doctor having a license and accepting compensation).
Therefore the government that commands many individuals with weapons has more power than a single individual who’s resources for self defense are paltry in comparison.
As with the individual, follows the group of individuals that when large enough becomes a nation.
Now we comprehend why the USA spends trillions on military POWER.
It is simply to enforce the Value of its Money, with the threat of death. Power is more valuable than money. It is that which overrules wealth.
Whoever has the most Power, gets to decide what people can use as their “Reward”, i.e. Money. and what it’s “value” should be.
This is the reason Money does not have to be based on gold or any other “real” material.
Money in the international world today is valued for its countenance against death. In other words it is the projection of the Power behind it.
Can we say that we as individuals are any different?
What’s the solution?
To find out, one has to consider reality.
Reality is that reward / punishment, money / power, and life / death only matter in the MATERIAL world.
If one realizes (to see with real eyes) the existence of an immaterial world then:
power to cause death
reward / punishment systems
all do not matter. (Literally, it has no matter)
While it is all well and good to say that “it doesn’t matter”, human reality is that we all have material bodies, material shelters, and material children who need to be fed.
How are you going to resolve that issue?
The answer is to find the bridge between the immaterial world and the material world.
This Bridge between that which has no matter, and that which exists as matter is called Thought.
Ideas bridge the universe that exists beyond material and our physical existence.
A thought has no matter, but it can change matter through action.
Ironically, this is the PROOF that we are immaterial beings.
A thought, when held in the mind of an individual, can effect action that CHANGES the Material world around that individual.
However, this can only happen if that individual THINKS.
A non-thinking individual, one who only operates by instructions also known as “rules” is simply a robot — a collection of matter without immaterial existence - i.e. without a soul.
An idea, when held in the mind of an individual, can effect action that CHANGES the Matter around that individual.
This is the most important spiritual and material lesson I can offer.
Once people have logical proof of their immaterial existence beyond their material bodies, then we can start to think outside the material “rules” of reward / money, and punishment / power which control both individuals and the world today.
Then and only then, can the Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Century), be something of our own making, using our own thoughts.
(and not something imposed upon us using the material thought systems that rule the world today)
Tangent #1
The All Seeing Eye
Sometimes it is important to pay attention to the world around you. Being observant stops ignorance (the act of ignoring what is going on around you). Here’s what I saw when I stopped being “ignorant” about the US 1 dollar bill.
In the context of my previous article about AI doctors, the 1 dollar bill brought to mind mathematical limits, particularly the mathematical limit of AI.
A triangle pyramid with a shining eye on a One (1) dollar bill.
So what does “Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum” mean?
There’s a number of different Latin to English dictionaries online, but the meaning I settled on was this: (don’t like my translations? Read some latin dictionaries and post your own translation in the comments)
“Grant (annuity), commencement (conception), new (Novus), order (ordo), siecle (Age - Century in French, but ‘section’ may be the root)”
“Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum” = “Agree to start new order age”.
It is unclear if this is an order or a request.
“Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum”
might be telling the reader to “Agree to start new order age.”
a request to “Grant annuity to start a new order age.”
Why the ONE dollar bill?
Not the 2 dollar, 5 dollar, 10 dollar or twenty?
Is it because the 1 dollar bill is something even the poorest American will see?
Is this because the 1 dollar bill is ONE? (As in one world government, one world currency, one people?)
Very interesting. Yesterday I was seeing a lot of stuff about the BRICS on tic tok, and crypto advances and dangers of digital currency, and fears that we are about to have a possible stock market crash, followed by dropping of petro dollars, and potentially US (and therefore CND) dollar collapse etc. It was a lot of scary topics with a lot of speculation.
I don’t really have a lot of money in the bank to pull out and buy anything specific, I do have dollars invested in the stock market which I sort of don’t know what to do about it as I don’t actually know what is safe (maybe banks aren’t really safe either idk-depends on the scenario ). Gold could be seized, emf burst could ruin online things , the tulip bulb style market could do what it did before…
I have more questions then answers. Don’t get me wrong I am not stupid, I can see plays being made to destabilize our countries. I don’t want my country to fail. I don’t want some other power (which is also probably run by elites) to come to rule. But I also know we are already run by … (that’s it no labels needed we can see it - an illusion of democracy, an illusion of good governance).
And we are not really sure how to get real about all of this without fear and panic, without a loss of what’s good. But I do pray for us all and I try to have a little faith- hopefully we can find a way. So far we have not descended into some sort of chaos. But really I do believe in a life after death and that your article and it’s thought provoking ideas really spoke to my heart and I am sincerely grateful for your presence in the world. Thank you.
What is the solution you ask Dr. Nagase? Few years ago you talked about some sort of independent economy from the state. Mikki Willis also talk about something similar. Can you extend on this sometimes in the future? What we have today is insanity, the cause for all the wars, misery for thousands of years. Humans can't exist without leaders? Humans are to stupid to govern themselves? Nietzsche talked about The Will To Power. I look at it as a metaphor. Man is Will to Power. It is those in power responsible for the horrible mass killings, the war on the liberty of the free thinking individuals. How can one man be given so much power over millions? Say Trudeau , what he did to the truckers. That was criminal. All leaders globally some even worse, declared war on the individual. What ideas you have, what to do , how to contribute to the future of this specie so it survive its stupidity of the masses and its leaders? I do not want to bore you with a long speech , but you know what I try to say. With hundreds of times more Suns in the observable Universe than the number of grains on Earth, obviously , life elsewhere is the reality, sure some is more advanced than humans. Not all become robot like, machine like as this Earth species seems to be heading to. What to do so this specie survive its Mass Formation stupidity?