Good article. Thanks for this.

My take on the situation on our planet is as follows.

There are two groups of people. One is the general population. The second group are the controllers. I will focus mainly on the second group.

This group is clearly distinct from the first because those in it were either born into or sworn into the "Big Club". Those in the club know they are in it because they have pledged allegiance to it whether it be Freemason or to other secret societies.

The controllers have been in charge for over 3000 years or longer. They were the Phoenicians/Pharisees in that time. The controllers today are from those same bloodlines. They have passed down the knowhow of "herding" the population from generation to generation. They are experts on control of humans. They are evil in the sense that they treat humans in the populace as cattle as you mentioned.

Their desire for more power comes from their fear of uncertainty. A cattle rancher doesn't have to worry about his cows rising up to take over the farm. They however do because humans are obviously very capable.

I don't know the actual ratio of population to Big Club but my best guess is between 10000:1 to 1000:1. So around 800k to 8 million of them. Note that I'm including all low level grunts like CIA agents and Freemason tools in police and military etc. Obviously the numbers are much smaller at the top of the food chain.

So it's really a case of us versus them. If the population somehow managed to figure this out, it would be game over for them simply by power in numbers. Think about what 10 men can do to one man in combat. Now imagine 10000 to 1.

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I'll expand on this a little more.

In Alberta where I reside, the total population is about 5 million. Using the ratios I proposed above there are anywhere between 500 and 5000 Freemason/Secret Society [aka Big Club] operatives in the province.

Does this seem reasonable? I would say yes it does. Just adding up select politicians from city councils, MLAs, MPs, judges, attorneys, Alberta Health executives, College of Physicians, big Media, police chiefs, RCMP and military top brass, individuals running non-profit foundations & thinktanks, professors, and big corporate CEOs for starters, I could easily come up with a confirmed or suspected Freemason list of 500. So I think the ratios are in the ballpark.

Do you think they all know each other? Of course they do.

How will humanity ever win without first identifying the enemy?

Creating a list for Alberta is a start. Then duplicating this method in every jurisdiction on earth would be a next step.

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Could not agree with Fred more… exactly spot on. If only people were awake, it would be game over. Two days ago, I flew home from Hawaii in business class. There was 16 people in business class and eight of them were wearing face masks. It’s not gonna happen anytime soon Fred.

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Just so you know, I was at a meeting in Sylvan Lake tonight and the topic of you came up and everybody spoke so highly of you

Your hero too many of us

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By the way, has anybody read Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars? It has been and is literally “their“ playbook of plans they have for us We the enemy.

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I admire Daniel Nagase for his philosophical thoughts and science.

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Absolutely agree!! Daniel is a true Renaissance man

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What a thoughtful piece you have shared Dr. Nagase. Human beings can turn on you at the drop of a hat. I think we have all had that experience at some point in our lives. There is a lot of food for thought in this piece. Blessings.

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What if the real reason they want to extinct us is this:

Conventional oil production peaked nearly 20 years ago, we have been desperately cannibalizing nuclear war heads to fuel reactors, and shale oil production is now declining. Renewable energy is nothing more than a mirage of hopium.

The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is now mounted - natural gas production is contracting.


There is NO solution to the end of affordable energy.

Although 'they' will insist we are transitioning ... but they have to tell us this ... otherwise the barnyard animals fall into deep despair .... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-three-pillars-of-bullshit

Now that we have established that we are indeed into deep depletion on energy (which is also driving inflation...)

This leaves 'them' with two choices:

1. Do nothing ... and allow 8+ billion humans to take to the cold dark streets when the global economy implodes... and let them suffer horribly ... mass murder - rape - disease - cannibalism...

2. Exterminate them https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

The obvious answer is 2. Everyone dies one way or the other ... so why not try to lessen the suffering?


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The earth continuously produces oil. Carbon from subterranian CO2 and Limestone (Calcium Carbonate) + Hydrogen Sulfide + subterranian H2 gas at high temperatures and pressures makes Hydrocarbons (H2C chains). The supply of oil is basically limitless. The more CO2 that goes into the air, the more it gets precipitated by plankton that eventually turns into sedimentary rock and limestone which recycles the carbon back into the crust which then compresses it to make hydrocarbons (oil) and the cycle continues thanks to constant energy input from the sun

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Let me say first that, for me, religion IS a big part of the problem. I know you like to think about it, and so do I, but I'm sure we see this differently... I view ALL religious writing as authored by Humans and it is biased, contrived and reflects human intent. (This is not to say that some are not inspired and have deep value). If God created all things, and I think that is correct, then that event occured long before these writings... I talk with the Big Guy directly.

About oil. I don't know why people think all oil must come from dinosaurs. I would think that various chemicals are evolved from all decaying living matter over time including oil. Just my opinion.

My thinking at the moment... All intelligent humans want the same thing... We all want to see improvement, and enjoyment and a better life, to perceive beauty in every direction... (That the Universe is alive and awesome and everything about it shouts that fact.) To know that our children will grow up in a better world than we know today!! The real question is "How Do We Do That"???

DN: "One excuse often made by perpetrators for wrongdoing is that they believed they were doing right."

I view this statement as the most important point in your article! YES! This is the foundation of humanity's problems. Everything is divisive... We MUST take a side and stand against "those idiots over there"... We humans were born to take sides. And both sides think they're right. Our society seems to promote this thinking.

DN: "As much as we may proclaim to not be animals, how much do we really demonstrate that we are not?"...

To think we are not animals is denial! We absolutely are animals! Proud Animal here.

DN: "Does being a “Chosen Tribe of God” qualify a group to be the “Shepherds” as opposed to the sheep?"

Fantasy and False! There are no chosen people! Actually I think the Israelis are the most brainwashed people in the world. I think about psychologists who theorize that abused children grow up to be abusers... Seems perhaps true?

Further, AI is not and will never be sentient...I know you realize this... It is All programs and algorithms... Why would anyone accept some "Judgment" from a computer? I recommend you step away from its use.

Herd mentality is real and driven mostly by social pressure and propaganda. It comes from all directions. It can only be overcome by continuous critical thinking... Thank you for your thinking.

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If oil is continuously being produced.... then why do we bother blowing up shale and sucking out the dregs.... why do we drill miles beneath the sea ... why do we steam oil out of sand?

Why not just find the next Ghawar mega field... and pump that?

Why are Oil Discoveries are at record lows?


If oil is replenishing why are oil fields in deep depletion - see the charts near the top of this for Alaska, North Sea, Mexico etc...

And finally ....

According to Rystad, the current resource replacement ratio for conventional resources is only 16 percent. Only 1 barrel out of every 6 consumed is being replaced with new resources


I don't think that 1 of 6 barrels is oil that recently formed ... rather it's a product of the very small discoveries that continue to happen... all the big fields have been found... and are in deep depletion as this demonstrates



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All above my head but the Earth works on stellar time not us ants. The process would take time and one previous path may no longer be followed.

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It's actually fairly simple... there have been no significant discoveries of oil for many years... and there is no evidence of any oil wells refilling...

Abiotic oil is bullshit... Anyone who believes that is mentally ill.

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Wow. Pretty clear that IF you read that Higher Species post... you did not digest it. At all. Maybe time you get in touch with your inner 'plankton precipitate' Eddy.

"Bullshit" is indeed 'biotic' - and smells agreeably 'earthy.'

Strident condemnation of anyone 'not in agreement with me' smells distinctly 'abiotic' in odor.

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Feel free to respond to the questions I asked above.

Otherwise shut the fuck up.

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That we know of. Strangely Gaza is literally an oile field that rivals Qatar, thats a massive oil field.

Perhaps you're correct but I'm too tired to go through all your links. The depop shot and whats to come I believe you but the rest could be as easily as bias.

I've seen you around and wish I had read you work but tbh we either wake up the people pr drown under them or perhaps by them.

Good night I'm tired and this is a good man's musings we're highjacking.

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Can you provide evidence that Gaza sits atop a massive oil field.

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False premise that energy is in depletion...There are numerous forms of energy and who is to say that they have all been tapped. Those in power and control of common energy do not want any competition as I see it. Source the motivation....Kman

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..."The risks of gene therapy is such basic biology that every medical student should have known even before getting into medical school....."

The first word that came to my mind when I heard mRNA in December 2020 was retroposition and I can't tell why many doctors just ignored the reality that the population expected them to be the guarantors of. More than 96% of US MDs got injected like a cattle! Even today, I still can't figure out the thought processes of US MDs. I believe they are living in a parallel universe.

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There's no human species lower than those who hold themselves higher.

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See my matching comment below

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"The higher you soar , the smaller those under you appear" Nietzsche. True individuals who question all, are the highest being on this planet, only hope for the survival of this specie.

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This is it. Thank you. Blessings

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Hi Daniel. A tremendous piece of writing. I guess you will someday become a writer if you can't be a doctor. I need to print this if I am to read it fully. Please write a book. Btw - I'm a pupil of Rudolf Steiner. Although you ask questions, I think that you are philosophizing. But Steiner covers the questions of good and evil and Satanic and all that - in a very detailed and intellectual and fully Christian way - if you haven't ever heard of him, he is the inspiration behind Waldorf Schools, but as with everything, even the first Waldorf school went ' off track ' But there are over 6000 lectures by Steiner. Talk about suppression....who would ever know - he and his work are possibly the most suppressed of all writers, since Pelagius.

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This is so deep and expansive. People are not ready for what is said here.

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Here is how I deal with arbitrary complexity FWIW: https://innomen.substack.com/p/my-ground-floor

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No, I was at a meeting in Sylvan Lake tonight and the topic of you came up and everybody spoke so highly of you

Your hero too many of us

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I might point out that money = power = energy. Sometimes the Ones with the most money don't want more money, but rather the power... And money, at its foundation, accounts for the energy We add into a system. Free energy tech would make money pointless, and the Ones at the top, the moneyed psychopaths (money systems WILL promote psychopaths to the top) therefore hide and suppress all free energy tech.

And yes, I know for a fact that free energy tech exists.

I go more into all this here:

Even Taxes Are Not Certain (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/even-taxes-are-not-certain

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Food for thought:

“Our race is the master race. We are the divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects”.

– Menachem Begin

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Why I feel human is the dumbest animal on this planet?. But not the individual who question everything. Those are not that many.

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Correction: It would be a shame to close the door. Kman

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So much food for thought. I would be a shame to close the door. Would you entertain a podcast or discussion group. Cheers, Kman, DIGILEAK WORLD Newsletter

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It wasn't pfizer that wanted you dead, it was the government, they just contracted pfizer to make the gun.

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It is the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P) that was behind. Governments were just "policy enforcers" as shown below.


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Scum dressed as righteous with the help of the media of course. The power of a brand is well understood and with the names no one looks past that and all our governments pay money into them "so must be legitimate"

- The UN, WHO, & WEF seek to Sexualize, Exploit, & Decriminalize Sex with School-Aged Children

- “Children under four should 'ask questions about sexuality' and 'explore gender identities,' according to a detailed WHO report aimed at policy makers across Europe.”

In addition, the guidance supports educating children four and under about “enjoyment and pleasure” during “early childhood masturbation.” These points are further elaborated on below in this article.


- WHO 'healthcare workers' rape children; UN 'peacekeepers' shell civilians

UN demanding more control of people's lives, but can't be trusted around children or adults


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 The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide

ABIM = Association of Barbarians for Inquisition in Medicine

ACIP = Assisted Crimes by Immunization from Pandemonium

ACOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists in Gynecopathy

ACOOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists and Obscurantists in Gynecopathy

AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association

AMA = American Murder Association

CDC = Center for Death and Corruption

DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex

DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services

FDA = Fraud and Death Association (Approves Harmaceuticals)

HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services

MD = Mad Doctors

NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas

NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare

NSFW = Not Safe For Work

USDA = US Department of Absurdity

WEF = World Enslavement Forum (https://files.catbox.moe/r074u2.jpg)

WHO = World Homicide Organization

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What is the file download please mate?

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That's from my word document. I have been posting online since 2021 where I was not censored! Even when I am censored, it doesn't delete the facts in the intrinsic order of the universe. Those are criminal organizations that participated in crimes against humanity.

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After my Hotmail got hacked I'm more careful. Anything a scientist would value?

The answer is the same as it always was, wake up the masses or drown under them (perhaps by them)

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I would suggest it is the corporate/military banking led cabal...Kman

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