Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Wrong does not become right just because you ask forgiveness. We all make mistakes and if we did not know then asking forgiveness for harming another should be asked and given. But if one has zero curiosity to find out if an action is causing harm or knows it causes harm to another and does it anyway, no matter the excuses we give ourself, that is not forgivable. It’s also not right to use Christianity Jesus and God as a defence for wrong behavior.

If you know, and say nothing, that’s evil PERIOD. Children, that’s a special kind of evil. I believe God has tasked adults ( this includes doctors that people have been propagandized to trust) harm. Asking for forgiveness does not get you get out of jail card.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Also very well said and articulated Saoirse. I couldn't agree more. I've had some real show downs with medical health professionals about the fact I know more about the needles than they ever will because they refuse to do the research I've done and just merely accept the 1 day (if that) class they were given on vaccines which was limited to how to administer the childhood vaccine schedules - absolutely NOTHING about what is contained in those deadly shots and the consequences of giving any of them, let alone a bunch at a time. I've also educated needle happy veterinarians on the subject.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

What I can not understand is why doctors are not at all curious about anything about the shots they administer to children. I was a history teacher not a doctor (but honestly they are not as smart as they are made out to be) but when a friend told me that vaccines were unsafe I did not believe her. I responded if they are not safe medical officials would not advise them. I was not yet awake but as soon as I began researching and following the money then it was blatantly obvious. It certainly explained why my neighbour’s little boy went from communicative little guy to severely autistic. It’s very strange when you see it happening in front of you and your told “ yeah we have zero idea why this is happening to so many children.”

I didn’t understand what was happening at the time, but once you listen to all sides of the debate and take a look at their information it can’t be denied. Another huge tell is that vaccine industry and those who support it are unwilling to have an open discussion about the issue. You can’t talk about some thing you’re hiding something.

If you haven’t seen Professor Plotkin aka… prince of vaccine, 9 hour testimony regarding safety and testing of vaccines., well worth listening to. It’s beyond criminal.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Again, well articulated. I understand and can follow every word you said because I came from your point of view almost exactly. Once the spell of the medical "gods" is punctured, you never see anything the same again because you actually see what's happening and you hear the cries of parents with severely damaged children, not to mention how they've murdered your loved ones of all ages right in front of your eyes. And yet there are still ones with severely damaged children who refuse to accept that their trusted "god" would do that to their child and don't even bother trying to challenge their trust because then their whole world crumbles, as you know. Beyond criminal - exactly - 'cause it bleeds into the PURE EVIL category. I have seen the Plotkin tapes. Chilling. Thanks for engaging. It's so heart-warming hearing others' journeys to awakening.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I too am confused by people who will not examine all the evidence.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

What did it for me regarding vaccinations in general was watching Del Bigtree's "Vaxxed, From Coverup to Catastrophe" in which I learned Big Pharma has worldwide indemnity for their vaccine products, has had it, since 1986: You have a vaccine and something goes wrong? You can't sue. We're not talking aches and pains here, we're talking blindess, deafness, horrendous autoimmune disorders, paralysis – sometimes total – oh... and did I forget to mention "death"? Silly me... 😳 Meanwhile how'd you like to be the 60-something caregiver for an autistic 30-something adult standing 6'4", who is non-verbal, can't be toilet-trained? What happens to him, when you're too old and infirm to care for him and there is no-one else? https://rumble.com/v31uqs6-vaxxed-from-cover-up-to-catastrophe-conspiracy-culture.html


What did it for me with the covid injections, as if what happened to Jumai Nache wasn't more than enough was watching Br. Alexis Bugnolo's presentation about them back in June of 2021: "A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ieDAFLLvXhbw/

He himself expressed gratitude that his prediction was mistaken; however, we would seem to be experiencing it now... 🤔

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It's pretty telling when a pediatrician "fires" their patients b/c they refuse vaccines. 🤔

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deletedAug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD
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Aug 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Thanks for the reminder Mark - that it's also trauma-based mind control at work here. That's a really important piece - and of course, not questioning the ruling gods.

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The unbelieving poet Heinrich Heine said about God ( !) 'pardonner c'est son metier - to forgive is his job, implying that in his view he could receive forgiveness WITHOUT REPENTANCE and (supposedly) be received into heaven. The problem is, there is a lot of talk about 'forgiveness' but The Bible IN THE NEW TESTAMENT talks about repentance( FROM UNBELIEF IN THE FINISHED WORK , I.E. the substitutionary DEATH AND RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION OF JESUS CHRIST AS THE HEAD OF THE NEW HUMANITY followed by forgiveness and not just being washed clean and then to go back and sin again ., like in a viscous , unending circle

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Sounds like someone who lives neither for the reward of heaven nor the punishment of hell. He`s outside the system.

What he said is true in the sense that it is God`s job to forgive, that is provide the gift of life hoping that his creations learn to use the gift of each new day to correct their wrongs of yesterday, and listen to his voice in their conscience.

To finish Heinrich Heine`s thought, it is God`s “metier” for which he takes no payment, making gratitude the only currency to give in thanks for the joy of existance.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

God’s grace is beautiful. When we are truly sorry and ask for forgiveness, and hope for grace bestowed and one’s soul feels more tranquil… that’s peace. But if we continue to knowingly cause harm, and then turn around and ask for forgiveness for the same mistake, that we asked for forgiveness just the day before I believe that one is not sincere in hope of forgiveness. I think that’s mocking and it’s a bit smug thinking that you can continuously be forgiven for doing harm to another human being.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

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Humans are imperfect even in reading, listening, interpreting, analyzing, judging, proving, justifying, forgiving, asking for forgiveness, providing retribution, reciprocating, lying or telling the truth in the moment. A "good" reason for one may not be "good" for another. A "good" reason at one point in time may not be "good" in another. A "good" reason in one way may not be "good" in another. God can see in our hearts. He sees trials our tribulations and self justifications. We all have them, and do this, whether we recognize it or not. We can only try our best in all regards, including trying to right wrongs, whether our own or others.

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One property of truth is that it looks the same from all angles. A true reason would likewise have the same property. If something looks good from one angle but is crooked from another one, then it is more likely an excuse than a reason. The mis takes of man are precisely the reason why forgiveness and the gift of each new day are such an important gift to humanity. Every dawn forgives with an opportunity to right the wrongs of yesterday.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

If one is a pediatrician and cannot connect the dots between vaccines and childhood sickness/disease perhaps the med schools have accomplished their goal. If one also took on a ton of debt and are more worried about paying bills vs "healing" people (or not injuring them) I'd say social pressure has accomplished its goal. Forgiveness requires you actually see the harm you've done, apologize and remedy the situation. Not wake up and do it over and over and over. But from my limited experience, many "good Christians" live in this reality.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD


If a doctor goes along and hides harm to children then they are as evil as the perpetrators.

If doctors 10 or 20 years ago who knew or had suspicions that vaccines did harm and had the courage to speak up and tell the public we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today , with the public taking an experimental gene therapy shot. An informed public would not have permitted or tolerated the harming of their children.

We all have a responsibility to care for our neighbour and our neighbour’s children. It’s not enough to take care of our own from harm.

A friend of a friend took the shots and developed acquired hemophilia. A team of doctors from the hospital as well as the University. Medical school concluded that it is an adverse result from the COVID-19 shot. This information is not on the nightly news so these doctors are staying quiet about what they’re seeing. It’s just awful.

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Sort of like ALS and Cruetzfeld-Jakob are risks of The Lethal Injections that they're not talking about 😱...

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Yes… so many harms. My friend’s neighbour’s 14 year old daughter told the Pfizer shots. Within hours of the second shot the poor girl could not walk. This attack on people is so vicious! I wake up most every morning wishing this was all just just a terrible nightmare… unfortunately it is happening.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Very, very, very well said Kat Bro! Thank you for your lucidity and the guts to share it.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Eye for an eye is the old law. Jesus paid for our lives . All our debts are already forgiven.

Does it strike anyone as odd that all the world governments have conscripted only certain professions as part of taking over the major means of production? They even created the profession of driving without disclosure of course. They have done this under the interstate commerce clause in every country, which is maritime in nature. They managed to make everything that is key to our survival (health, food, and ability to flee) a maritime commercial activity. This could not have been done without fraud and violation of international treaties that have allowed certain parties to remain in control of Maritime Commerce, but only while on the high seas. When these corporations touch land, it is a different story. The only reason why a physician needs a license is to practice medicine. The “practice of medicine” is a legal term which is defined as practicing medicine for the government. Just like practicing law means to practice for the government as an officer of the court so are medical doctors officers of the department of public health. So you only need a license to collect payments from public funding as when you treat government dependents and employees. When scarcity translates to more poverty, more federal dependents, and more government employees, this gives the governments of the world more power to come to the rescue of theIr employees and the poor. In order to protect their property, the conscripted civilian contractors (conscripted without pay) must obey or they won’t be allowed to participate in maritime commerce. They just never bother to tell us the commerce they are talking about is maritime in nature and there lays the remedy. These people are using maritime commerce to interfere with our trade, which is our guarantee by international covenants that was supposed to take the British-Holy Roman alliance out of business. We are still dealing with these principals that refuse to yield power. Just like they have taken over politics and governments all over the world, they have been taking over peoples movements to free themselves from these unholy parasites. The christian movement, the protestant movement, the Judaic movement, what did they have in common? Their faith forbids accepting Roman Personhood. Accepting licenses is at the very core of accepting titles as these are Roman Personalities. We did not succeed in saying no to what these parasites offer, in part because they have made it very difficult for us to stay in our lane and because of their deception. But now we face the consequences of not having listened, not having been vigilant and of doing dealings with the abomination.

The New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. It is the way to the restoration of the condition of mankind. It is the path to reconciliation with our creator via the redemption of our sins. Jesus paid the sacrifice that was needed for us to inherit everlasting life again. A life forfeited by a perfect man, Adam, was redeemed by an other perfect man, Jesus who is known as the second Adam. That was the only purpose of Jesus life. It is this way as the Judaic Laws were fulfilled and we are now under the New Covenant which is not written in stone but in our hearts. No more eye for eye as that was the old Law fulfilled with Jesus. Jesus paid for our lives back. Eye for an eye is no more.

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Another way to view the new testament is that it is the correction of the old one, because the old one was flawed.

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The New Testament is actually the fulfillment of the Old Testament, which lead to the Messiah - Jesus Christ. If Jesus hadn’t died and fulfilled about 300 prophecies, there would be no hope for mankind, such as the resurrection of the dead or a hope of everlasting life.

Simply put, life wouldn’t have much meaning if at all.

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This is truly how fine the line is between good and evil. For example if the life of Christ is used as a reason for inaction, because we just have to wait patiently for him to come again, then that would truly be a sin.

However, if his life was used as a reason to act as he did, turning over the money tables, and doing what's right at ever turn, that would be good.

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Actually it is not.

What do you mean by his inaction?

Don’t you think that the one who created life can do anything with it like restore it or re-create it?

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Not Christs inaction, the inaction of his so called followers because they believe he`s going to come again to fix everything for them.

If the principles of opposites is true, the second coming of Christ will not be with the gift of forgiveness, but that of retribution (taking back of his gift from 2000 years ago) because it has been abused by so many.

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Aug 18Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

This is a very interesting way of looking at it. You are actually right.

But all I can say that it is both. I’m not sure if this is going to be very clear though.

Since the verse in Genesis 3 : 15 was uttered and recorded it became clear that the only solution for mankind to return to God’s original purpose (paradise or the Garden of Eden) was his Kingdom, or a heavenly government with Jesus as its king.

So, when Jesus’ second coming is fulfilled, there will be both retribution for the unrepentant and forgiveness for the humble ones while sinful yet repentant..

Does this make any sense to you?

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

“When statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos.”

― Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons

I would proffer the opinion that this holds true for anyone who tends to the well-being of others.

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Ignoring the voice of conscience for the sake of "government" is truly the start of the path to hell. And if one wants to take a religious view, that voice in the conscience was a warning from the highest of places.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

"In the case of the Doctor, Mortgage (money), Career (money), and Feeding the family (life) was more important than the child of another."

"Thus doth a paycheque make cowards of us all", to paraphrase The Bard. November 14, 2021 I walked away from my job rather than take The Lethal Injection. I soon discovered without it in The Province of British Columbia I was pretty much unemployable, I was staring eventual homelessness in the face. My wife agreed with me on the injection score; she also refused it and lost her job as a consequence. OTOH we were putting her vaccine-injured daughter at risk: Not working, on Social Assistance but we're topping up her rent, buying her food. By November I also divined British Columbia was literally at Stage 5 of genocide progression, I was also staring at arbitrary arrest and indefinite imprisonment for my choice. Would I take the same choice if these conditions return? In a heartbeat.

I attach "Repent": Not written by me, but reposted by me.. Possibly Dr. Negasse, you've neglected a crucial piece of the puzzle? 😇 Something Christianity is very keen on, but Judaism (and come to think of it, all contemporary moralisers) from what I've seen and read, neglects altogether. 🤔 https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent

PS I'll also attach Fernando López-Mirones "Homage to the Unvaccinated": https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/homage-to-the-unvaccinated

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

If a doctor is aware that vaccines cause harm but continues to harm children how can forgiveness be granted. Need of money is not a good excuse. When we get to the pearly gates, I just don’t think God is going to see it that way.

Sorry for all your challenges in BC. Ontario was no better. Thank goodness your wife and you were in agreement about the experimental shots.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

“If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized...

If all this is considered necessary to gain your compliance – you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.”

— Ian Watson

I suspect, Saoirse, it's been Hell on Earth for any of us with an ounce of perception, who had the guts to say "no." And we have to understand, like the early Christians, the cost of our noncompliance could well be our lives. I wrote about my experiences over the course of the Fraudemic, here: "Mending the Deck Chairs on the 'Titanic' – Prelude" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/mending-the-deckchairs-on-the-titanic. At this point I have utterly lost faith in all our institutions: Government. The Law. The Judiciary. The Academy. Medicine. Religion. And last and certainly least: The lying whore media. All of them, co-opted, bought-out, corrupt… and rotten to the core... I wrote that, and a bunch more, here: "Canada is a House on Fire / And we're locked inside it." https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/canada-is-a-house-on-fire

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

You have said it so well! Canada is on fire, we are locked in but even if we are able to get out I am not sure if there is anywhere on earth that is less insane.

Betrayal happens in one’s life. It’s difficult it’s painful, but eventually you see your way through it. But I was absolutely unprepared for the betrayal of my country. I was so grateful that I was born here in such a beautiful nation with wonderful people, and a solid constitution and government process.

I could not believe that the Canadian government could behave in a totalitarian fashion for any reason. But especially for a so-called virus that we were told we had ( in my case a 99.67%) acquiring and overcoming quite easily. When the government (I include every member in federal, provincial and municipal governments as complicit) used the override power of section 33 the non-withstanding clause to override sections, two and 7 to 15 of the charter of rights and freedoms, I knew we were being lied to and we were in trouble. I didn’t understand exactly what was going on, but I knew something was very wrong. Then heavy propaganda/marketing tactics were employed to get people to go along with the narrative. They used every single tactic that was laid out in the grade 11 curriculum, of a unit of study of psychology-sociology course I taught. After that the government utilized every coercion method laid out by Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. The government and media manipulated the public not only to take the experimental shots, but also to act as agents of hate against those who would not comply with taking an experimental injection.

There is a part of you that doesn’t want to believe that your nation is about to betray you and every person you know. I read Sinclair Lewis’ IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE, but OMG it was happening in Canada. How could this be happening?? But it did and it will never be the same again. I never thought that our institutions were so corrupt and evil. I wrote every single MP( except the Trudeau clique) and federal, senator and every MPP in Ontario to ask the them what the hell they were doing. Nothing came of that except to alert them that some of us see exactly what they are doing.

Positive outcome has been that I learned how the world really works. I don’t have all the puzzle pieces but I have enough to understand that everything is corrupted. Another positive is that once Canadians did understand what was going on they stood up and pushed back. The media, of course, never reported any of the protests in cities across the country except the truckers convoy, which could not be ignored. I was very proud to be Canadian amongst those beautiful people who courageously stood up.

I no longer identify with my nation state or government. I belong to the community of beautiful Canadians who stand for truth.

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This seems relevant: Came up in conversation with my wife on the way home from work this evening and about the 4th Ambulance of the day... Something I posted September 12 last year, "The Sound of Sirens" https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/the-sound-of-sirens

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I have a bit of a problem.with Reason being the differentiating factor between good and bad forgiveness, such as they are proposed. I mean, must there be Reason inside Faith? As a dr, retired and outside of the evil colleges, having quit instead of pushing the Big Lie, its a safe place to be. Bless you who stood fast against evil at huge personal and professional cost!

More than mere Reason is in effect imho, and i agree with the esteemed author but i have struggled with the initial question. Humbly i would not argue with the utility of Reason, yet as i grow in faith in the Good, i find myself empowered to see the (paradoxical) greatness in humility, the wisdom of denying my previous science-is-all worldview, and the steadfast belief that humanity has come thus far because of real virtue and courage bequested by Christ, denying vs tolerating its evil opposite as prescribed by the weak, nearly forgiveable satanists. Forgiveable evil? Good forgiveness and bad forgiveness? The closer i get to God the more i draw the distinction between man's worldly justice and God's infinite mercy.

The road to forgiveness is paved with such an understanding.

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Reason is the purpose for the forgiveness. For example if all that can be done has been done to right a wrong, and a wrong still remains, asking for forgiveness is the last resort. To grant forgiveness for someone who just seeks to clear their conscience is equally as wrong, as it allows the wrongdoer to continue wrongdoing. Forgiveness is a very powerful entity, but as with anything powerful, it can be turned to both good or evil depending on the reason for its use. For example, small transgressions, forgiven without just reason or thought, like paying taxes to a government that committs war crimes, add up to great monsters that committ great evils.

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Good point, good Dr.! Taxed to and for death...

Your reasoning here stands tall. Small r reason. In my mind was the other, large R Reason, as in the Age of Reason so useful to the far left...Reason, Science, godless arrogance replacing Truth, Faith, Trust, Love etc.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Our moral compass tells us that it is wrong to knowingly participate in harm. There are no excuses.

If doctors were just bit more curious about the skyrocketing autism and autoimmune diseases rates over the past 20 years the globe would not be in the predicament of having been hoodwinked and bullied into taking experimental gene therapy shots.

Arrogance and silence got us here.

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Small sins, combined with repeated forgiveness, resulting in “cleared” consciences that go on to repeat the small sins over and over again can add up to create great monsters.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Arrogance, silence and greed.

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Oh yes… you are right!

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Bless your beautiful Soul for standing up to the evil medical system. There are no words for that kind of courage. I confess I do not completely understand the last few sentences of your second paragraph.

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The request for forgiveness has to come with a heart of repentance. An omniscient Being can't grant forgiveness without this repentance and should in all theory know the difference.

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Would anyone omniscient want repentance? or Redemption? (for his children) Redemption requires repair and restitution and the soul is restored. Repentance, to re-pent, to re cage into a penta(gram), has all sorts of side effects. If you`re unsure of what the masonic spelling of words mean, listen to your heart. Redemption grows the heart and soul. As for repentance - ask your heart, does it replenish?

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The Doctor afraid to do the right thing relied upon bad theology. It is wise to rely upon Christ's Mercy for we all need it; but it is unwise to presume it and forget that He is Just as well.

Saint John wrote that perfect love casts out all fear. And fear casts out all love. Her fear cast out her Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm then treat the patient; the natural law, to not harm someone else because you would not wish to be harmed; and Christ's supernatural law of love, which is, there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another; as He did. Making the distinction between "good and evil forgiveness" is an unnecessary conflation of many things and unhelpful.

As a wise spiritual person wrote, " badness consists in doing bad things. Evil is different: it is the deliberate destruction of truth, virtue, and holiness. "

" Be Not Afraid " appears in the Bible more than any other phrase. As Evil continues to engulf us, I believe, we all will soon be tested (if we have not already) as to whether we are going to succumb to our own weakness (like the Doctor administering the harmful vaccines out of fear) or believe much more in God's love (like Dr Nagase).

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Thank you.

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No, thank you for your great courage, clarity, charity, commitment, and sacrifice.

God Bless!

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Dr. You told me that my greatest mistake is to believe I am reading the Word of God because someone told me this was the Word of God.


YOUR greatest mistake is to believe that someone is a Christian because they told you they are Christian.

If I am wrong, so are you.

BTW… A TRUE, BIBLICAL Christian would never do what you are describing. Period. Those who believe they are and call themselves Christian? 100%. Hell is full of such “Christians”, and the Bible is replete with warnings.

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labels don`t get you into heaven, if that`s your goal. The gift of mind, heart and conscience combined with the forgiveness of every new day to correct the wrongs of yesterday is truth. Misuse of forgiveness, the gift of living another day, to repeat the wrongs of yesterday is a deadly mistake. If Christ said such a thing it must have been edited out shortly after his death by people who profit off of forgiveness made evil. Use your gifts to reason whether or not a passage was actually written by someone omnipotent or wise. Either God was a psychopath parent who created Amalekites, and then was unable to teach them morality, so he ordered his other children to kill them, OR that passage has nothing to do with any divine creator, and everything to do with just a plain old psychopath.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Does this verse imply forgiveness? No! Matthew 18:6 says:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Your post, my comment and this verse refer to harming children, not to Amalekites. As far as Amalekites are concerned, it is exactly what happened to current humanity. God created humans and gave us free will and his word to follow for our good. (That is including Amalekites). Did they? No. They got free will, exercised it, and received consequences of their evil choice. The same thing with this current generation. This generation will be totally destroyed by burning in “fervent heat” for disobedience, for evil, for taking the mark of the beast and all that goes with it. God as a good parent, again, allowed the world free choice. But consequences always follow wrong choice. BTW: there is NO forgiveness for taking the mark of the beast. It’s very clearly spelt in the Bible. Follow evil and be eternally destroyed (sooner or later) or follow the Holy Spirit. Those who were led by the Holy Spirit (most having no idea about scientific repercussions) did not and will not take it. Tgat includes me. Those who did not take it for any other reason than guidance of the Holy Spirit WILL be deceived and WILL take it soon. Again, all clear in the Bible…

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Aug 14Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I agree with you, Alina. A lot of people during the time of Jesus claimed to worship the true God, like many scribes and the Pharisees. Yet, Jesus called them the seeds of the Devil.

We both know why. They were hypocrites.

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First thing Jesus would do is hang a millstone around the neck and throw in the ocean the Old Testament “Lord Almighty”. If you choose to believe the old testament God created everything, then he created Amalekites as well. To order their destruction by his chosen people is the definition of immorality. Christ would have had a better resolution to warring tribes.

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Aug 16Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I respectfully disagree. Jesus did almost exactly what you claim with the sacrifice he made.

Would you be willing to sacrifice your life for a good, or great cause? Maybe someone you love or care for?

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I Just had A Huge Awareness recently! I saw The Planet Earth as Flawed with my Consciousness! I’ve been working with/on my Awareness in The Present Moment. Recently I had a Huge Awareness That Earth Is Perfectly Perfect!!! 7.9 Billion of US each of us a Piece of This Great Puzzle called Life!!! We are All in it Together Growing Learning Quantum World each playing the Part for ourselves and Each Other!!! Totally Revolutionized My Vibration Frequency Sound in Our Beautiful World!!! I Am not saying it’s Easy But Amazing 4 Humanity and Self!!!

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Hello Dr. Nagase. I'm a new subscriber and I find your articles very stimulating. I have been thinking of this article in the context of your recent article about the dimensions of time (a very big chunk of time spent to consume!)...

Here are my thoughts based on your binary ideas of time. God is binary!!! Yes you read that right. He/She/It is on or off! Exists or doesn't. On or Off! Lets look at both sides.

1.) What does it mean if there is no Creator?

If we live in a universe that is NOT Created then everything that occurs is random. By definition life has no meaning and attempts at applying meaning only results in more confusion and fake associations. This is actually a strong argument that the universe is a random occurrence and supports why there's so much corruption in the world. To think REASON can be applied in this situation is very hard to think about. I'll leave those thoughts to you.

2.) What does it mean if there is a Creator?

If we think there IS a Creator then the following MUST also be correct. Humanity is here as the result of intension by an empowered unknown force that created everything that can be known by humans. If you accept this idea then you see that we are here by some unknown power of LIFE. Life is the conduit... It appears to be what gives us consciousness. Here's the thing, if this Creator began life then he MUST have also created the Universe as the infrastructure to support it!!!? Think electrons, Atoms, Molecules, Space, dead moons and planets, Galaxies... Not to mention all the things that modern physics is confused by. I'm sure you know that ALL LIFE on the planet is Alien!!! Yes, no space vehicles required. No possible way life started here. To me That Says ALL things are Sacred and the Creator is in ALL THINGS.

So, you may be thinking, where does that speak to Religion, the Bible, the Quran, Budisum or Hinduism? I'll leave that answer to you. My thoughts are that maybe almost all human thoughts are all somewhere BETWEEN a binary zero or one!!... Not quite one, not quite zero... I see myself as ON or OFF. To me all points in between are unreasonable. I think ALL the religious writing are the thoughts of Humanity (that is not to say they are not inspired) and somewhere in the middle between zero and one. All the hopes, dreams and fears are springboards of religion. I try to see the ONENESS of all things. Cheers.

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I suspect you will soon have an omniscience moment. In an instant you will know both everything and nothing at the same time. More importantly you will know the why of everything, and if you have same the human limitations of mind and language that I have, be unable to put it into words.

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I have had further thoughts about the connection of time and The Creator...

I've read that time exists so that everything in the universe doesn't happen all at once and I think that this is a correct assumption.

I can imagine that if time didn't exist then all that was present in the universe, all evolutionary events, would happen instantly!

This idea may explain how a Creator could know all things about everything!... That Creator would simply have the ability to stop time or see all things apart from time... And know all future outcomes in the universe. He/She/It would know all creation and understand completely all activities.

Now, here's the interesting part. Does this Creator experience time?? In other words, does the Creator experience a progression into something unknown? Or, perhaps a Creator like this just knows everything but nothing changes?... Can't imagine that is likely... This would be like an eternity without change. I don't think a Superior Being would want that.

Does time move faster at the level of a Creator? Maybe 186,000 miles per second (the speed of light) times some amazing big number? Fun to think about. Are there subatomic particles, smaller than photons, whizzing past that Creator that are not understood?

Perhaps we will someday know... Maybe it's all about US.

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If you have a chance to look at the CIA project looking glass documents, one thing you realize is that the consciousness can move forwards/backwards and sideways in time (different timeline). That`s probably why they had such a hard time deciphering different readings from people who sat in the looking glass chair. The “readers” were actually looking at alternate pasts and alternate futures.

The key is that you cannot physically pass to a different timeline or into the past. Only the consciousness can “travel in time”

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I had not heard about looking glass. However, having read a bit about it, here are my initial thoughts:

1.) This ability to experience other time lines requires a ~4000 year old device brought to earth at that time by aliens. I think this is a miniscule possibility as I think any and all extra terrestrial visits from anywhere are highly unlikely... The distances are to great and there are no obvious incentives. That said, the government loves to talk about phenomena in the sky. All theater.

2.) To change my mind I would need to see the machine and understand its function... I also have never seen a recovered alien space craft of any kind (and I should have if one existed).

3.) This may be my biggest concern. The C Eye A just makes shit up. Their job is to manipulate and influence. If this technology was real its impact would be seen. Imagine the effect on the average person if multiple time lines were present. The C employs only one kind of person and they all keep their mouths shut. Any other kind is not heard from... No such thing as a C whistle blower.

I found the reading of this subject very insightful and thank you for the information and the opportunity to respond. Oh, I will add that the only out of time experience I've ever had are what's called "Deja Vu"... Have them a lot.

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Language is so hard and can be easily imprecise...

The idea when talking about alien craft would be more precise if I had said "(and I PROBABLY would have if one existed)".

Please be patient with me I'm still learning how to express myself.

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As far as what an omnipotent creator would do to pass the time, I suspect one of the activities would be to navigate his own creation without omnipotence to experience the worlds created by his own creations first hand. (The Roman empire, the American Empire, world wars etc.)

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Seeing into the future is the same as predicting where a thrown baseball will land. If you know the baseball`s past - where it started -; the baseball`s present - speed and current position; then you can predict it`s future - where it will land. Then only thing that can change your prediction of the future is another consciousness that controls matter, e.g. another person jumping up and changing the baseball`s trajectory.

The further you predict into the future, the less accurate your prediction, because there is more time for other consciousnesses to change your prediction.

Project looking glass is really just a variation of a regular looking glass, i.e. a telescope. The further you look into the distance, the less likely it is that the object you see afar will be the same when you get there as when you first observed it.

The project looking glass "chair" is probably based on a time magnifier the same way a telescope is based on a spatial (optical) magnification.

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That would be an awesome occurrence! Your comment reminded me of a piece of my past.

Eight to Ten years ago I was reading an article about multiple (infinite) Universes. I don't recall the author but the thesis was that everyone exists in a unique universe created just for them and they overlap to interact with others. The article went on to explain that if what you think is not supported by your universe you would automatically, unknowingly, be transported to a universe that would support your evolved (or corrupted) thinking. The end of the idea was that if you wanted to you could make a conscious decision to direct your life to a different universe where, essentially, your wishes would be recognized.

At that time I remember thinking: Okay, if this is correct, I want to go to a universe where I can realize the meaning of life. Yes this was my test and I didn't know how I would evaluate success or failure but that was the stated desire.

Everything around me now is very different from the past and my mind seems to continually improve. I seem to instantly determine fact from fiction (theater as seen in MSM)... But, no sight yet of the meaning of all things thou your words are encouraging!

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Aug 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Amen brother. You ever swinging through eastern Utah or western Colorado, hit me up here and I’ll send you my ph/email. I would love to break bread with you. All good tidings to you and yours.

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Aug 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

At what point do we become 'pawns' in the game?

I just wrote my two sons now serving in the military. Both are company grade officers with families.

There is (in my opinion) a juggernaut heading for what we like to think are our western democracies. When it hits in it's many guise's and forms it will separate the world into two camps. Should my sons find themselves on the side of the oppressor, they must ask themselves, 'What price do I pay for my soul?' Do I follow unethical and possibly immoral orders all in the name of the UCMJ and it's retribution? Or, do I follow the teachings of God?

My children know this about me:

Upon the knowledge of my own inadvertent participation in the three letter agencies immoral acts, I exited the military. Not knowing where I and my family would find ourselves. Was I courageous? No, I was following my heart. I would like to say my faith but that came later. I was lucky and managed to have my own business and join the reserves flying part time and not for the company. Both were successful.

The present situation is not the same as I faced. Yet, the price is still the same. We must all face this dilemma. Although, some are so lost that there never appears to be a choice.

So, at what point do we become 'pawns' in the game?

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Thank you for your courage. Before thinking the game is too big to change, change perspectives and consider What is the game?

If the game was a soul of your own, you`ve already won.

Now the game is the soul of your children. Do you want a process where you just fix everything for them? Or do you want a process where they follow in your footsteps and find the courage you found in yourself when faced with a costly decision to do right?

I pray for your victory in this next stage, and for the future in whatever theaters you may choose to put your soul to the test.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Intentions matter but are outweighed by outcomes.

We can argue all we like about the initial quandary but we're years past that and they are more complicit by the day due to the fact they are aiding this narrative to protect themselves. They're hiding their crimes and are the calculated shield the people responsible manufactured to protect themselves from reprisals.

99.99% of all doctors and nurses know at some level and to admit this is to admit liability- physically, financially, spiritually and emotionally.

Looking forward to your next chat with Lexie and co

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Aug 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

The Devil quotes scripture in bad English translations of the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.

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It is up to the mind and heart of the reader to decipher what is true vs false.

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