Yes I've noticed the paradox. he cautions ppl to not look into certain directions (such as the presence of graphene and other types of impurity in the vials). It's so strange when he seemingly advocates medical freedom at the same time he attempts to restrict other people's freedom.

Also as a scientist wouldn't it be natural to look into all available possibilities / hypothesis, rather than saying 'it's so wrong' in the first place.

Sadly the general public has put him on a pedistal. What did we learn from this plandemic?

I believe Jeffrey Webb, the US investigative journalist has been looking into Dr M's background. It transpires that he has also invested a lot into the synthetic tobacco industry and a tobacco form of vaccines thru the company in FL with a defence connection. It's been alluded the tobacco residual in the lungs can be detected by X rays at the airport. Another form of tracking technology?

V interesting personality.

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Saga Hana just alerted me to Daniel's articles, which is perfect because I was putting together an episode answering a commenter who says we should critique words and actions but not guess at motive. The discrepancy analysis will be useful!

I have several episodes on Malone but the last two touch on exactly what you're talking about, ex-UK: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/vaping-and-snake-venom


It's a mystery for sure, the synthetic tobacco, but it may be even more sinister than you're proposing. Oh, and George Webb, btw, but we knew who you meant ;-)

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Oops, thanks yes George Webb!

Many can't see the forest for the trees. Dr M seems to have many other interests and certainly comes from a 'colourful' background.

(Side track. I know this may not sound scientific but anyone who can genuinely read energy (or aura), must be aware of his energy, that something no one can hide even by their eloquent speech and flashy CV)

Once upon a time, Eisenhower warned, ' beware of military defense complex.'

Oh and my take of the return of ancient gods is, assuming there is such an entity as Satan (called by different names under different religions and thought schools), flip it around. Perhaps the entity is there all the time and waits for the perfect actors to show up and embody its mission and carry it out.

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Those of us in the world of woo woo have been calling out Malone for his BS since Steve Bannon and Stew Peters started to elevate him and forced him down our throats. His energy is so toxic that it is felt through the computer screen. I have to protect myself before watching his interviews and clear my space after I've watched them (learned how to do this from an energy healer who also studied Kabbalah). My comments are posted on both War Room and Stew Peters' channels on Rumble. I expect a lawsuit from the very privileged Malones any day now, "discovery" will be a blast. I've been following George Webb and Mark of Housatonic.Live for several years - they too have been calling out Malone for his Frankensteinesque history, which his wife continues to delete from the web.

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Thanks for the validation.

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Yes! I just posted an episode last night that uses Daniel's Discrepancy Analysis and quotes from Mark, among others. I think you would like it: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-road-to-heaven-is-paved-with.

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Funny that you mention that. Back when I was a believer in Malone, a friend whose instincts have always been good said she didn't think so. She also said the Breggins had saved her life (which I've heard from others). I defended him and then the minute I saw him in a live interview, I knew for certain she was right. I'd been reading his words--most of which he was taking from us and echoing--not seeing him. And his flashy CV is the main discrepancy with his humble just-a-farmer persona. Here's my first article on him, looking at the lawsuit: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/who-is-robert-malone-really?

Thank you for reading my article! I don't know if you're responding to the blurb or the whole Naomi piece but who the term Satan referred to were the anti-imperialist rebels against Rome. So don't flatter the bad actors who are defending imperialism by calling them Satan. See the psyops for what it is, a 2000-yr old scheme to demonize those who believe in sovereignty: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/the-devil-and-naomi-wolf.

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You research well and write well.

Even the military grade remote viewing only becomes effective when matched with hard evidence. I just finished reading a book about law enforcement officers who solved the crimes by using their psychic abilities (intuitions). I also used to work with (not in) the law enforcement and know how intuitions can be useful, like 'you can't put your finger on but there's something not quite right here.'

Apparently Dr M dropped the lawsuits against America out loud and Stew's network. So now it's down to Dr Breggin and Dr Jane Ruby. He didn't sue Stew nor Karen Kingston nor any other personalities who address concerns against him. I wonder why.

This kind of situation mirrors the act of grooming. The perpetrators make you feel relaxed and trust them by doing a lot of favour for you. I don't defend the perpetrators but people also need to be aware and take responsibility for themselves.

Here where I am now, it's not a Judeo-Christian environment, people have the attitude to blame ghosts and evil spirits (invisible) for anything to everything, an illness, a car accident, a break up with your lover, and all other types of negative events. They go to mediums and priests and ask for exorcism ($$$). Could be simply caused by stress or poor management. But they cannot think outside the box.

Yes Dr Naomi. She often comes across as, right or wrong, US centric (maybe she doesn't have much experiences outside the Western world?) I hear now she is having 'the China Syndrome' all the way down to China, China, China, when (as a metaphor) she is in bed with the enemy (DoD) :-P

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You know the funniest thing is if you boil down the idea of "possession" to its very root. It doesn't have to be anything spooky like the exorcist or anything like that. A mind can be possessed by things as simple as greed, fear, jealousy or any of the 7 sins and then some. It gives credence to the symbolic representation of freedom in Asian cultures where freedom is not "free" "domain". Rather 自由 where the first character 自 is self, and the second character 由 is reason. So Freedom in the ancient symbolic language is "Self Reason" or a mind that is free from "possession" and therefore able to self reason.

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Spot on. You study Chinese characters well (btw are you Sansei? :-) )

Nowadays people are auto piloting. It's all about self assigning the meanings and making certain associations (specific to individuals belief systems. ) Paradoxically that's a form of freedom even tho they don't think they have freedom.

A bit of Zen Koan ;-)

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Ginger Breggin here-- There are 3 parties being sued: Peter Breggin, MD; Ginger Ross Breggin; Dr. Jane Ruby. Dr. Breggin and I have been served. The other originally listed entities have been dropped.

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contact me, dnagase@dal.ca

I think serving Malone et al. with a capital charge from a sovereign (you) onto a citizien (Malone) may be in order.

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I've also noted his followers are acting the same.

Cautioning ppl to not look into certain directions.

How hive minded humans are.

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Thank you for the clarification and update.

What a peculiar situation you are in.

No logic is the logic these days?

The saviour / guru / expert, whatever he is, after all, states he wants to create a 'chilling effect' on the misinformation spreaders.

Pls take care of yourselves.

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Have you

read RETURN of the gODS? (Lower case g, purposeful.)

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This is a good video. George is expanding on research by Housatonic.Live (Mark) on Malone's involvement with the Vape Bar and the vape/tobacco industry (which includes his "whistleblower" buddy Andrew Huff). Mark's channel on Odyssey is excellent, unfortunately he's deleted some great videos on Malone (started deleting/unlisting them after he attended RFK Jr.'s event in Tennessee). Here's the research page Mark has on his website re: Malone:


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Very interesting, Angie. I've now done, I think, 18 episodes on Malone but missed this turn-off in the rabbit warren. Here's one that links most of the others: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/truth-is-like-a-chamelion

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I'm exploring Mr. Webb's theories right now. Thanks!

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Even the most fundamental issues with mRNA shots are being ignored -- this stinks!

Please realize that there are much more basic issues with mRNA shots that must be considered, making it important to also mention that, because of "complement" (immune system #2), all mRNA shots are unsafe. Is well worth the few 10's of minutes needed to understand the fundamental flaws with mRNA technologies, before focusing too much on second-order effects.

MDs pushing mRNA shots are guilty of malpractice in light of long-established, Nobel-Prize-winning medicine in textbooks. Refs:

* https://rumble.com/v21ppz6-all-mrna-vaccines-will-cause-harm-prof.-dr.-bhakdi.html

* 00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/

mRNA in jabs, cause cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2). (so, all mRNA shots are unsafe)

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks (enable organ damage)

* Sudden death, and most other mRNA injuries, are explained by mechanisms in above Refs

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JJ Couey beautifully extends the knowledge of manufactured RNA technology with the long ago development of cloned RNA to overcome RNA's basic inability to replicate itself effectively. Couey references many long published studies in RNA technology and provides a great explanation of how cloned RNA seeded the scamdemic which was amplified by the clever use of the improper testing tool and settings of that tool.

Go to https://gigaohmbiological.com/ look for the discussion with JJ Couey and Paul Alexander.

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Thanks for the lead!

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Jul 15, 2023
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I haven't yet. It's on my list. I've been a subscriber to Tereza for a while now - soon it will be a long while.

For the immediate present I have a writing assignment on my plate with a fast approaching deadline. I expect to get to Tereza's article soon. So much to read, so much to express. So much expansion into awareness and freedom from delusion.

Thank you for the lead. :-)

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Jul 16, 2023
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Gracias. Will do after I finish exploring 'the ego'. I'm in a kind of deep dive follow-up to my previous ego exploration (in substack). It is interesting to see that the ego's existence and/or non-existence is more slippery than a greased eel.

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Tho I'd like Dr Nagase to respond on technical issues, briefly I believe we all have the same understanding of the points you raised concerns for? We're talking about the extra thing.

Besides, more lately I am paying more attention to Dr Malone's wording.

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like anything in biology, it's a system. know cell biology, then you'll know how rna and dna viruses replicate. look at any of the experimental chimeras published in the past 20 years and you'll get an idea of how advanced genetic engineering is today. We've had the ability to make anything from scratch for at least 3 if not 5 decades.

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My guess, based on an unscientific survey of acquaintances, is that most do not have a useful grasp of the serious flaws in mRNA shots, described at a Jr-High-level by Dr Bhakdi in the Refs noted above. Expect you will agree, if you take the 10's of minutes needed to watch and understand what Dr Bhakdi counsels wrt mRNA shots.

Most moms in America could easily understand these flaws, and if such a mass of moms knew these truths, they would end the related nonsense in a heartbeat to protect their kids. Point being, that when the technology itself is so fundamentally flawed, it is a hurtful distraction to let second-order effects, sly wordings, etc dominate the discussions.

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We have passed that stage. (No disrespect to Dr Sucharit & co)

We are digging in further. Long term implications (consequences).

Also, looking into criminology aspects, I do not believe these ppl who operate the cvd theatre are simple petty criminals. They sound far more sophisticated than we originally thought.

No offence, but there are other Substack articles where ppl mainly discuss the points you raised where your views will be more accommodated.

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No offense taken. or intended -- just trying to help push us in a direction that will have better chances on getting us out of this madness. Need to close on the basics in addition to digging into the next evil on list.

Don't see any sites highlighting such "criminal" malpractice at this basic level, as you suggest. Such prosecutions would be straightforward in court, as the evidence has already been in existence for decades (eg, would be much value in prosecuting medical board MDs, hassling MDs using real medicine to cure patients). Can always add the other evils later.

Public needs to be informed, to get "public opinion" pressure involved, and it would help if knowledgeable people, like Dr Nagase, at least concurred with Dr Bhakdi's findings. Even CHD has not done this, and so far, only Dr Yeadon has been willing to stick his neck out and confirm what was presented above.

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Your choice. However I'd still say, pls dig in and carry on your research. New info coming in if you can connect the dots.

Also it raises another question. Is the judiciary intact and not biased?

Besides, technically, none of us has the obligation to be loyal to those experts. (No offence to Dr Nagase :-) ).

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Synthetic tobacco? Interesting, as the health world has been pushing against nicotine products. I am sure that this relates to the expansive and expanding use of venom as a part of the plan.

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And isn’t it the other crap put in cigarettes that makes them harmful.

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Yes. Including processed sugar.

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Well said.

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Wow. This is some serious intrigue! Good stuff

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If they really don’t want us to know that these bio weapons change DNA, they shouldn’t splash the transhumanist agenda all over the Canadian government website:


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The Sage Hana substack has been hammering away at the Malone discrepancies pretty hard for several months now.

For example, a few hours ago.


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Thank you for posting George’s Substack!!!

Everyone needs to read it and watch the video with Dr. Jane Ruby’s interview George Webb! Unfriggin’ believable!!!


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Jul 15, 2023
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it is amazing how quickly he infiltrated the freedom movement with his "i invented mrna technology " story.

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Thanks coop, what kind of monster would say something like that, but Malone did, I hear you.

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Trust no one. Sift all data. Notice which sources have high signal/noise and prioritize reading/sifting them.

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Excellent article on Malone. How could anyone trust this guy when in all of his videos he's either parroting someone else's news outbreak making it his own or trashing another fellow colleague. The following video from 2017 explains why some people think he is an operative working for deep state. In the interview he talks about engineered virus and repurpose drugs (what reporter George Webb accuses him of). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o33K9KrOMlg

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Financial gain does not figure into it as these patents expired decades ago. Lab based contamination of DNA plasmids found in these injections is another way of potentially integrating into the genome. No reverse transcriptase needed! Clear unambiguous and reproducible evidence of this. https://jessicar.substack.com/p/additional-follow-up-on-dna-contamination

I think that this puts any discussion to not talking about this to rest.

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if there's no financial interest, then it must be marching orders... but from who? or from the WHO.

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he is after Fauci's position IMO

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Malone declares he invented Mrna while saying it was never ready. Then he claims to have taken the shot , my guess to make us feel he is one of us, also deceived. The discrepancy? If he knew it wasn't ready why would he take it with his expertise? Huge stumble. Seems he didn't have his narrative worked out in advance.

If you go to his site notice he has partnered with Pharos Association. I can't help but notice the root for Pharoah and I don't believe in coincidences.

I believe he is after Fauci's position as the trusted saviour.

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Malone and a number of others are tools of government in 5th gen mind warfare.

Chat gpt wrote a piece on propaganda, as did I for comparison in the postscript of https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/dr-nagase-vs-ai

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Always try to understand who the lever pullers are. They are usually hidden in the shadows.

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It's never been proven in vivo. We all know this.

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Be careful what you say and write, he might sue you! ;)

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Keep This Up Karen Kingston talked about this way back!!! I Believe it to be True!!! The High Road is to stay out of Duality otherwise we Continue The Globalists Separation!!! Greed Power Anti Human Agenda!!! Stay Free and Empowered!!👍🎶❤️

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Fascinating piece Trusting our guts here and using our minds!!! Thank you Dr Nagase

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I appreciate the discussion. I appreciate the question being asked, and I respect the logical flow of thought.

And they call us nazi's?????

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