My last post was a little controversial, so this one is a much lighter take on the exact same topic.
Why do dogs tilt their heads when they don’t understand something?
They’re looking at the problem from a different angle.
So let’s look at the problem from a different angle.
What is a Biblical prophecy?
It is a claim that the future will pass in a certain way because God says so.
The logical (and spiritual) reason why this cannot be I write here:
An alternate angle to view the same issue is this:
A “Prophecy” is a test of your soul.
A power is telling you the future is going to be terrible.
What kind of power? A power or powers much like what I describe here:
Do you have the Courage to take actions that create a different future?
If you believe in Prophecies, then your soul is not strong enough to shape the future. If you know different, and the freedom you have cannot be “Possessed” by a narrative that inspires fear, then you passed the test of the soul.1
Having a soul means that you are greater than that which is trained and follows its master i.e. dog. I suspect the masonic word game that is used to “prove” that mason(s) wrote the King James Bible, is that the reverse of dog is god, i.e. that which is the master as opposed to the mastered.
Postscript #1
While nearly all of us are familiar with the concept of god, it is only in English that it is an anagram of the word dog. The concept of deity of creation goes by other names in other languages. For example in French “God” is “Dieu”. (Not rearangable into chien)
Plato defined the soul as that which moves matter. If you can change the course of matter and therefore the course of history, you have a soul. If you cannot, then you might be a robot, as I explained in:
Prophecy is telling the truth.
Prophesy is something that cannot be changed. True. It’s not given by man that it could be changed by man. But prophecy points us in the direction of changing our individual destinies by believing in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. We can change our lives, and if we do, our destiny changes while prophecy remains unchanged (thus proving the truth of the prophecy of God).
The universe might be a machine (as implied), but every single machine needs a designer and an operator…. Seems like this most crucial point is lost on the author. The fact that each one of us has the ability to chose good or evil (obey or disobey) proves we have free will. The prophecy outlines the unchangeable consequences of each choice.
Did the prophecy foretell the mark of the beast? It’s here, and more to come. Those who believed, obeyed, did not and will not take it, changed their destinies while the prophecy still remains true.
Prophecy is given to believers to eliminate fear - not to instil it. But the only ones who don’t fear are the ones who trust and obey God and believe his unchangeable word of prophecy.
A Crude analogy: if we don’t speed, we have nothing to fear, but if we do speed??? We Better fear! We have good reasons to fear. Does not believing/obeying the speed limits change the reality that we eventually get caught and punished? No. We will be! One can’t change the speed limits, but should obey them to be safe.
Same with prophecy.
I have nothing to add to what I have stated. If you like it, great. If you attack it, fine. I am not going to defend myself or God. He is perfectly capable of doing so.
I do not subscribe to any “religion” or attend any “church.”