Addendum for Trump but most important for American service members
This one is for All Armed Forces members (not just Submarine Captains)
The most important procedure to protect in any military, from Ancient Rome till present day is the Chain of Command.
When Chains of Command break down, a major factor is poor morale (aka poor morals). For many people, 4 years of a Democrat rule under Commander in Chief Joe Biden has degraded American morale both inside and outside the Armed forces.
Even before winning this November, President elect Trump made efforts to maintain morale in America’s armed forces, particularly by visiting families who lost loved ones in the Armed services. Flag waving, parades and salutes quickly lose their effectiveness in “boosting” morale when deceptions are revealed in the overall cause. Mathematically speaking, this effect likely happens at an exponential or greater than exponential rate as word of mouth + the internet reveals more and more discrepancies in the narrative that the Armed Forces exist to defend freedom.
Trump’s expressions of gratitude to military families have done more to maintain morale in the United States than arguably any statesman has over the past 10 years. (Well done Mr. Trump! You’ve shown the value of being true.) However, the chain of command and morality is not quite back in Trump’s hands yet.
American service members are facing the biggest tests of loyalty to their command and morale in the dying days of the Biden administration, before Trump even takes office. For an introduction to military morale and it’s foundation in morality on the topic of nuclear war please read:
When faced with a choice to slaughter billions of men, women and children, the actual choice as described above on a nuclear submarine, lies in the hands of every individual. As much as the system, which has been consistent from Roman times, through the Nazi third Reich all the way to current day military forces, tries to place all accountability in the hands of the commander, the actual responsibility is in the hands of each and every soldier.
Actions, both good and evil, are choices of the individual. While the contracts of being a soldier try to erase the individual, without actually being turned into a robot, it is difficult for an individual to be erased completely. Whenever there is a remaining individual with a soul, there remains responsibility. Accountability for wrongdoing always starts and stops with the individual. Nuremburg trials demonstrated this with individuals failing to excuse their war crimes because they were “commanded to do so”.
Morality is an individual responsibility, not the commander’s.
“but I have no choice…”
Men and Women always have choice. “Because without choice, it would have no meaning…” These were the words a Muslim man told me when I visited a mosque in Seoul Korea, curious about the presence of Islam in a country that was mostly Christian and Buddhist.
Choice is a consequence of freedom, and the words I heard from this devout Muslim hold equally true for a Jew as it is for a Christian. Truth transcends faith, probably because of it being a fact. The clarity of his communication was perfect, even clearer than what I wrote about freedom, choice and morality in:
So the choice to slaugher in a nuclear counter attack, as described in my previous article, actually rests with each and every member of the submarine crew. Whether a medal of bravery, a pension and the honor of your country is worth the weight of killing innocents is an individual decision, not that of president Trump or any other politician, Captain or Commander in Chief.
Is celebration and adulation during the material life a fair exchange for eternal damnation? (Or within the Catholic system, a portion of time in purgatory until your soul is released?)
Is the weight of killing others something your soul can bear after the material life has ended?
Is a court martial and jail simply a physical trial to see if you can keep your soul true in the material life and the one after?
Addendum and travelling in hostels ER doctor story:
The cost of war from an Emergency doctor’s perspecive is something that I’d like to share, because as an ER doctor, I’ve had the benefit of seeing people at the limits of life more often than most, and it brings me insights from a viewpoint that few get to experience. What follows is from my travels in Tokyo about a man I met, a friend and an Israeli soldier:
One of the blessings of staying in hostels while travelling is meeting people from many different walks of life. This past summer in Tokyo, I met an Israeli citizen who was on leave from military service in Gaza and the West Bank. When a few of us were making plans to go out for dinner I invited him along. He was faithfully Jewish, did not eat the shellfish we cooked at the Monja (Teppanyaki grill it yourself restaurant), but for everything else food and drinkwise he tried to enjoy life along with the rest of us. But as much as he tried, there was something missing from his eyes.
This observations about eyes does not exist in any medical textbook that I know of. It is one that every Emergency doctor who has worked enough will see and know through experience.
Eyes that are living or trying to live, versus eyes that are dead or dying.
Patients who are trying their best to stay alive have the former, and patients who have given up on life carry the latter.
With my Jewish soldier friend, his eyes were half dead and dying.
Later after dinner, when I asked about his life as a soldier, he told me he had almost been killed many times while serving in the Israeli Army. He also expressed disgust at Israeli politicians, the lies and hypocrisy of the war.
From his eyes I could see that he was carrying something very heavy, perhaps it was something he did or stood by witnessing being done. I didn’t ask him what it was, because as an Emergency doctor familiar with the look of genuine pain and distress, knowing more would serve no purpose. Whatever it was, it was killing him. He was desperate.
Changing the subject, he asked me where the big parties were in Tokyo, where he could go and really party, get drunk and have sex with lots of girls. I didn’t know of any, but I did ask him if he felt dead inside. He said he did. His eyes matched his own diagnosis of dying. The best I could offer for his desire to “Party” and make the most of his life was a Karaoke party with about 12 of us and plentiful drinks. He passed on the offer. Drinking and singing songs all night was not “hard” enough for him to remove that which was crushing his soul. Alcohol and singing was not enough for him to forget.
As a doctor I offered him the only solution I could think of. I asked him if he could stay on leave longer. He said no, he couldn’t. If he didn’t return to the Israeli military after his 3 weeks were up, he’d lose his Israeli citizenship. He already knew the politicians and their excuses of war were lies. I did not need to ask him if citizenship was worth dying over. At the end of the day the decision is his. It is up to him to decide what is worth fighting for and possibly even dying for. His faith in Judaism didn’t protect his spirit, the reality of his eyes told the truth. Belief in his place within “God’s Chosen” tribe did not protect his soul either. The pride was hollow, and if anything, being Jewish was not a blessing of God, but a curse.
He left Tokyo a couple days later, and went to Bangkok. The few messages I received from him after seemed satisfied enough with the partying in Thailand and the girls.
From a doctor’s perspective, a doctor who’s specialty is Emergency catching mistakes, my Jewish friend is the true cost of war. The price is not money, territory or resources. It is men having their spirits robbed, in exchange for a holy land, money. or a medal of honor from their country.
If any of those causes were True, the men who fight for them would not have dying eyes. This I know from my own eyes as a doctor.
How false is the holy land and God’s country?
Perfectly false.
Omnipotence means having every country. Omnipotence is the power to make every land holy. Omnipotence is the Omniscience of knowing that if you create just 1 holy land with only one holy mount Sinai, and only 1 “God’s country” then blood will be shed fighting over it.
Every country is “God’s Country”, every land is blessed, and every peoples are chosen.
Anything less than that is the work of a lesser power.
What is the Proof?
Readers can derive and find the truth on their own; or read any of the articles on my substack for points and clues about how to find truths and separate them from fiction using proofs; or if that is something you’d wish to consider at a later time, I would like to leave you with this shorter thought.
The concept of “Chosen People” when applied to men and women causes pride. The myth of “Chosen by God” was carried by Semites far in the past, and more recently by Germanic peoples in the most infamous social movement of the 20th century. The results each time were wars, death, and spirits spoiled under the weight of murders.
As the Muslim man said to me this year, “ If there is no choice, it has no meaning…”.
“Your money or your life.”
“Worldly pride or your eternal soul.”
the problem is, how many of the high command are members of the (Rockefeller) Council of Foreign Relations or Tri-Lateral commission, Builderberg. Any one one these think tanks are enemy's of the state.
Thank you Daniel for putting down such an honest story for everyone here. The false interpretation of the Bible is very hard to digest. In short, for all and every single Christian there is this command: DO NOT KILL. It is simple.
Nuclear weapons with neverending radioactive fallout is just a horrendous crime. When you read the new book 'The Jasons' by Ann Finkbeiner you will see what the 'smartest' scientists can do to proof their 'greatness' without ever seeing the consequences. ANd it is scary that the very same people advice the top politicians.. Exactly the same applies today to the synthetic biology, genetic engineering.
I just can't understand how Japanese people after so many struggles with nuclear fallout, now do the last self-destrution with SA-mRNA...