Within emergency management circles there is a cycle type algorithm often used. Variations of this cycle exist. But they typically compose of the following stages.

Reduction: What can we do to reduce the likelihood of any impact. Eliminate or minimize.

Readiness: In order to respond to any event what do we need ready? What training, what systems, what materials?

Response: How do we best respond to this emergency.

Recovery: How do we most effectively recover after the emergency.

Anyway... This process is fairly basic. I find working backwards is actually better than forwards. Starting with where you want to be and then breaking it down into how you actually get there.

Many steps during the pandemic response have been missed. If you follow the process you will notice there was no expansion of hospitals or clinics, number of medics or various treatment options.

There was no consideration for holistic health interventions like diet and nutrition. No consideration for psychological stress which is known to affect your immune system in nasty ways. No strong utilization of ventilation or other engineering controls. No consideration for other harms beyond physical harm. Eg economic and finance. No significant consideration of freedoms, religious exemptions or of social needs. All of which are needs and or forms of harm.

It was a prime example in my opinion of putting all your eggs in the one basket.

Something that is essentially risk management 101. Exactly what not to do.

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That they did exactly what not to do, in the way you presented it, implies they were grossly incompetent. But really they knew exactly what they were doing, just having a different objective.

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Yes but was it incompetence or intentional? 100% intentional imho but exactly why?

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The pandemic was the negativity 24/7 from governments, medical puckacrats and the lying media on how many people died or had a flu

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Everything you say is so true. That is the problem these days that truth is perceived as lies and lies are truths. Doctors, police, lawyers etc are no longer doing their jobs. I think this is written in the Bible of when this happens we potentially are in Revelations. The question I have for people is what side do they want to be on in the end following God or that fallen angel that is known as Satan. I know what side I want to be on.

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I am on the side of truth.... belief has absolutely nothing to do with truth

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So true. When it comes to science it is not about beliwf because science is always changing with new infoemation.

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What one "knows" and what one believes are vastly different....: Can one drive 500 km in 10 mins? No... one knows this..... it is not a belief... it is a know! So... what do YOU know... and is it really a know!!! Hmmm... we only know what we are told.... not necessarily... I could go on

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Complete logic.... always (logic says never say never and never say always) .... is the answer! Wow wrap that cabal!!!

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When it is realized that there is only one answer to a question( the question may have a mathematically absoluteness to it... (absolute value of x-1.... can be -(x-1)= -x+1 or +(x-1) = (x+1)))

So.... doesn't matter how it's disguised..... take the cloak away( the plus minus) and there lies the bare bones of the question!!!'

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I am on the side of the truth.... the truth has nothing to do with what some believe

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What one "knows" and what one "believes" are vastly different!!!

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Scenario #3. We have been Lied to since birth, and Dutifully follow all Orders as we receive them... thinking for ourselves is so yesterday...

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Hi Daniel, re: (Censored / five days) please ensure you keep a backup of your substack ASAP. https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037466012-How-do-I-export-my-posts-


perhaps share a link to the download file on Librti post here: https://librti.com/item/help-requested-daniel-nagase-quot-my

or message me and I'll ensure it's copied and shared. when the "two" censored posts dispensary, we'll share them FAR and WIDE.

from one Dad to another who's lost contact w his children through this BS plandemic, I (like many) have your back.

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The next generation offspring are inclined to have premature procreative organ failures https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/295621351/#295621351

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The movie version of what to expect:

Utopia show – genus


The more technical explanation of how it is achieved:

Kevin Esvelt (MIT) 1: Gene Drive. January 14, 2019


Kevin Esvelt (MIT) 2: Gene Drive and Local Drive. January 14, 2019


Technology to target drug delivery to certain organs known since 2013

Synthetic Lipid Nanoparticles Targeting Steroid Organs. November 2013


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Ones reality is ones reality. Impossible for another to experience the same combination and orientation of electromagnetic waves(frequencies) that we "perceive" as a mere 5 sense deciding unit. The information in the form of frequencies that I encounter will NOT be even close to the same as the information another encounters... even within meters of proximity to one another!!! By information I mean the energy signatures of EM waves that carry information. So... where are we? Getting closer to the explanation.... stay tuned

Grateful for u all


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The arguement.... is not only well thought out... but absolutely correct both mathematically and logically! The approach to the post is among the best I've seen in terms of teue skepticism(the word meaning "not a doubter" but one who practices the weight of available evidence pro and con with logic) this is to say that on either side of the extremes... they are both wrong 100%.... and that the truth will lie somewhere between theses extremes. Do not accept information at face value! One does not know where it came from nor does one know its validity. Particularly on a screen that we hold in front of us ... many of whom believe the gospel truth somehow finds them in their hands and eyes. Very naive!!! Ones device can "show" only things that will re enforce the paradigm of one's personals beliefs based on the use of the device itself.

So.... cudos to the post!!! All should have the same skeptical ability... weighers of " available" information.... and that's another topic completely!!! Available!


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See my blog for further comment

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