It's ON! the topic is:

"Western propaganda is a slow bomb planted in the mass consciousness."



open AI: (gpt 3.5)

I read the email at 11:55

August 25th, 2023.

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Upvote this comment if you think the AI is Essay A)

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Upvote this comment if you think the AI is Essay B)

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I'd like AI to answer this simple question with one word: "Should something with unknown long term effects (as mentioned in the packaging insert) be considered safe?"

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I recently did a similar challenge at my work. I asked a coworker to ask chat gpt to write a haiku for someone who was retiring from a specific job while I do the same and have people vote to see whose was better. I won. Chat gpt was faster, but faster does not mean better. It's the answer that matters most, not who hit the buzzer first. Likewise there are questions that may be asked with identical text, but without additional context, the text maybe taken in completely different ways. (E.g. have you ever modeled before?) Humans are better at asking questions, looking at surroundings or people involved to help clarify ambiguity.

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12 questions on AI?

I'll start writing my 12.

Send the AI's 12 questions on AI to me at dnagase@dal.ca

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Someone else may need to. I refuse to use chat gpt.

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Excellent suggestion though :-)

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I've finished writing my 12 questions.

Open AI, GPT, other AI 12 questions are sendable to dnagase@dal.ca

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Additional comments I've made with respect to AI as follows (I am programmer of over 30 years)

As taken from https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/artificial:

SYNONYMS FOR artificial























Artificial Intelligence most often requires training.

Is the training censored or filtered? Who's doing the training and do they have an agenda?

Garbage in, garbage out - GIGO.

If one takes a little effort to look, not much is hidden anymore, but believing one entity has all the correct answers simply because it can assemble or process tons of information quickly IS dangerous. Many people will fall for the trap that quick means correct. Sounds very much like "safe and effective" at "warp speed" to me.


With respect to "impressive, fast essay creation" based on NLP, like many shows (or people) that start out to hook the opposition by trying to relate, only to turn in time and impose other ideas subliminally or otherwise ... watch out for the hustle.

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I asked Siri "Where in the body does the human experience God?"

After I rephrased the question several times, Siri shut off!

Anyone else curious?

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It looks like it hit a guardrail.

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Thank you for responding. What's meant by, "He outran his automatic 60 day arrest warrant for leaving a psychiatric facility without permission of the director."? Does that mean he hid-out or something else? I'm glad he got out of the facility and I'm surprised he was able to do so. I'm also glad to hear that he's home & has lots of freedom community support. What was done to him was clearly an intimidation tactic, besides being an extremely dystopian action too.

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He was on a 1 hour pass to attend new year's mass at the Catholic church. If a psychiatric facility escapee manages to avoid arrest for 60 days then that arrest warrant expires under the british columbia mental health act.

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Not to be off-topic, but what happened to that doctor who was forcibly seized & placed in a psychiatric ward against his consent? I'm sorry, but I can't remember his name (I'm bad for remembering names), he was with you at one point a couple of years ago & I recall hearing about it.

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He outran his automatic 60 day arrest warrant for leaving a psychiatric facility without permission of the director. He's back in his own house and well with lots of support from the freedom community.

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Dr. Bruchet, and I may be misspelling his name, from Vancouver?

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Thank you. Now I'm trying to find info on the doctor from France who also experienced this dystopian injustice...

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Wasnt there a doctor in france also arrested during the pandemic who cured alzheimers with circadian peptides/hormones?

I heard he was taken to a mental institution for treating and curing patients with his discovery.

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Circadian hormones to cure Alzheimer's sounds like it would cost the pharmaceutical industry billions

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Yes & I cannot remember his name either...

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Just don't make it too long to read! :-)

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