I'd like to highlight how philosophical is this article as opposed to 99% of what we're seeing which are those talking about people or describing events. They're limiting themselves to being 'masters of the obvious'. See, he's more describing how to think instead of merely describing what's going on. He could be saying, "That person is a sociopath" or "this insane behavior is sociopathic' but instead it's, "how to recognize a sociopath.'

He's giving you useful survival information you can put to use in all circumstances. When someone talks about other people they're bringing value to themselves, 'look how much better I am.' When they talk about events, they're saying, 'look how much more smart, aware and virtuous I am, but this article is instead giving you value, something you can put to use. This is the big difference in how to consume content. Can you actually tell when someone is taking value as opposed to giving it?

Learn how to recognize when an article is philosophical and when it's not. It's good to talk about people and events spread awareness, sure, but it's not supposed to stop there. It's always to lead to discussing philosophical ideas. That's the only area which brings actual value and the only place you ought to give your attention to. You don't have ideas? That's fine, you don't need to have ideas, go to where ideas are being discussed. I estimate 99% is non-philosophical so that means you'll have to do a lot of filtering!

'Weak minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and only strong minds discuss ideas.' Socrates

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Sociopath? Or just an erratic personality? Or AI generated?

In the US I believe they used the term 'amnesty'. So it sounds like a coordinated movement. And they changed the strategy.

And I noticed however, the first group of the jabbed who came out in the public after sustaining the injuries were severely ridiculed. (Hence I left my beloved language learning site Duolingo which was featured on the Highwire episode)

For me it appears to highlight the theme of "the victim becomes the perpetuator".

And "the saviour becomes the perpetuator". (Vise versa)

At this level of social injustice, the person has to fully accept what they have done and take the responsibility, otherwise any hope for the redemption will escape.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

The ridicule of 'antivaxxers' started earlier. People were being encouraged to be vigilante abusive to parents of kids with autism. There were even many #actuallyautistic accounts adding to that - Don't be discriminatory towards 'neurodiversity' - autism is just a beautiful variation of normal - was the message that seemed to be being pushed. Ridicule links to vaccinations and ridicule anyone suggesting that the epidemic increase in autism was at all unusual or even a problem rather than a 'blessing of neurodiversity'. Parents of kids with autism were accused of all sorts of negative things if they were trying to advocate for change in policies.

Regarding why would a real woman put up with online abuse for more than half a second? Because many females are raised to be polite and courteous . . . and put up with abuse. There also seems to be a compulsion to respond associated with increased dopamine from all the stimulation of social media. I had to learn to make myself walk away without even any last comment because true trolls or shills will always go for another reply. Sadistic trolls are a real internet thing - people get their dopamine jollies by trying to get a reaction from other people.

*Edit - the 'one' instead of an "I" is really weird. I have never seen anyone type like that, I can think of zero examples of that. Good eye, and yes that is suspicious. Definitely some narratives are fake accounts and it is hard to know.

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Sociopaths do not self reflect or change.

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Thank you, Daniel. Wonderful article.

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Mar 25·edited Apr 29Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Since Emily what's her name called for forgiveness (in the course of 2021 of 2022), without for once casting a glance in the mirror - let alone detecting a tyrant there [I owe this meme to a real and nuanced freedom fighter, @Tessa Lena] - I am acutely aware of this cop-out.

Yesterday I attended the last rites in honour of a young niece, who suffered from a brain tumor that accelerated rapidly. No mention was made of 'injections' and other outlandish topics. I expect many such funerals to occur over the next years - and I do not look forwars to those. Even if the majority of friends & next-of-kin are well-meaning, loving peaople (besides being damnably foolish), I still don't find it in me to call them out for the sociopaths they either are or serve.

However, it's fair to say that such ceremonies have a slightly (yet monstrously) sociopathic gloss to them. Once again, those in the know are condemned to silence. Not in the name of any sort of truth - on the contrary! - but in the name of a courtesy of sorts. Obsolete, and yet natural: that's the burden of us being 'social animals' - and the article you're quoting tramples on this truth by tacitly attributing the sorrows of the injectees [real in themselves] to us ("neo-nazis", "the far right", etc]. Even the natural desire to mourn is denied to us - watered down at least, normalized, memory-holed...

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Hello Daniel, please can you get in touch with me. Great article btw, sobering.

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

The people who got them saw what was being done to the people refusing them who were exercising autonomy. They could have advocated by leveraging their supposed need to get them by saying they would not take them until any coercive or intrusive measures were removed against all people. It was wrong. Nothing makes it right or understandable.

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I read this post a week ago and thought exactly the same thing as you. Kudos to you for summarizing it so well

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD


This was another brilliant WOW read. Truly Dr. Nagase, you are such a gifted soul, with an impeccable moral compass, a brilliant science mind that ASKS and demands evidence. Isn't EVIDENCE based science and medicine the best and only kind?

You are also one of the very few GIANTS of GOOD doctors that took the hippocratic oath, to do no harm, and provide informed consent and to HEAL HUMANITY. Your parents and family must be extremely proud.

Anyway in short, you opened my mind further in this feature, and are a talented writer and wordsmith.

I have heard you speak including in front of the criminal thugs inside the BC College of Pysicians and Surgeons, where you too were brilliant and on target.

And yes, I wish I could reverse time, jail thugs, and heal and remove the pain and hurt you have suffered for merely upholding ethics, values and morals and telling it as it SHOULD BE TOLD.

The topic of what constitutes a Socialist, a Psychopath or even a study of Nihilism have CONSIDERABLE overlap.

Because of this complex overlap some use it as an excuse to escape .

But they are all without a normal conscience, or what one famous Harvard doctor described decades ago as A GOD BRAIN.


As to Dr. Bonnie Henry, she is beyond very sick satanic creature, and besides a massive accomplice and aidding and abbetting murder, torture and genocide (CDN CRIMINAL CODE OFFENSES and a long rap sheet of other crimes) who I would personally love to see hang for crimes against humanity (or given a lethal jab), she seems to have the worst of the worst traits, and is remarkably talented at faked appearances of a sweet caring doctor . She is closer to SATIN resurrected.

While on the topic as to why are some people more evil?....

I want to draw your attention to Dr. Robert HARE at UBC .

Dr. HARE is considered by many (and I) to be the WORLD 's top experts in what constitutes a PSYCHOPATH.

He personally developed the PSYCHOPATH CHECKLIST used by law enforcement globally to help profile these savviest of sick criminals.

A few on that checklist are

THEY LIE systemically and constantly but few spot it because they are not discerning

THEY are without a GOD BRAIN or better stated "without a conscience" and have zero empathy for anyone or anything.

THEY ARE INCREDIBLY SMART and thus difficult to catch as they easily can outwit law enforcement in most cases for prolonged period .

Anyway if you are a reader inquiring mind Dr. Robert Hare (UBC) has excellent books such as SNAKES IN SUITES, or WITHOUT CONSCIENCE .

This link is my favorite of all his books for an intro into his brilliant mind .


Last and not least this is a very good presentation into the complex mind of evil and sick people. Another time I will describe WHY everyone suffering from mental health challenges MUST investigate a man I call the greatest ETHICAL GIANT of doctors EVER , Dr. Abram HOFFER.

Hoffer made massive discoveries to cure or mitigate MOST forms of mental health challenges (including even Schizophrenia) and released THOUSANDS from assylums with a combination using large doses of vitamin B3 as flush Niacin and Vitamin C.

This healing no risk (risk free) Orthomolecular Medicine cure has been viciously suppressed for DECADES by evil big pharma.

Link - a good watch


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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

“It's reading endless detox protocols and wondering IF they truly work or IF they too are part of the bs, because how would we ever know as there is no longterm proof“

Besides the boo hoo stories that were circulating last week the comment on proof did it for me. Now she’s worried about proof? It felt manipulative and coordinated.

No sane rational person rages against those who took the vaxx for work or out of fear. Those who are/were in an “authority position” that pushed and coerced is another story.

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Excellent evaluation of a manipulative commenter. Sociopaths are insidious in that they truly feel no human emotions such as shame, remorse, empathy or love. But they're expert in manipulating others who do, hence our sometimes inability to see them.

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Poor Bonnie…whose book deal went through DURING covid and whose winery stayed open and functioning DURING covid. Oh boo hoo!

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Along the line of vaccines, see neurological adverse events in children under age of 2 associated with vaccinations: https://accscience.com/journal/AN/articles/online_first/1288 - is it easier to discredit those who point out flaws than to test for possible manufacturing contaminates like endotoxins?

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Such a thoughtful & helpful piece -Causing me to use many

Facets of my reading, thinking & discernment capacities ! Loved it

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Mar 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Thanks for pointing this out. Playing victim is one 9f their traits

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