During my career as an emergency doctor I learned that there is a risk and sometimes a downside to almost everything, even water. For a while I have been wanting to tell everyone to go beyond anything I have ever said, do greater things than I have ever done.
In other words, I have been wanting to tell people to stop believing in me and to believe in themselves. To stop having faith in me and only take faith in yourself, and that which is greater than you. (Being a man, I am no greater than any of you.)
Here is the logical reason why. Artificial Intelligence.
A couple weeks ago I was volunteering at the Shambhala music festival, and one of my volunteer partners was unemployed from the movie industry because she wouldn’t take the mRNA injection. She told me the backstory behind the recent Hollywood Actors and Screenwriter’s strike was AI.
The Hollywood movie studios wanted to replace all the screenwriters with Chat GPT, and all the movie actors with digital AI models built off of high resolution facial scans. If a Hollywood actor couldn’t get his act together enough to bulk up and get the muscled look that a director wanted, all they’d need is a high res 3D facial scan and they’d simply overlay the actor’s face on a bodybuilder and voila! Lazy out of shape Hollywood Actor now looks like a “Superhero”!
This technology has been around for at least a decade if not more.
What does this have to do with Dr. Daniel Nagase?
I suspect that I’ve been on enough zoom calls, videos and pictures that there’s enough data about my face out there to create a believable 3D model of me. And once there’s a 3D digital model of Dr. Nagase, they can put out videos of me saying things I’d never say, and doing things I’d never do.
Why I am I worried about this?
Something happened starting around the end of 2022 through the first half of 2023. I started hearing stories from people in the freedom movement that Pastor Arthur Pawloski was telling people that I was calling for hangings, executions and that he had to drag me off the stage at his church. I observed patiently withholding judgment until I saw this video:
What struck me about Arthur Pawloski’s accusations is that they seemed very similar to a narrative spun against me first by mainstream media, and then by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C.
Mainstream media seemed desperate to fabricate a narrative that I was calling for hangings and executions because there happened to be 3 protestors standing behind me with pinyatas of politicians during my speech in Victoria BC on December 9th 2021.
This narrative was repeated by the College of physicians and surgeons of BC in their disciplinary citation against me.
All of the Sudden a Year Later:
I have only met Pastor Arthur Pawloski twice. Both times it was very brief. The first time was when I did a speech at his church, and the second time was in Lethbridge Alberta. It was only after my second interaction with Arthur Pawloski did the thought occur to me that he was not someone who could be reasoned with. Why?
It was shortly after Arthur Pawloski became the leader of the Independence Party of Alberta that I saw him on two instances telling people he was “Chosen By God”. As a leader of a nascent political party trying to win freedom from tyrranical policies from the Crown of Canada, it doesn’t help anyone except the established parties if the independence leader goes around saying things that make him look crazy. I told Arthur at our second face to face encounter in Lethbridge that he should say “God has given me the opportunity to…” instead of saying “I was chosen by God!”. The message means the same thing but will connect with more people because it doesn’t imply that somehow you know the thoughts of God.
Arthur Pawloski rejected my suggestion. He said that he had to be “Bombastic” like Trump. I simply looked down in disappointment and thought to myself, this guy will not listen to reason… and I left it at that.
A couple months later, people in the freedom community started telling me that Arthur has been going around telling everyone that he had to drag me off the stage at his church because of the things I was saying.
I thought to myself, “Why would he say that?”. He has a video of everything I said on stage in front of his congregation and no one dragged anyone off the stage. Then strange things started to happen.
The Independence party tried to cancel me from a speech I was invited to do in Rimbey Alberta.
At 1 Hr, 17 min 15 Sec of the “Pawloski at 1 HR 14 MIN 30 SEC” video linked above he says that I was talking about “Hangings” and violence for my Speech in Rimbey.
Is it a coincidence that Arthur Pawloski is trying to spin the same narrative against me that Mainstream Media and the College tried a year before?
you decide. (and herein is the solution)
What is the solution?
Every single thing you hear me say (or anyone else for that matter), you should put to the test of reason.
Does this sound logical?
Does this make sense?
Does this sound like something Dr. Daniel Nagase would say?
If you don’t know the answer, ask me if I said that.
I don’t know when they will start using Chat GPT and AI to create deep fakes of me.
But everything I say should be put to the test.
Trust your sense of reason.
Trust your heart.
Believing in me or any person carries the risk of being deceived through misplaced “Faith”.
Questioning, reasoning and thinking with everything that God has given you, using your mind AND your heart, is the path to truth. Do not put your faith in any Man. (That’s what I am, just like each and every one of you)
The deep dive on Arthur Pawloski.
So we have found a discrepancy.
Let’s now do an analysis.
Why is Arthur Pawloski fabricating stories about me?
Why do they bear a strong resemblence to mainstream media hit pieces on me?
Why does it bear resemblance a College of Physicians accusation?
Is there a clue in Arthur Pawloski’s past?
Wow! It looks like Arthur Pawloski used to engage in bribery and extortion. He said it himself!
The question is… is Arthur Pawloski still in that business?
I don’t know!
But I’ll tell you what I witnessed in a “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics” zoom talk yesterday (Sunday August 6th, 2023… I apologize for not having a link to the call recording at this time)
During that zoom call Arthur Pawloski tells an incredible tale about how he grew up in communist Poland, how he went from being an immigrant refugee to a “Multi millionaire at age 34!”
Wait… What?
“Multi millionaire at age 34!”?
What kind of industries or businesses have “Rags to Riches” opportunities for penniless immigrants to turn into multi millionaires before age 35?
Arthur Pawloski goes on to describe how after he got arrested he was offered $2 million dollars to go to the government side.
He says he refused the offer because he’s had so much money in the past and now he’s reformed because he found God…
Well… did he turn down the $2 million dollar offer and then quietly accept the $3 million dollar one?
I don’t know!
But I do know he lies.
I do know he’s on a campaign to discredit me.
You decide.
Postscript - Beware of Martyr “Narratives”
One of the stories that made me feel most “Sorry” for Arthur Pawloski was the one put out by Rebel News of his arrest in the middle of a highway.
At first I thought, wow! The state is really trying to send a message out to the world by making an “Example” of Arthur Pawloski. Police could have just as easily arrested him at home. They know where he lives.
They had cameramen ready on the highway to document his arrest. I mean, why would cameramen standing in the highway not get charged with standing in the middle of a road unless they were working together with police?
So the simple interpretation is that the police were trying to scare the people into compliance by disseminating unjust force in the media.
However, if we think one level deeper, there could be a secondary agenda. What would be a useful secondary objective?
To create a martyr narrative.
Why are martyr narratives so important?
Because Martys can be USED to establish TRUST.
In the same way Robert Malone was used to gain trust by telling a limited version of the truth, a story of injustice and hardship that pulls at the heart strings can be used to create a character of Martyrdom to emotionally manipulate people.
Do not let my story or anyone’s “story” get in the way of Critical Thinking.
Think Always.
Wow. Lots of strange things going on Daniel.
Did you see Karen Kingston's last post re a deep fake AI of her son?
AI is 'learning' your kids in school too. I'm a retired teacher. This data collecting and selling access to our kids started years ago. Greatly accelerated now. They don't care about us. They want to 'shape' the future and have the kids never know the AI tech prison they will live in is not normal. It's the transhumanist end game.
The entire trans agenda is also about removing their sense of identity with their bodies. The invasiveness and total control of transhumanism requires a complete destruction of any notions of bodily autonomy, privacy, ot any notion of basic freedoms or human rights or dignity.
Please look. Too many people won't even look. Our kids need us. NOW.
- They need to erase the notion of 'violation of body', or that your body is private and 'yours' and personal.
Because the end game for our children is transhumanism. The ultimate control:
Government of Canada Policy Horizons BioConvergence
" Changing what it means to be human". (You fund this with your tax dollars ) You didn't know about something like THIS?
- Allison does an 'educator /mom ' vibe thing first, but then,
the content is devastating:
Allison McDowell
"Smart Cities", every parent needs to see this; the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning"/ DARPA , the corporate /government partnership is not a future anyone wants for our kids! / parent rights / AI 'learning' our kids / government selling your children's data
- Corporations and governments have always been interested in 'shaping' and 'driving' the changes they prefer.
-- https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/chd-lawsuit-los-angeles-smart-city-documents/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20230726
CHD Sues Los Angeles Over Refusal to Release ‘Smart City’ Documents
Children’s Health Defense, along with two Los Angeles residents concerned about how the city’s smart city technologies may be violating their rights and those of their children, are seeking documents detailing the city’s current projects and future plans.
- And this:
Marc Andreessen Says AI Will Function as a Lifelong ‘Partner’ for Kids With Full Insight Into Everything They’ve Done and Want — and He Thinks That’s a Good Thing
Business Insider reported:
Billionaire tech investor Marc Andreessen — who has long been bullish on the tech — thinks AI is a lifelong “ally” for the children of tomorrow as they both grow up together.
-We need to see it's ALL about our kids. They are shaping them. And our governments are selling them like cattle to the usual bankers and 'families' that have always controlled and lied to us, and 'tell' us who our 'enemies' are.
Look forward to seeing you with my own eyes and hearing from you with my own ears on Wednesday in Vancouver.
So many people have abandoned believing 2 of their most important senses for television indoctrination.