Apr 2Β·edited Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Dr. Nagase: This is one of the most amazing writings I've ever read. (My expertise is in federal regulations for human-subjects research compliance, for 23+ years.) God bless you for putting your thoughts into this substack. There is so much cognitive dissonance, gaslighting, and many other cognitive manipulations/deceptions, happening in this world. You described it so elegantly and eloquently. God bless you always πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’ŸβœοΈ

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I personally believe after these covid years of reading, observing, (and resisting) is that there are many personalities with probably as many motives. I do think the "freedom movement" has been infiltrated and captured for the purpose of controlling the opposition. Based on your excellent analysis it confirms in my mind what I had felt as "gut feelings". Which are that Peterson, Malone, Martin, McCullough, among many others exhibit signs of sociopathy and psychopathy.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Hi Daniel - thanks for the article - I will re-read it. I agree with you totally - and thanks for being kind to dear Amazing Polly - she does the most outstanding work of anyone and she has now been bullied right off the internet - her latest video was ' Gone Fishing ' and she says she's taking a complete break from her video work. I will miss her sorely.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Thank you for writing this! Very interesting. . . I stopped trusting Peterson a long time ago, besides what Polly revealed he said something on Twitter during this covid psyop that revealed him again as being with the globalists... can't remember exactly what it was but if I remember I'll add it later.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

As an American I know who Petersen is but I have no way of knowing what’s in his heart. I’m grateful my family didn’t take any of the jabs and don’t have to worry about the rising multitudes of diseases that have become associated with the jabs. I think there are a lot of well known people who would like to walk back their support of the shots. Few have said they were dead wrong and have apologized for whatever support or coercion they were involved with. For those in power who pushed and mandated the shots, I’d like to see jail time for them. Even though my immediate family is safe I have only one friend who is unjabbed. They compliant are constantly on my mind as are my great nieces and nephews who took the shot as teens. Waiting for the next shoe to drop. We’ve all been hurt by this in some way.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

The TELL is this I believe: β€œlet’s get the hell over β€œWITH” this.” He is β€œWITH” the narrative that we must all eventually take the injection, not in the belief that we must take this overcome a health challenge. The preposition β€œwith” says it all.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Well Done Daniel! I feel like reality is fragmented and that an illogical mind-fuk is being executed on all of us. Spells, witchery, psychological games and Canada seems to be a test as the once true North strong and free is now the complete opposite...and the break down of families and childhood innocense is under attack. Let us get back to saving all children - much love and prayer that 'we' get this right.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I havent finished reading your very well thought out and scientific approach to your analyses herein.

But i gotta say WELL DONE!!!

I attended U of T whenPeterson was a prof there and kept tans on his "position" on this diabolic playbook.

While, i did not nor did i ever consider the jab as a solution, but THE FINAL SOLUTION and i have zero interest in contaminating my divine meat suit.

You make a compelling scientific arguement, thank you for taking the time. My jury has been out on JP since he went mainstream waaaaay back when he got canceled for his speech.

I am always asking who is Controlled Op here? We know or at least know the parasites created issues to assert their own agendas and that requires peoples' support.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I recall JP saying he was high on the trait agreeableness. I'd wager that alone would make someone more likely to take the serum, especially if it's "for the greater good". I wonder if he is really saying, "I was agreeable enough to get the damned stuff", (ie too feminine), "So now you all ought to be agreeable enough to do the same", (so I don't have to face having been had, ie not manly enough to be a resistor or use reason above emotionality).

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Most intelligent people know that there’s not a single pharmaceutical product anywhere that is 100% safe for every human or animal on this planet. This includes natural products as well. It’s also well known that different people of different weights require different dosages of pharmaceuticals. Same for animals. This conclusion would indicate that folks like Jordan Peterson are utter morons! To exclaim that everyone should just get the β€œdamn vaccine already” is completely ignoring the nuances of individual’s current health profile & sensitivities to ingredients in said β€œvaccine(s)”. He needs to have his license pulled, & I hope Canada does this. He also needs to keep his mouth shut about medical procedures and advice he knows absolutely nothing about! It’s people like him that degrade trust in the medical system as a whole. Thank you for exposing this pathetic little man.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Something has never sat right for me with JP. Many thanks for so eloquently putting to words what my gut was telling me. Out of curiosity do you know when he he made the 24 second statement ? "Although I would encourage people to get the damned vaccine and lets get the hell over this" is the eye opener for me. He might as well of echoed Jacinda Ardern brainwashing my fellow Kiwi's to "Take one for the team of 5 million" I had not heard this from him before and will be sharing with a friend who follows him. Reminds me of Trump bragging about the jab.

Here is a question I put to Trump fans..

Can you please direct me to any footage of Trump recognizing that the gene therapy mRNA was a dangerous mistake and or Trump showing sympathy for the jab injured?

I’d have let this go if he’d had the sense and honesty to recognize and admit his mistakes. That he’s still trumpeting his Covid record is a major red flag.

It’s one thing to have been fooled, it’s another thing to keep doubling down. He still doesn’t see it.


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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

What I gathered from those few seconds was that JP is just as susceptible as the rest of the people who were repeating the same phrase from the TV over and over - β€œget the damn vaccine” etc.

Rest of the speech, yup he does want to force you, but knows it is wrong, so he’ll just guilt you instead. I also see the same frustration in him - with people who refused - as I saw with many public figures, whom have all lost my respect.

Who broke them and how? The propagandists and event engineers that put us in this position are the true psychopaths.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

It's hard to tell from such a short clip what his body language conveys. I've studied body language and you need to see a person in a relaxed state to see a baseline of movements so you can determine if the right turn is just a quirk and something he does often, or did he do it just in this particular circumstance.

Here is another potential scenario. He was/is conflicted because the psychological program they employed actually worked on him. He was stuck in Europe somewhere he didn't want to be. In this context, his words may convey that he wanted to be free of the restrictions, which may be why he refers to it as a dammed jab.

His suggestion others take it so life could go on was horrible advice and he should be held to account like every other professional who pushed these for their own selfish reasons.


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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Very interesting Daniel.

I was vaguely aware of Jordan Peterson, and his big following on various social media, though I did not follow any of this. My bias is that I always felt somewhat uncomfortable watching the little bit I saw of his presentations. That said, as soon as I heard a clip a long time ago now of him saying 'take the damned vaccine' I have actively avoided any exposure to his views. The vitreol I felt from him then is just as clear now on watching this video clip as you asked. It seems to me, in the manner of expression as well as the words used, to be wholly inappropriate from someone in his position and, frankly, abusive.

is he controlled opposition? I don't know. Likely. Whatever he is, he is a loose cannon and best avoided.

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Apr 2Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I am a fan of Jordan Peterson overall but that doesn't mean I agree with him 100% . His emphasis is on telling the truth but that doesn't mean he always knows what that is. He disappoints me in not coming out now to say what a mistake it was to tell others to take it as well as to take it himself. I am struck by the use of "damned" and "hell" in the same paragraph. Freudian slips? Does he now feel damned by having taken it? His involvement in ARC is also something I am watching. Is ARC just another WEF?

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13 hrs agoLiked by Daniel Nagase MD

Peterson is an agent. So not only was he pushing a substance he knew to be toxic, he also lied about taking it himself. Analysis of his personality or past isn't as important as realizing he is a paid agent with an agenda and directives. Probably CSIS. Here is a paper Mathis wrote in 2019 about Peterson:


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