😪🙏 This is painful to read. Justice doesnt exist in a world where people pushing vaccines get passes to superceed informed consent, body autonomy and skip right to the kumbayas.

Tyranny trickles down from Canada. We already have MAID in multiple states. When, instead of valuing life, doctors decide to kill babies like my son who was in need of heart surgery harvesting their perfect organs, thymectomy during heart surgery will be a kindness in the face of murder.

I never thought I would be here in this moment on the cusp of a future so bleak and cruel, where people no longer respect freedom and life. Where genocide and euthanasia are the norm at the same time misgendering someone sends a person to jail.

Thank you for fighting the good fight Nagasi.

Blessings to you and yours 🙏🌹

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I'm very pessimistic when it comes to the Canadian government.

It's clear that in hindsight, the deck was stacked from the beginning.

Many have pointed out that all kinds of court cases have essentially just brokered legimacy for the fraud and abuse.

I'm even more pessimistic when it comes to your proposed solution, people have been atomized and isolated, hardly fruitful soil for even a peaceful revolution. The tyranny clearly began far before 2020, with the preparations being laid as governments turned on their citizens in all kinds of insidious ways.

I think the best way to push back against any of this is to figure out how to rebuild communities, reform culture, and get people to genuinely connect with each other so that we can find common purpose and more importantly stand against further abuse.

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At this time we live in a lawless society that only protects gvt & and its servants. The tide will change because people don't accept living under tyranny but who knows how long that fight will take... but we are fighting until WE WIN, nothingless is acceptable. God bless you and your children.

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Selective lawlessness is also the reality in the now defunct United States.

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Dr Nagase

i was born in Detroit MI to Canadian parents. For years my Canad relatives called me Kinnykin.

I finally asked them why, it was because I couldn't say American right when I was a toddler.

So, from Kinnykin, I thank you for clarifying the situation and appreciate the struggle against the King shared by both our countries. I don't think sausage fingers has long for this world, anyway, his behavior gives signs of his demise.

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It's no different in the US, our judicial system is corrupt. JJ's stream with Mark Kulacz and the anonymous guest where they discussed the Covid 19 legal cases was both shocking and disappointing- the attorneys are quietly paid by the government- there's no incentive to win these cases. The law protects the government, the manufacturers and the monsters who injected the transfections. As both JJ and Mark have pointed out, some of the so-called "freedom fighters" are taking money from widows for legal cases that only enriches the parasites pretending to care about the suffering family members. The grifting will continue only as long as we allow it.

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The grifts will continue as long as the shallow masses enforce the commands of the hidden puppet masters. No one would be impacted by the madness mandates if everyone ignored the mandates.

The problem is that, dumb fearful hypochondriacs and the salaried slaves always complain that everyone must obey the “rules”. Rules are masks, jabs, social distancing, etc.

We will not do what they want or do what they say. - Bad Brains

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OMG Daniel as soon as I read this - during while I was reading this - all I could think - from the very

beginning of your essay - was 'The fucking Crown' is the big problem here' and lo and behold - at the

end that's what you say. I have come to the conclusion - after seeing that video of the oaths that

Justin Trudeau made to the Crown when he took office - its shocking - and it fully explains Australia - New Zealand - and all the other Five Eyes that are colonies of the pig on a throne in England. Before

Canada can have any sovereignty we have to kick those buggers out like Niger just did to France.

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We are in a rigged game, in my opinion. Waiting for justice is just complying with injustice for a longer time period. I watched the People's Court sessions organized by Riener Fuellmich (sp?) and then was very dismayed at his opening summary statement when the case was supposedly being tried - he totally missed huge points that he had been told. His summary was factually wrong and minimized big deal issues. I was very dismayed and then later the fraud scandal emerged and now the woman who made the fraud claim is being called crazy/history of crazy so we should ignore her...

Color me very suspicious. He seems like a long con that wasted all of our time for years.

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This is exactly what I was saying. He accused her of what he did, called her crazy. I didnt realize he also minimized issues in court. This is a prevailing theme in the freedom movement, to "minimize" the existence of things that demand accountability. Some say GOF doesn't exist. Cant sue for things that do not exist. I've been trying to raise awareness of this for awhile but most people seem to prefer being friends with these people, give passes to asses.

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I should clarify I dont take issue with people having a theory. I only ask for them to back it up. Instead they act superior, insult me and others, insist they know "the truth" which is no different from "The Science" they claim to detest. They stole their play book and put a new cover on it.

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It might appear that we’re fighting giants (because we are fighting financial giants anyway)

I’m so glad to be a person of faith in this time... The examples written in history are numerous and of a solid foundation for this battle

I am encouraged by much scripture, including ( but not limited to)

Judges 7:1-8 — Strength Through Weakness

Proverbs 28:11

The rich are wise in their own eyes;

one who is poor and discerning sees how deluded they are.

Hold strong 🙏🏼

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For me, it always comes back to the same problem. All these people work for a corporation a court is a corporation. A judge is a banker. We are never going to get any kind of justice from an injustice System is rigged to protect each other True justice lies using the NOL notice of liability before hand and holding them and their assets personally liable, everybody should look at Cal Washington’s work with the iINpower movement, and the politicians who have stepped down after receiving a notice of liability. IT WORKS whereas going to court does not


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Yes Cal Washington hits it right on the mark. However, we need more people. Way more people.

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Also, lawyers seem to like using the Charter, which clearly leaves room for legal loopholes. The Bill of Rights does not.

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Yes, I agree, but we have had huge success already we have seen three “big players” stepping down “unexpectedly” as a direct result of our NOL

Including W.H.O. Director Rochelle Walensky and Director of Privy counsel in Canada Kevin Falcon.

This is implementing EQUITY highest jurisdiction there is

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we have to be Vigilant. just because the person changed doesn't mean that the system has.

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Absolutely and I don’t think the person “changed” either they just step down

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There’s a lawyer running for POTUS here in the US who didn’t really do much of anything to support physicians who advocated for patients and families over the past 3 years, other than give interviews about toxicity of the COVID shots while supporting Jeffrey Sachs (the head of the Lancet COVID Commission who worked over Peter Hotez and literally wrote the book on the UN SDG)but goes around acting like a hero. Wife is a Hollywood actress, campaign manager ex-CIA. May be you know who I’m talking about.

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Dear Dr. Nagase,

Do you think it would be possible to create another "Covid-like virus" that essentially "neutralized" the damages caused by the "original C19 infection" (and subsequent vaccines)? I mean, if the C19 MRNA "infection" gets into our DNA and mass produces spike proteins that cause long covid, clots and myocardidis, is it possible to make another MRNA "infection" to rewrite the DNA changes done by the first infection back to normal? (Or is that what stem cells do?) Just trying to problem solve ... Your thoughts?

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There's all sorts of DNA interventions that are possible. But they all come with dangers. See my other reply.

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When we enter the public courthouse as a man or woman in the correct capacity, move our claims outside the Society called the BAR we have Justice.

Legalise is a trap. Courts are not shield to protect people the man/woman's freedoms. Crown Attorneys inforce policies of Crown Corporations which are set up to steal and destroy. They are Not Our Courts!

Courts operate to deceive.

Legal proceedings have nothing to do with Law. We're not defending ourselves in law, we're walking into a court jurisdiction of the sea.

A man or woman is flesh and blood not fiction ( Sin # or CURP # or legal people, we're not people.

Claims - make the law.

Truth - is the law.

#1 who's moving the court?

#2 what's the condition?

Verified claim somewhere that I trespassed against another man or woman.


A contract I am in breach of.


You do not need a lawyer.

Learn: awarriorcalls.com

Christopher James

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Unfortunately, read the Emergency Act in BC. It gives the Public Health Officer complete and utter power - legally. Bonnie Henry has full power to declare an emergency WITHOUT HAVING TO MENTION WHAT IT IS!! She can merely state it and suspend all rights. Under the Charter though we have no rights. All rights are NOT absolute. If she declared detention centers for those who oppose her mandates the Charter allows it. All rights are subject to an undefined ‘good governance’. The only way around this I think is to have the Emergency Act attacked as being unduly broad. Then force the government into having an act that says ‘the emergency must be defined, the parameters which declares an emergency have to be defined, its ending must be defined. And it must be challengeable’. At that point we have an issue the court can rule on. If they challenge the science the court will rule for the government. The court isn’t competent to rule on the science. It must rule on the law. The law says they can do what they are doing.

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Only you can give away the rights you were born with. People do it through obedience. Legal and Law are two different words.

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So true. I hear people saying "they took my rights" - no you gave them up is my answer.

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I agree. But when in court the court can only speak to certain issues. BTW. I wouldn’t wear a mask. And no vaccines for me either.

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BTW. I am in BC. Canada.

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Nov 24, 2023
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That's what the United States had to do not so long ago to win their freedom during the war of independence.

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