To what end does the medical industry need to separate a child from his parents? Force medical interventions that are expensive and most possibly unnecessary in our universal Healthcare program? Are they experimenting? Are they abusing a child and his parents for power? Why would a social worker seek out this kind of adversity when none existed until the social workers appearance, again a miss use of limited resources? Are hospitals incentivesed to keep experimental procedures going? Don't we have enough to deal with and fund without searching out situations that are questionable, at best.

Loving caring parents should never have their wishes ignored and never, ever be banished from a child's life. The social worker and chief physician are heartless cruel robots acting for the machine.

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this is what makes no sense to me. If medically reasonable, and no pediatric expert knows "what's right" for Baby T's condition, why bother arguing with the parents? If their suggestion works, great! If it doesn't work, then go back to doing the best of what you know. Why is it these pediatricians and social workers need to bully 2 perfectly caring parents?

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Is it possible that we now have entered a period of experimental medicine and no consent or knowledge of participation is required?

And I am including the experimental modified gene therapy, marketed as a vaccine/flu shot to cdns by smiling friendly doctors & nurses.

If this is the case hospitals are danger zones and not a place for help.

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Jesus ! how many time did the social worker repeat the phrases, 'Be careful' and 'I know'. That's quite threatening like the abuse of power. V competent practice (being sarcastic here).

Tho I am not entirely familiar with the Canada's Child welfare system (it looks like the social workers are given the legislative power to remove the child without a court order or without an assistance from the police, which is different from the UK system.), I used to work with Canadian SWs in the UK and would assume the ground work (concept ) for the child care SW is more or less the same. From the social aspect of the situation, firstly I would like to see the risk assessment made by the social worker. (Must be a written record)

What (potential) risks did the mother and subsequently the 'unauthorised visitor' present ? Particularly I am concerned for the child's attachment to the mother being abruptly halted. (No offence to the father!) Was the (potential ) risk great enough to severe the contact with the mother alone? How did the SW decide it was not in the best interest of the child? I looked up BC's children's hospital site and it explains the role of SW. No ref to the SW 's involvement in medical decision making. On the contrary, their primary role is crisis intervention and familial support. (That's how it should be)

Somebody in the hospital has to make a referral to the SW dept. Who made that referral?

I am not getting the impression the social worker is playing an advocacy role here for the child either. She is only delivering the message from the hospital mgt.

And the father was right in asking for family counselling.

I bet it was a risk (threat) posed to the establishment (hospital), not to the child. ( Puzzling medical procedures seem to be going on and subsequent cover ups. Otherwise, no 'unauthorised visitor' should pose a threat if they are competent.

That can only explain the SW's incompetent intervention.

I used to think Canadian SWs are well trained. But obviously their standard must be going down the hill then.

Thanks Justin & friends!

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Thank you for your parent advocacy. I do hope the parents’ fight to be heard and responsible for the medical decisions of their child returns to them, with criminal charges levelled at the hospital and social workers.

The system/s set to remove parental consent and opposition to hospital worker decision makers has to be addressed going forward

I look forward to the next iteration of medical support

So much power has been given to profit generation as opposed to healing

The $’s from ongoing intensive support is obviously outweighing baby and family bonding/protection

An aside

I have a new take on lung and blood physiology that dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

My article is titled

We breathe air not oxygen

Air is measured by its humidity

Oxygen is measured by its dryness for example medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination

Oxygen toxicity is directly related to its dryness and ability to dehydrate.

Lungs at the alveoli requires the air to reach 100% humidity. Can you see the mismatch?

The RBCs are carrying salt water, they are salt water sponges.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration

Dark RBCs are dehydrated

Light RBCs are hydrated

The lungs rehydrate the RBCs

Just as the ubiquitous saline drip rehydrates RBCs.

I hope you take the time to read my article and ponder.

Medicine and science have been retarded intentionally with schooled fraudulent facts.

Scrutiny is the way back to truth.


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Government: It's the problem to the solution.

Canadian government takes the cake, for overbearing pedantic intelligent idiots dictating their tyrannical small-minded hostility towards true liberty.

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I hope the parents can put enough pressure on these sick people to get them to back off. My sense is this is the only way. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and child.

There is a network of these Freemasons within the hospital system. I'm certain they have an established process for targeting patients for the purposes of profit.

I apologize to the family if they read this and are troubled by it. Please understand I'm only suggesting this as a strong possibility and want to convey a sense of urgency in the matter.

The doctors involved and that social worker are part of this network and working together. With their full legal names I could say this with more certainty as I know what to look for.

Hospitals in Canada are not public but private for profit and organs are sold to the highest bidder on the global market.

Remarque88 discusses this along with the MAID program in Canada. See video below.


I'm sorry this is rather sickening.

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Very sad. It seems they will experiment on this child and then when they are done give bits of him out all over the world..."to make his life worthwhile " the parents will be told and not asked. I have been saying for 3 years stay away from hospitals, your chances of dying go up exponentially when you are admitted and they figure out your body's worth.

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Check the follow up for her full legal name and status...

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For the medical students reading, there's also a brief example of a psychiatric interview about 2/3 down the article

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Is this (at least, in part) why doctors offices and patient rooms are commonly found with signs that say "no video allowed?" Having proof of what is actually happening might provide evidence in court that contradicts doctors and nurses claims.

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Might be a sign of how poor the doctor's care is. When I've had patients who needed stitches in the ER, there's been a few times that as soon as the anesthetic takes the pain away, the patient wants to take a video and I tell them for sure! I talk through everything I do as I'm doing it like an instructional video.

Sadly the greatest stitching moments in my career, Hand in a Blender, Hand vs Lawnmower, and High speed Ear versus ground covered in broken glass never got on video. Patients were too traumatized until the end when they saw all their fingers back to where they should be and the guy had an ear again, and then they wished they had it all on video.

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Wow! Wow again!! This is absolutely disgusting what the so called professionals are doing to this family & sweet little baby Theo!! Unbelievable and yes they will be held responsible at some point, my prayer is sooner than later!! Prayers to the family!!

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