God bless you and your children as you press on and in for true justice, freedom and liberty! You are a man after HIS own heart!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

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My heart goes out to you, Dr. Nagase. To have the corrupted state stand between you and your children must be unbearable emotionally.

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Dear Dr Nagase, Blessings to you. Praying for you. This ruling is a despicable travesty and terrible miscarriage of Justice. I live in Alberta. Is there anything at all I can do to help?

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I'm so sorry for your loss, pain, and frustration. My prayers go out to you and your children.

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I, like so many here, am heartbroken for you, your kids...and even your ex wife who was propaganized into injecting your children. This can't be emotionally easy for anyone.

We must all make a stand in any way we can against the tyrants. I am still fighting at the BC Human Rights Tribunal against my employer's mandatory vax policy. I was fired but I won't stop. Dr. Nagase's case has been inspirational.

We have moved away from the city and are now farming our own food. Like I said, do whatever you can to remove yourself from the machine.

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Mounting vax injuries may force the court to revisit at some point

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I'm so sorry 🙏😪

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I listened to one of your podcasts last year when you explained the damage to the bodies immune system. I think your explanation was world class and sadly I am seeing the evidence in several people around us, come true. These folks were all jabbed with multiples, and predominantly both heart and cancer have taken the lives of 5 people I have known, as well as many more that are living with cancer and heart problems since they have been jabbed. Even those folks that aren’t sick yet, many say they have never felt the same and just feel lousy most of the time. In addition people are not educated in who they are and who they are not, specifically speaking about capacity. I think it’s still important to peacefully protest, however we need to bring an education and awareness of how the state takes control of the person. And how to take back control of ourselves. Bless you and your children brother, I am praying that the God of all creation will provide a supernatural protection for them, as I know you must be heartbroken at the thought of what “they” have done to your family.

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Im so sorry Dr Nagase, our country has become a communist utopia run by tyrants. My husband and I are thinking about leaving this once beautiful country because it isn't safe to be here anymore. I will be praying for you and your family.

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But where can one find a safe place .?The globalists have taken the whole planet hostage .I call it the prison planet . Where ever we go there is a criminal government ,not letting us in unless we agree to be their slaves .

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Hi Hannahlehigh, Where are you thinking of going? We have thought the same thing, but every country is affected and the developing nations are the first targets of the WHO. We are thinking we should stay and fight for our rights. It is a difficult decision for sure.

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If we leave it wont be forever, I love Canada but the monsters running it are doing damage on purpose. We thought of Mexico, maybe Cabo, my daughter goes there often and has quite a few friends there. Plus theres another place in Mexico where allot of Canadians are but the name escapes me right now, sorry. I think people who have money to survive can stay but move to the hills or farm land, maybe Alberta but things are so off the chain right now, it s hard to say. We could stay here but Im 72 and my husband is 68 and hes still working, he loves his job but why risk losing everything by staying. We actually have prepared for the worst, so theres that. I hope my rambling answer didn't confuse you.

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I think you may be referring to Lake Chappella? My former neighbor moved there a few years prior to convid and she wanted to move back to Canada but couldn't afford to as the cost of living had gotten too high. Of course it's much worse now. She likes Mexico as good health care in LC and good, cheap food, however she said it was difficult to get anything done in a timely manner such as a car repair could take a month or longer. She said the culture is very different and she had had enough but has to make the best of it now. My sister is visiting Canadian friends in Mexico now so it will be interesting to see how they like it. I had other neighbors who planned to live in Mexico forever, but moved back after a year. Living in a different culture isn't easy, but if you go temporarily you can see how you like it. My husband is almost 70 and I am 67 next month. We have thought about Alberta but we love the sea in Nova Scotia. We also thought about Saskatchewan in the southern part. And then we come back to staying and fighting. It is difficult to know what to do.

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My aunt lives in Lake Chappella, she loves it there I want to visit but I’m afraid our communist government might not allow us to come back? I would rather not come back but I have children and grandchildren here. I’m in Alberta now they are building the biggest AI facilities here and I wish people would wake up to the fact they want us to be biodigital convergent ffs Horizons Canada shows us exactly where we are going and may God help us 🙏

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Yes Vivian ,when I look at the swarms of migrants overrunning Canada ,the reason must be that other places are even worse than Canada .

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Yes true. Its interesting how many of them don't stay citing life here is too expensive and they can't find work in their profession. Some even go back to their country when they find out they fled oppressive governments to come to this one. They aren't told the truth about Canada is another reason cite.

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I say it again there is no true freedom I can think of on this planet .

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Sorry to hear about outcome, if the justice system is corrupt it leaves little redress.

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A collection of recent findings worth paying closer attention to.

1) The role of mitochondrial dysfunction in Long COVID.


“Now, a multi-institutional consortium of researchers led by a team at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the COVID-19 International Research Team (COV-IRT) points to the mitochondria, with findings suggesting that the genes of the mitochondria can be negatively impacted by the virus, leading to dysfunction in multiple organs beyond the lungs.”

2) Long vax and it's similarities to long COVID and ME/CFS


“For decades, some people in the ME/CFS community have been reporting that a vaccine triggered their condition – yet little work has been done – and the scientific community has been skeptical. Except for the HPV vaccination syndrome, the question of whether vaccines can trigger diseases like ME/CFS, POTS and fibromyalgia has been virtually ignored.”

3) The common link, Spike protein and it's ability to disrupt mitochondrial gene expression


“Our data demonstrated that the Spike protein could induce long-term transcriptional suppression of mitochondria metabolic genes and cause cardiac fibrosis and myocardial contractile impairment in obese mice, providing mechanistic insights to PASC-related cardiomyopathy”

4) Mitochondria and their other functions


“Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell. Their main function is to generate the energy necessary to power cells. But, there is more to mitochondria than energy production”

Connect the dots if you can.

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Dr. Daniel Negasi, a wonderful man who has learned firsthand the injustice of the judicial system and the great difference between legal and lawful. God bless you Daniel you’re an amazing man.. I am heartbroken for you and your children

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I have 2 thoughts on this:

1) I know of someone who broke judicial immunity- so according to him it can be done. Perhaps you should speak with him? Email me your phone number and I’ll put you in touch.

2) I can relate to your pain in having so called “authorities” dictate what is best for your children. This is against God and his ways. Children belong to the parents (unless there is grievous harm being done to them by their parents). However, we Canadians should be very concerned about this: certain “authorities “ have taken their "power" way too far. I don’t know where your faith lies but I do know the same spirit that raised Jesus can heal any vaxx damage done -and return your children back to you. Give to the Lord this massive burden you have - and find rest in him. He will direct you as to when - and how - to act and miracles will happen. I have witnessed this many times. Blessings to you & I will be praying for you- if that’s ok. (I always ask first). Heather- Worldwide Freedom Rally/ Victoria,BC https://WWRVictoria@protonmail.com Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

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Here's a speech I did in Alberta about the dangers of Belief. https://rumble.com/v2fjsqm-wainright-ab.html

So as much as possible I take things that I believe, or think are true and I put it to the test. Is it true, untrue or is it unknown? If I don't know, I stay true and avoid the mistake of trying to make something true with faith or belief. (Because I am just a human being, the same as everyone else, I can't make things true just by wishing it.)

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That is very good. “Weak minds discuss people, average minds discuss events and strong minds discuss ideas.”

This idea of questioning things and ‘belief-resistance’ is actually a very, very important topic sorely under-discussed in society.

What is a healthy level of disbelief? Where is the point where belief becomes unhealthy and affects actual survivability?

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When belief allows people to excuse themselves from questioning, then the door is left open to falsehoods controlling peoples thoughts and therefore society as a whole

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If you don’t know where his faith lies then why don’t you ask him before preaching to someone who may not a]care about that? Unless you are declaring that you know better what’s good for him without even needing to ask him first? That would be declaring you possess the powers of god. Remember you believe in god, you are not one.

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To be fair to all people I must have no faith. To proclaim a faith would be a sin, and lead people down a false path where some will say I believe him because Daniel is this, or I won't believe him because he is that. To be true to all, I must exist as a river does, to be judged by my words and actions, without leading anyone astray through the mistake of identity.

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Yes, through Equity

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I am sorry this happened to you and your children. The courts have not been ruling in ways that make sense to me. It seems the US judges are less corrupt and rule more reasonably - in some cases.

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Well, I have to go disagree on that one. Stephanie US judges are voted in who votes them in? …the people who need them in office.

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Aug 30, 2023
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All judges are nothing more than bankers and every courthouse is a corporation…A charter is written for a corporation/company by the LEGAL side of the ledger, not the PRIVATE lawful side. You get rights and privileges from it just like a sailor getting leave for the weekend. It’s not real FREEDOM

For that you go to Gods law and the Magna Carta

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I do wish the system was better. But currently, this is the land we live in.

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I came up against a corrupt amateur sports board of directors with at least 3 narcissists on it, all going after an innocent family to kick them out. The three decided this on their own, despite there being a clearly stated bylaw procedure which involves 70+% of the club to agree. I went after them on my own, eventually joined by two other families who were driven to rage by the sight of me now having become the target. That was enough to eventually have those narcissists driven out and magically, the club membership numbers started to climb again.

We went though elections where they recruited another narcissist at least as bad as themselves but he didn’t last and quit the presidency halfway through his term. A narcissist by themselves or in too low a concentration is not scary enough, they need more.

When I look back on this event and critique my performance, in one way I was light-years ahead of everyone else yet on the other hand there were holes you could drive a truck through. My biggest critique is that we went back to ‘normal procedure’ to get rid of them but they only rigged the process to favour themselves. In a go-around, I would have been much more aggressive in throwing them out immediately regardless of process, because they’re obviously disordered. They would have said, “Hey, you can’t ignore the rules,” and I would have replied, “Too bad, you don’t follow rules so they don’t apply to you. Get out right now.” Instead of three months, the whole process would have taken three days.

This is where we are at now, the same stage of dangerous upheaval caused by exactly the same type of people with the same cockamamy compulsions. This is why I agree that using ‘the rules’ to fight them is wrong-headed. It’s more like, “Thats enough out of you, just get out,’ which is how I see this Magna Carta Grand Jury process.

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“Too bad, you don’t follow rules so they don’t apply to you. Get out right now.” That's a great line. Last night we as a grand jury of over 75 went past the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta of 1215 never proceeded to indictment because the king acquiesced. The Grand Jury of August 17th, 2023 issued indictment of the Crown as well as charge. We're now proceeding to seek international judgments by contact with foreign embassies.

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