Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Peterson is a complete turnoff, and I knew I couldn’t bear to watch more than a few seconds of the interview. Hugely appreciate your enduring the pain for us, and TY for your insights. I don’t trust Peterson or Elon, but cannot help but feel very sorry for Elon if indeed this devastating news about his son is true. I lost a beautiful niece to the gender madness, and it is beyond heartbreaking knowing she will likely never be able to recover what she’s lost of her true identity, womanhood, and self…the TG agenda is do diabolically twisted, destructive, and evil.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I have yet to unravel this train of thought, but at first glance it appears to me that there is a categorical or taxonomic error in anticipating that AI may penetrate into the nature of the universe, or consciousness. Even if it IS based on an incomprehensible number of and/or gates, future AI will nevertheless be limited by the exclusionary logic implicit in them. This is analogous to the neuropsychic limitations of neurons: despite the potential for oogillions of complex cortical firing patterns yielding unfathomable variations in information, there will be ineluctable limits because of the nature of the system upon which humans rely to carry that information -- that is, the neurochemical electrical potentials of the human body which, in their very nature, are restricted by known traits of the physical world (qua the speed of light, etc.). Some claim that with quantum computing 'speeds' (and here velocity - unlike its meaning in the everyday 3D world - actually denotes seemingly infinitely greater orders of magnitude of data) the sheer abundance of gates compensates somehow (magically) for the restricted nature of those gates and allows access to greater ORDERS of data by virtue of the enormity of numbers of bits of data being processed in series and parallel. (I'd like to see the math for that claim, eh?) All of which is to say that AI, even though theoretically self-evolving and capable of self-analysis, will not be any further along to discovering the "true nature" of the universe or of consciousness than have humans been to date. BUT PERHAPS THIS VIEW TOO is unavoidably restricted and ergo inadvertently wrong because of those selfsame limitations (reductio ad infinitum and ad absurdum, if not ad nauseam!).

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Think outside of time. "Omniscience Precedes Omnipotence (In the linear time bound mind; and in the timeless mind, they are one and the same)"

Knowing the nature of the universe is far more common than most people think. Just because the English language is perhaps the worst at conveying this knowledge belies the fact that many people already know. Maybe even Elon Musk.

The dimension thought exercise in https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/time-travel-a-fun-sci-fi-thought helps get the mind (and heart) there.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Both are Evil.

Freedom of Speech my ass.

Evil Triumphs When Good People Do Nothing, Canada is full of them.

One couldn't pay me to listen to either of these freaks..

Why does Jordan not interview Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai? Both of these "dudes" have no balls, just insecure wee men suffering from "little man syndrome" but they world loves scum like them, hence Evil has it easy, the deliberate dumbing down of America, Canada the world is working brilliantly Evil, just look around in Canada. People worship the bastards that kill us, racism is openly promoted by so called Old Stock Canadians. If anyone really wants change, they can build the BOTTOMS UP MOVEMENT but people rather wait until some rich dude politicians rescues their lazy ass, which of course will never happen. Canada is rotten from the top down, All by Design, our governments on all levels, all parties, all politicians are THE ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG CARTEL.

Humanity at Large. Shame on you Canada!

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If anyone outside of Humanity were to look at humanity, your sentiments would be shared.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Where does that put me then Daniel? if you mean that I think outside of the Box?

yes, I would agree :)

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yes, that is the first step into seeing the world from a greater perspective.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I agree about Jordan Petersen - unbearable. Narcissist that's the word I think Elon is a frontman for a very dangerous aspect of the NWO - but I did find it very irritating when Jordan interrupted him a couple of times and I agree it was him glorifying his interview with Elon instead of interviewing Elon.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Agreed. Jordan Peterson seems not to have yet built a good interviewer's skillset.

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What's surprising is that he was a licensed psychologist. Even I as an ER doctor know not to interrupt people when they are speaking about something very near and dear to their heart.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Reminiscent of the three great obstacles in Buddhist canon: ignorance (also understood as delusion = the result of NOT being omniscient), hate and greed (presumably power fits in here), the greatest of which is ignorance as it subsumes the others.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Author

Once ignorance has taken hold, then other sins such as fear, greed, and jealousy can cloud the vision. Possessions (of the mind) veil the truth that the nature of the universe is already there for all to behold. (Perhaps even for digital systems...)

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Jul 25Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Twitter was running on AI before Musk bought it. The AI program was the reason for the $44 billion price tag.

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Jul 27Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I will subscribe eventually, you are writing about very deep stuff and I like it, but I do not have my cc info set in this computer and I am on the terrace writing and very far away from my wallet.

Anyway, agree with you about Petersen, he is a drifter or something else. His crying game is getting old but I will take what he has to say about transgenderism and alike topics as long he doesn't talk about religion, you cannot serve two masters. Elon Musk? I am watching him, he might be the anti-Christ, the one who will 'save" humanity and everyone will follow Elon as the savior, but he doesn't check all the windows of the characteristics of the real anti-Christ.

Yes, they are communicating with beings of other dimensions in Switzerland (CERN) or at less they alleged of being doing, nobody cares about that, most of people in the States live in a bubble or lack the understanding of how the spiritual, divine or intergalactic dimension works and inter-act with the physical world. But we do, don't we? At less...some of it.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

No. I think you misunderstood. I did not. You did not listen well. The "That is a lie" is intended at those pushing for transgender ideology. Peterson would not be this rude to tell Musk he lie. Peterson jus did not formulate the right words, like "they lie". Musk was telling how psychologists or doctors using lies to convince parents and that is when Peterson said to that that they lie.

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The point was that he interrupted Musk right when he was making a very important point. And that was how he was supposedly was tricked into agreeing to transition his son. Any adept health practicioner knows not to interrupt people when they are telling something important.

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Jul 28Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Again , I live in Canada but so angry at the media here and Trudeau ,have 2 sons , U.S citizens, both want me move there , I will, sell my house , take my family and go, but not if the fascists left win another presidency. The Left is the cancer on America. I am a very strong opponent against any vaccines, even the Czech communists did not force that on me when the doctor came to school to vaccinate. I refused at age 9. My older California son fell for the propaganda and his children are going to get 72 vaccines by the age of 18. This is criminal, this is a medical tyranny. What other creature is injecting health? Human only. When I came to Canada, Vancouver, I remember only 3 drug stores, today drugstores here in Edmonton grow like mushrooms. Making sick is a big business. Vaccines cause chronic conditions, more business to treat those. My only concern to move to the U.S is, do not want to get vaccinated to get the permit. Not sure how to avoid that. And so for my 10 year old son, and wife.

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Jul 28Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Right. He should not interrupt. Wondering what is Peterson opinion on the deadly "vaccine" bioweapon. I live in Alberta but so disgusted about the media, I stopped listening for almost 2 years. Fox News is the only media I watch but that is censored as well. The criminal medical cartel, what they did to you and William Makis (who was born in Czech Republic as I ) and others. How it feels, running away from one tyranny only to see other tyranny, even worse one is heading for near future if nothing is done. Heroes like you, Makis are the hope to hold on.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Ha! Ha! I, too, turned off this interview between these two power hungry feckless individuals when J. Peterson abruptly interrupted Elon to spew something unimportant. J. Peterson seems to not be in control of himself anymore. I empathize with Elon regarding his son’s transition. I can see the pain on his face, but I also wonder how available he really is to his kids? Many transgender youth seem to be on the autism spectrum. High functioning Aspergers types. They’re very vulnerable to propaganda & societal pressures. In addition, many young, confused adolescents need more attention & parental guidance, not less. They can get very dark in their own minds, & feel very alone in this space. They will look for something to fill that void. Being trans gives them power over themselves and others, especially parents. They can change their name, their gender, their entire existence. It’s a form of rebellion. Perhaps arising from that awful feeling of being all alone in the world. Is Elon a hands on kind of Dad? I don’t know how he could be with all his business endeavors. I was wanting to hear him take some responsibility for his child’s transition. Societal pressures are less important & less likely to take root when a child is getting his or her needs met by the parents & extended family. It’s all encompassing.

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It's hard to know how much parenting or lack of parenting led to this. Thanks to Peterson's sham of an interview, we won't know.

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

"When you can see time as a whole,......" Bang on quote, that hits home,

How I see a little of it...We live in a 2D system. called "civilization" Taught everything has a beginning and a end, Taught to be fearful of everything...... Something as simple as a clock that dictates/controls ones actions throughout a day. Taught to pick and choose a side.

This "civilization" is no more than a glorified slave system.

"Gut feeling"... something is off with this whole "system".

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now you know, and will probably be successful if you try the dimension exercise all the way to the 8th dimension. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/time-travel-a-fun-sci-fi-thought

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Jul 24Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

As we time travel toward the quantum era, the 'unknown' and 'all knowledge' will be redefined into something currently incomprehensible by even the greatest levels of intelligence

And the quantum era will arrive much faster than most anticipate.

Think deeply my friends!

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This is another example where you assume that something must be right, or accurate, because someone claims it to be so.

This post of full of logical errors and fallacies: First of all, just because Musk says something it doesn’t make it true or doable.

A created god is not God the Creator because the God would have to be uncreated. So, you or Musk can create an object of worship and it can be anything, even you, but it will not be God just because you claim it to be so.

Omniscience is another example of logical fallacy. You and Musk can feed a supercomputer with all the information available to mankind but it will not be able to distinguish which information is true or false unless you program it that way. The supercomputer will also not be able to tell the information we don’t know, such as why there are infinities, because we don’t know…

This could go on..

I’d suggest you look up the word omnipotence because if you had looked it up before writing this post you wouldn’t have written all these contradictory statements…or who knows..

I’m done here

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don't make assumptions about me if you haven't read AND comprehended https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/time-travel-a-fun-sci-fi-thought

People are capable of knowing far more than you can imagine.

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