I’m a DES daughter and I had a very difficult time getting pregnant. My mom was devastated when she realized she took a drug that the doctor prescribed that impacted my fertility. I begged my nieces not to jab their teens and now I worry about the impact these shots will have on them. I’m so grateful my adult children declined the vaxx and my grandchildren aren’t jabbed.

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Dr Nagase, there's few people I trust anymore, you're one of them. Luke 1:37 For with God, nothing shall be impossible 🙏

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...and has this happened before? My maternal GF had (Polycystic Kidney Disease) PKD whom fathered 12 children with my GM. My grandmother did not belief in childhood vxs. One child died of whooping cough at a very young age and one contract Polio mid teen years,. My mom had PKD (along with 5 of the other siblings) and a wrong prescription by a dr when she was 50 shut her kidneys down (she then had to go on dialysis). To go on dialysis and qualify for a kidney transplant she had to bring ALL vaccines up todate. Then a team of Dr's began obtaining family history on PKD and genetics. Long story short - my mom chose euthanasia at 80 years of age, Spring of 2021 prior to mandatory vxs but she had just had the flu shot which made her incredibly ill. Her nephrologist for 7 years told her she'd had a good life and that did she ever think of just going off dialysis? Her family doctor told me that my mom had far exceeded what they thought her life expectancy had been. Our system is fkd and people are not valued or respected. I feel we are living in a petri dish and humanity is undergoing a huge experiment.

I have utmost respect for physicians like Dr. Nagase whom are questioning narratives and speaking out.

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Whether we like it or not, our system of "Free" healthcare seems more like "Free" death care.

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And now MAID is the 6th leading cause of death in Canada. How we have fallen.

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Yes. When people are most vulnerable and seek medical help they take orders even if they don’t make sense.

Example: male, 67 yrs, urinary issues. Dr said blood pressure excellent. But for prostrate need prescription that will drop blood pressure - no driving, physical activity etc. as it will cause light head, dizziness with possibility of fainting. He drives semi’ trucks. I’ve said he should consult with homeopathic dr or an alternative to our ‘practicing’ fully inoculated BC docs

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lycopene (in tomatoes) i heard can be good for prostate

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If people didn’t know about the health care corruption between big Pharma, government and the American alphabet medical divisions before Covid, they should now. If people were forced to get experimental shots that were portrayed as ‘safe and effective’, then this should have awakened a ton of people and to do their own research. Also after 4 years of this fake pandemic most people know someone who has been injured or died of heart attacks, strokes , etc.

It is so easy to see now .

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Obamacare made Covid 19 Vax possible. Before Obamacare, care in the US had many 10s of thousands Docs who were self employed. Now, due to Obamacare, almost all work for a few Corporations. So, with Obamacare the Docs had to do what the boss said, kill and kill again.

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This is an amazing thing to read. I’m Canadian ,so I only followed it peripherally. Do you think then that Obamacare’s hidden motive was just to prep the whole system for just such a public health coup by a Big Vax- driven Global Control Takeover?

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Never looked at it like this but that does make sense. Everything has to be controlled by governments, media, health conglomerates like NIH, FDA, WHO, etc. nowadays so this helps to centralize into a nice neat package.

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I suspect that there will be much sooner expressed negative health effects of the injections. Presentations such as cancer, autoimmune, neurological, etc. The poisoning mechanisms are so many. I suspect the "silent:" impact period will be measured in years not generations.

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Did you mean "years AND generations"? Sterility is the next generation and modified mRNA and plasmid DNA (for those un-affected/shot with saline maybe). AND for those who have not been shed on/transmitted onto, maybe. NOTE: still spraying the skies infecting ALL LIFE on the planet. Todd Callender (CloutHub/TruthHub) aided US military via VAXXChoice.com to NOT be forced to take shots. AND has branched out to aid the public. NOTE TruthHub is within CloutHub and is an automatic translator for people of the world, to converse in private. No more the tower of babble between populations :-)

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That's possible too.

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Saw the speech at the time! https://jeffreyprather.locals.com/upost/5002434/fbi-is-dying-they-just-dont-know-it-yet

Info on: The Investigator "Trump-Russia Collusion" going to jail for 4 years, + is still in court for other charges.

ALSO: GreggReese.substack.com reported a couple of days ago that The Italian Health Minister is charged with murder amongst other charges for hiding the deaths & injuries to the Italian people.

ALSO: Robert Malone lost his case against Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin & Dr. Jane Ruby. Judge Moon considering financial penalties for Malone's frivolous lawfare ... I hope so as those who cannot afford to go to court, are not able to combat lawfare.

ALSO: (Foreign Affairs) Petition e-4623 to ExitUN/WHO steadily climbing & now at 58,211 signatures.

ALSO: (Democratic Process) e-4701 petition "No Confidence Vote" climbing fast at 322,653 signatures.

ALSO: (HEALTH) Petition closed e-4401 NOTE: RESPONCE BY: MINISTER OF HEALTH Mark Holland

p.s. Does NOT matter -- changing the penetrated PM & his penetrated cabinet (deck chairs). They were ALL getting rich beyond OUR wildest imaginings, while murdering/maiming us. PRINT IT OUT!

ALSO: For any Canadians & Residents AND Dual Citizens

PAY ATTENTION & SIGN ... If you know of any Citizens & Residents -- FORWARD!

ALSO: BE AWARE: JamesRoguski.substack.com/p/follow-the-damn-rules has the info (European Parliament legal team) that the #EXITtheWHO did NOT follow their OWN CONSTITUTION, SO their vote (MAY 27 2022 FRAUD & OFFICIAL VOTE MAY 28, 2022 DID NOT TAKE PLACE) is NULL & VOID AND continue to conspire in 2023 & to commit fraud in 2024.

Global POP need to start paying attention & get some "discernment" preventgenocide2030.org/all-things-un (TELL LAWMAKERS YOU WILL NOT COMPLY!)

Shine ON* Katie

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I also saw a podcast that had booked Dr Peter Mccullough and also wanted to book Malone. Dr McCullough said he wouldn't on a podcast that would host Malone. The podcaster decided to have McCullough and not Malone. This is when I realized there was something fishy about Malone. As well as all the lawsuits against good people.

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Kirsch still calls Malone his friend. He even quoted Malone's phrase the other day on his Substack. Something going on there too.

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I actually stopped following Kirsch much for this reason...

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Wise. He is busy w the New Zealand data at the mo. Another form of distraction. Look! Leaked data! Statistics! The vaccines are bad!

Following Malone's tactics, He doesn't wanna talk about the DOD, one of the key players on this depopulation agenda.

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. They are both controlled opposition.



Outraged Human is Sabrina Wallace, a former electrical engineer who has exposed the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band) using biophotonics via the Internet of Nano Things which is a crime contrary to Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

Check out her Telegram channel called D.E.S.P.O.T.

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Kirsch is too quick to trust. He gave millions to Al Gore and still thinks Climate Change is caused by cow farts.

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Same with Jan Jakielek of Epoch Times. Friends with evil Maloney baloney. Shame!

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Glad to hear McCullough isn’t buying what Malone is selling!

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I do, without reservations, trust McCullough. Malone, it seems smoke follows that kid. Something is odd.

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Oh and also in the UK, Andrew Bridgen & friends.

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Thank you Dr Nagase

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Dr. Nagase, on a personal note, I left mainstream medicine a year before COVID when I realized how dangerous vaccines were. I started a practice providing early COVID treatment for hundreds of patients. Now, I can’t attract patients because they continue to go to mainstream physicians that take their insurance. I can’t afford to buy food. How are you doing?

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I spend very very little.

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Kathy, where are you? I am in the market for a new doctor.

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vancouver bc

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Damn. Too far..but we need doctors like her...at this point i will never trust a regular licensed doctor ever again

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Not everyone took it so there will be those unmodified but basically what they did was destroy human beings such that only a small percentage will retain the original blueprint. Those that survive that is.

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After all, Malone & Co still appear to be deployed in order to distract the general public's attention from the ultimate intentions of these toxic injections. It's so stealth.

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Pause, reflect, proceed...

Praise the Lord and pass the information!✌🏼

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FWIW, I spoke very briefly with Kevin McKernan and asked him specifically about the infamous 4chan post and the possible presence of mutant versions of CYP19A1 and CDKN1B. He said they looked but didn't find them. He qualified his answer to say they only had a small number of samples to sequence.

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Absolutely stunning.

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So in say ten years they will have all the bases covered with there poison gene!!! World population control

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Dr. Nagase, I to have my doubts about Malone when in 2020 or 21 he stated " Myrna technology was never meant to be used in Humans".

We need to know what this means because of the mass injury and death from this technology.

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And yet he devoted his entire career to it.

He was also warned by Salk at the very beginning of his career gene therapies were a dead end and still he carried on, studied under an expert in reverse transcriptase only to declare it is safe. I wonder if his LNP patents will make money if their intended use, for mRNA/DNA therapies, are found to be dangerous?

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Science today has no boundaries to benefit mankind, but to benefit its creator for the love of money.

Bill Gates is a shining example and our biggest threat.

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Heidi, in 2020 Dr Malone who helped pioneer Myrna therapy said "Myrna vaccine was never meant to be used in humans".

We have to know why he said this.

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How about tweeting about consequences of unchecked population growth in 2014!!! That tweet is Still circulating, but does he care?

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I hope your final question, Dr. Nagasaki, lands on the side of HUMANITY.

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Can somebody explain (to someone with poor understanding of biology) why this would be an issue?

"We can't let you have children, otherwise this genetic poison created by the pharmaceutical industry will continue to plague the entire human species for the rest of eternity."

I think I'm in the dark on what's actually going on, but what's happening that would make this a serious suggestion?

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If someone has a silent mutation, one that only causes disease every other generation, then one way to prevent propagation of that toxic gene throughout the species is a ban on carriers.

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Oh damn, thanks for the explanation.

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