I've noticed, even here, people want to outsource their truth. Some have mental issues causing them to be attracted to cults, others crave heros, form clicks, kiss asses.
I don't care how much I admire or love someone I don't trust or agee with every word that comes out of their mouth. I don't even trust all of my own beliefs at times. I want to learn more. As much as I hate Fauci and others for using it as an excuse to harm others, the truth is, science does grow, build on itself. We learn more every day. Some things may be set in stone but others are multifactorial. Claiming to know the truth of everything is the fallacy of a deranged mind.
Extremely true. The first purpose of the First Amendent was to protect Freedom of Speech. WHY? To protect the preaching of the Gospel first and foremost! The people who preached the Gospel and the Bible the most, exposed wicked kings and their mistreatment of the people! This is why the people that preached the Gospel were ALWAYS the most persecuted and hated by kings. If you look at the 1599 Geneva Bible and the 1624 King James Version of the Bible, you will notice a distinct difference. The 1624 Bible has no explanations of the verses in it. The 1599 Geneva bible has multiple explanations of the text. 1599, many people were illiterate, and people needed assistance in understanding the words. King James did not allow explanations in his version because it exposed things he did wrong. This was the habit of kings, to kill the people who proved the Bible exposed their bad deeds. This is why covid was first and foremost an attack on churches. Casinos were not a threat to the government. People who can read a Bible and are being taught where the government is disobeying God are a great threat to an evil, tyrannical government.
I taught in a Men’s State prison. About 6 years ago the law changed and several of my older students were told they were getting out immediately. They thought they were in for life. They were scared to death to leave. The comfort of the closed walls surrounding their small world was coming to and end and they had zero desire to leave. Covid made happy prisoners out of many citizens. The media’s prompting and government agenda through propaganda emboldened people who had never been outspoken before or who had never even been noticed in life to come out of their shells, hiding behind a mandates mask, to become the face and voice of agenda. Those who were once timid found their voice and it was not pleasant. Kens and Karen’s were born like Frankenstein’s monsters. The government created shrews, virtual signalers, and lemmings to carry out their propaganda.
When the lockdowns lifted those shrews were unhappy prisoners.
"They were scared to death to leave. The comfort of the closed walls surrounding their small world was coming to and end and they had zero desire to leave."
I notice that happened to my mother, after my father died suddenly.
She was always timid and aquiessent, but when dad died she was left in shock which developed into loneliness and undiagnosed depression.
She was afraid of living alone, without language skills, or work or driving skills, and became just as dependent upon others, for pretty much EVERYTHING, as she was upon my father.
(With the exception of "housework" and "yardwork". Her domain.)
She began becoming more and more reclusive. Her house and property eventually became her cell and prison yard.
That process began in 1984. She was 52 years old. She'll be 91 next month.
"Covid" ramped up her fear of me touching her doorknobs and light switches and delivering her groceries and sitting in my car. (And of breathing anywhere near her.)
Other than that: the Covid "lockdowns" did not affect her prison life.
She's secretly very afraid of eventually being forced to give up her self-imposed penitentiary existence for an "assisted living" facility, when/if I leave this penitentiary.
I can't even apply for a day pass without her panicking.
But leave I must because I've committed no crime, and this life, that I'm not really living, should not be my "duty" nor my "penance" until death parts us.
(I've already paid my dues, in spades...)
Sorry for this stream of consciousness. Your astute comment triggered these thoughts.
At least when they're brought to light above the bridge, more people can see what trolls look like and if we look in the mirror we might be able to see times when we have similar features. You can even watch my comments to see if there are any hints of "trolling"
Thanks for the thought provoking article series. There could be a book in the process of being developed here. In a new renaissance world, critical thinking should be school curriculum.
To me, the biggest psyop is the Matrix of Babylon that we live under, all supported by a state controlled media offering the illusion of choice while continually reinforcing how to think, what to buy, how to live, who to love and who to idolize. For those with eyes to see, “They” even mock us with the truth with movies like the Matrix and The Wizard of Oz whereby the tin man is the Tax Identification number (TIN) Of course, tax is all fraud but people obediently give away the fruits of their labour without question. In the case of the matrix, there is a scene where Neo, with his visor on, is watching himself in a fight and when he removes his visor, his face is swollen, bleeding and bruised …so convinced is he that what he just saw was all real. (Just wait till people get a taste of blue beam project.!!)
People just generally aren’t that curious and they are lazy. and obedient. The Normie’s are not waking up, even as their loved ones are dying around them and ironically, I understand why “they” despise us so much.
Wish I could express myself as eloquently as you do Daniel. However, I really appreciate your posts and think how tragic it is that you are not being able to do what you were trained to do but, in the end maybe you are doing what you were meant to do. We are lucky to have you And finally, If you haven’t seen it, here’s a good documentary for you
"People just generally aren’t that curious and they are lazy. and obedient. The Normie’s are not waking up, even as their loved ones are dying around them and ironically, I understand why “they” despise us so much."
This is a great point.
I believe some of it begins in childhood, coping mechanisms. What people get dopamine hits from. Sometimes the truth doesnt feel as good as the fairytale in a person's head. The concept that they or someone they admire could be wrong. They led their family and friends astray. They prefer not to acknowledging their mistakes, let someone else define their truth, are swayed by pretty words and arguments without ever seeking the validity of them.
Many people will never apologize or admit to being wront. They need a kumbaya before even considering changing their mind, for you to make it seem like it was their idea all along, like you're "one of them."
I didn't go to med school with anyone I know on substack. She was a classmate from Dalhousie univeristy in Canada, and her brother was a provincial politician at the legislator level.
If I'm correct that you said she excused her brother promoting vaccines in Canada, it is against what we stand for. It doesn't surprise me but it's sad.
My sister is very pro covid vaccine. She's had all her children injected many times. I dont support her and definitely wouldnt if she were pushing it onto other people, their children.
She was promoting her Brother's forced vaccination legislation implying all provinces should make laws to force vaccines. That's why I commented on her feed that what her brother was doing was wrong. This was around 2012 or so
This is because our brains seem to track and tag everything as a symbol. Concepts tagged with emotions.
This includes words themselves, images, sounds and music.
A happy tune. A sad tune. Uplifting words like splendid, fantastic, amazing. Or depressing words like grim, gloom, sunken, turmoil.
The way words, images, ideas are used whether we are consciously aware of it has a profound role in shaping our experience and perception of the word around us.
My guts agree.. Creativity is critical for understanding everything including creation. All my best thoughts have NOT come from the mind and its fancy processes, and programs, but from a good connection between my Creativity and my microbiome, also known as my Guts. Throughout my life, this interactive colony (picture Horton Hears a Who) has been vocal and helpful. My gut masterfully has read situations and has signalled and steered me away from danger, and assessed many situations my mind could not possibly process. After many adult years of spending much time living in my head, both listening to and also ignoring my guts, I had children. And when it was time to get their childhood vaccines, my guts erupted with a, 'Hellll nooo!', which kicked my programmed mind's butt so hard and protested so loudly, that I had to listen. I became "A Life-long Antivaxxer", and only afterwards found the science that agreed with my guts. It is so well connected, and has a built-in wisdom that i appreciate.
Going forward I have lived for many years kinda scanning my body for responses towards what's perceived as outside of me. If the data or thought, coming at me doesn't resonate with truth or benefit for my being - I don't buy into it. I’ve learned to trust my guts. My belief system is aligned with my guts, and I embrace miracles of all kinds, that defy current science. Perhaps atypical, Ive learned that my aside from my overbearing Ego Mind, there (is at least one other) powerful aspect of my being, my gut, that communicates with and works faithfully in concert with my higher self, and the Almighty, with Love for benefit of all.
You are so right. In fact, Elon Musk recently dropped a bombshell on Bill Maher when he stated that we actually live in abundance. It is also proven in this book: The Skeptical Environmetalist. Dr Lomborg proves we are not running out of anything.
Yes. Very true. That is why the most successful country in history, the United States, was started as a republic.
When Benjamin Franklin was asked by the press what kind of government the United States is, he replied "A republic. If you can keep it." What the critics of the United States system do not understand is that to the degree that communism or democracy infect the otherwise healthy host of a republic, that is to the degree that they falter. The reason for slow decay, decline and inevitable end of the United States as we have known it is becasue it has become infected by communism and democracy.
One level deeper is why do democracies fail? Is it because the demos (people) lose their principles and start voting only for self interest? Is the allure of communism also self interest?
Women of her generation were locked into their husbands identity. My mother never used her first name, instead she used Mrs. and his first and last name. All the mothers in my neighborhood stayed home and did the same thing as your mother. I’m sure when their husbands died. It was very hard for them. Your mother kept looking in word for somebody in there to save her, and there was nobody coming. To hold onto sanity she turned even more inward-then Covid came and made the world her strange bedfellows. It is difficult to not want to be there for our parents when they get older and more dependent on us. There will come a day when you will no longer be her rock. I have a feeling there are many in your similar situation and it can’t be helped until that generation passes.
Thanks for sharing, it really gave me thought. My father passed, and my sisters came and took my mother to another state to live in a retirement home. I believe she pretty much died right after because she wasn’t in her house and she was in a state in which she didn’t want to live. I lived 3000 miles away so I really couldn’t help her, I’ve always felt bad about that.
Thank you for your continued fight for freedom, Daniel Nagase MD. You are a national treasure and I hope people come to realize that and pay attention to your messages.
Interesting. I speak two languages. German and English. I would second your idea that language can form 'achievable' pathways of thought. I think language can also limit those potential pathways of thought. And some languages will give you more or less levels of freedom in exploring pathways of thought. In German it is absolutely common to create new words by concatenation of existing words, thus creating a more exact term for a concept or thing. This does not exist as such in English. The issues of freedom of movement of thought become especially apparent when you try to translate poetry, which I have done in the past in my spare time to present some poems from German authors to my English speaking friends. Apart from trying to translate the structure of a poem with rhymes and all, choosing the words is almost impossible because of connotation. Sometimes you have to find different "word images" to translate the meaning of a line and that is when you start to realize the complexities which you may be able to express easily in one language but are awkward in another.
How does that affect an individual when it comes to perceiving reality and integrating information into their own picture of the world? I think there a variety of components that work together here. One general thing that is likely true for the vast majority of human beings is that from birth our brains soak up information through our senses. A baby is helpless. There comes a point in time when the instincts no longer are enough to sustain the being and the brain has to structure itself to "fit in". As I am not a biologist or medical professional, I would call it mimicry. Adopting, learning "behavior" to survive. We are basically setup from the very beginning to mimic and form bonds with others to survive. It is inherent. We need to fit in to survive. I think this is a very basic mechanism, that can be used to manipulate humans. Language is part of that learned mimicry. It sets certain pathways. And those pathways also depend on your immediate peer group. "Even though she was taught the same as I was taught". Are you sure that is true? She may have been presented with the same information and concept as you, but can you really say all of that was incorporated in to her mind world the same as it was in yours? Even if you speak the same language as her the results will be different. I am going to guess here and say that you do not have a sibling. Why? Because I do and I know from talking to my sibling that the two of us have very different mind worlds, even though we have the same parents, we grew up together, we both speak the same languages. There are slight differences. We are not of the same age for instance. And our path in education differs somewhat. Would we fall for the same Psyops?
Thank you for your detailed comment. Thought preceeds language, so when a language is deficient, theoretically we should be able to create new words to share that thought. however with the lack of creativity and thought in society today it's hard to see people growing beyond thought limiter languages such as english.
Dr Daniel, my greatest respect and thanks for all you speak out about. I have met you and I have listened to you speak your truth with knowledge and compassion along with your expertise these last few years, in person at various events. I have no medical background and greatly appreciate what you share through the public speeches I have attended, to make sense of a world gone mad and of medical practices that need to be seriously questioned.
It really is a beautiful time of bringing darkness to light, and you have held the light, at great personal cost.
Like many others, I was born in a communist country and recognized the recent agenda early on. It has also come at personal cost, I accept that.
I have used the following personal mantra when faced with my own, or a loved ones grief over something false said about them or myself... that is... just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true.
Like so many things, whether trying to distinguish truth from lie, this simple understanding is my guide.
A perfect example is the term "social justice". When Black Lives Matter and Antifa were rioting in the 2020 riots (both names engaging psychological warfare), 2 billion dollars of damage was done and 50 people murdered. Nothing "social" about it, and no "justice" in it. Communists learned long ago a tactic of using the words that sound good but mean something completely different when they say it. This allows them to be extremely effective in their tactic of conditioning their listeners to their cult without them even knowing it is happening!
Another great example of the power of the use of English as a tool of soft propaganda is exposed when one makes a comparison between English and Greek. The New Testament of the Bible was written in Greek, and Greek has 8 different words for love. English only has one word, love. Greek has Agape, which refers to selfless universal love, Ludus, meaning playful love, Storge, meaning familiar love, Pragma, meaning enduring love, Eros, meaning passionate romantic love, Phileo meaning brotherly love, and Philautia meaning self love, and mania meaning obsessive 'love'. Communists use English very well in their propaganda. The gender Ideology cult has been enormously successful in exploiting the places where English falls short. Just look at their book "Love is Love". They would NEVER be able to achieve their trickery with Greek! As soon as they used the proper word their scheme would be exposed! It would be easy for everyone to see the 'love' they were claiming didn't exist! Watch or read this book series. It will open your eyes to how much propaganda is in the articles you read. You will read everything with new glasses. Just like the SCI FI movie, THEY LIVE.
You hit the nail on the head.
I've noticed, even here, people want to outsource their truth. Some have mental issues causing them to be attracted to cults, others crave heros, form clicks, kiss asses.
I don't care how much I admire or love someone I don't trust or agee with every word that comes out of their mouth. I don't even trust all of my own beliefs at times. I want to learn more. As much as I hate Fauci and others for using it as an excuse to harm others, the truth is, science does grow, build on itself. We learn more every day. Some things may be set in stone but others are multifactorial. Claiming to know the truth of everything is the fallacy of a deranged mind.
It Is Time For
Doctor's Anonymous Meetings
To Be Held In The Basements Of Churches.
Extremely true. The first purpose of the First Amendent was to protect Freedom of Speech. WHY? To protect the preaching of the Gospel first and foremost! The people who preached the Gospel and the Bible the most, exposed wicked kings and their mistreatment of the people! This is why the people that preached the Gospel were ALWAYS the most persecuted and hated by kings. If you look at the 1599 Geneva Bible and the 1624 King James Version of the Bible, you will notice a distinct difference. The 1624 Bible has no explanations of the verses in it. The 1599 Geneva bible has multiple explanations of the text. 1599, many people were illiterate, and people needed assistance in understanding the words. King James did not allow explanations in his version because it exposed things he did wrong. This was the habit of kings, to kill the people who proved the Bible exposed their bad deeds. This is why covid was first and foremost an attack on churches. Casinos were not a threat to the government. People who can read a Bible and are being taught where the government is disobeying God are a great threat to an evil, tyrannical government.
Any thought system that gives people higher principles is definitely a threat to tyrants, kings and monarchs.
Very good idea.
I taught in a Men’s State prison. About 6 years ago the law changed and several of my older students were told they were getting out immediately. They thought they were in for life. They were scared to death to leave. The comfort of the closed walls surrounding their small world was coming to and end and they had zero desire to leave. Covid made happy prisoners out of many citizens. The media’s prompting and government agenda through propaganda emboldened people who had never been outspoken before or who had never even been noticed in life to come out of their shells, hiding behind a mandates mask, to become the face and voice of agenda. Those who were once timid found their voice and it was not pleasant. Kens and Karen’s were born like Frankenstein’s monsters. The government created shrews, virtual signalers, and lemmings to carry out their propaganda.
When the lockdowns lifted those shrews were unhappy prisoners.
"They were scared to death to leave. The comfort of the closed walls surrounding their small world was coming to and end and they had zero desire to leave."
I notice that happened to my mother, after my father died suddenly.
She was always timid and aquiessent, but when dad died she was left in shock which developed into loneliness and undiagnosed depression.
She was afraid of living alone, without language skills, or work or driving skills, and became just as dependent upon others, for pretty much EVERYTHING, as she was upon my father.
(With the exception of "housework" and "yardwork". Her domain.)
She began becoming more and more reclusive. Her house and property eventually became her cell and prison yard.
That process began in 1984. She was 52 years old. She'll be 91 next month.
"Covid" ramped up her fear of me touching her doorknobs and light switches and delivering her groceries and sitting in my car. (And of breathing anywhere near her.)
Other than that: the Covid "lockdowns" did not affect her prison life.
She's secretly very afraid of eventually being forced to give up her self-imposed penitentiary existence for an "assisted living" facility, when/if I leave this penitentiary.
I can't even apply for a day pass without her panicking.
But leave I must because I've committed no crime, and this life, that I'm not really living, should not be my "duty" nor my "penance" until death parts us.
(I've already paid my dues, in spades...)
Sorry for this stream of consciousness. Your astute comment triggered these thoughts.
streams if consciousness on timelines are reality . thank you for sharing .
Thank YOU for sharing. I paid this forward before commenting.
It's a darned shame the trolls won't stay under the Granville Street bridge though.
Sigh. 😉
At least when they're brought to light above the bridge, more people can see what trolls look like and if we look in the mirror we might be able to see times when we have similar features. You can even watch my comments to see if there are any hints of "trolling"
Trillin' trolls.
Suddenly invisible teenage vegetable stock boys could tell middle age men how to dress themselves.
Thanks for the thought provoking article series. There could be a book in the process of being developed here. In a new renaissance world, critical thinking should be school curriculum.
To me, the biggest psyop is the Matrix of Babylon that we live under, all supported by a state controlled media offering the illusion of choice while continually reinforcing how to think, what to buy, how to live, who to love and who to idolize. For those with eyes to see, “They” even mock us with the truth with movies like the Matrix and The Wizard of Oz whereby the tin man is the Tax Identification number (TIN) Of course, tax is all fraud but people obediently give away the fruits of their labour without question. In the case of the matrix, there is a scene where Neo, with his visor on, is watching himself in a fight and when he removes his visor, his face is swollen, bleeding and bruised …so convinced is he that what he just saw was all real. (Just wait till people get a taste of blue beam project.!!)
People just generally aren’t that curious and they are lazy. and obedient. The Normie’s are not waking up, even as their loved ones are dying around them and ironically, I understand why “they” despise us so much.
Wish I could express myself as eloquently as you do Daniel. However, I really appreciate your posts and think how tragic it is that you are not being able to do what you were trained to do but, in the end maybe you are doing what you were meant to do. We are lucky to have you And finally, If you haven’t seen it, here’s a good documentary for you
"People just generally aren’t that curious and they are lazy. and obedient. The Normie’s are not waking up, even as their loved ones are dying around them and ironically, I understand why “they” despise us so much."
This is a great point.
I believe some of it begins in childhood, coping mechanisms. What people get dopamine hits from. Sometimes the truth doesnt feel as good as the fairytale in a person's head. The concept that they or someone they admire could be wrong. They led their family and friends astray. They prefer not to acknowledging their mistakes, let someone else define their truth, are swayed by pretty words and arguments without ever seeking the validity of them.
Many people will never apologize or admit to being wront. They need a kumbaya before even considering changing their mind, for you to make it seem like it was their idea all along, like you're "one of them."
So true
BTW, the Babylon Matrix is all to hide the fact that God is real..
i wrote the article https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/ecosystem-ending-ideas so that scientists could find out for themselves in dna.
I didn't go to med school with anyone I know on substack. She was a classmate from Dalhousie univeristy in Canada, and her brother was a provincial politician at the legislator level.
Thank you.
If I'm correct that you said she excused her brother promoting vaccines in Canada, it is against what we stand for. It doesn't surprise me but it's sad.
My sister is very pro covid vaccine. She's had all her children injected many times. I dont support her and definitely wouldnt if she were pushing it onto other people, their children.
She was promoting her Brother's forced vaccination legislation implying all provinces should make laws to force vaccines. That's why I commented on her feed that what her brother was doing was wrong. This was around 2012 or so
OMG that’s awful Heidi so sorry to hear this
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?
I'm a fan of quotes, poetry and have an interest in the subconscious mind and neuro linguistic programming (NLP)
From my perspective, we are often seduced by false idols.
Symbols, brands, marketing, flags, banners, sigils.
This is because our brains seem to track and tag everything as a symbol. Concepts tagged with emotions.
This includes words themselves, images, sounds and music.
A happy tune. A sad tune. Uplifting words like splendid, fantastic, amazing. Or depressing words like grim, gloom, sunken, turmoil.
The way words, images, ideas are used whether we are consciously aware of it has a profound role in shaping our experience and perception of the word around us.
Excellent insights, and so much here to digest..
My guts agree.. Creativity is critical for understanding everything including creation. All my best thoughts have NOT come from the mind and its fancy processes, and programs, but from a good connection between my Creativity and my microbiome, also known as my Guts. Throughout my life, this interactive colony (picture Horton Hears a Who) has been vocal and helpful. My gut masterfully has read situations and has signalled and steered me away from danger, and assessed many situations my mind could not possibly process. After many adult years of spending much time living in my head, both listening to and also ignoring my guts, I had children. And when it was time to get their childhood vaccines, my guts erupted with a, 'Hellll nooo!', which kicked my programmed mind's butt so hard and protested so loudly, that I had to listen. I became "A Life-long Antivaxxer", and only afterwards found the science that agreed with my guts. It is so well connected, and has a built-in wisdom that i appreciate.
Going forward I have lived for many years kinda scanning my body for responses towards what's perceived as outside of me. If the data or thought, coming at me doesn't resonate with truth or benefit for my being - I don't buy into it. I’ve learned to trust my guts. My belief system is aligned with my guts, and I embrace miracles of all kinds, that defy current science. Perhaps atypical, Ive learned that my aside from my overbearing Ego Mind, there (is at least one other) powerful aspect of my being, my gut, that communicates with and works faithfully in concert with my higher self, and the Almighty, with Love for benefit of all.
the second largest nervous system in the body is the enteric nervous system. it does remarkable calculations based on feel alone.
In my opinion the biggest psyop is scarcity.
Another candidate is the question of whether individuals exist separate from a unitary universal consciousness.
You are so right. In fact, Elon Musk recently dropped a bombshell on Bill Maher when he stated that we actually live in abundance. It is also proven in this book: The Skeptical Environmetalist. Dr Lomborg proves we are not running out of anything.
Just like you stated, scarcity (SCAREcity) is the biggest psyop
The biggest psy-op is the belief in democratic government. The belief in its legitimacy and necessity. The belief that there is no better alternative.
The government psy-op is what enables the ruling class families to run many other psy-ops on the public. Some examples are:
- orchestrated wars
- creation of false enemies (east vs. west)
- fake space programs
- fictional war on terror
- fake pandemics
- climate change hoax
- fiat currencies
The above are implemented mainly for theft and control, but also for death. They prefer for you to be poor and sick, or dead.
Yes. Very true. That is why the most successful country in history, the United States, was started as a republic.
When Benjamin Franklin was asked by the press what kind of government the United States is, he replied "A republic. If you can keep it." What the critics of the United States system do not understand is that to the degree that communism or democracy infect the otherwise healthy host of a republic, that is to the degree that they falter. The reason for slow decay, decline and inevitable end of the United States as we have known it is becasue it has become infected by communism and democracy.
One level deeper is why do democracies fail? Is it because the demos (people) lose their principles and start voting only for self interest? Is the allure of communism also self interest?
Continuing excellence! Thanks for this mental exercise, Dr. Nagase!
Women of her generation were locked into their husbands identity. My mother never used her first name, instead she used Mrs. and his first and last name. All the mothers in my neighborhood stayed home and did the same thing as your mother. I’m sure when their husbands died. It was very hard for them. Your mother kept looking in word for somebody in there to save her, and there was nobody coming. To hold onto sanity she turned even more inward-then Covid came and made the world her strange bedfellows. It is difficult to not want to be there for our parents when they get older and more dependent on us. There will come a day when you will no longer be her rock. I have a feeling there are many in your similar situation and it can’t be helped until that generation passes.
Thanks for sharing, it really gave me thought. My father passed, and my sisters came and took my mother to another state to live in a retirement home. I believe she pretty much died right after because she wasn’t in her house and she was in a state in which she didn’t want to live. I lived 3000 miles away so I really couldn’t help her, I’ve always felt bad about that.
Thank you for your continued fight for freedom, Daniel Nagase MD. You are a national treasure and I hope people come to realize that and pay attention to your messages.
Have you read RAPE OF THE MIND?
Written in 1954 by Dr Joost Myerle.
Written about my parents generation in Holland.
My parents were not part of the interview but it was their generation he interviewed.
They were children when the Germans came in to starve out the Dutch in 1939.
It worked on two of my uncles who did starve.
Michael Yon suggests if you want to WAKE someone up suggest they read RAPE OF THE MIND and 1984 back to back.
I did that last year even though I'm very AWAKE because of my family going through two WWs last century.
I listened and learned to my Grandparents who survived two WWs.
Interesting. I speak two languages. German and English. I would second your idea that language can form 'achievable' pathways of thought. I think language can also limit those potential pathways of thought. And some languages will give you more or less levels of freedom in exploring pathways of thought. In German it is absolutely common to create new words by concatenation of existing words, thus creating a more exact term for a concept or thing. This does not exist as such in English. The issues of freedom of movement of thought become especially apparent when you try to translate poetry, which I have done in the past in my spare time to present some poems from German authors to my English speaking friends. Apart from trying to translate the structure of a poem with rhymes and all, choosing the words is almost impossible because of connotation. Sometimes you have to find different "word images" to translate the meaning of a line and that is when you start to realize the complexities which you may be able to express easily in one language but are awkward in another.
How does that affect an individual when it comes to perceiving reality and integrating information into their own picture of the world? I think there a variety of components that work together here. One general thing that is likely true for the vast majority of human beings is that from birth our brains soak up information through our senses. A baby is helpless. There comes a point in time when the instincts no longer are enough to sustain the being and the brain has to structure itself to "fit in". As I am not a biologist or medical professional, I would call it mimicry. Adopting, learning "behavior" to survive. We are basically setup from the very beginning to mimic and form bonds with others to survive. It is inherent. We need to fit in to survive. I think this is a very basic mechanism, that can be used to manipulate humans. Language is part of that learned mimicry. It sets certain pathways. And those pathways also depend on your immediate peer group. "Even though she was taught the same as I was taught". Are you sure that is true? She may have been presented with the same information and concept as you, but can you really say all of that was incorporated in to her mind world the same as it was in yours? Even if you speak the same language as her the results will be different. I am going to guess here and say that you do not have a sibling. Why? Because I do and I know from talking to my sibling that the two of us have very different mind worlds, even though we have the same parents, we grew up together, we both speak the same languages. There are slight differences. We are not of the same age for instance. And our path in education differs somewhat. Would we fall for the same Psyops?
Thank you for your detailed comment. Thought preceeds language, so when a language is deficient, theoretically we should be able to create new words to share that thought. however with the lack of creativity and thought in society today it's hard to see people growing beyond thought limiter languages such as english.
Dr Daniel, my greatest respect and thanks for all you speak out about. I have met you and I have listened to you speak your truth with knowledge and compassion along with your expertise these last few years, in person at various events. I have no medical background and greatly appreciate what you share through the public speeches I have attended, to make sense of a world gone mad and of medical practices that need to be seriously questioned.
It really is a beautiful time of bringing darkness to light, and you have held the light, at great personal cost.
Like many others, I was born in a communist country and recognized the recent agenda early on. It has also come at personal cost, I accept that.
I have used the following personal mantra when faced with my own, or a loved ones grief over something false said about them or myself... that is... just because they say it, doesn't mean it's true.
Like so many things, whether trying to distinguish truth from lie, this simple understanding is my guide.
Thank you for all that you do and teach Dr Daniel
Yes. Language is an extremely useful tool for of censorship - especially English.
A perfect example is the term "social justice". When Black Lives Matter and Antifa were rioting in the 2020 riots (both names engaging psychological warfare), 2 billion dollars of damage was done and 50 people murdered. Nothing "social" about it, and no "justice" in it. Communists learned long ago a tactic of using the words that sound good but mean something completely different when they say it. This allows them to be extremely effective in their tactic of conditioning their listeners to their cult without them even knowing it is happening!
Another great example of the power of the use of English as a tool of soft propaganda is exposed when one makes a comparison between English and Greek. The New Testament of the Bible was written in Greek, and Greek has 8 different words for love. English only has one word, love. Greek has Agape, which refers to selfless universal love, Ludus, meaning playful love, Storge, meaning familiar love, Pragma, meaning enduring love, Eros, meaning passionate romantic love, Phileo meaning brotherly love, and Philautia meaning self love, and mania meaning obsessive 'love'. Communists use English very well in their propaganda. The gender Ideology cult has been enormously successful in exploiting the places where English falls short. Just look at their book "Love is Love". They would NEVER be able to achieve their trickery with Greek! As soon as they used the proper word their scheme would be exposed! It would be easy for everyone to see the 'love' they were claiming didn't exist! Watch or read this book series. It will open your eyes to how much propaganda is in the articles you read. You will read everything with new glasses. Just like the SCI FI movie, THEY LIVE.
Brilliant comment! Thought control by word control. Reduce the words, reduce peoples ideas, turn people into mindless sheep to make better slaves.