Dec 25, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Frankly speaking, the other way around can happen. There are people who read your articles and think you are bonkers (no offence) and walk away, thus not changing their minds.

The judge's claim (or rather his peculiar reasoning and order without any specifics) only serves to prove the court system has been corrupt and weaponised to manipulate and violate the individual's privacy, human rights, and freedom to choose.

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You have the heart of a lion Daniel Nagase, and the mind to match it. I keep you in my prayers along with all the other brave truth tellers and truckers in this fallen land called Canada.

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My gratitude for your voice, speaking out, Daniel.

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How can science ever progress when even the Courts will act on their behalf to silence any information they don't like?

The entire basis for scientific progress is lively debate, encompassing many divergent opinions.

This is not science.

(And iIt's certainly not 'justice').

It is just mass advertising and propaganda.

And we should be highly concerned that the Judiciary are even involving themselves in such matters, having no medical or scientific expertise to do so.

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Merry Christmas, Dr. Nagase. I hope the new year brings hope for an end to government tyranny, bioweapons and war.

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My contempt for the British Commonwealth governance and judiciary grows by the day.

Canadians need to never consent, never obey liberty and speech debilitating dictacts. Canadians need to revolt beginning with descending on Ottawa and throw the impertinent Justin Trudeau out of his quarters by whatever means necessary.

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Jan 4Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Re Justice J Taylor, I am reminded of this aphorism by Stanislaw Lec:

"The dispensing of injustice is always in the right hands."

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Dear Dr Nagase,

Blessings and our prayers go out to you in the precious name of Jesus. We were very grateful for you bravery and courage. We are devastated by the utter evil and corruption that has harmed you and your children. I can't say I understand, since I have not walked in your shoes. I can say I have some affinity for your losses, as I was absolutely enraged when I discovered my son had chosen to get vaxxed after much pressure from friends, and after resisting it for more than two years. We have lost 2 family to the vax, and have vax injured family also. I could imagine that this time of year could be of great dismay to put it lightly. I do not wish to give the enemy power. This is not fair. It is evil incarnate. It is the height of human suffering. From the bottom of my heart, please pray for these wicked people. if they do not repent, they will spend eternity in hell, and hell is not a bad day with a sunburn. When you spoke in Rimbey, I was challenged in my own faith due to your words of instruction on how to respond to evil. They were powerful words. Tomorrow is Christmas. The day Jesus was born to come and save humanity from its evil and depravity. 33 years later, Jesus suffered the ultimate injustice when He was murdered for our sins. Jesus then rose from the dead and defeated death! Hundreds of people witnessed Him walking among the people of Jerusalem! You have a difficult road ahead of you, but the Bible tells us that "vengance is Mine sayeth the Lord, I will repay". God is watching. Dr Jordan Peterson sums it up when he says "No one gets away with anything. You will have to pay the piper." Please take heart Dr Nagase. We love you and care deeply for your losses and your pain. We may not always know how to support you or how best to help, but just know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Jesus said "cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you." Cast all your cares on Him. Tell Him you don't know how. I have had to do this myself. This is the only way I have made it to today. The people tortured by the Romanian government, kept in and underground prison for 7 years could relate to you, and this is how they were able to stand strong. We bless you, we honor you, we thank God for you and want you to know you are in our prayers and in our hearts. Kenneth Hagin once said "if you are willing to stand forever, it won't take very long."

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This is what is called lawfare. They will use the process to harm you because they know they cannot go after you based on the law itself. This is indicative or an immoral/unethical/partial CAPTURED entity/institution - for ALL with eyes to see, I must add.

Hang in there my good brother Daniel. God and real Canadian patriots are with you.

Hoping that you and your children enjoy this Christmas time. God is in control.

God bless.

Dan Fournier

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Very Merry Christmas, may God bless you for many years to come and give you strength to fight the good fight!

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Merry Christmas Dr Nagase. Thank you for all you have done. You are a blessing to many. My God protect and bless you.

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This is unbelievable

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"The sheer impossibility of this order indicates to me Justice J. Taylor is of unsound mind." yes or just unethical. I have been disappointed in the Canadian court systems. I except actual justice, but I have mostly seen bias and corruption. I pray this changes.

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The Senior counsel to the Supreme Court of Canada is a Young Global Leader. I wonder if our courts are compromised in their objectivity by foreign interference and ideology.


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The BARR SYSTEM is totally BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST EVIL WHORE entity and totally in lock step with the EVIL WEFers running the west.

Lawyers or liars are also needing to be hunted down and ARESSTED along with you COWARDS in the medical cartel.

That's all our conversation should be at this point.

We need MILITARY POLICE being the RCMP which won't happen because they have always been criminals.

Read Paul Palango's 3 books on them.

Citizen military will and are forming across NA since you WEFER WHORES keep threatening us with your shit.

You WEFERS are in trouble and you know it.

Merry Christmas to you FREEDOM minded fighters and you Daniel leading the fight BRAVELY 💪.

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Bizarro world. Complete crazy town, and Taylor is the fascist clown at the gate.

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