Daniel - Have you had a chance to read Dr Michael Nehl's book The indoctrinated Brain? Very thorough albeit disturbing book, especially if you'd fallen for the brainwashing and took the "Safe and effective" bullshit seriously!

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Antisense. Makes sense, especially in ass backward covid clown world. Love it Dr Nagase.

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

BOOM ! if I had $10 mil. USD it'd be yours.

I'll get back to you.....

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

great piece of writing Daniel.

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Antisense is an en expressive and limited partial solution. It does nothing to address the damage caused be the lipid nano particles. It does not affect proteins including misfolded proteins that have already been made. Genetically-modified humans remain genetically modified. Calculating the dosage of antisense required could also be complicated. Nevertheless antisense could stop the future production of proteins including misfolded proteins from the mRNA. It is a vastly better proposal than McCullough’s dangerous suggestion. Trust however is a huge issue. Who wants to receive another injection of anything these days?

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exactly, I like the cheap solution of intermittent fasting the best.

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Jul 15Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

You want cheap, A divine spirit told me to use it. Fight nano with nano.

The Super Properties of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth.

"DE (compared to diamonds which possess a hardness of 9, DE have a hardness of 7 + neg charged to pull even aluminum out of the body.


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Food grade diatomaceous earth is also used by some bakeries as filler instead of flour. As a chelating agent, it might very well work against all the bad metals. Mercury, aluminum, cadnium and lead.

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Jul 15Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

In your opinion, would it have any effect against the C19 bio-weapon in the blood, since it's nano sized razor blades?

Best wishes.

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Anti mRNA cannot do anything about spike proteins that have already been manufactured from the original Pfizer or Moderna mRNA. For that you need proteins such as natto kinase

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What do you mean by intermittent fasting exactly?

How many hours of fast and how many hours of feast?

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Fast for 24 h then eat normally for the rest of the week. Then 36 hrs. Then 48.

Once a year do a 60 hr or 72h fast if you can manage.

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Jul 16Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

This is not intermittent fasting as I’m aware. This is just fasting with an increase of fasting time. Are fluids allowed? What does this fasting supposed to achieve on the metabolic level?

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body selectively breaking down unhealthy cells to use for energy and preservation of the healthiest cells for rebuilding when the fast is over.

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thank you

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Please. Everyone. Pay this forward to Elon Musk.

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And why aren't any of the multi million dollar "Truther" Organizations telling you about it?

For the same reason that Fauci was so vehement in his support of the "safe and effective" SIC vaccine mantra. He was paid to! According to Open The Books, Anthony Fauci and insiders from the NIAID earned a total of $670 million in royalties and agency has continued to profit after Fauci's retirement!


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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

TheyLied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

That makes sense, except when you take into account the fact that the sequences being inserted

via Pfizer (and likely all others) varied in length & content b/c of the low quality approved by the FDA... They could not upscale to production scale from bench scale and achieve the same "quality" that FDA said they'd approve, which was 70%? Sorry, it's been a while, so I don't recall the exact percentage. At any rate, the best they could achieve at production scale was 55%, so the FDA LOWERED THEIR MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE QUALITY to 50%, and hey ho, approved. This led to frameshifting, and the tons of DNA fragments in the jabs which can (and likely are) be incorporated into folks' genetic material, is likely why there's so many "injuries" from these horrifying concoctions. Due to these effects, it's unlikely that a single inserted sequence (and thus, and anti-sense or anti-sequence) could ever be accurately determined or deployed for everyone who was jabbed. But, great logic otherwise!!!

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For sure, the fact that they ever mandated this genetic crap is a crime. You know from a safety standpoint, even a half sequence or series of quarter antisequences would be better than low specificity siRNA that likely interferes with everything normal that the cell tries to do every day.

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Jul 11Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Billions of crimes!!! - every jab was a crime against humanity - every mask forced onto anyone (esp children) was a crime against humanity, etc...

Yes, partial antisequences might help, but what exact sequence would you use? Do we even know where on folks' genomes portions were sliced out in order for their nightmare juice to splice their patented sequences in? Is it the same place for every person? Is that same portion the same sequence removed for every person? And, every type of cell? Or, even for a majority of folks and/or cell types? How can we find that out? How can we be sure of anything they tell us? So many questions, and so little real information to go on. But, we do know that we can't trust them. The agencies and the companies.

So, how do we find this info out? How can we determine exactly what was removed and exactly what was spliced in? And, what other 'inadvertent" sequences were also incorporated?

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Jul 11Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Another question is re. exactly how many pieces the removed DNA sequences were removed in... One piece, several??? And, wouldn't that piece/those pieces also have the possibility of being incorporated into that person's genome in another position in their cellular genetic sequence??? So many questions...

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You'd have to sequence each individual patient, multiple times. That's why I wrote about fasting in https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/2023-year-in-review

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Even if every single physical ingredient of the vax was removed by this method, no one can undo the spiritual effect of the jab which is changed DNA and being cut off from natural, God created humanity. Once Human 2/GMO, GMO to the end.

Am I wrong?

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If you were to take a purely spiritual view, then someone who took the injection purely to help others, because their education did not provide them the means to know otherwise, is still innocent as would be any child that was made to take the vaccine.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

If I were to take purely spiritual view, education would have NOTHING to do with such decisions. The guidance of the Holy Spirit would. Exclusively. Spiritual issues (Christian in particular) and worldly understanding/education have no common plane.

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deletedJul 10
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Grieved and blasphemed, which happens to be the only unforgivable sin.

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Anything is possible, we are in God's hands

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God has a work around.

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How is this cure delivered?

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has to be injection, otherwise the digestive system will destroy it with stomach acid and intestinal enzymes

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Ok. And so are there concerns with the other ingredients of these injections? With the covid jabs there were ingredients that had never before been used in humans. Plus others that are know to be toxic e.g. PEG. Then the whole lipid nano-particles etc. Will all these elements still have to be present?

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You could conceivably package mRNA in a natural carrier oil, and pH buffer with baking soda .

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Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

And, if it’s conceivable why isn’t it being done? Surely all health professionals are only concerned about safe drugs and safe delivery of said drugs? And that being the case would only consider the most natural of packaging for this new health tech. Simply in order not to put their patients / all possible recipients at risk.

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Ok great. And will your cure?

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Even rectally?

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Healthy normal digestive system bacteria would probably destroy any DNA or RNA and recycle the remaining carbon chain

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Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Most are institutionally brainwashed. To make money over matter. You would be a rare individual to have not had this hard core reality visited upon you thus far.

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‘ I’d really like to get back to writing about religion and philosophy because people’s inability to tackle those subjects rationally is what I see as the root of All problems today.’

I guess the only way you can do this is by assuming that your subjective point of view must be right, that your subjective rationality must be true

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Jul 11Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

You're making a huge assumption that he's making a huge assumption that his "subjective point of view must be right" if he puts this thoughts/beliefs re. religion and philosophy in print for others to consume... That's not necessarily true at all. Which you would understand if you knew some philosophy and certain religious viewpoints.

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So, you assumed I don’t know any philosophy or certain religious viewpoints?

Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? ;-)

I’m not sure whether you are aware of it but philosophy and religious viewpoints are based on assumptions or faith

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Jul 11Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I stand by my former comment, that you're assuming about Dr. Nagase. And now, you're assuming about me.

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This entire substack is about logical proofs, so people can learn to do it themselves without me having to do it for them. From a purely spiritual standpoint the most advanced being in the universe should also use the most advanced language, and communicate the most clearly without errors (e.g. misunderstandings). There is 1 language that I'm aware of that is beyond all written languages, and it appears to be written in every soul, but the choice to listen to it is yours.

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No assumptions. Only logical proofs. Any document written by a benevolent higher being will have within it a logical proof of its veracity, so as to prevent saboteurs and misinterpreters from misusing the document for their own ends.

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I am not exactly sure what ‘logical proofs’ are. Are you talking about inferences?

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