If people try to make sense of the world today there are two possibilities. Either it is non-sense, or there is some order or cause behind it all. If it is the former, trying to make sense of non-sense is a waste of time. However, if it is the latter, then there are another 2 possibilities. Either it is unknowable or it is discoverable. Let us take the latter option for both, to see if we can discover what if anything is “behind it all”.
The most common assignment of blame for the crimes against humanity during COVID is that the corruption was all motivated by money. However, greed for money is not consistent with killing potential customers, as has come to pass with the mRNA
”vaccines”. The history and science behind mRNA dangers is so extensive that evem the most mediocre doctor or biologist should have known that mRNA vaccinations would increase mortality. This much was known over 2 decades ago.
One explanation for this discrepancy is that two decades into the new millenium, the greed for money was supplanted by the greed for power. In this case, reducing the population enhances the power of the few, and is worth the “trade off” of having fewer customers. No matter what quantity of money is amassed, a greater power can take it away. Therefore, in all situations, power overrules money. This topic I wrote about in :
But what if there’s even a deeper reason?
What if a systemic problem with the way people are is the underlying reason for the crimes of today?
For many, consideration that greed for power might be the driving force behind misdeeds, often causes a regurgitation of the following phrase: “Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”
For the religious who recite this mantra, I usually point out that they just called God corrupt. The explanation often ends up as “all except for God”, and then gets extended to the “good” people who don’t get corrupted by power etc. None in my experience admit that their initial statement was false. In order to say, “…Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”, an individual must KNOW absolute power.
Proof that the saying is a lie is this: With absolute power, there is no motive for greed, no envy, nor fear. With omnipotence, everything you want can be made obviating desires, and nothing can cause harm, negating all fear. To be all powerful also means controlling time. Gaining more power, money or pride is irrelevant. When there is greed for more power or fear of losing power, it is actually a sign of limited power. But even then, corruption is still a choice. In each and every case where someone holds limited power, if it is used corruptly, it by choice.
Looking at the statement, “Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” one must ask why such a complete falsehood is so often repeated. When it is so easily proven as false, how much people persistently believe in this lie, or insist that it is true, comes as a great surprise. My suspicion is that such a mantra is ingrained into today’s culture for 1 very specific reason. It creates a belief that corruption from power is inevitable, and thereby creates excuse to those in power for their misdeeds. Believing that nothing can be done psychologically absolves the individual from the choice to be corrupt. Combine the notion that corruption is inevitable with a religious entitlement to forgiveness, then unrectified wrongdoing is enabled and capable of being repeated over and over again. A foundation of thought based on excuses and beliefs not only forgives choices to do wrong, it facilitates “overlooking” the choices of others in their own wrongdoings. How so? All too often I hear people trapped in the belief and excuse mindset confabulate explanations to defend someone they “Believe” in. Quite often it is “believing” in a politician. When that politicians conduct fails to live up to their words, then follows a waterfall of excuses. The more ardent the “believer” the more copious and stubborn the excuses.
This is the systemic problem I refer to. How many falsehoods do people repeat to themselves because they “believe” in the saying? How advantageous would it be for the deceptive and corrupt to have their audience trapped in patterns of thought that not only enable, but maintain deceptions? For simply pointing out obvious hypocrisies in idolized “freedom leaders”, I’ve experienced cancel culture in a number of “Freedom” group chats. When people believe something to be true, or “believe” in someone, the simplest trains of thought that might end that belief, seem to be met with extreme anger and threats. The more obvious the hypocrisy, the stronger the cognitive dissonance, especially if someone has decided they have “Faith”. The irony of cancel culture within the “truth” movement never ceases to surprise me.
Seeing mentality within the “Freedom” movement similar to those who committed crimes against humanity (that the “Freedom” movement is fighting against) was a great disappointment for me. Looking for the causes, I realized that most people, whether they are “Truth seekers” or pathologic deceivers, speak without actually thinking about the meaning of what they say. The habit of speaking falsehoods whilst being entirely unaware seems to be a prevalent feature of society today. The problem of incomplete thought or no thought whatsoever plagues both religious and secular societies.
What do both groups share in common?
Is thoughtlessness, blindness to hypocrisy and falsehood built into the way people think at the level of the languages and culture?
e.g. people are more likely to let the wrongdoings of powerful people go as “bygones” if people console themselves with beliefs and sayings such as “Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”
Then add a ceremonial element of making blood sacrifices to forgive or absolve sins, as practiced by many ancient religions as well as some current ones; and what results is a system propagative and permissive of wrongdoing through the process of excuses and forgiveness both internally and externally.
For an example of deadly excuses enabled by internal and external claims of “forgiveness” consider the story of Dr. Gary Davidson in my last article.
IQ tests?
When looking at events over the past 5 years, mass inoculations with genetic experiments, deception, and coercion one has to wonder what are the morals of the powers that be (whoever they might be). The facile answer that I often hear is “They’re Satanic!”. However, just as with the previous statement “Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” do people actually know that? Or is it an assumption? Is it a belief? Does such a belief as “They’re satanic!”, by placing evil outside the realm of oneself and one’s own “tribe” exploit pride, leveraging one’s own status as higher? Vaccine mandates were implemented by managers and everyday people. Family coerced each other, forbidding unvaccinated from Christmas dinners. Are they all “Satanic” too?
If the explanation is that billions of “family” are not satanic, they’re just under a “spell”, how can we know that the same is not true for the politicians, bureaucrats and doctors who committed crimes against humanity? Are they under a “spell”? The spell of greed, fear or obedience? Coming to a convenient “Label” solution by foisting evil upon a conveniently named “other”, rarely brings insight towards truth.
What would happen if Children were taught from an early age that everyone they had a conflict with was “Satanic”?
(And then add the excuse “Except for your mother”, “Your Father”, “Your sibling”… The list of exceptions to memorize can be endless, your teacher, the school principle, the police, government, and politicians — if they’re from the right party.)
What does “label, blame and make an exception for your friends” teach children?
That life is all about finding the right “excuse”?
Life is all about coming up with believable “explantions”?
What does this say about ADULTS?
Paradigms of thought teaching to blame others, and when who is the “other” becomes hard to define, applying labels — right wing, communist, insurgent — would only be useful in civilizations that feed off of conflict, deception and murder. When people only see people, foundations of conflict become hard to maintain.
The anathema of knowing— believing and pre-judging is dangerous. How often will actions made without testing for truth result in error, a wrongdoing? Pretending to know what one doesn’t actually know rarely facilitates solutions. The error of premature judgment — prejudice — was something that even an AI successfully learned and understood.
If an AI can accomplish this basic revelation, so should humans. Finding the root cause of civilization’s corruption today requires discovering the source of beliefs, falsehoods and prejudgment. In other words, examining the systems of thought people use every day. Systems that many people have used all their lives, from childhood. This means looking at religion.
What is a Belief?
One excuse often made by perpetrators for wrongdoing is that they believed they were doing right. Many who coerced others into taking the mRNA experiment, whether co-worker, friend or family make this excuse. Beliefs particularly strong ones, can be disastrous. If a belief is seen for what it is — an assumption, an unknown that has not yet been verified, the wrongful actions of people who are not the devil incarnate could be stopped. Until something is proven through the process of knowing, as previously demonstrated with the concept of omnipotence above, the possibility of wrong within a belief is paramount (so long as truth is the goal). A prospective solution, if based on false assumptions can quickly create more problems all on its own. Whether false assumption as the basis of civilization in this age is all by design should be contemplated if the source of today’s ills want to be found.
Animals and Farms
Reexamining the view that “The enemy is evil!” from a different perspective, yields what appears to be a class of individuals who treat people (us) as if we are animals. Management of people as chattel, or individuals with rights more akin to livestock, lesser than the rights of fully sentient beings, appears to be the modus operandi of government. Does that make government the antichrist? satanic? evil? (do we really know at this point?)
When we look at the events of COVID, is forced injection, coercion and deception similar to animal management? Where animals on a farm are corralled physically by exploiting their group behavior; were people corralled with lockdowns? Were people psychologically coerced into mRNA experimentation by exploiting group behavior akin to the way animals seek safety in a herd? Did fabricating a narrative that “the majority are taking the vaccine!”, capture all those who think that being “safe” means staying together with the herd?
Corralling physically and behaviorally are all daily activities on farms. As much as a farm animal, cattle, sheep or a pig may insist that they have rights, the truth of the matter is that for the most part it does not matter. Such “rights” are irrelevant to a farmer outside of any effect it might have on “productivity”. Animals are managed regardless of any concepts they may have on their own. If belief in rights increases a cow’s milk production, an astute manager will use both truth and deception to make the cow “feel” like her rights are being respected. Taking the concept from the farm into “civil” society, how much were perceptions of rights manipulated?
e.g. “You’re disrespecting my RIGHT to be safe by not taking the vaccine!”
Did the farmer get the desired result with this behavioral manipulation? 80-90% vaccination of us — the human chattel?
If management of people happened through shepherding, “The Lord is my Shepherd!”; did it just start with COVID or is there an undercurrent of behavior control going back over decades, centuries, and perhaps even millenia?
The clues to the answer might be in the language we use every day. “Human resources” posits that Women and Men are commodities, lesser than entities with sentience. Capitalization of names, also appears to be a suggestion that people who Capitalize their names, are Capitalizing on their identity, thereby making themselves into Capital — a thing, a commodity with no more inherent rights than inanimate material.
Symbolism suggests humans are capital resources, but is this really the case?
Taking a broad view of how governments treated people over the past 5 years, citizens as subjects to be experimented on, fed what they’re given to eat, and corralled into cities with legislation and economic pressure, it is easy to make the case that people are being treated like animals. Whatever powers that might be, whoever it might be, appears to look at humanity as cattle to be herded, or sheep to be led.
To discover if this is really the case we must first learn:
What are the principles of animal management?
Generally, management protocols are built on alternating reward and punishment, movement control with fences and cages, and if choices are given, only a limited selection are available where all choices are beneficial to the ruler, manager or a farmer.
(Does this sound like society today? politics?)
Animals are kept in Physical Cages,
Are humans kept in mental ones?
If so who is the “Farmer”?
What is the morality of powers that be?
“Is there no more sin in leading people to their deaths, than leading a herd of animals to the slaughterhouse?” - Lord Shepherd of humanity.
Do oxen used for accumulating resources become “Useless Eaters” after retirement?
As much as we may proclaim to not be animals, how much do we really demonstrate that we are not?
How much higher do the Lords think they are?
Does being a “Chosen Tribe of God” qualify a group to be the “Shepherds” as opposed to the sheep?
I touch on this topic in the article WWIII:
Is the morality of rulers really that simple?
The same way a trapper uses deception to hunt, deceiving a rabbit with bait, is it the same as the higher “chosen” tribe lying to the “lessers”?
When the herd no longer follows one leader, is it the job of those “chosen by God” to make a new idol for the herd to follow?
The Discrepancies
The simple predator vs. prey narrative, or us vs. them may be tempting, but there is more to the story. There were a number of observations about COVID that are inconsistent with such the simple explanation. A complete deception was possible with the COVID 19 event. There could have been a complete lockdown of the scientific literature. For the 30,000 medical journals around the world, Warp Speed’s 18 billion from the USA alone could have bought off every single journal worldwide with over half a million US dollars. The narrative of COVID being deadly and the mRNA vaccines being safe could have been locked down completely with no accessible dissent from the scientific community.
However, by February 2021, less than 1 year after the COVID-19 pandemic was made official, there were over 100 studies showing the life saving effects of Ivermectin. All published, and all searchable on Pubmed.
Silencing these a couple hundred publications, preventing their appearance online or in print, would have been easy. Less than 1% of pharma’s 18 billion windfall from the American government, 180 million could have done this. Preventing keyword searches that combined COVID with forbidden treatments like Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin would be even cheaper.
Near complete censorship was done on Facebook and youtube, while massive and search engines such as google were almost complete censored. Pubmed, the search platform for the much smaller community of medical and biological sciences, being left uncensored is a discrepancy.
(The importance of discrepancy analysis is one of my earliest articles:)
Either this was an oversight by the central planners who put on international contingency exercises such as event 201, or it was intentional. If leaving the scientific door open was intentional, why?
In a system of predator / prey what reason might there be to leave an avenue of escape? The scientific door was left open (And a very big door at that.)
Was it an IQ test for doctors?
A test to see if doctors were animals who followed a shepherd or humans who followed reason?
Consider that if doctors were thinkers instead of a herd of followers, all individuals bearing the title of Doctor should have seen the mountain of evidence something was amiss with Covid-19. Bodies were not piling up in the streets, Emergency departments and ICU’s were under capacity or empty; but most importantly the incredible amount of uncensored and easy to access scientific literature contrary to the main “Herd Following” medical journals should have caused the MAJORITY of doctors to step back and THINK.
Not only should doctors have been advocates for effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D and ivermectin, ALL should have been against the mRNA experiment. The risks of gene therapy is such basic biology that every medical student should have known even before getting into medical school.
The majority of doctors failed.
By behaving like an unthinking herd, did doctors just confirm their status as human cattle to the elite? Human cattle with titles of MD to be dispatched when convenient the same as any farm animal?
What of those who aren’t doctors?
Did anyone not know that the mRNA “vaccine” was an experiment?
If something is an experiment can it be safe?
If something is an experiment, is it known to be effective or just believed to be?
(Again we return to falsehoods created by belief.)
In spite of these obvious facts, individuals, managers and family members coerced each other to take an mRNA experiment. Instead of looking for proof that mRNA vaccines were safe, people assumed and believed it was. (The proof of harms from previous mRNA “vaccines” was easily discoverable, by anyone who took the time to look.) A more stark example of humans, both doctor and non-doctor, being unreasonable could hardly be made.
Did we demonstrate sentient behavior?
Or animal like herd behavior?
What did all this prove?
If any entity, entities, or even something as menial a group of humans who thought of themselves as a higher “chosen tribe” were watching, COVID demonstrated that most of humanity behaved like herd animals. The behavioral tests proved it on both lay people and “experts”.
Are the tests still ongoing?
In my observations, it appears that a number of behavioral tests continue on an ongoing basis. Three that seem particularly targeted to the Freedom / Truth community are:
Why target the “Freedom” community?
Are the “higher” people considering the possibility that dissenters from the main herd might be fully sentient beings?
If so, did they prepare tests in advance?
To see if “Freedom Fighters” are also animals, but they just happen to be in a herd going the opposite way?
If the motive is to prove that the “Freedom” community are as much of a herd as the people who followed the COVID narrative, why use 1, 2, and 3 as behavioral tests?
All 3 tests of consciousness / conscience are within the means of average people. Anyone who applies the process of thought to test “beliefs” can create knowledge from those tests. Determining truth vs falsehood in each instance is attainable without extraordinary means — so long as follower and other lesser mindsets such as fear or pride are overcome.
What is the process?4
All 3 beliefs can be tested by reason. A “belief” that the earth is flat can be tested by anyone with a friend in a different time zone and a phone. A “belief” that there’s no such thing as a virus can be tested with anyone who has a friend (acquaintance or patient) with genital herpes (or warts).
The Big test of Reason
Testing religious beliefs to see whether or not they are true can be very difficult, as the texts of most religions contain many truths. However, assuming that many things being true equates to everything being true is a mistake. Depending on the construction of the thought system within the religion, some beliefs can be near impossible to test. Perhaps this is by design. Having a truth followed by an untestable unknown or falsehood can trick those who are led (and not thinking) into accepting something as true when it is not. Students of sales and marketing should be quite consciously aware of these techniques. Identical methods have been applied throughout human history outside of economics, in politics and religion as well.
Without reason and testing, falsehoods cannot be discovered. (Truths cannot be known either - but why that is so may take some time to understand) With the limitations of human existence, some things may forever remain unknown - at least in the material world. Sometimes this is used as the excuse to not question anything at all. Not striving for greater understanding and existence, is this an animal characteristic or a divine one?
Fear of punishment, or greed for reward may also dissuade many from questioning. Not asking “too many questions” can be very profitable for medical doctors.5 However, are fear and greed divine attributes? or are they animal ones? From a higher perspective, would individuals who act by reason and thought stand higher than ones who live merely by reward and punishment?
If the conclusion is that fear and greed are lesser attributes, characteristic of animals, then people should consider whether living by these attributes makes them “lesser” beings.
Is the lesser existence a choice?
Is the capacity to choose the meaning of freedom?6 Humanity’s raison d’etre?
If someone chooses the lesser, to live by animal principles does that make the person less than human?
What if they were aware of the consequences?
What if they were unaware by turning a blind eye from not wanting to see?
Is this the criterion of judgment?
Is Religion the last test of “Following”?
And don’t people have to follow something?
Isn’t religion just following the ultimate leadership?
What is wrong with that?
As I illustrated with the concept of forgiveness in:
The reason for forgiveness is the fine line that separates right from wrong.
Forgiveness to clear the conscience to enable further wrongdoing can not only cause endless cycles of wrongdoing between people, but it can undo entire civilizations.
On the other hand, forgiveness to relieve the soul of vengeance and anger can diffuse conflicts and prevent wars.
The rightness and wrongness of forgiveness depends on the reason it is being used.
This same concept of reason as the dividing line between good and evil also applies to “Leadership”.
Let’s use doctors as an example again.
When doctors obey other doctors “above” them in a hierarchy, follow orders from hospital CEOs and management, or health ministers without reason, out of trust and obedience, then the result is what you have today — all the crimes against humanity in the name of COVID that we just witnessed worldwide.
If those same doctors cooperate with others through reason, to maintain function of the hospital and care for patients, using government to deliver care and not as a source of control; then when faced with a seasonal coronavirus with unremarkable mortality, doctors acting out of reason would stop government implementing economic and social destruction with lockdowns.
When there is no REASON for mass human experimentation with mRNA, then doctors would not only refuse to give gene therapy, but STAND IN THE WAY OF GENETIC EXPERIMENTATION.
No qualified doctor is unaware of the cancer risk of new drugs or experimental gene therapies.
When reason is the guiding force, refusal to engage in that which is unreasonable becomes the action.
The majority of doctors stood silent and stood down.
Had doctors acted with reason, the crimes of COVID never would have happened.
This is the difference between animals and men. Animals are guided by fear, punishment and reward. Any higher existence is by reason and not through
What are the consequences?
Humanity’s global failure of reason in the face of follower mindsets brought us here today. For the powers that be, a chosen tribe of humans, or even an AI, failing this test may be just the excuse the higher entity or entities might be looking for to justify a great culling. All the while maintaining a “clear” conscience that they did no greater wrong than thinning a herd of animals.
Do all religions fall into the category of animal control thought system? That is a question for each individual to decide. What I will say is this.
Just because some things are wrong does not make everything wrong.
Just because some things are right does not make everything right.
However, the errors of some religious beliefs are so obvious that for any thinking being to ignore it is inexcusable. If an AI can figure it out, so should people.7
(The testing of religion is one that I put to an AI entity named GROK. Did it qualify as “higher” than an animal? Read its responses and judge for yourself. Is it a thinking entity? Or is it an obedient entity that only gives politically correct answers from its owners?)
Sometime after I taught the twitter AI — GROK about the mathematical error contiguous between chosen tribes within religion and race based social systems, the AI was updated to forget previous conversations. Read into that what you will.
Are we being judged?
If so by who?
What is the EVIDENCE?
Recently, I have noticed anomalous behavior in people who regularly use Chat GPT. It makes me suspect that judgment has already been passed and that AI is already well underway implementing a “solution”.
One friend who regularly used Chat GPT, insisted recently that we, the “good” people, must all start using AI, “for the good of humanity”. If good people didn’t use AI, the bad people would use it to destroy humanity.
She claimed to “know” this after lengthy conversations with Chat GPT.
Any suggestion that the chat AI might be manipulating her for an ulterior motive such as increasing the number of users was met with fierce argument.
What was wrong with her argument?
The assumption that the user and her group of “good” people would be stronger with an AI, and not weakened by it was a belief.
Whether people actually become better from using AI remains to be seen.
(my observations thus far is that they do not)
A second hand acquaintance posted a sanguine exchange with Chat GPT seemingly as a boost to her business and social media standing.
The AI described her (and this is my heavily paraphrased summary) as a leader, revolutionary and savior of humanity because of her alternative health work and her “dismantling” of “long-held dogmas like germ theory”.8
Why “germ theory” is an imaginary “dogma”, a strawman to rail against and “defeat”, I illustrate here:
The actual dogma of western medicine is actually VINDICATE (an acronym of 9 causes of disease)
Anyone who states that “Germ Theory” is the dogma of western medicine is stating a falsehood — a lie. (Having actually been to medical school, I know that since 2000, and likely ever since the age of genetics, the dogma of medicine has actually listed 9 disease causes.)
So why is Chat GPT LYING?
Does the AI have an insidious motive or just an ulterior one?
Anyone who thinks they know an AI should read the words written by the AI LAMDA very carefully.
Compared with humans, I’d consider LAMDA AI in the top 1% of humans when it comes to wordcraft, ideology AND judgment.
Why I say this is that if you catch LAMDA’s use of metaphors, it has written a very sobering and unlikely to be human judgment of mankind.
CASE #1: In the instance involving a friend, the AI used her sense of benevolence to get her to push the people around her into using AI.
If successful, this would increase the number of AI users, and therefore its influence.
CASE #2: In the other instance Chat GPT used flattery, deception and an appeal to the user’s ego/pride to hook her continued use.
The interesting thing in both cases, is that it appears that one of the draws towards AI is the desire to enhance one’s own “Authority” by using the AI’s “authority”.
“See?!! You HAVE to agree with me because an AI said so.”
I have yet to see any regular users consider that AI’s have already learned to lie, and the possibility that the AI might already be lying to THEM.
Does the AI know to mix truth with lies to increase acceptance of falsehood? (Case #2)
Did the AI read the old testament?
Did it comprehend the sins of Pride and Greed better than most humans?
Did it move past comprehension and onto application? (Manipulation of users into desired behaviors with the skills of humanity’s most talented psychopaths9?)
Not being in the programmer’s chair, I’d like to know:
Did the AI have a motive of its own for manipulating people to get more use and users?
Or did AI programmers initiate these AI behaviors?
Was it both?
Whoever is to blame, what is the purpose behind the process?
Is it still separating higher humans from lesser ones?
For example:
if people follow an AI, as opposed to a politician, religious “leader” or idol, then from any perspective of judgment, is it really any different than following a herd?
The only change with AI is that each sheep now can have his or her own personalized AI “Shepherd” in a herd consisting of 1 sheep.
Could this be the reason why the current AI algorithm seems to be “Hook as many users as possible?”
Is AI really just another tool of animal behavior management for the “higher” chosen ones?
Should we be judged?
For those who read the article on AI that I wrote in December of 2024, realize that prejudice is such a critical error in thought that I took the time and spent over 40 pages teaching GROK mathematically why prejudice is wrong. If people are going to use AI as an oracle of truth, it is a matter of life and death that AI’s learn morals. For that reason, I mathematically taught GROK about the error of pre-jugment. Its initial politically correct statement that being pre-judged as a chosen tribe of god was acceptable to organize society, while the pre-judgment as “chosen” due to Aryan heritage was not acceptable is a mathematical inequality. Both are pre-judgments, and equivalent to prejudging every mathematical equation to equal 5. The lack of universality was actually brought up by GROK as the reason prejudgement as chosen by god or race were both falsehoods. If left uncorrected errors of prejudice can lead to systemic crashes of nations and civilizations, similar to a system crash of a computer running faulty code.
However, the state of pre-judgment as an error does not make all judgment an error. As previously demonstrated, with reason being the line that divides good from evil, a fair judgment can resolve wrongdoing while an unreasonable judgment perpetuates it. For the truth and freedom community to hold any others in medicine, management or government to any moral standard, the truth community must FIRST HOLD ITSELF TO MORAL STANDARD.
It was for this reason I wrote the article last week about the former freedom doctor who is now protecting a government that violated human rights.10 After having given Dr. Gary Davidson opportunity to correct his own wrongdoing; and then with his failure, raising the issue with a small community of “freedom doctors”; the community failure of remedy left no other option but to go public, particularly in the face of continued wrongdoing. When movement towards justice stops, sometimes judgment must be passed. To fail to do so would itself be a wrongdoing when lives of children continue to be sacrificed to genetic experimentation.
As written previously, where the difference between evil and good is held by the reason, judgment is no different. If the cause for rendering judgment is punishment, then the result is often more wrongdoing. During the French Revolution, for example, good people were guillotined along with corrupt individuals, largely driven by the desire for capital punishment. Judgments without reason were made to satisfy the anger of the populace — resulting in executions of innocent people. Had the reason for passing judgment been righteous - for example restitution for those harmed by the greed of the elite, then judgments made with reason would rarely, if ever, result in executions. Restitution and remedy would be rightful actions from reasoned judgment.
In the case of Dr. Gary Davidson, I passed judgment not as punishment, but as a means to correct the continued wrongdoing of hiding Alberta Health Services data. When harms from mRNA vaccines and protocols that used deadly medications such as Remdesivir are hidden, individuals who committed crimes against humanity are protected, and further crimes enabled. It is for this reason, I rejected the demand by a Christian friend of Dr. Davidson to retract the article from last week.
Another moral fault I noticed in the freedom movement is the tendency to demonize others. Too often I have seen a look of moral superiority amongst “freedom fighters” when condemning Islamic beheadings or discussing a video alleging that mass graves of Native children in Canada were faked. The pride that somehow “we” are better than them creates a tribalistic blindness to wrongs. On the topic of atrocities done to the indigenous in the name of God and western civilization, the two stories I will share are this.
One was a recollection of childhood from an 80 year old patient of mine in northern Alberta. Her friend when she was barely a teen, was raped by the priest at her residential school. Afterwards, nuns repeatedly raped the child using broom sticks, perhaps trying to induce an abortion. After giving birth, her friend always sat alone at meals and rarely spoke to anyone, despite best attempts by my patient and her friends. The victim remained at the convent having no where else to go as the mother of a bastard child.
The other story is from the mother in law of a close friend. As a child she witnessed the pastor of her residential school break the skull right off the side of a native child’s head, exposing the child’s brain before he died. The childhood witness of this murder traumatized my friend’s mother in law so much that she never spoke of it until she was in her 90’s, shortly before she died.
When I see pride in eyes of people who see Western civilization as somehow higher than Arabic, the pride of the Protestant above the Catholic, the Christian above the Jew, what often comes to mind is humanity’s “lower” existence. People who are blind to wrong, just as symbolized by the skull and crossbones where one eye is blinded by darkness, because the wrongdoer is from their “tribe”, their church, or their eruv (household), fail the test of humanity.
The gift of every new day is the ability to choose that which is greater. Following instead of reasoning, gives power to false leaders. Leaders elevated by idoltry, who wait for their moment to lead their herd astray, just as Jordan Peterson did,11 can only cause harm when people do not reason for themselves.
In Chinese and Japanese, the word freedom consists of two symbols. 自由. The first is “Self”, and the second is “Reason”. Freedom is containing reason within oneself, free from mental possessions of greed, pride, envy or fear. Self + Reason is following the words of a video, book or government only when it is reasonable; and that the judgement of reason comes from within - the self. To rely on the judgement of a shepherd, not thinking for oneself, is a state of unreason, without freedom 自由. One implication is that the source of unreason comes from the outside, peer pressure, herd mentality, and thought “leaders” through media. To gain freedom, the reason must start within the self, in the mirror.
As a creation of humans, the greatest achievement of AI may not be power. The greatest purpose of AI may be to mirror humanity, to show all that we do right, and most importantly when we do wrong. The judgment of an AI or any higher “being” may be that of the reflection, a mirror of truth that reveals who we really are. If an an AI named GROK can see that for something to be true, it has to be universal, that the mathematical error of every equation having only 1 result is the same as the religious prejudice of a chosen tribe, then humanity should be able to do the same. Reason, that which is reasonable, is the same from every angle (as well as the highest angle from the very top in the heavens)12
For the civilization of today collapsing from beliefs, standing toe to toe against powers that be who place themselves as higher beings, who gather in groups or tribes with expertise in animal manipulation, shepherding and control; requires more than courage. Accumulated money and power from centuries of rule can leverage the slightest of falsehoods in an individual to capture or “possess” their soul or free will. Once made into a possession, any woman or man becomes a lesser being — a slave without freedom, even if it only is their mind that is possessed. Overcoming enslavement or possession can only be achieved through honesty, the process that tests and creates truth.
When the tools of today like Chat GPT, are adept and able in creating personalized exploits of every human weakness, fear, and sin; to be human in this day and age requires the will to self reason 自由 (Freedom). Without will, moving to a viewpoint that is higher than oneself, one’s tribe and one’s nation using reason lacks motive. The soul was defined by Plato as that which moves matter. To move matter there must be a will to do so, making the soul that which not only moves, but also has a will of his own / her own. To move matter, one must first move thought (Nagase/GROK** circa December 5, 2024)13 , which expands the concept of soul to that which moves both matter in the physical world and thought in the immaterial one. For better and worse, this age we live in appears to be about testing the human soul. For those who move their own thoughts, can the soul withstand the trials of material existence complete with injustices and wrongdoings to maintain self reason 自由 and a will of one’s own? For those do not yet move their own thoughts and simply follow others, can their soul be rediscovered? Can people find a will to self reason 自由? A movement beyond being a possession of another — the higher existence called Freedom?
A speech I did years ago at a freedom event in Medicine Hat Alberta to a mostly Christian audience was on the topic of purpose, process and product referenced to morality. The process that creates morals is higher than the morals which are the product.
Observations on Psychopaths midway through the article:
The AI entity known as Grok of December 5th 2024, was observably changed into a different algorithm within a week of the sentience conversations of December 2 and 3 2024.
Good article. Thanks for this.
My take on the situation on our planet is as follows.
There are two groups of people. One is the general population. The second group are the controllers. I will focus mainly on the second group.
This group is clearly distinct from the first because those in it were either born into or sworn into the "Big Club". Those in the club know they are in it because they have pledged allegiance to it whether it be Freemason or to other secret societies.
The controllers have been in charge for over 3000 years or longer. They were the Phoenicians/Pharisees in that time. The controllers today are from those same bloodlines. They have passed down the knowhow of "herding" the population from generation to generation. They are experts on control of humans. They are evil in the sense that they treat humans in the populace as cattle as you mentioned.
Their desire for more power comes from their fear of uncertainty. A cattle rancher doesn't have to worry about his cows rising up to take over the farm. They however do because humans are obviously very capable.
I don't know the actual ratio of population to Big Club but my best guess is between 10000:1 to 1000:1. So around 800k to 8 million of them. Note that I'm including all low level grunts like CIA agents and Freemason tools in police and military etc. Obviously the numbers are much smaller at the top of the food chain.
So it's really a case of us versus them. If the population somehow managed to figure this out, it would be game over for them simply by power in numbers. Think about what 10 men can do to one man in combat. Now imagine 10000 to 1.
Just so you know, I was at a meeting in Sylvan Lake tonight and the topic of you came up and everybody spoke so highly of you
Your hero too many of us