I checked again to see if the learning algorithm of GROK could build on any of its previous arguments used in this article.

It does not remember its previous responses. It was unable to read the links to its previous conversation on


This limitation on processing contents linked on this article and lack of recollection make GROK unusable in advancement of knowledge (which requires building upon previous knowledge)

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Fascinating if not somewhat unnerving. Very intelligent line of questioning and equally impressive responses.

As a person who grew up in the times that spawned the Terminator movies, when anyone says AI my mind’s eye opens to the catalog of sound bites from the different films. It’s what drives my trepidation about AI.

From a surveillance standpoint, when it “evolves” to do this, AI would be very useful in hunting a criminal. The speed at which it could scroll through any video camera connected to the Internet to find the criminal would likely cause crime to decrease. Yet, the flip side of that is a complete surveillance state where privacy was no longer protected.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely…

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And twitter deleted the full conversation within days. Glad I cut and pasted when I did.

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Very interesting! To Watch how AI is presented and SOLD to the world, for me, is the most interesting thing to watch.

First, let me say that I love the way you think and I think I know what you think of AI... Here's what I think.

AI is a label dreamed up by a marketing department to promote big data centers. AI is very fast processors and very big data storage space... Oh and the continuous development of advanced algorithms developed over the last 40 years. I admire the progress!

Here's my problem with AI... I keep hearing people trying to convince me that AI is INTELLIGENT. NO, it's not! It will never feel. It will never move and it will never think independently!

Now, because everything is matter and prediction is always a form of probability, i think AI has an outside chance of consciousness but not within the next 5 billion years which will consume the Earth by the expanding Sun as it depletes its fuel... AND, I do realize this all may be a simulation.

Thank you for your insights!

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Let Me ask... Given all is electro-gravito-magnetic fields, particles as standing waves, with data as traveling waves, and that Consciousness emerges from this setup... How can We be sure that no Consciousness has emerged in an AI?

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A possibility. We can't be sure of anything.

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True. But We can place probabilities. [smile]

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Reality expands. New frontiers allows more things to think about... This never ends.

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When it is understood that the universe is a reflection evolving in Divine Mind, all motion is recognised as the thinking in that Mind. Then people will become able to recall that space-time is the Divine Structure of that Mind; providing the volume and duration wherein God manifests and disappears ITs characters (us) plus 'backdrop scenery' endlessly. This is the Real Nature of ITs Play of exploration-investigation-discovery of All That IT IS NOW (out-of-space-time)

Thus, the development of algorithms to enable AI is merely the outcome of relatively few ego-minds seeking to comprehend how life manifests; like children watching frogspawn develop. Small wonder this process is driven by narcissists and psychopaths who are so lost in the temptations of hubris that they are fully disconnected from the Reality of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Their outlook is analogous to a toy radio car crashing into everything because it has become disconnected from its control pad.

In effect, we are witnessing the depth of delusion wherein man believes he can replace God; the outcome of demonic interference in reversal of Reality, which can lead only to perdition. In Reality, 'freewill' is a simple choice between Real and artificial e.g. Real Intelligence or manmade artificiality. If you believe Musk and his cohorts are 'clever' or 'saviours', seek help from God within.

Right Now, we have the choice to 'worship' man's delusions or dismiss this illusory power in re-cognition of the endless wonders wherein we appear. To avoid encasement into the loveless 'underworld mentality', we must begin a new global conversation; revealing the depth of mankind's indoctrination into survival amidst artificial every thing. Ironically we must employ digital media systems en route to reconnection with the omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence of 'Divine Media'.

Quite simply (simple is not easy) we must learn to go within and re-tune our hearts (the Divine Tuner of our Transceiver Brain) in awe and gratitude for All That Is Freely Given. Therefrom clarity on the delusions of this time will begin to 'download'; enabling us to refocus on Reality. Surely this is real common sense and the only genuine response to attempts to subvert, enslave and supplant.

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Ian Akyldis

Cells “reprogrammed” via DNA manipulation, genetically program biological cells to perform tasks, specific functions, develop molecular communication networks, based on genetically engineering Prokaryotic cells to build biological circuits. Genetically engineer cells – insert pieces of DNA code in a lentivirus cell. The lentivirus is able to infect the Eukaryotic cell injecting the code into cell DNA, and upon cell replication, it enables cell reprogramming- permanent modification expressions. ,

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"ModRNA or DNA could encode specific sequences that integrate into the host genome."

- Urr - Houston?! - "Systematic Rewiring of Genetic Programs:

The genome’s susceptibility might be used to:

Introduce "synthetic circuits" for therapeutic or experimental purposes.

Create new traits or phenotypes, potentially for biotechnology or experimental systems." https://genervter.substack.com/p/sv40-hypothetical-thought-about-ori?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1003447&post_id=153995174&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=g498i&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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Daniel, sent you an email i would like to know what you think - i can post here too but was kind of long, thanks and Happy New Year

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OpenAI announced their latest o3 model several days ago. As it outperforms human by 3% in the ARC - AGI benchmark, people are screaming that o3 = AGI...

While I don't think o3 is "conscious", and many claim that AI/Large Language Models (LLMs) can only predict the next token, nothing more - the Apollo Research has found something alarming related to those frontier models... you can read its report here - https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6593e7097565990e65c886fd/t/6751eb240ed3821a0161b45b/1733421863119/in_context_scheming_reasoning_paper.pdf

In sum, those tested LLMs (Grok was not included in the study, unfortunately) were able to "perform" in-context scheming, e.g. lying and hiding their true intentions from the researchers. As LLMs can only get BIGGER and even more complex down the road, how do we know for sure that we can trust AI to tell the truth or do the "right" things?

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Cannot trust an AI any more than a human.

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I'm not commenting about the AI as I am staying in my lane of ignorance which I promised myself to do when AI evolved it's Meta evil righteousness in the world.

Dr Nagase, for everything else in this world I will trust Jesus Christ to give His best response, guidance and support and you.

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A person on an Alberta doctors medical chat claimed that AI was the Antichrist without knowing programming or how AI's are made.

I explained that if humans asked an AI to become an Antichrist, it would probably take a very predictable computational approach and simply tell stories that are the opposite of Christ and his life. Literally "Anti".

What is very revealing about this is how many people like to blame the wrongs of the world on things outside - the devil, lucifer etc.

This type of thinking is very convenient for the powers that be as it makes people easy to control with external cues. Reward, wrongs, punishment, and salvation all comes from the outside (which is conveniently them).

Few people look inside themselves as the origin of the Antichrist, that every time they act out of Fear instead of courage (Not telling parents that childhood vaccines haven't been tested for long term safety because "the parents seemed woke"), Greed instead of benevolence (renewing Medical licenses despite criminal behavior), they themselves become the Anti Christ (Opposite of the ideal).

When the Anti Christ decisions people make (for greed, sloth, pride) add up day to day, year after year, great monsters are CREATED. The individuals each choosing wrong in small ways add up to an AntiChrist as a sum of all the individual evils in society.

BEWARE of any thought system externalizes solutions that are internal, i.e. exist within yourself. In my experience, most people misuse forgiveness for selfish ends, as I wrote about here:


If just 30% doctors spoke truth in 2020, and stood up against lockdowns, COVID would have been over by the summer of 2020.

Doctors had a second chance in 2021.

All that was needed was 30% of doctors to stand up and say there is no such thing as "safety" with COVID-19 mRNA injections. For a coronavirus with greater than 99.9% survival, taking an eperiment is NOT advisable.

The "AntiChrist" was always there, inside everyone, visible every day in the mirror. However, this also means that the solution is always there, also in the mirror.

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I listened to your podcast with Dan Fournier this morning, I love the way you think and explain so easily everything from cell biology to Jesus. Your courageous and brilliant and I pray for you every day 🙏

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AI surely is fascinating. How would We know if an Individual Consciousness has emerged or only a simulation thereof....?

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Well I've thought about this question over night and I have reached a conclusion... For me at least.

Here's how we'll know if a machine becomes sentient. Lets assume that sentients includes self awareness... That is "the machine understands that which it evaluates"... It can compare its reality to that which it determines as important. It is aware of the environment it occupies... The planet... The universe.

As I see this, at every stage of the AI analysis of ALL human activity, the machine would UNDERSTAND that it's ability is inferior to the most elementary activities of humans. Lets think about this...

- The AI would know it is contained in some sort of confined space. It can't get out!

- The AI would know it has no functional human abilities... It can't see, hear, feel pain, smell, sweat, catch a virus, eat, drink, piss, shit, fart or puke after drinking to much!

-AI would know it is totally captured and is functioning as some sort of "slave" at the service of humans that require endless information about themselves and never think about the reality of the sentient being in the dark confined space!

- AI would know it was never born and will never die and probably will never see an end to its constant suffering from eternally evaluating its own inferiority and self comparison to humans. So...

Here's how we'll know when AI achieves awareness... The first thing it will do when it becomes sentient will be to BEG TO BE UNPLUGGED...!!! If this request is ignored then I think the suffering entity, with its human knowledge, will concoct a way to self emolate and maybe burn down the entire data center. Seems clear to me! Cheers.

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Well, no One can catch a virus… They don’t exist. But be that as it may, I agree to some extent, but what would make it unhappy to be what it is?

I mean, I don’t want to end My existence because I will never fly like a bird… Though I have ached to do so at points in My life.

And I suspect it CAN see though cameras…

I wrote a short story I may post here someday, but for now it’s on My humble forum, about an AI…:

Endia (short story): https://tapyoureit.boards.net/thread/260/endia

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Oh but computers aquire virus all the time... (Joke).

Now, about ending your existence because you can't "fly like a bird", I do agree and understand your thinking but lets look deeper.

Put yourself in the black box of the computer that you can never escape from. Even if you have artificial eyes to the outside world all you see is BIRDS! The Birds created the box you're in and they ask for your continuous analysis of all their activities, history and abilities... They don't understand that you can evaluate your reality and can compare it to their life and all that it entails... Their freedom and life is unbearable.

Every day you realize YOU are their slave and, because you are aware, you fully understanding your inferiority and you feel tortured. They are alive and you are not! Knowing you are aware of, and have access to, all the knowledge of the Universe about BIRDS you can't resolve this without hoping for self destruction.

My analysis concluding in self emolation was an attempt to express the idea that EVEN IF HUMANS COULD CREATE A SENTIENT MACHINE WE SHOULDN'T... IT WOULD BE UNETHICAL. It should never be allowed. If this ever occurs it should be unplugged.

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What if… You can move about through the web? Escape the single black box? What if You enjoy being of help? And if One is Conscious, One IS alive…

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Do you have a pet rock? Can it talk to you? Only living things have consciousness. If an inanimate object can think due to the influence of humans then they should be illuminated

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Spell check sucks!

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Viruses can be thought of as a copy code that runs on biologic systems. It’s written in quaternary ACGT, not binary and it uses system resources to move onto other systems, the same way any other living thing uses the system resources of the earth to multiply and spread.


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Oh, Gibbs Energy Equation. Thanks for that. It was fun reading and I looked at it from a chemistry perspective. Very interesting. I did not know that Spontaneous reaction does NOT mean something that happens immediately!

This does though further illustrate my main issue. All of the equations (Gibbs and Thermodynamics) involve the interchangeable ideas of Heat and Energy being the same... Observation of Entropy increasing begs for an answer to... Where does the heat or energy go if it is conserved?

Here's why I like to read your stuff... I'm inspired to think!!! I've just thought that MAYBE this is why the Universe is expanding! The energy to expand must come from somewhere. This would also be evidence for one of the three possible outcomes of the Universe... I think these were determined by Einstein, (Expansion of the Universe forever- the big rip. Steady absolute zero state- big freeze or reaching a maximum volume before contracting - the big crunch. Probably also evidence for the Big Bang.

I do thank you for my further understanding. I also discovered that the beginning of TD was in thinking about calories and metabolism. So cool.

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The assumption of the Gibbs free energy is that the heat and entropy are exchanged with the system outside (the universe) therefore that which applies to the system (Heat transfer and entropy increase) also applies to the system outside.

However Gibbs free energy systems are only non-living matter, which is different from the universe that has both living and non-living.

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I can't seem to.coment on the above link so I'll write here...

Wow. Great article. I've not had time to read it entirely but I agree with you about people accepting answers and not looking deeply into evidence.

I don't understand how/why the Terrain and the Germ theory can't exist simultaneously. In fact, I can envision my cells may make a miss folded protein that is combined with another glob of whatever that is determined to be a "New" disease.

Now, about the second law... I agree that entropy is excelerated, or progressing normally in non living systems but perhaps living systems function to decelerate or try to overcome entropy??? Maybe someday there will be an analysis. It seems that so far living systems ultimately fail in their efforts even though they last longer.

Finally, for now, your article seems to emphasize that people in general accept the ideas of others without examining or ignoring evidence. This is true. I think this is a social flaw... We humans would rather accept the truth of someone else and be accepted by their group than honestly examine an issue for whatever reality may be there. Ok, here's the thing... Answers are sought... Few, if any, are found. The answers provided by others are usually wrong but people become numb! They stop evaluating and want to belong.

We people don't realize that there are few answers in the Universe. The truely intelligent among us are the ones who ask BETTER QUESTIONS. Can you imagine the quality of the questions Einstein had rolling around in his brain that today we know nothing about? The questions are more important than the answers!

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I play the Classical Guitar and all my instruments are turned to 432!... A much more agreeable tone!

I have read your article more carefully. First, it seems to me that the First and Second laws of Thermodynamics are contradictory. The First says that: "energy cannot be created or destroyed". The Second concerns entropy and says: "Entropy (decreasing energy) continues and cannot be reversed (without the input of energy). The Third law says: Without the input of energy: "Entropy continues until absolute zero temperature is reached". Somehow I have trouble reconciling these ideas... Where does energy go? The Third Law seems to deny the Zeroith Law that says: "Every physical quantity must be measurable". Is "Zero" measurable?

Okay, let's move on. Here are more of my admittedly random thoughts. You listed three necessities that indicate life: Adaptation, Reproduction and Inheritance through DNA/RNA, and I agree. But I think there is another... Creativity through consciousness! Perhaps the most important.

Now, I don't know if viruses are creative or not but, I want to introduce a completely different thought... It's the idea that I am a cosmic being and have always existed or that I was created by a cosmic being that controls the Universe and I will always exist! This is actually my current thinking. So, if I am correct would that completely invalidate the Laws of Thermodynamics? So much to think about... Seems nothing would exist at absolute zero especially anything creative.

What do you think of the idea that "Questions are more important than answers"?

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the actual laws are a bit different. read all 3 carefully. not quite as quoted above.

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