Wow. Lots of strange things going on Daniel.

Did you see Karen Kingston's last post re a deep fake AI of her son?

AI is 'learning' your kids in school too. I'm a retired teacher. This data collecting and selling access to our kids started years ago. Greatly accelerated now. They don't care about us. They want to 'shape' the future and have the kids never know the AI tech prison they will live in is not normal. It's the transhumanist end game.

The entire trans agenda is also about removing their sense of identity with their bodies. The invasiveness and total control of transhumanism requires a complete destruction of any notions of bodily autonomy, privacy, ot any notion of basic freedoms or human rights or dignity.

Please look. Too many people won't even look. Our kids need us. NOW.


- They need to erase the notion of 'violation of body', or that your body is private and 'yours' and personal.

Because the end game for our children is transhumanism. The ultimate control:


Government of Canada Policy Horizons BioConvergence


" Changing what it means to be human". (You fund this with your tax dollars ) You didn't know about something like THIS?

- Allison does an 'educator /mom ' vibe thing first, but then,

the content is devastating:


Allison McDowell

"Smart Cities", every parent needs to see this; the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning"/ DARPA , the corporate /government partnership is not a future anyone wants for our kids! / parent rights / AI 'learning' our kids / government selling your children's data

- Corporations and governments have always been interested in 'shaping' and 'driving' the changes they prefer.

-- https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/chd-lawsuit-los-angeles-smart-city-documents/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20230726

CHD Sues Los Angeles Over Refusal to Release ‘Smart City’ Documents

Children’s Health Defense, along with two Los Angeles residents concerned about how the city’s smart city technologies may be violating their rights and those of their children, are seeking documents detailing the city’s current projects and future plans.

- And this:

Marc Andreessen Says AI Will Function as a Lifelong ‘Partner’ for Kids With Full Insight Into Everything They’ve Done and Want — and He Thinks That’s a Good Thing

Business Insider reported:

Billionaire tech investor Marc Andreessen — who has long been bullish on the tech — thinks AI is a lifelong “ally” for the children of tomorrow as they both grow up together.

-We need to see it's ALL about our kids. They are shaping them. And our governments are selling them like cattle to the usual bankers and 'families' that have always controlled and lied to us, and 'tell' us who our 'enemies' are.

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Unfortunately once technology advances to point of genetic engineering, the endpoint does appear to be alteration of species. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/genetic-engineering-with-dr-nagase It makes one wonder with all the legends of medusas and minotaurs has there been a previous age of genetic mutilation and chimeras.

A lot can happen in 50,000 years of human history, especially if it only takes 10,000 years to develop space, nuclear and DNA technology.

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The bible describes how DNA was altered by the fallen angels. There is nothing new under the sun!It created the nephilim/giants.

Corruption on the Earth

(Matthew 24:36–51)

1Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, 2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.

3So the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever,a for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”

4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.

5Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time. 6And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7So the LORD said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”

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Dr Nagase, have you learned of the work by some person called Fermenti? He posts on Rumble. I recently learned of him & have watched a few of his videos. He goes over the medical papers on his videos so I believe he’s backing up what he says. It’s above my head, & since I’m sure you are much smarter than I, please try to look into what he is saying. It’s hard for me to fully comprehend. But he has said that “they” want to have complete control over reproduction. (Someday only the wealthy will be able to reproduce & leave their gene line & legacy in history on Earth, I guess like the “Handmaid’s Tale”). Also, he said they want to control all genetics & store it to the cloud, something like that. Please check out to see if this guy is informed. He seems legit. I’ll try to watch more of his videos. In one video, he talks about the “gene gun.” It’s hard for me to grasp, but I know “they” are engaging in very nefarious actions. They are affecting the microbiome, & they are altering DNA. Is that technically Eugenics? Anyway, thank you for all you do!! (Blessings from So Cal, USA). 🙏🏻❤️😊

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I do wonder what the military industrial complex are doing now...if the technology has been provided by non earth human beings.

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It is so important for people to look at mathematics when considering extra terrestials. With the age of our solar system, and the age of other solar systems, what is the mathematical likelihood there is no other intelligence around us? Now if we want to consider how beings with higher technologies, would treat us with our lower technologies, we should look at how we interact with species with even lower technologies than ours. For example, what do scientists do when observing "societies" of monkeys, killer whales or ants? For the most part we sit back and observe without interfering. Similarly, any space age society will probably look at us with curiosity to see what we do next, without interference.

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"With the age of our solar system, and the age of other solar systems, what is the mathematical likelihood there is no other intelligence around us?"

That's a question that I have been pondering. "Faith and Reason" - they are not mutually exclusive, and also not in contradition. In fact that is what my Roman Catholic faith teaches.

I am in the process of reading this huge tome: https://www.amazon.ca/Only-Man-Bears-His-Image/dp/1957168064 which addresses some of the questions that you pose.

I am only half way through, but I am inclined to agree with the premise of the book. But then I have been steeped in the Catholic faith.

I just subscribed to you substack. Thank you for being thoughtful, and posing good questions, and providing good analysis.

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Sure, 'The Prime directive ' can be applied. (If you are a trekkie).

But I have come across so many who have had 'different experiences'. Far from the prime directive principle.

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Look forward to seeing you with my own eyes and hearing from you with my own ears on Wednesday in Vancouver.

So many people have abandoned believing 2 of their most important senses for television indoctrination.

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Stay Strong Dr. Nagase. No one believes in that nonsense that is being spewed about you. If I remember correctly, (and please feel free to jump in here if I am mistaken) but I believe you were once on a very important call that consisted of a group of scientists, doctors (that are supposed to be on our side) and a certain United States Senator. And you were the only one advocating for reverse engineering to find out what is truly in these vials . And on that call you were met with resistance from our so called good guys.

Please know, we support you Dr. Nagase. Everything you have advocated for has been about saving humanity and warning people about the dangers that lie ahead. Also, as a side note, I am personally tired of all the back and forth that is going on about what the contents are in the vials. I believe reverse engineering is exactly what needs to happen.

Further, any one who calls themselves or refers to themselves in any way as "the Chosen One" is someone I shy away from. I am a Christian. And as Christians we know that the ONLY "Chosen One" is JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD, AND SAVIOR. I become very disgusted when I hear mere mortals use such language when referring to themselves. Esp. when Pastors or worse, Politicians make such reference! People who speak like that usually have a very unhealthy view of themselves.

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yes, i did ask a state senator to provide access to a state lab capable of reverse engineering the mRNA injection. He said that would be illegal ...

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That U.S. Senator has a legal obligation to act when he knows that a bioweapon is being deployed on his own citizens. He knows that this weapon is maiming and murdering people. And I can not think of any law that gives protection to bioweapons. In fact, international treaties were signed in order to prevent biological weapons from being deployed.... It is truly upsetting to see that there are so many cowards out there and that they are willing to look the other way.

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what you are saying makes total sense to me

and what he is saying somehow does

not ring true to me. He is a little too

well produced, for starters.

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If I ever say anything that doesn't make sense, it may be a fake. Always ask questions. If it's me I'll answer!

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Thank you for this thoughtful, informative post. 🙏 this is very concerning. I'm sorry for what you went through.

At the risk of becoming persona non grata, I'm not against hangings and executions of those involved in this mass genocide. If the pastor wants to, he's welcome to say a prayer for their sins before they die.

The problem is, in our justice system, elitist murderers would throw someone else under the bus in place of them. There will be no justice for their crimes against humanity.

I havent been to your talks but if I go I will not bring any pinatas.

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Pinyata's are fun! The media are pure evil for putting a sinister spin on a children's party game.

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Very interesting. As a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave me the impression something was wrong with him. He seemed to do good things, but I felt his character was not Christ like. Who know what is going on with him, but anyone who lies cannot be trusted.

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Anyone know awake aware people in Nova Scotia? I have to probably move out there. Pleaseclet me know if you do.

Esp around Kentville or Mahone Bay areas.

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Not sure about NS, but we got a good movement in NB.

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Really? Where? My husband was wondering about moving there too.

Please let me know where people can be found there.

I've been working on this for years. It would be wonderful to be able to find like minds. Especially as neighbours.

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I live near Moncton. We fought hard against the vaccine mandates requiring them for school (prior to COVID). We won. The government was extreme here though for COVID, but so was most of Canada. There is a Facebook group called NB homesteading. Many of the vaccine groups where taken down unfortunately. Any place is risky though, but right now, we do have a certain level of freedom and community to be self sufficient. There is a good amount of local food and good clean water. Higgs seems to be waking up, but it could all be a deception. Health care is awful here, but we avoid it at all costs. If there is a way to share my info privately, let me know. I am fairly new to substack.

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Stephanie. I'm very involved across Canada. I have constantly written all of the MPs, Premiers, and Senators. For three years. It's grown heavily, and I now have a lot of connections and information tracing and supplying to the US, UK, and AU. I was actually the person who supplied Colin Carrie with the old video clip of Schwab ( re cabinet infiltration by billionaire corporate interests and the explosion of the threat of Lobbying along with the jettisoning of the laws that prevented monopolies now a serious threat of Regulatory Capture; Lobbying has always been a threat to the safety of the public, but Regulatory Capture is the corruption of governments ,authorities, institutions and media by the influence and control of corporate interests. ) His assistant was the only one that responded. I then talked with CC on the phone. Remember that.A break through! Colin asked about the WEF cabinet members and quoted that video clip in parliament. I had also sent that clip to the alt 'news' in the UK, AU, and US. It went viral! Yahoo. I had stayed up all night until 3 am writing every single MP across Canada . Important to frame it right too. Regulatory Capture is a serious threat to the safety of the public and a serious threat to National Security. You know what that means if any member of political or public service or representation advances corporate interests to this level of threat. There's a 'word' for that. It's evidence of the big T. I recently supplied V G from Police on Guard with my correspondence where the Liberal Whip RS responded to an auto campaign about the WHO 'treaty' that went around, and she responded with 'talking points' . I summarized the 300 page doc for her and clearly outlined the threats. I also stated that it appeared she hadn't even read the doc. I basically collected evidence that they were not representing the electorate but acting on behalf of advancing outside corporate interests and stated to them that denials and ignoring harms to the public was itself a strong signal of regulatory capture in her office.


You MUST get a parent group together and all watch Allison present the big picture using their own words, plans, and documents. It's SO important for the division going on to stop because if they don't understand the overall picture, they are fighting piecemeal while these people threatening our kids future carry on.

Have an evening together. Watch it. Take notes. Then go to your mayors, school boards, MPs office, insist they view it. Most of them have no clue what they arecassusting to advance ( including silly Ruby S. the Liberal Whip). Teachers and school boards need to watch it too.

The ones who are complicit or taking bribes will deny; MOST will be horrified. PLEASE watch this presentation.

- Allison does an 'educator /mom ' vibe thing first, but then,

the content is devastating:


Allison McDowell

"Smart Cities", every parent needs to see this; the Transhumanist Game and "Lifelong Learning"/ DARPA , the corporate /government partnership is not a future anyone wants for our kids! / parent rights / AI 'learning' our kids / government selling your children's data

- Corporations and governments have always been interested in 'shaping' and 'driving' the changes they prefer.

Three hours. Break it up if you must. But once you start watching, you will KNOW. I approached Police Officers when Trudeau was here and the crowd was raging. I asked 'do you have kids'? Then I said I'm a retired teacher; I've been tracing this for a very long time. Parents need to know our government has been selling access to our kids, and selling their data to corporate interests. The Lifelong Learning Programs threaten parental rights, and your children. Then I hand a flyer with an outline and a link to Allison's presentation.EVERYONE loves their kids. The cops all listened concerned, took my flyer. Even one of Trud 's body guards took one. It's the WAY to unity against this. Because our kids are who they want. They want to shape their future.

WE CAN do this, but we cant only focus piecemeal. That's a deliberate distraction. I've been an activist all of my life. The same players who have always threatened us have now taken ALL our wounds and desires for a more compassionate world and twisted and turned them against us, to make us stay distracted while they manipulate us all into handing our children over to them. Animal welfare, the protection of the environment, racism, equality, ALL of them are being used against us now by the same wealthy few who have always told us who our enemies and threats are.

PLEASE start with the Lifelong Learning programs and Allison's video. THEN, I have a lot more for you. Everything . Including NATO, and the recent 'alien' and ' nuclear' threats and their need to trigger Continuity of Government in the US. The only way for them to suspend the US constitution , and their shadow government steps in for ALL States. Most don't know about that legality. The 2024 election is a grave threat to them, so be careful here). Big picture people. They want to own the future, and our children.

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That is so great. And yes, contacting politicians is actually helpful. It may not seem like it, but some really don't know what is going on. Thanks for the video. I believe God led me on that fight and when I follow God, He always wins. We are up against some crazy stuff and as public opinion continues to shift, it will be interesting. It really is a fight against and good and evil.

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I think Pairadocs, a Substack, is written out of NS

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Great post, what you’re not doing is telling people what to think - more ‘how to think’. I had just written a short post on this very subject when your own post came in.


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We have to dig deep to discern truth in this

War of information ! Thank you for adding your experience and this information to assist us on the journey !

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Wow! Thank you for this posting Dr. Nagase. From the first time I saw any report about Artur Pawloski I had some, pit-in-the-stomach caution. It was the one where the police were at the entrance to the meeting place. At the same time I was concerned about the overreach of the 'authorities' with all the plandemic mandates and the desire to see 'common sense' to be allowed in the reactions/responses the world was being forced to endure, Artur's behavior in his approach to the police was unsettling. Other times of hearing or seeing him regarding the ongoing saga around him also had that unsettled feeling underlying the overall consideration. I was not aware of the accusations he was throwing your way, as I had not seen or heard any of them.

This posting, and others it led me to read confirms the prompting to proceed with caution regarding any other times I see, read, or hear about matters involving him. I pray that if his participation in this scenario is one of being as a wolf in sheep's clothing, that it be made evident by the uncovering of any camouflage.

I thank you for your stick-to-it-tiveness through all you have faced. I appreciate your being a bastion of hope that there actually are/were professionals in 'health-care' whose integrity has brought them to the place of putting everything on the line. My prayers for support, strength, provision, and vindication for you and those standing up, continue.

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Well this is just disturbing Dr Nagase, I try and follow pastor Arthur and didn’t know this story. It is to bad and shows that money can corrupt even the highest of us!! Lets stay strong because our sick government is going to circle back with some more poison for everyone.

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take heart. sometimes difficulties, hardships and betrayals exist to teach a lesson. This lesson from the Pawloski discrepancy, (i think) was a message to tell everyone to think for themselves. I'm just a man, and the worst thing i could do is let people get in the habit of following this guy instead of that guy. What is better is listening, thinking for yourself with your own mind, and then follow your heart.

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"What is better is listening, thinking for yourself with your own mind, and then follow your heart." I suspect this is THE core lesson of this time.

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We met briefly at Pastor Art's church though I doubt you would remember as one of the ladies who was double jabbed cornered you and your wife and offered a ride back to your vehicle. Something which I would have gladly done without hesitation. Due to some things I saw a few months back I no longer attend services or support Art. Once he got into politics I knew it was game over. Someone whispered in his ear and appealed to his desire to be in a position of decision making power. Where it led him was complete destruction of the party he was supposed to be leading and loss of precious time as well as resources needed to launch a campaign against the current SELECTED leader. In any event I hope that your travels will at some point bring you back to Calgary. If so I would love to meet and talk. I would have enjoyed doing so that day we met but for the intervention of said person.

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Thanks for sharing. V interesting. Tho I only know the pastor's face lol His face is weird enough to put me off.

It's the same logic. Self assigned/ self acclaimed identity. Good marketing strategy!

I work with Cetaceans and surprisingly people have the exact same mind set. The formula (the narrative ) is Cetaceans are the most intelligent animals (probably reinforced by scientists like late Dr John Lily) → people who work with such intelligent creatures like Ceta are equally intelligent → therefore people who work with Ceta are the chosen few, means they are the elite group of people.

So they have the right to act like crusaders.

Have we moved on from the medieval times? Probably not. I bet the pastor in question will soon start selling the indulgence card as his god given right. Or maybe his CGI figure will do that.

I agree we need to develop our discernment and remind ourselves of being humble to the unknown.

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dolphin fascists!

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I am telling you.

To be honest I have never come across a single dolphin that has told me to discriminate against a particular race or a religious group or a social group. (As they have different perceptions from humans if you like)

It's the humans that project so much of own things onto Ceta. (And they are not conscious and yet they claim to be intelligent....)

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You have to wonder how much of the human species is conscious or intelligent. That being said, I'm still hoping for the best.

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Oh just one thing, Nagase sensei.

I actually swim with wild Ceta. I have learnt so much from 'direct interactions with different species'. In my opinion there is a limit in learning from just making obs. (Then you might start making 'assumptions'), particularly when you work with sentient beings.

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You will be missed, thank you for your truth. …and God Bless the truthers.

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The antichrist is going to be an AI.

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Maybe, if some human asks it to. What would an Antichrist look like? A robot demon with horns?

That would be too obvious.

A handsome man or beautiful woman who knows exactly what to say to capture a person’s ego, manipulate cleverly, and imperceptably push ordinary people into great sins using emotions?

Very likely that will be your antichrist.

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Interesting question, about what would the antichrist look like. What does anyone look like these days? An AI wouldn't necessarily need a real body, like a robot, to function. A virtual body would do.

The cv onslaught reminded me of WWI, where, for the first time, all-out industrialized warfare appeared; the results (casualties) shocked many. But until the psychological warfare surrounding cv was unleashed, nobody had any experience with that level and that kind of warfare. And the casualties were even greater. The psychological warfare operatives know their stuff. But a super-AI with an IQ of who knows what would be even more persuasive and manipulative. There would probably no defense against it.

It recalls two works of fiction from the 20th century. The Lord of the World, by Benson. It's about the end times, and the antichrist features prominently. He/it enjoys widespread appeal, and although no reason is given for that, from our perspective now we can suppose it's mainly due to the application of psychological technology. That's apart from any demonic involvement. A super-AI, lacking a God-given spirit would seem to be a prime target for invasion by an evil spirit. Angels are nearly omniscient, compared to humans, and so the combination of a super-intelligent machine with an evil spirit would be quite something: the additional ingredient supplied by the evil spirit would be malice.

The other book is The Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien. I'm thinking of the rings of power. The rings augmented certain capabilities, but the chief characteristic of the One Ring was to provide its wearer with the ability to dominate the will of others. The antichrist will set himself up as a substitute god, and rule by force, chiefly psychological force, and seems to me will be exactly analogous to Sauron wielding the One Ring. But they're leaving God out of the equation. With no freedom of the will, it necessarily means God cannot be loved freely. Is God going to stand for that? I doubt it. So it seems to me the traditional Biblical apocalypse is very near, and the proximate cause will be the appearance of the super-AI/antichrist.

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EVERYBODY has their secrets! The things I've heard. In any case, don't forget that SEPTEMBER 23rd is when they re planning the big MILLION PERSON RALLY in support of traditional family values, (and as a counter-measure to Trudeau's pushing of the "pride" agenda! That is ONE MONTH before the WEF is set to gather to decide their next steps. In any case MATTHEW 24 is still one of the best indicators of where all this is going.

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