I wish you absolute success, Dr. Nagase. Stay Strong.

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Learn how to address the Natural Person.

The Corporate Legal Fiction name has immunity against liability.

Here is a link to a website that has that information.

Look for the article that is titled something like, So You Want to...


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Konnichiwa, Nagase sensei!

Halton Region Ontario Local Action: Peace Treaty Declaration & Breach of Trusts (judicial/police)

I am one of the members of the private members association: Lakeshore Sovereign Assembly (LSA) and True North Guardians Alliance, (TNGA) also a participant of the Peace Treaty Committee. (www.lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/peace-treaty).

Lawful Citizen’s Arrests Conducted by LSA Members in Defence of the Children under Duty of Care: www.Lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/citizens-arrests

CANADA, as a whole, is a massive crime scene at this moment (https://lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/crimes-of-canada/ ), and has been for the past 3 years. There are many who have acted under our lawful duty of care to action the evidence that has accumulated since 2020, we have been calling out the crime like it is not sugarcoating, as YOU also do. https://lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/court-case-actions/

I wanted to share what we are currently working on and see if you are interested to chat further about how and why we take our steps forward.

As we all know that we are at war, the corporation of Canada is in massive corruption. Enough is enough!

It is about time for the military to step in and we do our part to seek Restorative Justice.

We have a fantastic opportunity for all of us who got affected by the fraud to bring people out, work on solutions, seeking for remedy, redemption, restitution and reparations, empowered by the law of war manual, the law of treaties, and international covenants and treaties.

Whoever wants to participate in this activity is welcome, and also to start their own in their local areas if this idea resonate with individuals.

Please contact Lakeshore.sovereignassembly@gmail.com

Without prejudice,


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my email is dnagase@dal.ca . Please contact me regarding the lakeshore pma www.lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/peace-treaty

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Konbanwa, Nagase sensei!

The email has been sent from lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com just now.

Subject: TNGA/LSA PMA and peace treaty

Dewa mata! :Yayoi

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Arigato gozaimasu, Nagase Sensei! You will receive an email from lakeshore.sovereignassembly@gmail.com within 24 hours period. Looking forward to chat with you! Without prejudice, :Yayoi

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If anyone is interested in this activity, please check out our websites to see if it resonate with you, and reach out to us 😊!

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Switzerland for all intensive purposes just banned the vax by making doctors liable for any damage to health and forcing them to make a legitmate case for the vax before injection.


So clearly, you are on the right path. Dr Nagase, thank you for your bravery. I was so impressed when I heard you speak at an event about your exceptional attitude toward these monsters. You are making Martin Luther King Jr proud as he overcame by his peaceful and firm opposition to evil. Also, calling evil what it is - evil - is not wrong. Ephesians 5:11 says "Take no part of the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, rebuke and expose them."

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Below is my response to my friend Dr Daniel’s questions. I just sent an email last week to many of you on what to do when these criminals, pretending to be public servants, claim your vexatious, frivolous, and an abusive process. The process is no different in Dr Daniel’s case below.

I’m not a member of your sub stack Dr Daniel, but feel free to post my comments virally and forward to every mother/father you know confronted with this corruption by criminals, disguised as public servants, and their criminal co-conspirators. Since you provided timely unambiguous notice to the AG, you should sue for damages/compensation of

1 mil per day for defamation.

2. 1 mil per day for interference with your civil suit as the interference is is frivolous, vexatious and an extreme abuse of process by the AG, not you.

3. If the criminal pretending to be an AG continues to obstruct justice(b/c he already is) sue for another 1 mil per day (total $3 mil) and most importantly file a criminal complaint “now“ for obstruction of Justice, breach of trust, disobeying a statute, conspiracy, retaliation, threat, harassment, intimidation, malfeasance(misconduct in public office) fraud(deliberate concealment of a material fact) and deprivation of rights under color of law(pretend authority). Include claims for trespass, intentional infliction of emotional distress(IIED)and violation of your rights to liberty security of person, use and enjoyment of property, due process, equal protection of the law, equality before the law( vaccine free should be able to sue w/o discrimination)freedom of religion, Freedom of association(with your kids violated by ex parte order issued w/o justification/proof other than hearsay)freedom of assembly. I know you know this Daniel, but be sure your claim is against the man, Grant Taylor, acting as magistrate and not a judge(fiction) with immunity.

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Daniel, you're not alone. Keep up the honorable fight. My family is fighting back at the BC Human Rights Tribunal and through the labour courts.

The recent decision by a military grievance committee that the mandates were a violation of the Charter is a significant step forward to justice for victims of the forced jabs and for people who held the line against mandates.


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You may have to convene a common law court within their court. You have the express right to bring your court to them, including a common law jury of your peers. The BAR does not want you or anyone to know how to do this but it’s possible and should be done. You can vacate their orders and charge them with their crimes/ and injustice accordingly. You can bring the Bible as a playbook as well. Common Law is foundational law in Canada. CANADA Corp and the PROVINCES are corporations, so you must take them out of their jurisdiction as officers and place them in common law jurisdiction as men not officers of corporate limited liability. Remove all good fringe flags from in and around or over the court. Declare what you are doing and they will run like rats. Get all the convening officials to table their oaths and provide copies of their bonds, and you will be on your way to holding them to account. Don’t be a person yourself and don’t give them jurisdictions over the PERSON. Always be the man in law not a person in legal land. They cannot use legalese on you either. Now they must speak pain English as defined by a common dictionary not their legal language that non BAR members understand. You can win this but you must stay in Common Law. This is not legal advice, just my lawful opinion. I wish you success and I’m so very sorry for you to be going thru this atrocity perpetrated against your offspring, and the children you love. In support and friendship. Murray

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Also, an Ontario judge ruled that a fanatical psychopath narcissist father who wanted to inject his children was not allowed to. The mother won in her case to stop it.


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This is another powerful video from Dr. David Martin on the EVIL health care system you are dealing with in BC.

Everyone needs to SHARE this.


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P.S. I shared this article on GETTR.

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Konichiwa Dr Nagase. We've sent an email from lakeshore.sovereignassembly@gmail.com to connect/assist in any way we can. In short when the entire judiciary/police are captured (https://www.rebelnews.com/canada_supreme_court_chief_justice_covid_19_vaccine_mandate) it's time to bring in the International covenants and treaties, law of treaties, Geneva convention and Law of War Manual. I assure you that many of us also have personal experience in dealing with these criminals head on (https://lakeshore.sovereignassembly.com/justice-obstructed-and-captured/)

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Just catching up now. Everything is upside down. What used to be considered wrong is now viewed as right. It sounds like they are threatened by your action and assertiveness. I am not entirely familiar with the Canadian legal system as such. So I would look at the situation from a child protection (Children's welfare) perspective. Altho you might be already running ahead, I presume you wish to obtain full custody (sole care) of your children. (I wouldn't even consider going for joint custody at this point if your ex wife is in such a state. Only contact order should be considered). The court's decision to favour the mother's claim needs to be reviewed. As the children's welfare is paramount. Your son already expressed his feeling and as a father you are taking the right action.

(Unfortunately you will need to prove)

- what damage has been done on your children. Evidence and Access to their medical records, school records etc.

- the mother's capability to put the children 's needs first rather than her need. Whether or not she is capable to make a sound judgment and safeguard your children.

- your ability to look after and protect your children.

- the 'independent' professional to ascertain the children's wish and feeling.

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We are fighting against a system that was once the peoples under the Magna Carta with being judged by our own peers. Along the way, the system was hijacked into what we are currently living with now under Maritime Law. You know this better than anyone else.

To answer your second bullet point; at minimum $1 million is not out of the question. However, $5 million would possibly get more attention.

As how to answer to your third bullet point, I do see several other suggestions already tabled for addressing same, however, recourse elsewhere in other international court settings is a difficult to impossible task as many can attest to; almost all court systems have been corrupted as even high profile lawyers understand.

As we are currently witnessing a changing of the guard on an international level, the current cabal or globalists will eventually fall to what they have attempted to do on a world wide basis, but far more so in our western societies, however, this will take some years yet, but not to give up hope, it will happen.

Don't take your foot off the gas! You are in a position of great understanding of Common Law versus Maritime Law and you need to keep pursuing the path you are currently on. I'm sure it feels like an impossible task, but as I can see, you have not only the courts attention, but you may well have them on them "one the ropes" already. Don't stop punching, charge on. They (the court) knows that the world is onto them, however, they are not yet willing to drop the curtain on the corruption.

Most of the western world is dealing with this issue, but more so in the Five Eye's countries who's past goes back to the crown as we all know. The release of Covid-19 has awoken the world, and those that perpetrated not just the C-19 crime, but the poisonous vax crimes will ultimately pay the price. We are most likely on the edge of further discoveries while our corrupted governments continue to push these bio-weapons.

I bring to your attention this video describing what went on with the monarchy in 2001.


Keep up the great work Daniel.

Paul Draper

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Friggin Castanet.

My sympathies...

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