Enjoying your thoughtful contemplations. Two years ago, I came across this video about 11 dimensions, string theory, and superstring theory. Pretty much my only vague comprehension of these concepts beyond the 4th dimension are best summarized in this video: https://youtu.be/UxubeeSqSmk
What stuck with me was that in the 10th dimension is function outside of space and time. Theologically, God operates outside of space and time with His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. God is our Creator, and knows us in his thoughts independent of time
When you look through a telescope at objects out in space, you are actually looking BACK IN TIME. The further away the object, the older the view of it we see.
To work with your reasoning about time metaphors and seeing them in our 3 dimensional moments of life, then looking through a microscope would be more analogous to looking forward in time. That certainly is true when we see a fertilized egg dividing and the fetus developing over a short period of time into a baby we recognize. We see a zygote through the microscope and see the future human it becomes from the moment of conception!
The more I learn from nature and scientific method, the more humble I become to the power of God in all things.
“1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the word of life: 2 For the life was manifested; and we have seen and do bear witness, and declare unto you the life eternal, which was with the Father, and hath appeared to us: 3 That which we have seen and have heard, we declare unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us, and our fellowship may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you, that you may rejoice, and your joy may be full. 5 And this is the declaration which we have heard from him, and declare unto you: That God is light, and in him there is no darkness.“
absolutely! And there's a reason why NASA (Never A Straight Answer) is the biggest user of Helium in the world In 2019 the estimated annual helium consumption,ption was around 75,000to 100,000 cubic meters!! WHY? Because satellites are put up with HELIUM BALLOONS!!
Yes, Captain absolutely do you know I was sick with that chest cold for nearly 3 months. I look after everybody else, but I paid attention to myself last that was a big wake up. Call for me.
This, interestingly, lines up in a rather fuzzy way with the theory of existence posited by the supposedly channeled entity known as Ra. Whether you believe it is actually a channeled entity or not, it is an interesting theory. They refer to eight octaves of existence, with the highest being dissolution of the illusion of "Self" back into Source. So, basically, becoming one with everything and nothing.
Also, I think you are 100% spot on correct in your assessments of the dimensionality of God (as observed and observable - or, rather, fathomable - reality and realities) and of the implications of this frame on our understanding of free will and our actual logical “place” in the “universe” (the “god-verse”).
When I in past yrs sat in meditation for enough time (there it is again) to release all normal notions of self and then experience the letting go of the entire mind and body, whatever not-quite-“I” entity that is still sitting there has experienced the most profound joy. Bordering on hysterics. Once I fell over laughing. Becoming and being a father has brought similar ecstatic experiences of connection with everything. Some powerful psychedelics as well, along with a different vision angle across the dimensions. “I” have come to understand God and reality as deeply funny. Which makes sense too - because it’s all a play. We are all at play across the infinite potentialities of the dimensions of the Lord (at play in the fields of the Lord).
It's amazing when you finally "know" and "don't know" at the same time. The digital language of 1's and 0's becomes sensible, the quaternary language of ACGT genetics becomes readable, and then above all languages comes the realization that it is the thought that counts.
Oh I just got shivers. Yes. I have this conversation w various people critters plants God almost every day. Language. Math. Messages. Symbol patterning to transmit information. These are the spells that cast the dimensions from the collective God-mind. It’s all language. All word. In my sense of cosmology, God is everything and everything is Word made manifest.
3d space is not observable without time. Eg. the same way a flat plane cannot be observed from itself . You have to be on another plane looking down, a 3d world cannot be observed from within itself, it must be observed from another 3d world a moment of time ahead of what you are observing
I’m in Calgary Alberta Daniels advise how do I get hold of him is this the only format is there an email phone number can anybody please give me my sister is released from the hospital with 20% kidney and she never had her kidney so low it’s a mystery to us
The characters 次元 are said to have been adopted in 1889, translated by a Japanese mathematician (from Wiki). Come to think of it, strictly speaking I don't get why he picked those characters.
In Chinese language they use the characters 維度. Which seems like a more accurate translation from Latin.
Both indicate directionality and connectivity in a linear fashion tho. In a way they are overlapping or perhaps fractal in nature.
I suppose, theoretically, density also comes to play.
Since the US Congress is buzzing around UAP & disclosure, I wonder, if such advanced crafts existed, how they were capable of travelling fabrics of space and time in this vast universe. Also, at times they seem to dematerialise. Do they really dematerialise like those crafts depicted in Japanese anime and Hollywood movies? Or do they just move so fast without interacting with the atmosphere and gravity, that none of our naked eyes and technology could capture? Fun to think of.
the Hindu flight manual for pilots of Vimanas supposedly warned pilots that they had to be of pure mind else their Vimana would not only end up in a different location but possibly in a different time as well. This concept makes vimanas not that far from what we see as reality, because to traverse across different timelines in a 5th dimensional time area, one has to use imagination to "see" different outcomes before choosing a specific timeline. (Think of the balloon example above) So if a Vimana pilot is imagining something other than his destination, it may change the timeline of the flying Vimana and he and his passengers will end up lost
you are brilliant and oh how your mind works! I can't wait until you discover how the earth is flat and exactly how the sun and moon work on our realm!
Respectfully I suggest stepping back from this one. It's easy to get thrown off by alternative media. This is one the controllers have created to lump in all the truthers with flat earth. Don't be fooled here.
Enjoying your thoughtful contemplations. Two years ago, I came across this video about 11 dimensions, string theory, and superstring theory. Pretty much my only vague comprehension of these concepts beyond the 4th dimension are best summarized in this video: https://youtu.be/UxubeeSqSmk
What stuck with me was that in the 10th dimension is function outside of space and time. Theologically, God operates outside of space and time with His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. God is our Creator, and knows us in his thoughts independent of time
When you look through a telescope at objects out in space, you are actually looking BACK IN TIME. The further away the object, the older the view of it we see.
To work with your reasoning about time metaphors and seeing them in our 3 dimensional moments of life, then looking through a microscope would be more analogous to looking forward in time. That certainly is true when we see a fertilized egg dividing and the fetus developing over a short period of time into a baby we recognize. We see a zygote through the microscope and see the future human it becomes from the moment of conception!
The more I learn from nature and scientific method, the more humble I become to the power of God in all things.
1st Epistle of St John, Chapter 1 (DRBO.org)
“1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the word of life: 2 For the life was manifested; and we have seen and do bear witness, and declare unto you the life eternal, which was with the Father, and hath appeared to us: 3 That which we have seen and have heard, we declare unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us, and our fellowship may be with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write to you, that you may rejoice, and your joy may be full. 5 And this is the declaration which we have heard from him, and declare unto you: That God is light, and in him there is no darkness.“
FYI: there is no space - all the entities called stars are in the waters above the dome firmament that encloses God's Flat Earth.
Research. (But YouTube censors much so don't start there.) Gab's Flat Earth group is good. Gab.com
Dd you know all "Astronauts" are Masons? They've never been to the moon https://youtu.be/BJZ9sqvH9dY?si=aoCssKZwe4CjaQft
The whole NASA space program is a scam. What do you think they've done with the hundreds of billions they have stolen from taxpayers?
All astronauts are actornauts.
absolutely! And there's a reason why NASA (Never A Straight Answer) is the biggest user of Helium in the world In 2019 the estimated annual helium consumption,ption was around 75,000to 100,000 cubic meters!! WHY? Because satellites are put up with HELIUM BALLOONS!!
We ever going to do lunch?
Yes, Captain absolutely do you know I was sick with that chest cold for nearly 3 months. I look after everybody else, but I paid attention to myself last that was a big wake up. Call for me.
No I did not know you were sick with a cold, sounds like a bad one, glad you're better... send me a private message... 😘
This, interestingly, lines up in a rather fuzzy way with the theory of existence posited by the supposedly channeled entity known as Ra. Whether you believe it is actually a channeled entity or not, it is an interesting theory. They refer to eight octaves of existence, with the highest being dissolution of the illusion of "Self" back into Source. So, basically, becoming one with everything and nothing.
Very, very interesting.
Also, I think you are 100% spot on correct in your assessments of the dimensionality of God (as observed and observable - or, rather, fathomable - reality and realities) and of the implications of this frame on our understanding of free will and our actual logical “place” in the “universe” (the “god-verse”).
There is joy when people "get it". I suspect that's the whole point. Pure Joy.
When I in past yrs sat in meditation for enough time (there it is again) to release all normal notions of self and then experience the letting go of the entire mind and body, whatever not-quite-“I” entity that is still sitting there has experienced the most profound joy. Bordering on hysterics. Once I fell over laughing. Becoming and being a father has brought similar ecstatic experiences of connection with everything. Some powerful psychedelics as well, along with a different vision angle across the dimensions. “I” have come to understand God and reality as deeply funny. Which makes sense too - because it’s all a play. We are all at play across the infinite potentialities of the dimensions of the Lord (at play in the fields of the Lord).
It's amazing when you finally "know" and "don't know" at the same time. The digital language of 1's and 0's becomes sensible, the quaternary language of ACGT genetics becomes readable, and then above all languages comes the realization that it is the thought that counts.
Oh I just got shivers. Yes. I have this conversation w various people critters plants God almost every day. Language. Math. Messages. Symbol patterning to transmit information. These are the spells that cast the dimensions from the collective God-mind. It’s all language. All word. In my sense of cosmology, God is everything and everything is Word made manifest.
I’ve reread this post of yours. It just gets better. Bless you sir, across and throughout all dimensions and consciousnesses.
I get hung up once we start considering multiple timelines. How can this be treated the same way as 2d/3d space? Or am I missing something?
3d space is not observable without time. Eg. the same way a flat plane cannot be observed from itself . You have to be on another plane looking down, a 3d world cannot be observed from within itself, it must be observed from another 3d world a moment of time ahead of what you are observing
I’m in Calgary Alberta Daniels advise how do I get hold of him is this the only format is there an email phone number can anybody please give me my sister is released from the hospital with 20% kidney and she never had her kidney so low it’s a mystery to us
I had to take a break halfway. I’ve read a lot on relativity so this is interesting
The characters 次元 are said to have been adopted in 1889, translated by a Japanese mathematician (from Wiki). Come to think of it, strictly speaking I don't get why he picked those characters.
In Chinese language they use the characters 維度. Which seems like a more accurate translation from Latin.
Both indicate directionality and connectivity in a linear fashion tho. In a way they are overlapping or perhaps fractal in nature.
I suppose, theoretically, density also comes to play.
Since the US Congress is buzzing around UAP & disclosure, I wonder, if such advanced crafts existed, how they were capable of travelling fabrics of space and time in this vast universe. Also, at times they seem to dematerialise. Do they really dematerialise like those crafts depicted in Japanese anime and Hollywood movies? Or do they just move so fast without interacting with the atmosphere and gravity, that none of our naked eyes and technology could capture? Fun to think of.
the Hindu flight manual for pilots of Vimanas supposedly warned pilots that they had to be of pure mind else their Vimana would not only end up in a different location but possibly in a different time as well. This concept makes vimanas not that far from what we see as reality, because to traverse across different timelines in a 5th dimensional time area, one has to use imagination to "see" different outcomes before choosing a specific timeline. (Think of the balloon example above) So if a Vimana pilot is imagining something other than his destination, it may change the timeline of the flying Vimana and he and his passengers will end up lost
I adore you sir.
you are brilliant and oh how your mind works! I can't wait until you discover how the earth is flat and exactly how the sun and moon work on our realm!
Is this a joke about flat earth?
Respectfully I suggest stepping back from this one. It's easy to get thrown off by alternative media. This is one the controllers have created to lump in all the truthers with flat earth. Don't be fooled here.
I feel pretty comfortable with my discoveries actually.... but thank you!
Haha I knew you were going to say that!
:-) I know all about the firmament and why we have rainbows and why Clinton refers to the "glass ceiling" and and and Fred