"With enough knowledge of biology and chemistry, one comes to a realization that all biology IS chemistry. Everything that happens in biology is a chemical reaction, with changes and exchanges of energy between atoms and molecules driving the changes and activities inside living bodies.

But it does not stop there. With enough knowledge of chemistry AND physics, one realizes all chemistry IS physics."

With enough knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics, one realizes that all science is theology, and that Satan -- and his human contractors -- have taken great efforts for many centuries to split apart knowledge of physical reality and the laws of the physical universe from knowledge of God and the laws of the moral universe.

Part of what's happening now, historically (in my view), is that mankind is running into the natural consequences of trying to live in a world created and sustained by God, as if He didn't create it in the beginning, and hasn't actively sustained it at every moment since.

Which doesn't work well, because among the many laws He built into His Creation, one of them is the moral law: that mankind -- to the extent he wants to be as happy as he can be during this earthly exile -- must understand his contingency on God, and must worship God in the ways that God has ordained.

Mankind is free to pretend those things aren't true, but not free not to be confronted with the natural consequences of trying to live out of kilter with the laws of the universe as God set them up.

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the division between the 3

sciences and mathematics is false. there is no division between the limits of mathematics and philosophy. religion and philosophy are also separated artificially. religion just like philosophy and science is observable and testable for veracity.

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This is great but I have a feeling you are confusing religion with faith, including science driven by faith, rather then experiments that apply the scientific method…

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In Mattias Desmet’s book called The Psychology of Totalitarianism, after discussing the limits of the mechanistic worldview, he claims examples of how adhering to strict ethical principles (he doesn’t define them) has led to astonishing physical resilience, as in good health, citing Solzhenitsyn’s recounting of a prisoner who stood out for his honesty and nobility, refusing to carry out assignments he considered unethical, though punished, refusing to steal food from other prisoners, common among prisoners, and otherwise adhering to his ethics. Solzhenitsyn describes the effect on his body: “And even more: because of the astounding influence on his body of his bright and spotless human spirit (though no one today believes in any such influence, no one understands it) the organism of Grigory Ivanovich, who was no longer young (close to fifty), grew stronger in camp; his early rheumatism of the joints disappeared completely, and he became particularly healthy after the typhus from which he recovered: in the winter he went out in cotton sacks, making holes in them for his head and his arms—and he did not catch a cold.” Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism (White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2022): 173; citing Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (London: The Harvey Press, 1986): 318-19. It might have been coincidence, or made up. I know Desmet has been criticized. I’m citing his work, not promoting it. Relatedly in my mind there are yoga and other practice proponents who suggest after a certain state is reached, remarkable health benefits happen (real yoga, not the fashion show branch). Ram Dass claimed in Be Here Now to have come across an advanced practitioner in India on whom the too much LSD he gave him had no effect. It might have been coincidence, or made up.

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living honestly leads to excellent restful sleep; a lot of disappointment at the state of humanity; alcohol and caffeine don't have as much of an effect as before, and I don't seem to need food. It comes with an exceptional desire to always be standing in sunlight, and that' about as far as I've developped so far.

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This is true but this does not guarantee one is not living in a delusion…

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Good synopsis, I prefer the name Creator, but the concept is the same.

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Actually, “biology is chemistry” is not really true, as quantum mechanics is the fundamental science that governs all that exists on subatomic level…

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Katherine, you've been challenged in the past to cite valid evidence of any "virus" and to weigh in on the FOIs that show no one even has a valid independent variable for a virologist to study (purified particles from hosts). No one has ever shown any "virus" to exist, man-made or God-made. You could surely cite valid scientific evidence to the contrary, if I'm wrong.



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A marvelous essay and such a helpful examination of the fallacies of the “no virus” concept that keeps being used as a cudgel disrupting constructive conversations— thank you Dr Nagase! - Ginger

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No-virus people point out the illogic of virology and there is nothing in Daniel's article to show that any "virus" does exist. Lots of ad hominin and dancing around though.

Dismissing the reality of virology is not constructive, unless your goal is to ensure that the fake-virus-related carnage of the last 100+ years continues via all the harmful measures that are taken based on "virus" dogma.

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Good point...nothing in the essay criticizing the main point of those that criticize virology, that is the method that is used to say a virus exists. That is a major point of the "viruses don't exist camp", that the method that is said to prove a virus exists is flawed. The essay doesn't uses a word spray instead. Virology is the main psyop, worth lots of money.

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name 1 ad hominem or "dancing around". Massey is 100% wrong.

Put your belief in "no viruses" to the test. Genital Herpese and Plantar warts are my suggestion.

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Is this your strongest evidence, Dr Nagase? Herpes and Plantar Warts? This article is a prime example of intellectual masturbation that has nothing to do with the cell culture methodology that made John Enders a Nobel Prize Winner, and who in his own conclusion section admits that his cell culture without adding an independent variable still exhibited cytopathic effects which negates his entire "discovery" of a virus in the first place. Besides that, Dr Stefan Lanka proved conclusively years ago that cytopathic effect occurs with or without adding supranatant (bodily fluids of a sick person) . . . but what I have found for 3 years is all of the arguments against the fallacy of virology have zip to do with science but are full of accusations and lousy attempts to present any doctor or scientist who has bothered to READ virology studies as some kind of Pied Piper leading all of us poor fools astray . . . or some kind CIA tool as promoted by Dr Henry Ealy . . . so what's your game? The way I see it all of the modern medical profession could easily lose their jobs if the truth was ever allowed to be openly discussed.

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my evidence is https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/what-is-a-living-thing and all the links from that article . maybe you should read it again.

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So for anyone on this thread who wants to spend some time examining the absurd methodology used by the virologists for themselves . . . may I suggest you read Dr Mark Bailey's FAREWELL TO VIROLOGY or you can go back to 2021-2022 on the Bitchute Channels of Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaufman where both of these doctors spent hours reading and showing on screen the exact methodology used in virtually all studies. And Dr Sam Bailey (www.drsambailey.com) has spent 4 years examining the studies and history of many of these so-called "viral" diseases including chicken pox, polio, rabies, tobacco mosaic virus, influenza, West Nile Virus, and on and on . So instead of reading a treatise on how you've been fooled by the nefarious psychiatrist as Dr Nagase paints Dr Andrew Kaufman, go do some studying yourself. There is no lack of honest appraisals of the fallacies of this pseudo-science and if you care to read instead of listen then avail yourself of Mike Stone's prodigious work on his website: www.viroliegy.com . . . it's all there. Obviously, doing any of this research is way below the heights to which Dr Nagase sees himself ascending.

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Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin. I feel bad for you guys, Malone gave you such a hard time. How could he? I receive his Emails, seems to be a good person.

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So great to see the connection. I would add music ( frequency) the art of healing. Combines all to get in tune together, to heal and to lift up. In these current times many obstacles affecting the morphogenic field of the body. 5G, wifi, low orbiting satellites etc. disrupting the ease (energy) around the body the dis-ease. What’s the right frequency to be living at, the right frequency to heal? I believe Rockfeller decided on 440Hz for the music industry. How does frequency affect parasites, nervous system, the mitochondria? If every cell in your body has 1.4 volts and your body has something like 50 trillion cells the body would have 70 trillion volts of electricity. Imagine all of us being in tune with one another and our environment, pretty powerful. Just some thoughts I have been exploring over the last 4 years.

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I've retuned every instrument I own to 432 Hz. It is mathematically more symmetrical.

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So what about Lúc Montigners experiment in 2011 showing a potential transmission of disease via radiation exposure in the presence of water? ( DNA replication from unstructured nucleic acid when formed DNA exposed to 7hz radiation .) That could potentially explain the ‘contagion’ of diseases such as chickenpox/ herpes etc. By some form of transmission process that clearly exists ( the experiment is repeatable) - but we clearly don’t understand yet. ( Or it’s not being advertised by those who have studied it.) That experiment alone should make both sides of the ‘virus’ / ‘no virus’ debate question their fundamental knowledge of all disease transmission…

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That was an amazing experiment. while radiation replication is possible according to the experiment , it is very slow. far slower than spread within the body, and between animals, plants and people

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How do we know how fast it ‘can be?’ Perhaps in nature under the right conditions it’s extremely fast., & extremely common?! - Who knows? Point is that a mechanism of quantum transportation is indeed apparent in biology- but we simply don’t understand it.

It points out our real lack of knowledge, despite the medical fraternity’s arrogant attitude of assumed deep understanding…

The fact that no experiment in human history can conclusively replicate disease transmission (contagion), yet is blindly ignored by most ‘experts,’ further demonstrates this point.

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that last sentence that "no experiment in human history.." is false. You don't seem to know scientific history or even current biology experiments and what they have proven.

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Ok send me a published copy of one please. I’m open to changing my mind if you can. Please do so!

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Frequencies are important to consider- I agree. Our chakras are tuned to certain frequencies. Parasites, bacteria and fungi have frequencies. The solar system has frequencies. Frequencies of music were initially changed by the catholic church to take away the ability to connect to source with hymns, for example. Healing Codes for a Biological Apocalypse has great info on that. Also The Invisible Rainbow. Frequencies can cure dis-ease. It’s facinating.

Thank you Dr. N for your amazing work and contribution to humanity. I’ve seen you speak a few times as well.

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According to a bio acoustic expert fren, this pitch battle is a personal choice. Whichever frequency you feel comfortable, is the right one. (Ask dolphins !)

I personally don't feel much difference btwn 440 Hz and 432 Hz which is equally heavily marketed. (I know people who were into 432 Hz got the jabs tho)

Besides, after receiving the shots, I hear more and more the standardised treatments from the pre cvd don't always work. As a metaphor, it feels as tho it's the same music score (symptom) but now being played by a musical instrument tuned at a different frequency. How does that fit in all this pitch battle?

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i started recording all my music at tempos that are multiples of 7 bpm. is this better? i don't know yet

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By constantly referring to him as “psychiatrist Dr Kaufman who…controls minds, would have you believe, etc…” you are using the same tactics of word spells as you accuse him of using.

So. Why should we believe you?

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i am naming him a the psychiatrist dr. kaufmann, to make sure no other dr. kaufmans are implicated.

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You referred to Andy as being on the other side of the world in one of your earlier rants about him (which also contained zero valid scientific evidence of any "virus"). I found that very strange given that Andy is based in the U.S. and you are based in Canada. Almost as if someone else had written that article for you.

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You shouldn't believe Dr Nagase or anyone else. Read the studies yourself . . . .

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Dr. Daniel Nagase reminds me the Greek philosopher Socrates who was ordered to die because he refused to denounced his truth that was in contradiction to Athens elites . They gave him the choice how to die and Socrates choose to drink Hemlock . Alberta medical criminals took Daniel license for saving life with ivermectin , if he lived in ancient Athens he might have to choose hemlock instead to obey the criminals. And so another Alberta doctor who was born in former Czechoslovakia as I did, Dr. William Makis we both experienced what is a tyranny, only today it is an attempt for a total global tyranny much more dangerous tyranny we experienced under the Czech communists. Daniel, William and so many other doctors and nurses and all who lost jobs for refusing or being critical of the death shot are today's Socrates needed for the survival of the specie. Without them no future for our next generations.

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After reading your living vs non living determinants especially on reproduction an idea popped into my head

The sperm which basically consists of genes is like a virus, it infects/fuses with the female gamete and then the unit starts replicating which also means that the sperm genes start replicating too (please correct if this doesn't make sense). At this stage if we do the same experiment like the virus isolation with MK cells and put these unit/units (gamete fusion unit/units) into a nutrient deficient environment and put antibiotics etc the unit should hopefully break down and on genomic analysis the the broken down products we should find the sperm genes/virus.

So virus is basically a gene in a conducive environment enabling replication.

Hopefully it's not too senseless.

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Daniel, this is great, and nice to have you back.

"Is the division of Academia into a faculty of Arts and a faculty of Sciences, also a conspiracy?

Is it another attempt to compartmentalize knowledge such that people are prevented from attaining complete knowledge?"

Of course - and that is a big part of the major flaw in 'peer review'. Keeping review and comments entrely within the circle of a particular nuche of 'knowledge' means that the echo chamber continues. Denying fresh eyes with the obfuscation of 'you are not trained, it's too complicated, you wouldn't understand this' excludes those essential fresh eyes from asking questions based on basic concepts. It keeps the elephant hidden.

So, for example in the recent debacle, the pushing of the concept of a 'novel' virus. Encouraging infighting over its origin, or whether it even exists ignores the basic question Everybody should have been asking. I know I was. I remember my young son asking how I knew it was not novel. I explained in terms young boys easily relate to. When a new dinosaur fossil is found does that make it a new dinosaur? Nope. Easy for anyone to understand.

Just because something has been described as 'new' does not mean it has only just been created, naturally or otherwise, living or non-living.. For all we know, and I personally believe, this 'novel' virus has always been around, just not looked for, measured, analysed, scrutinised and used as a major player in the ongoing psyop.

Keeping 'specialisms' specialised and separated makes it so much easier to ignore the elephant in the room. Don't look, cant find. Use whatever it takes to support one's peersonal theory to the exclusion of all else. By doing that the theory is not disproved and, to the blinded, must therefore true.

Even when we think we know the answer we MUST keep asking questions - it may just be that we didn't yet ask the right one.

Daniel, you are an inspiration, and I hope and trust that your personal difficuties are easing, though I apreciate it will never be easy.

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A wonderful essay, with many insightful reflections. Thank you.

I do wonder about the characterization of living things, however; this, of course, includes their relation to things relegated to ‘non-living’ status.

Rocks and crystals are interesting to consider.

The biological model you describe lays out three characteristics: reproduction, adaptation, and inheritance. As these are derived from a biological model of thought, they can be useful in some respects, but also perhaps limiting. I want to say here that I understand the utility of the model for your purpose here, but wonder about several of the conclusions drawn or implied.

Take the term ‘adaptation’ as an example. The reality of rocks and crystals is a timescale far, far beyond that of all plants, animals, and fungi. Their time is measured in millions and billions of years, while what we typically classify as ‘living’ is a vanishing blink in comparison. A question worth pondering: what if ‘adaptation’ is something very different in their case?

If we consider the role of ‘rocks’ and ‘crystals’, for simplicity, say minerals and metals, in the matrix of life, their contribution and role is pivotal and foundational. Indeed, all conventional biological systems have intricate and evolved systems which cannot ignore their fundamental quality. These systems and reactions are ancient, some likely as old as life itself.

To perceive the importance of these so-called lifeless things as an essential part of the web of life, one need not look further than the crust of the earth itself. The supposed non-living exists in varying degrees of homeostasis with the so-called ‘living’, in an endless array of variation of expression, interlinked and interwoven, with dependencies and relationships. Healthy soil, for example, is impossible without their contribution, even as it is impossible without fungi and bacteria (and probably viruses too).

There is so much we do not yet have the knowledge or understanding to characterize. So much mystery yet to come to grips with.

What is a living thing? It is a terrific question.

I would offer that while biology helps to describe many things, it probably falls short at times.

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on a different timescale the earth or the sun may be alive, but we would never know with our lifespans.

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perhaps it isn’t the timescale and lifespan that limits awareness, but rather how one conceptualizes what it means to be ‘alive’…food for contemplation.

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Well said. Linus Pauling's study of crystalline nature is a thrilling. And any potter who works to restructure the crystalline nature of clay in a kiln brought to high enough temperature to cause the clay to GLOW RED, knows this is like communicating with something that responds.

When I read the work of yogis six decades ago, they seemed to be observing that if anything has existence, if its atoms are moving, Divine presence is there -- and, thereby it lives.

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Yes, I believe there is insight to be gained from many perspectives and endeavors, beyond biology or hard science. That is, of course, not to say that these do not inform or help to elucidate certain aspects of life.

One lens through which I have come to look at these questions is that most everything that exists in nature, including at the cosmic level, is a part of an enormous, integrated web of energy. Some of these things act at great scale and distance, some at the very small, and every point between. Each has its place, or role, and is on its own continuum, changing through time according to its place, and thereby have come to be integrated in a complex web of relationships, some of which are observable to humans, and many that are not. I wonder if it is not those connections and relationships to the rest of this vast web that makes something ‘alive’.

Our prevailing definitions and terms, like our level of understanding and recognition, may be quite simply, inadequate.

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energy changes everything. the biggest defect in knowledge today is the materialistic focus.

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the majority of the populace are all dumbed down and programmed to believe what they are told. its why hoaxes succeed. as for viruses. who can you believe? big pharma? they have a monetary stake in promoting the virus did it theory. in the case of the covidiocy hoax the alleged virus was nothing more than the cold/flu season re-branded. a real "pandemic" would supposedly have people dropping dead in the streets. anyone seen that? nope. the entire farce of wearing face diapers to claim to protect was negated by the fact that covering your nose and mouth while eyes,ears, skin and hair and clothing was exposed proved how silly it was. the immune system is triggered by the nose and mouth. covering them caused illness. the clot shot that was pushed ensured that death would arrive at some point. given the fact that not one single flu shot in the past protected anyone was ignored.

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You should study the works of Lyndon LaRouche

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you would most likely like the science explorations of Miles Mathis


above my league or inclination or time

but I follow his every 'political' paper


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Biggest error is the “law of entropy”. (2nd law of thermodynamics, so as to not offend physicists 2nd law only applies to non-living matter)

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Look at Descartes

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Any thoughts on “Exosomes” in that they’re the size of a coronavirus and some think these are one and the same.

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some viruses make their own "exosomes".

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I love this path of thinking, we are all resonating beings,

Does living thing mean we have the ability to alter our own resonance, a rock or non-living thing is at the same resonant frequency until it isn’t anymore and changes shape and form.

A living thing can absorb and change resonance adapting differently to different frequencies and the objects that are presenting as such.

I have been astonished how little we understand about elements on the periodic table and their musical resonance and the ability to combine and the affect on the “health “ of living things .

Light is expressed as visible energy transfer , in frequency and intensity which operates in the realms of all science, art and mathematics. Language or the expression of word is the other clearly defined attribute of God and he claims himself to be the ‘Word ‘ of creation and the ‘Light’ of the world so it

Makes sense for the deception to begin with dividing this truth into competing disciplines that are held apart from unity.

Parallel this to the anti efforts against the freedom movement to be kept from unifying and this spiritual battle is revealed to those who love truth more than pride and ego.

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i talk a little about scales of existence. (i think it is this video https://rumble.com/v2g2bla-11th-commandment-medicine-hat-ab.html where i talk about the ant, the bacteria and the human. the bacteria on our skin doesn't know we're alive, it's scale of existence is too small and too short. so analogously we wouldn't know if.a rock or a continent is "alive" because our lifespans are too short. that's one reason i introduced the entropy definition of life. to start people thinking outside of biology, just like you're doing.

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Thanks for the reply and reference to your talk on knowing things and the importance of the integral and processes.

What we are trying to do with this limited forms of communication is noble and I agree that we need to speak well to be fulfilled in this act of creating good in our short life.

I too think in terms of philosophy, mathematics, religion, and science as one connected understanding in knowledge.

I would like to add that when I say a ‘word of creation’ it’s important to understand that the word is to my life as is a seed to a plant in that the word is alive and needs to be matured,

I would love to have other discussions with you , your curiosity is most delightful and refreshing

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‘How to think’ is the phrase. You can’t be manipulated. Some like to be manipulated, the message certainly is not for everyone.

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