Is it a Japanese plan or a plan to scapegoat Japan?

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The current Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government where the prime minister Kishida just resigned this summer is as corrupt as the Biden Regime in the US. The Replicon is the Japanese government's plan.

The government here has scientific departments in every field, physics research, computing, and a space program.

The idea that Biologists working for the government (especially fisheries) don't know about Alphavirus recombination, and the likelihood of an Alphavirus "self amplifying" gene sequence combining with viruses in the wild is highly unlikely.

This means that what the Japanese government is doing is 100% intentional.

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This baffles me, as I've read that Japan made kids' shots non-mandatory when they realized they were killing and maiming, and they also compensated parents. So this really doesn't make sense to me.

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This is part of Satan’s plan, which has been carried out by the WHO, the CDC, et al.: to constantly reverse and shift what is asserted as the truth. All to confuse the masses.

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Baffling me as well. I thought we had turned a corner when Japanese MSM were the first to come out with their admittance to the damage the covid vaccine had done only very recently. Surely the Japanese are not as bad (couldn't use the word I would like) as the Chinese.

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Scare mongering perhaps let’s look at Rosmer Nagasaki they might of people killed in seconds now someone saying that you are gonna annihilate the population of the planet. What the fucking hell is all coming into it? That we now told there’s NB nano particles spike proteins in then aesthetic and nicotine destroys them let’s start smoking for fuck sake, the population of this planet I just bloody guinea pigs guinea pigs where crap like the sex of people that eat babies yes we’ve got paedophile rings murdering prostitution rings pickpocket rings baby in rings I’m not saying it can’t happen this planet kick up the arse and not the people like me and you the morons that think that is all illuminati all those people with so much power power erupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

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I am not going to quit smoking any time soon. I'll take my chances of getting cancer that might not kill me as fast, unlike death caused by a cytokine storm of a damn virus.

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I don’t think the average person has any idea the evil that exists in the world!

Look at the DECEPTION. It’s all here if one looks, and is OPEN to discernment.

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Evil exists outside because of the sins people have inside. For example, I can't tell you how many "Freedom" doctors in Alberta, know Covid was wrong, and the mRNA vaccines were wrong, and the Alberta college of physicians was Wrong, but they still renew their license.

The most common excuse is "I have to pay my mortgage".

The reason why this is a Sin, is that it says "My house is more important than other people's lives".

If every doctor who knew something was wrong actually stood up and took acction by refusing to renew their license, then Doctors who speak the truth like Dr. Makis would not be facing jail time.


About 30% of doctors refusing to renew their license to a Criminal College of Physicians and Surgeons would be all it takes to end the murders. (But so far the doctors of Alberta refuse to act, despite all their brave "talk")

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Are you saying that this plan was hatched without any form of coordination with the West or the globalists in charge? After all, the current Japanese government does appear like a corrupt globalist stooge...

And cui bono once Replicon is unleashed? Japan or the globalists? I believe Japan will be the scapegoat.

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Oh, no, the Japanese government has been working closely with the US government ever since the end of world war two. The Japan US Joint Security Committee. basically gives Japan orders on everything, from how much US treasury bills to buy, what to hold the US / Japanese Yen exchange rate at, and of course "Bio" security.

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Absolutely. Shinzo Abe's grandfather, amongst others, tried to claw back some degree of sovereignty, but his most loyal ally suddenly turned against him.

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Doing it in Australia too. Demons on the loose.

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and still using the PCR test. the Senate Hearings only came up with a plan for a CDC for Australia. Asio is not interested in more excess deaths than WWII since the jabs. https://old.bitchute.com/video/Uj56Xs3JnmDW/



on the H1N5 or whatever they are up to.

those who call themselves jews and are not are the demons.

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OK, what's the end game? Total annihilation of humanity ans animals? I can't see too many going along with it.

Perhaps a severe reduction in population, that I could believe.

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When you have millions of individuals in each species, and even if a replicon / natural virus supervirus hybrid causes extreme mortality, there are always thousands of individuals who survive the depopulation event. This is nature. There are always survivors, maybe not for every species because extinctions do happen, but survivors always exist to take the place of the missing.

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But what is the point or goal of all this nonsense?

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It seems they’re doing it just because they can. But it’s hard to say. Some of them do it because they actually think they’re saving the world from overpop. To get insights into psychopathy read https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/wwiii It goes very deep into religion as well as my experience in forensic psychiatry observing psychopaths.

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Dr. Nagase -- you seem like the only professional who has made this connection/observation about the 2 main risk points (that it can survive outside the host, and that it can cross species), vs say others like James Corbett and Michael Yon who have also tried to ring the bell of awareness about this new vaccine, but in a very similar way to the prior CV one -- thank you very much for the courage and work effort you have put into this. Thank you also for all of your replies to comments from your readers, it is very helpful to read and also quite selfless of you to share your time -- in reply to another question you said this: "The natural world seems to be the best defence at this point. Having as many antibodies as possible to as many natural viruses as possible is the best chance for defeating any manmade gene modified viruses." -- our Q is, are there protocols out there (like the Zelenko protocol or others?) that might be helpful both to prepare in advance for this likely spread and/or to try removing the toxins once/if we become infected?

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Thrills for bored, infantile, sadistic, psychopaths. I no longer ask for logical or reasonable explanations since I suspect I could never really understand the motivations of crackpots, especially violent ones.

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We are following a script. We are at the part in Biblical times where XMEN come into play. ... Survivors will become the new race. Operation OMEGA.

Once we are thru w/ revelations.... We RE-start GENESIS.

Homo-borg-genesis. or Generation Omega

The end goal is synthesize anything natural. ... Lock us down further into a stolen, simulated reality run by the dark lord himself. The adversary to all things, LIFE. ... If you follow the scripture...Good prevails over evil, but evil must reign 1000 tears. Generation Z starts the synthetic beings perhaps? Alpha REstarts it in the garden of eaten. LIVE is EVIL in this realm

.I wish I could explain it better, it's so clear my head.

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Hello there.

There is a RESET. i.e. destruction of the old decrepid/spoiled/polluted/adulterated/corrupted world and a new one emerges after a cataclysmisc event. Like reformating a hard drive. WHO/WHAT is doing this is anyones guess.

I read your comments on vaccinefraud.

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especially ones that do not have the ACE2 receptor variants for the biolab created COVid (and jabs). though I note it is not the only receptor involved in the swiss army knife or harm


page 3, jews and Amish (I like Amish).

something to look out for.... genetic targetting of bioiweapons.

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And the ones who do survive will be genetically altered to prepare for the transhuman virus.

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We live in hell.

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I guarantee you it is a jewish operation. Japan had criticised Israel and supported Palestine just before Fukushima, which had an Israeli firm there for 'security'.

see jimstonereloaded.com and his Fukishima Sabotage report on the left there , or


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Yes, there was and still is a lot of Zionist infiltration in Japan. However, there are plenty of Japanese who are equally as bad. So to be fair we’d have to say “It’s the Jews, the Japanese, the Khazarians, the Jesuits, the Masons…”, and practically everyone except the Sri Lankans who are mostly Buddhist.

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The third one,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Khazars

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there is that. Mark Twain said the jews were resented ( like https://archive.org/details/the-complete-list-of-the-one-thousand-and-thirty-jewish-expulsions-in-human-history ) because they were successful.

still it's them first, and the rest that are a lot like them

return to civilisaton and rule of law.

in our dreams.

and don't start me on the Srip Lankens / joking

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They wanted to blame China, after all how many times has Yellen, and Blinken been there to tell China to slow down on it's exports. As if China is to blame for the US de industrializing itself when Reagan and Clinton planned this long ago. That "Giant Sucking Sound" as job's left America. Flashback, America used to have STRONG Unions, paid healthcare, overtime, sick leave, pregnancy leave, and a paid 2 week vacation. Corporate Whores. The more Americans they fired, the millions more in CEO bonus pay. So they created the monster they fight today.

You hear them daily talking about war with China by 2027. Even China knows that soon the US will be attacking their shipping exports, which is why they increased their Navy. With BRICS the US will cut its own throat because to attack the exports of China, means you attack the Imports of others that buy from China. Trump say's he'll sanction those that don't use the dollar. News Flash, if you are in BRICS they you can't be sanctioned. Like Marco Rubio said when speaking of Venezuela joining BRICS, "We Can't Sanction them."

Made in America.





The United States Government is RACIST! They use RACE to get their stupid children to fight their wars for commerce. Can't tell you of all the "Racial Slur's" used here to drive that racial divide. As those same kid's play hours of video games killing the enemy of the State.

What is MAGA? You can't make America Great Again, or you'll be at war for the next 200+ years.

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Well, there are so many who WANT to make the US great again- and we will! And China has been a leech for a very long time. No offense meant for the people, but it doesn't take long to investigate a bit and see the regime is hell bent on power.

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I just posted a link of same.

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You are mistaken, its Corporate America. Not sure of your age or knowledge of US history?

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Japan? how many japanese ceo's of the pharma companies are there? no they are all Israelis

Pfizer, moderna and J and J are not Japanese

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That's a load. There are many Chinese. Frankly, my medications are not what they were. The meds for my heart now cause Afib, in one instance. The last surgery I had almost killed me w anesthetics. Look a very long time to recover.

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Don't you like it when the medical insert says something of the following...

The doctor has weighed the risks of using this product and the benefits outweigh the side effects?

Then you look up the side effects and it says cancers etc. That same product is on the market 20 years before they finally pull it due to excess cancers.

As OK would say, "We live in hell."

Or here's a better one, Trump will stop the war in the Ukraine in 24 hours. Not happening. However when they pulled a bogus pandemic they instantly shut the entire planet down. At least it got all them protesters off the streets right?

Then to "Save Lives" they start 2 Major Wars that have taken over a million and a half lives.

The Same Enemy is behind them both.

The Jews are the ones behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and their goal is to create a new Jewish state to replace the failing Zionist project of Israel.


Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?


Gaza isn't no mecca in the Middle East either.

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This is a war.Where is Gods help.What a mum with child can doe to get out of the replicon infection not to put her child in risk,when she is infected.Is there any way or hope?

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The natural world seems to be the best defence at this point. Having as many antibodies as possible to as many natural viruses as possible is the best chance for defeating any manmade gene modified viruses.

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Project contagion was behind Aka Covid 19. It’s part of this insane one world order revolution. I was NOC, trained nuclear and biological weapons security force then a specific program to look at laundered money and personal ties to illegal biological weapons. Infiltration is part of the issue but historical reference is missing. So project contagion is an internationalist revolution endeavor. Many nations have been involved by internationalist infiltration and are unwise partners including Russia, China, Israel, Iran, Ukraine, the US. Sounds like Japan has shown it’s handing QP. Japan during the early 1900s really had this connection with infiltration (wing spread) internationalist revolutionaries and biological weapons programs from Chen Duxia, Trotsky and Felix Derinski during the world wars and it’s ties with Hitler later years.

Project contagion is quantum particle Nano technology systems that custom create viruses. Some of them encapsulated what you term long lasting in the environment. Bill Gates, Soros brothers and the Strauss elite network is core of quantum particle virus development and design.

The genie is out of the bottle.

Even if it were possible to lock up everyone of the internationalist they have already developed a new synthetic version of smallpox virus and vaccine. IBM, Microsoft, PepsiCo, the Strauss elite network, Vaxgen, FluGen, Genentech, Monsanto, EMC, Chen Zuckerberg, the CCP employed, trained and educated enough people that no military can stand up to or stop it. Too many people around the world are sheep. Israel is the core of NanoTech for security tags but not alone. This project contagion is just one part of world order. Christians, and Islam are targeted first and foremost, because they stand in the new world order’s path. Just like the Jews stood in the way of Hitler. This time they are all in as is most the leadership around the world.

Quantum particle technology stitch together atoms for some very powerful weapons programs for evil warfare making nuclear weapons obsolete.

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jews dominated Versaille and the Weimar Republic, they made a Hitler inevitable.

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So convenient to always blame the Jews.

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Those who don't know their history are bound to repeat it. History unfortunately, has been intentionally altered and occulted so we wouldn't know the truth. Seek and you shall find. Ignorance is the true enemy. If you knew true history then you wouldn't write what you did.

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I know my history and I refuse to be blamed anymore for all the ills of the world. Christians have murdered more people in the name of G-d than we ever did or will. Then came the Muslims who murder with impunity. Take your Jew hate somewhere else. SUBSTACK is supposed to be civil. But I guess that’s too much to expect.

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boosting immune system with auto immune diseases of the genetic bioweapons is a gamble.

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I am sorry but here it seems we need to help ourselves. I don't think anyone is going to save us. Maybe THIS is God's test for us.

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You are absolutely correct… we are co creators. We play a huge role in what we can manifest . We cannot live like a victim and need to evolve spiritually and are moving to a higher frequency dimension

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I'm sure that's what the people of Gaza tell themselves every day

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Thoughts can manifest into reality. The people of Gaza might be living the consequences of psychopathic thought systems.


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Your comment isn't clear until I looked at your link BTW. The comment being brief makes it sound like the people of Gaza are psychopathic. Of course the link speaks otherwise. But as a comment to my ironic comment, it sounded sort of 'off'. Irony doesn't alway translate in text so possibly you didn't follow? Or maybe the overintellectualization process of becoming a doctor of psychiatry has you missing the emotional context?

The Gazans are currently enduring something NO human being should have to endure. And in a just world--or even a world without modern warfare and surveillance technology--they wouldn't have to.

I am not seeing how systems that reward psychopathic--or even narcissistic-- behaviour, are sustainable for humanity, let alone for all the life on this planet that sustains humanity.

Something has to give.

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The sad thing I've noticed in Canada is how many "Christians" support what Israel is doing to the children of Gaza. I don't see any examples in the life of Christ that would justify it, so I asked what it was that Christians were reading that led them to turn a blind eye to Gaza's human misery and suffering. That quest eventually led me to the old testament and the story of the Amalekites.

In the end, nature always wins, and psychopathic systems eventually devour themselves.

(I'm an ER doctor, that's the specialty of other doctor's mistakes. The psychiatry I know is limited, and I am far from a psychiatrist, but thank you for mistaking me for one, it' means I've learned their field to some degree of proficiency.)

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Something has to give is right.

It will not end well for billions of humans and many thousands of species. What's coming soon to our neighborhood is going to be one hell of a scary ride.

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Until you brought Israel into the conversation I took you seriously. It’s always the one sided view. Israel bad. Everyone else is good. With this attitude I think it’s better for humanity to end.

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The old testament does appear to be a psychopathic thought program no?

Between Islam thinking slavery of the "other" is ok and Judaism denigrating the "other" as not chosen, they both seem to me like the same thought system with different labels.

When you see death and misery, the first question I ask, is if there is a toxic thought program behind it.


An actual omnipotent God wouldn't have 1 holy land for people to kill over.

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Oct 16Edited

Seems like the process of destruction and rebuilding of civilizations is cyclic. Some cataclysmic event wipes out whole civilizations over the entire planet. The GREAT FLOOD of some 4500 years ago being just one of several large destructive events. There are smaller X FACTOR events or some call them RESETS that happen more frequently. More like every several hundred years at most.

Do we live in a simulation? A holographic realm? Is there an AI in controll of this simulation? Are there entities that are not benevolent but malicious towards humans? I do not know, but something does not add up. Why would a Creator give us free will and yet we are trapped here in what seems more like hell and no way out of here accept through enduring decades of mundane life and where for many millions life is pure suffering. What is going on? Who is in charge up there? If this is all there is to life/existence then I call god a failure in creating us humans.

ALl the sufffering and death of billions of innocent beings murdured in wars? I don't buy it.

Don't give me the cliché We are here to learn. Learn WHAT?? Compassion? Tell that to the psychopaths you are all blindly going to vote for this election year of 2024. They are all sellouts, sociopaths and immoral bastards. They tax you till death does part you from this realm, Try not to pay your property tax. You will find out who really owns the property. The govermnment will send out their mercenaries aka the POLICE/SHERIFF/SWAT to remove your body from THEIR property. YES, they have absolute power to declare any property EMMINENT DOMAIN. Its for the good of ALL! Don't you know? We live on a prison planet

We live in hell.

The dystopia the freaks running this show will have killed 7.5 billion of humans by the time tey are finished building theu NEW WORLD ORDER! It has already started through the Covid Death JAB, weponized weather control creating killer hurricanes, DEW weapons being deployed burning whole ciries like Lahaina was burned recently. It will not stop till it all plays out. If there is no resistance billons of human beings will end up dead, or enslaved for a long time. Do not COMPLY. Do not lose your wits when SHTF. Prepare for the worst NOW. Think and do not RE- ACT! THEY want you to go crazy. They want you to bow down to them and plead and beg for a solution to the problems THEY created. What a sick joke they are playing on mankind!

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Yes religions are part of the matrix to control and divide humanity… these systems will slowly collapse and there will be a oneness, and love . The anti source dominanation on humanity is fading. God bless .

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Maybe an actual omnipotent G-d wouldn’t have one group of his people tormented for 2400 years. Israel & its inhabitants fight for defense, freedom to live on a tiny postage stamp of a peace of land which has archaeological evidence of 3600 hundred years of their history. There is not one iota of archaeological evidence of Palestinian history on that land. Chosen doesn’t mean chosen by G-d, it means Chosen by the Israelites at Mt. Sinai with Moses to follow G-D’S law.

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Of course you are being sarcastic. I get it.

Prayer doesn't solve a damn thing. People will suffer greatly before they die.

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There is no "GOD", no "Saviour" outside yourself. God is within you, how already Jesus told us, but only a few understood this, still lookong up to the sky seeking salvation somewhere there.

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Omnipotence is seeing through all eyes, being witness to every sin, as well as every kindness. It is the joy of seeing people create things of beauty, and the pain of seeing every monstrous experiment. I would not wish omnipotence on anyone. I am thankful for my limited life, where the best deeds I can do have human limitations.

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Well said

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Your human soul is immortal,about 13 ounces of energy,a holographic fragment of the source which is I think is the light and energy at the center of the universe.That's the one true God,God is within.Unfortunately there are other species that do not have that connection and have went to great lengths to disrupt,distort and block our connection to the source.AKA the dark forces they have to parasite for energy,we are their food.Energy can not be destroyed but it can be trapped,deceived and transformed.So that might lead us to the soul zap and trap,memory wiped by that 2 billion volt zap and forcibly reincarnated back here.Truth is we were created with 12 strands of DNA which made our divine potential as hyperdimensional and these bodies virtually immortal.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Anti-Soul_Agenda

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I agree. I do not subscribe to a notion of putting my trust or hang my hopes on some outside agency.

No one is coming to save us. It is our responsibility to protect ourself and our loved ones.

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Self-parenting adults are the answer. Doesn’t get better than that.

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Seek the Lord with all of your mind heart and soul, and HE will show himself to you. But you must humble yourself. We are not God. Look at the mess human beings make. Pretty evident.

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And If we call out to the Lord, humble ourselves, repent..God will hear us. Stay in scripture. Stay in prayer. Keep your eyes on God and HIS word. There is much peace in that.

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If this becomes reality, it will become a global bioweapon that will decimate the global population. I estimate that some where between 20% to 50% have impaired immune systems and will be more susceptible. Isolation will be necessary to survive. Criminal to say the least.

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I feel sick. Satan is taking control of the Earth through his demons. This is predicted in the book of Revelation in the Bible.

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People, when they make decisions under the influence of greed, can often enable the machinations of greater evildoers.

But take heart, if women and men reject decisions based in fear or any other falsehood, then there is little that wrongdoers can do, because they too are mortal.

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Thank you for your kind reply. I’m a retired teacher, and want so much to do things to stop this runaway train. I can’t run fast enough; however, I will never give in. I will not comply. Heaven is the place to be, when tyranny arrives.

We are dealing with an evil in our country that many Americans have no knowledge about. I pray a lot. Thank you for all you do.

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We must humble ourselves and pray. In such books that tell of Ninevah and Jonah, Judas and the Maccabees and so many wars...if we humble ourselves, repent and cry out to the Lord, He will deliver us.

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Almighty God hears our prayers. 🙏. I am so grateful every day.

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I am playing last man on earth, literally, except for the internet and shopping deliveries. for fear of the shedding of the jewish covid jabs. even if I am overdoing it, it is prepping for such isolation, like amrna.. shedding on steroids.

It would not be so bad if one could trust the scientists. doctors. media etc etc. the lot of them. they can go the hell.

that said, I am getting bitten by things every day. maybe no way to avoid it.

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They are NOT Jewish Covid jabs. There are plenty of non Jews involved in this mess. Just because someone has some Jewish in their background doesn’t make them Jewish. If they are a horrible person then they are a horrible person with some Jewish in their background & probably some Christian too. Are you trying to tell me that all Christians are Saints ? There are plenty of horrible Christians in this world.

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Blaming one race or another is a classic way to divide humanity into warring factions. The powers that be use wars to profit and keep humanity enslaved. Maintain clarity of sight as there are many horrible people who hide behind the shields of EVERY tribe.

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It is our beliefs that have separated and divided humanity.I have been researching the internet for about 13 yrs so i like to think I know the truth when I see it.If all of humanity knew the same truth then there would be no arguing and fighting but there are about 4000 organized religions.The truth is we are all one,all humans bleed red.https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3736-examining-beliefs

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Try thinking of omniscience and what happens when you attain it.

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Christians who do not call out the synagogue of satan as Jesus Christ did are ZioCucks and will be judged accordingly.

how are you with the Holocaust, baby? sucked that lie dry yet?


and take solace, only some of you are not going to make it (with the jewish bioweapons).... as Madonna Sang in 2019 (the year the inventor of the PCR test Mullis died, who said do not use it to diagnose illnesses in the wild)... in the Eurovisioin Song contest, in Tel Aviv (continental drift I suppose)

you know, black men, gas masks....


unless she was singing about the Hannibal Directive and the IDF shooting up most of the October surprise ravers do justify what is being done now in the Middle East... rense video on that , Scott Ritter.


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I don’t usually use bad language but in your case it’s appropriate. GFY.

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do some homework, dingbats.


Christopher Wood (for example) calls out the jews behind it all. goto 5m39s . what's in a name, or nomenclature, heh? they might all be jews, but it is not a jewish operation.

either the jews are gods own on earth and that is why with 0.15% of the worlds population they dominate Big Pharma, and everything else these days, or it is just a cohencidence(sic).

plus you occupy something, you are responsible for it.

prove to me that not all jews are dingbats.

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I’m highly insulted by your comment. I’m Jewish & I don’t consider myself or anyone I know to be a dingbat. That’s a strange word to use, if I may say so. In your case Bigot is so much on point.

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Eat animal proteins and animal based fats. 80% caloric value should from the fat and 20% caloric value from the muscle meat. Theer is much evidence that ther is no need for grains, vegetables, or fruits. Do not eat sugar! ABSOLUTELY do not consume seed oils!! Small amounts of olive oil, coconut oil and avocado is acceptable. Eat organic if possible.

Manage stress. Breathing techniques that slow down your rate of inhalation and exhalation is crucial. Most anxiety is caused by hyperventillation or rapid mouth breathing. Always breath in through the nose.

Make your family your priority. Make friends only with people that share your moral values.

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This IS war, against good and evil. God is here, making a way for His people. Keep in scripture. Don't give in to fear. Keep your eyes on the Lord, and what he prescribes. There is much peace in that. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lords decision for those who deserve itMacccitMacccJudas Maccabeus and Maccabean wars.

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I'll add this note. The ARCT-154 plant is said to have a capacity for 1 BILLION doses per year capacity.

Now understand this aspect of it. It's not just humans, but could also be used in animals to create significant Viral particles/antigens that would mimic an actual infection for the purposes of PCR testing.

I suspect this may lie behind some of the H5N1 PCR positives that we're seeing in the US dairy cattle sector.

All they would need to do is co-mingle an H5N1 "tipped" SA-mRNA formulation into the cow's normal vaccines, where it would start replicating that H5N1 particle.. Which would then register as PCR positive for the actual virus.. Who will know the difference, and how could they test for the presence of the Replicon vaccine?

They may have even blended the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA jabs with SA-mRNA and checked for adverse results via batch numbers.. It would be VERY difficult to ascertain the truth..

But one thing for certain is that if they are ramping up to produce 1 BILLION doses of ARCT-154 per year, that's a pretty significant operation.. and they have a major plan in place, both for humans, and likely livestock and poultry.

That could spread the "illusion" of infected meat animals that is not actually the result of an an actual viral infection.

But one other thing I can't yet figure out about ARCT-154, is why they chose the VEEV encephalitis Replicon for the vaccine? Why not the SARS-2 replicon, or a benign influenza Replicon? Why VEEV?

Something to ponder.

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Dang. This is how they will try and force people to eat bugs instead of meat. Lord Jesus come back already!!

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I think it's certainly one of the motives to pushing lab grown fake meats. They can control the amount of critical micro-nutrients that are added to it, inducing greater mineral deficiencies. This would, of course, make people even more vulnerable to pathogenic infections, requiring more vaccines and medical interventions, completely undermining our body's immune system.

Create the problem.. provide a "solution", reap the profits and revel in their control over humanity.

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And those of us who would have our own meat supply, I’m sure they would try and either take it from us or somehow tax us so much or fine us so much that we wouldn’t have a choice but to give it up.

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City of Vancouver tried to take control of the backyard chicken supply of freerange eggs by forcing everyone to register how many chickens they had. They would send animal control officers to inspect houses they thought had unregistered chickens.

The war on healthy protein is real.

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Talk about tyranny!!! We are on the quick road to 1984 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Were you a Globalist with stated intentions of "culling" the human "herd" and making the remainder dependent upon you for their food and health, would that not be an ideal strategy?

Engage in your own biological attack on humanity, reducing their numbers, while preserving the economic infrastructure and natural resources, while transferring incredible wealth into your coffers..

Were I a psychopath "evil genius", hell bent upon Global control, it's a plan I would also consider..

Even better if I can avoid personal blame and fool people into believing that I'm actually working hard to "save them" with new and innovative experimental drugs/vaccines, right?

That's what I believe their plan represents..

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Codex Alimentarius

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that way, faking it, they do not have to worry about blowback in unintended mutations , ie something design to not affect their race, or come up with solutions/cures that others might want. trouble is it is like nuclear brinkmanship with nature and genetics. perhaps the only hope is that it is all totally BS (despite the excess deaths so far https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/2024-07-19-Correlation-ACM-World-125-countries-Rancourt-Hickey-Linard.pdf 30-50m), and we can just all learn to stop worrying and love the blowhards and their 15 minute cities.

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And plants. They are said to be infecting the plants we eat too. For that matter, what are the bugs made of, that they intend to make us eat? I saw a map listing the bbug plants in the US. Quite a few of them. Mostly on the east coast. We must put a stop to this invasion before they go any further. May the Lord hear our prayers and bring solutions. We can't let those be built.

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who carries the Patent according to which the Replicon producers manufacture their injection materials??

It is unbelievable to me that the entire Japanese population decided to take that last Kamikaze trip towards the deep ocean waters.. It is just beyond me. BUT, given an example from my own family where an 80 years old uncle of mine got his 4th covid injection, and as a Christian, came home right from the Church and committed suicide!! If MANY Japanese people took the covid jabs already, that would mean, they maybe also LOST THEIR DESIRE TO LIVE... It is HEARTBREAKING!!!! Already at the very begin of covid plan-demic, I noticed that C-terminal of the Spike protein contains a very similar to VMAT2 antibody sequence, in 2022 I wrote about it in: https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/why-cdcfda-ignore-the-spike-protein

For example the difference between rat and a human in that industrial antibody against this protein contains end of this section (comparison by BLAST, NIH software for sequence analysis)




whereby BLAST will NOT give any result for that C-term in comparison with the SPike, so here by hand:



and the C-SYPIGEDEESESD corresponds to the sequence of the commercial VMAT-2 antibody.

Note the E is equivalent with D, due to charge, the same with Y and F. In any case, that's a big homology here.. There was that video which circulated in 2015 about behavior and the VMAT-2 gene: https://rumble.com/v2cfa6o-bill-gates-removing-the-vmat2-gene-by-vaccine.html

I don't believe though it was Gates personally....

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The spike protein looks to have been highly engineered as it is unfathomable that sequence coverage with so many disparate proteins could evolve naturally.

Either it was one individual with IQ 350 that spent his life reading and writing DNA and folding proteins, or this was an AI assisted genetic engineering project.

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a swiss army knife of harm. 1000 things known to science, and another 1000 yet to be named. though putting 'turbo' in front of many of the former helps to name them.

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Definitely AI assisted but I wouldn't completely dismiss 350

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Oh,forgot to post the evidence,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/AI_Network_of_Brain_Net

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There are protests to the Replicon happening in Japan…


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A thousand thanks for this link!!! I live in Japan, and due to the "comfortable" relationship between the gov't (which passed a "state secrets protection" bill to prevent the nasty truths about the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown from leaking) and the media (and big business), it is very difficult to learn of such news.

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The Lioness of Judah is a great source for important news and information such as the article I shared. Hopefully you can find out more from her stack. Blessings and prayers for Japan.

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cool what about those 1 million tonne bags of radioactive Fukushima soil that is going to be released from captivity. set my isotopes free. ... https://old.bitchute.com/video/SC9ysEJXgIUJ/

Dana Durnford (he is good giving links , the Intrepid Dana)

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As long as the rate of radiation damage to the DNA is lower than the repair rate of DNA repair enzymes such as RAG1/2 then we should be ok. (I hope)

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Hiroshi Arakawa, a molecular biologist at a research institute in Italy, has been explaining the dangers of pseudo-mRNA logically since its early days, but now he is explaining Replicon. It is in Japanese, but you can read it if you install a translation software. Another person, Doctor Shika(Anonymous), who used to be a cardiac surgeon but now runs a private cardiovascular clinic, has posted a video explaining the dangers of Replcon to amateurs.



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Thank you

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In 2006 Spanish researchers engineered a full-length infectious cDNA clone and a functional replicon of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) Urbani strain as bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs).

In 2013 A strain of deadly MERS-CoV, which does not infect Mice or Hamsters, was illegally imported to the University of Iowa in 2013 from Spain. Ralph Baric of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill created infectible Humanized Mice, via Adenoviral vectors expressing the human host-cell receptor Dipeptidyl Peptidase. They then made a mRNA vaccine using Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Replicon particles expressing MERS-CoV spike protein.


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Thank you, it also needs to be widely known that Alphaviruses also infect marine animals and fish.

So if the powers that be think that they will be able to quarantine Japan with oceans to stop the spread of their genetic experiment if it goes wrong, they are mistaken.

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plus Godzilla can swim / joking

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Wouldn’t it be funny if godzilla wasn’t a reptile mutated by an atomic weapon, but a regular old pet lizard mutated by an owner who took Replicon.

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Baric is an (evil?) genius.. But none of his Gain of Function research compares to this 2010 study that inspired the Zelenko Protocol (ZINC + HCQ) for EARLY treatment of RNA viral infections.


Read more here on my Substack as well.. All you need to know to defend yourselves, IMO..


Spread the word..

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Can this protocol help if you’ve already been injected with Pfizer?

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This will,it's what I'm doing right now.Understand ascorbic acid is not vitamin C so make sure it says ascorbic acid on the bottle,https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/edta-and-vitamin-c-the-covid19-nanotechnology

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Here's another thing,I have found a all natural vitamin company and going to stock up ASAP as we are running out of time before the global economic collapse, I will take synthetic vitamin C with global healings calcium disodium EDTA to kill the nano but otherwise no more vitamin shop synthetic ripoff junk.https://thesynergycompany.com/collections/shop-all/products/pure-radiance-c-4-oz-powder

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Always read the labels,I bought a bag of green superfood powder from a health food store and read the label when I got it home,it had titanium dioxide in it,pissed me off,threw it in the trash.I wouldn't take his research as the gospel but don't believe that gospel anyways.https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/the-natural-vitamin-scam-eating-byproduct?publication_id=1865725&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=b30tu.But he does have truth in there.https://drnealsmoller.com/rant/the-14-mega-corporations-that-own-your-supplement-brand/ His woodstock vitamin company sells pure synergy vitamin C.

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I won't suggest that ZINC is a panacea for long-covid or vax injuries.

However, since ZINC is critical to our daily immune health.

There is also substantial evidence that p53 dysfunction due to ZINC deficiency plays a major role in cancer.

This paper suggests something similar to the Zelenko Protocol for reactivating that p53 protein. In they they refer to Zinc Ionophores as "Metallochaperones"..


First you would need to assess any ZINC deficiencies, and that can be likely in the case of cancer. If you follow a 30-40mg daily Zinc regime, just make sure that you're taking additional Copper, as well as the rest of your metal ion minerals and Vitamins (D especially.. get 40 minutes of Sun on skin each day.. That equates to 20,000 IU of Vitamin D). It's got to be on your skin so try some sun bathing.

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We've got to just stop messing around like this. It's crazy. Will all the escapes of viruses and monkeys, now we're playing around w insects. Famine anyone? Self inflicted w "escaped" bugs?

We're in a battle, between good and evil. Put on that battle armour!

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Dr. Nagase, please watch Stewpeters. Com Documentary Died Suddenly. Nanotechnology Tissue Engineering is a related issue I surmise! I've seen Patent WO 2012 148684 A1 Title: Cell-Friendly Inverse Opal Hydrogels For Cell Encapsulation, Drug And Protein Delivery And Functional Nanoparticle Encapsulation. (57) Abstract: The invention provides polymer scaffolds for cell-based tissue engineering. Science Advances. Laser-treated hydrogels. Inverse opal hydrogels are a type of smart (AI) hydrogel. Sol-gel integrated technologies.

My loved one now on palliative care for breast cancer has been complaining of heart pain since last summer. I was told her Heart Work Up was "unremarkable". Pain means something is wrong, period. I suspect she has tissue engineering scaffolding growing in between her heart and her heart sac. Just like the open heart surgery on a living person shown in the documentary Died Suddenly where a long tube of engineered tissue was pulled out. We live in such evil times. The Earth Vessel is Ill. The lack of Holy Spirit / Truth is an ill, the soul is ill, with greed, at the parel of all Biological life if these risks stay overlooked. Energy will enhabit what, if no real kind consciousness exists? Is Artificial Intelligence leading us to ruin, promoted by people's Greed?

Yes! Clearly it is! May Godly principals lead us out of this! Thank you for your Holy Spirit which is The Spirit Of Truth❣💯🫂

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Yes, the pandemic is the shot. There was no virus.

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oh yes there was, that and all variants from a lab.


japan study.

and you can stain autopsy for lympocytes for spike without virus core , therefore the jabs or shedding, or for the virus cores, therefore covid.

but no excess deaths in first 6 months of covid without the jabs . but long covid from a bioweapon, I am not ruling that out either.

https://rense.com/general97/autopsies.php arne burkhardt.

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Yeah, it is ironic that nature takes any deadly form of virus and evolves it to be benign. So to keep the severe illnesses in the headlines they have to keep releasing new “fresh from the lab” strains that haven’t been pacified by evolution.

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Thx for the info. I read the info but I didn't see any methodology and I don't believe the Highwire. The virus went from a batcave to a wet market, to Wuhan bio lab and then to a university in North Carolina, really. There have been over 230 FOI's with universities and government organizations where no one can show isolation, except with computer models. There could be a virus but I can't find the Covid virus proof. I decided to go back and see when the first virus was isolated in 1954 by Mr. John Enders who isolated the first virus, measles. I read the methodology. There was no control group, one patient and he mixed bovine fluid, milk and toxins into the sample. It was a joke.

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thanks for looking anyhow. my big gripe is we ought to be able to trust the scientists and media. I am putting down for our reparations, come the revolution, the time we all have to spend on all this.

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There are NO “viruses”, “pathogenic bacteria” or anything else and I know what I am writing about as I was involved in these fraudulent experiments in the lab for almost 40 years until I retired - if people get sick, it is because they have a stronger toxification process from time to time due to the change from warm season to cold season and vice versa - especially in the elderly, chronically ill and sensitive people of all ages!!! And all organs detoxify every day, otherwise no human being would be viable!!!


best regards!

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As if we don't have enough potential catastrophes to worry about. Thank you, Dr. Nagase, for adding yet another one to the list.

I also live in Japan and I thought we had gotten off rather lightly from the Pandemic. For instance, in my area the local authorities sent out printed information to all citizens (so I assume this is true across the country) explaining that the Covid-19 injections were voluntary and individuals were free to decide, and that nobody and no company was allowed t coerce others or to discriminate against them on the basis of vaccination status. Obviously, this didn't apply to frontline healthcare workers, but for the bulk of the general public, vaccination was not coerced. So I thought we got of pretty lightly compared to Europe and the Five Eyes.

But now I'm thinking, perhaps they were saving us for later? If so, 2025 could be a real roller-coaster ride.

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At this point I'm hoping the prefectures will start to act independently of the national government and ban the distribution of replicon. A lot of my posts on twitter in Japanese have been about just that over the past couple days.


I'm in Kyuushu for the next week, but I have to leave soon because of my visa.

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Thank you for the reply and for the link to x.

I'd like to add that yours is a very independent voice and I appreciate a lot of what you write.

I am sure it hasn't been easy living your life over the past few years, but I wish you well for the future.

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according to this Japan is like the USA 80% jabbed.


I rest my case.

If 'voluntary' did not work, they would have brought down the full powers of the state. Austria was going to be heavy fines, then jail. Philipines go to jail and don't get fed well.

Even Australia with 95% jabbed, they did not need to do a 'no jab, no welfare'

maybe next time. maybe with shedding on steroids they will not need to.

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You are probably correct. Officially, Japan is 80% jabbed. So "voluntary" worked there better than "coercion" worked in many other places. In the Land of Wa, most people tend to gravitate towards a consensus without very much friction, and the consensus on health issues is formed using advertising, marketing and PR strategies much less aggressively than in Europe or the US.

I haven't tried to find an age breakdown on this, but from my own personal experience, among the over-60s, 95% were jabbed against COVID-19.. In Japan, about 30% are currently over 65 and almost 40% are over 60. So among younger people far lower percentages took the jabs.

I would mention in passing is that there has been a lot less obvious health damage associated with the jabs in Japan. I don't want to minimize the damage that has been done, but it hasn't been glaring enough to get most people's attention. I don't know what was in the jabs, or whether the contents differed for Japan. It may be that the Japanese population is healthier than most Western populations and so they could take the poison with less frequent obvious symptoms of illness.

I also know several people who have taken five jabs, then complained that it has compromised their health and declared that they won't take any more.

But with Mpox around the corner......

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A great video from Nov 2021. Glad to see that you were trying to inform.

I can't believe, unless it is a plan, that anyone would accept an mRNA injection for COVID-19. This should be recognized by anyone with a brain as a totally failed delivery technique. The world would have been better off if nothing were done to interfere with the virus.

The first clue should always be "the government supported research"... This is the first step to bogus! The next clue is that there's NO WAY any meaningful safety testing or approval process can be in place in such a short period of time.

For me personally the first clue was "makes the Spike protein"... No, no, no... Making foreign proteins is never a good idea.

Looks to me that the next wave of mortality is occurring and they want to blame people for not getting injected with the latest thing.

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My siblings in Australia has had 6 jabs

I have 3 dead family members one who was my son

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His soul still lives on. Remember that.

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sad to hear that (Australian here too)... but the official excess all cause mortality is 'only' around 50k - more than WWII by the way , or of a 27m population 2 in 1000 (we can say 10X or 100X quite ill, and NOONE gets better - despite the Zelenko nutters) . either you are unlucky, or they are lying about that too. 1 death in 50 for me that I know of, others are sick, and more than 5% not jabbed (they say 95% are jabbed). time will tell.

there is also a https://howbadismybatch.com/ batch issue that might affect some more than others.

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I share your distrust of Zelenko who said on video he thinks all humans should abide by noahide law.Noahide law passed by congress in 1991,still sits on the books waiting for martial law.

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he's a jew. I boycott them now, even a book Hitler in Hell, which ticked all my boxes, finding out author is a jew, I ditched it after Chapter 1.

I recall Zelensky fronting up to the "Elders" in Israel trying to convince them that covid was a treatable scam. But would he talk about ACE2 receptors and all the jews behind it? of course not. page 3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439997/ jews and amish not affected . only one of the 19 involved, but a main one if not a crucial one.

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Yrs ago I did a lot of research on the the jewish control of the U.S. gov't.The zionist and the neocons,the project for a new american century,a new pearl harbor and full spectrum dominance.They want you to blame the jewish people but 99% of the jewish people are not zionist,they have no idea what zionism is.Read the real history,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Khazars

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I'm so sorry. What a horrific season perpetuated by the evil mob. In Revelation we read that there will be terror for 3.5 years or 42 months, I believe. If people humble themselves, repent and cry out, the Lord will deliver us. Keep in scripture. Keep in prayer. Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord. It's a battle raging.

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I am so sorry about that!!!

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So sorry. That's horrible.

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Your last sentence!? 100% right. They will kill us in camps. No doubt.

Btw: all your statements are correct from what I understand.

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Chips. Yes it's coming. That is what 5G and Starlink are really about. Think microchip like for pets. This technology with humanity microchiped ends freedom world wide.

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Exactly. My blood ran cold when, illegally driving around during the 'lockdowns' I saw so many 5G towers going up everywhere. It was not a coincidence.

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It was not a coincidence is right,https://stop5g.cz/us/recent-posts/

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And ends humanity.

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Maybe. Depends on who's left standing!

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Neuro-invasive techniques developed within the short space of this new millennium have already put paid to legacy notions like 'chipping,' unfortunately. However, there's >many a slip tween cup & lip< as they say; I suspect there' been times before when 'they' thought to finally have "us" on the ropes, only for some sufficient number of the latter to come through shining!

For a thoroughly searching & poignantly 'human' look at what might be around the corner, one might well look to the remarkable character played by VINCENT PRICE in "The Last Man on Earth." The "end of humanity" may indeed not be the "end of us!"

Hoo knows> there may be 'giants' stirring from among us, only beginning to wake up from long slumber! As long as folks like VERNON COLEMAN are around and active, it's not all over yet.

The Japanese playing out some kind of ritual hari kari on a mass social scale - be it FUKUSHIMA or this current madcap scheme, is more akin to their previous fascination with sci-fi scenarios like those old "GODZILLA" thrillers than a clear and present danger to the rest of us - imo - we'll likely muddle through as usual - in some form or fashion!

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Their ultimate goal according to my only ever truth frequency website is to destroy our last two strands of human DNA.https://www.energeticsynthesis.com/library/transhumanism-and-ai?start=4

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Israel had the first covid jabs. But I doubt they are killing themselves. or are that stupid if it is the aliens, which is my only alternative for the Creators of Death.

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Dr. Nagase,

I hope that in the days ahead you -- and readers with expertise in this topic -- will explore possible means of preventing infection by shedding, and therapies for the infected, if your ideas are correct. Barring that, readers may have feeling of despair and hopelessness. These would be beyond counterproductive.

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Do you mean, "please put a nice spin on this for us"? If correct--and there is every reason to believe that Dr. Nagase's concerns are totally valid--this release could authentically wipe out not only humanity, but many other species as well. Can this be "sugar-coated"? People should be absolutely outraged and protesting to their governments around the world.

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I understand your concern, and agree that Replicon injections should be stopped. That said, I meant what I wrote. If there are any potential means of prophylaxis and therapy for Replicon shedding, we need to know. As for being 'absolutely outraged,' that's useful if it leads to constructive actions. I wonder what suggestions you have. Governments typically ignore or suppress protests.

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If you have antibodies to every transmissible virus or at least most of them, then if a Replicon combines with a naturally occuring virus, you will already have an antibody to neutralize the supervirus hybrid before it multiplies in your body.

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I hope that what you wrote above gives some reason for hope that Replicon will not be devastating. That said, I wholeheartedly agree that the entire experiment endangers the biosphere and utterly ignores the precautionary principle. What ordinary persons can do to interfere with this human experimentation is not clear, though.

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I think the Japanese government is too corrupt. It may be up to the international community to impose import and travel bans against Japan to protect their ecosystems from this dangerous Japanese experiment.

Within Japan, it may be up to individual prefectures (similar to counties in the US and canada) to ban clinics and hospitals from using Replicon "vaccines"

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I recall that the 'Diamond Princess cruise ship' operation was the most prominent early event of the corona crimes ; the ship was quarantined at a Japanese port. This got corporate media attention worldwide. Everything done during that operation was fraudulent and made no sense to anyone exercising critical thinking and discernment. With that in mind, the Replicon rollout in Japan is not surprising. It is deeply dismaying. Whether the well-educated and literate populace is able to resist the deeply engrained social conformity is an open question. Thanks again for all your work.

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unless it combines with a lab created virus, or unless your bodies immune system is too busy running after mrna generated covid spikes to have time for the new kids in town. I am taking no chances with Unknown category (or more technically, classified under need to know corporate/military structures)

or unless it creates it's own NLP trojan horses along the way.

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Dr. Nagase, 1)If they created this they also know what the antidote is as well because they don't want to poison themselves! We need to learn what the antjdote is! 2)We are in a war

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The best candidate for an antidote is Zinc + Hydroxychloroquine so far.



This is from Ralph Baric’s research that showed that zinc + HCQ prevented RDRP RNA dependent RNA polymerase for almost all known RNA viruses

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But that sounds impossible, to get sick with every possible virus though... seems like an insurmountable task.

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I follow Dr.Ana recommendations, have been looking for about 6 years.The jab is an overlay of the chemtrails,same kind of nanotechnology, EDTA and Ascorbic acid taken together kills nanotech.Ascorbic acid is synthetic vitamin C,in fact synthetic vitamins are another corporate scam,to get natural plant and food based vitamins go to pure synergy website,https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/edta-and-vitamin-c-the-covid19-nanotechnology

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Isolation, and don't let the bed bugs bite, they might have amrna.

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These researchers you write of, Dr. Nagase, if they are not merely dangerously insane, are demonically possessed. As I read your article I recalled something I read in David Suzuki's "From Naked Ape to Superspecies"; how I think it was Monsanto (quelle surprise) was all set to manufacture and sell a genetically modified bacteria, "klebsiella planticola"; apparently very effective at cleaning up vegetative detritus... They had only tested their Frankenstein's Monster in sterile soils, but one clever Ph.D. candidate decided to test it in normal soils, and discovered it killed all the plants in the sample. In the late 1990s we had a situation where all terrestrial plant life on the planet could have been eradicated!

Thus when you speak of quarantining Vietnam or Japan? It wouldn't work. It might slow down the catastrophe by a few months but that would be about it, because you see, those people vaccinated with these "replicons"? They breathe in and out. They pee. They shit. Air currents and water currents will take care of the rest: I recall our former landlady, 4 doses of The Lethal Injection, had to get her cat put down; the poor creature had inexplicably developed an inoperable blood clot in the artery to his legs... (I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen... https://gab.com/GrrrGraphics/posts/109626433487928089 🙄)

Oh! One last thing? You speak of "1,000 years"... surely once the genome has been altered by these potions, surely it's "forever"?

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The reason I put the time frame of 1,000 years is that nature sometimes gets rid of genetic material if a gene provides no advantage to a species. Excess genes fade away in frequency and are eventually dropped.

The rate of disappearance gets slower when the cost of carrying that gene is low, i.e. the gene is only a couple hundred extra nucleotides.

So in the case of a natural alphavirus that picked up an artificial Replicon gene:

over hundreds or thousands of years, the superviruses that carry only partial copies of the replicon gene will replicate 1/10,000th of a percent faster than the ones that are carrying the full copy.

Thus partial replicon superviruses will eventually outnumber and possibly eliminate full replicon superviruses.

After the superviruses with the complete replicon disappear, and only partial ones are left, then the superviruses that revert back to their natural state without any replicon gene fragments will outcompete those carrying the partial replicon carriers, and eventually if not disturbed, nature will revert back to its original state (over thousands or millions of years).

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Read Dr Sam and Mark Bailey on Viruses

There has never been a virus isolated what science has been doing is poisoning with vaccines ie the dog

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You know better than me, obviously... 😘

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It's all to do with the very new very large Artificial Intelligence Nanotechnology Industry. How in this Information Age did they think we wouldn't find out. It's ridiculous and insanely tied to greed.

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"We are the Borg. You will be assimilated."

The one consistent feature of these über-rich Utopian shitheads and their unending plans for the betterment of humanity; right back to the Fabian idiots of the late 19th century: If their plans for the rest of us are so wonderful... Why the perpetual secrecy? Why is it so necessary to hide what they're doing until it's far too late to do anything about it?

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Surely if this new monstrosity's efficacy is even anywhere close to what Dr. Nagase has warned, eventually no one on th planet will be spared, including the WEFers---are they just so terribly short0sighted, or do they have some secret immunity plan? Or is this intended to turn us all into mindless slaves?

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The WEFers, FYI, are up to their eyeballs in black magick, child sacrifice, adenochrome consumption and Satan worship. They think they'll be rewarded for doing their Dark Lord's bidding...

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Lord Rothchild.

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And with any luck, they will be.

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Have a look at Dr. Ana Mihelcea's Substack: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/. According to her at this point we're all corrupted.

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You said it - they have to hide it until it's too late to do anything about it or it wouldn't work.

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and maybe they have to do 'something'* before something else happens that exposes all their tricks and crimes throughout history, and takes their power away from them, locks them up.

* David Attenborough at the end of Planet Earth II, films of swimming polar bears in the background, talk of doom and climate changing

"something must be done . Now!!"

and along came covid plandemic and genocidal/sterilising jew jabs.


I though he was talking about sperm whales. not sperm fails.

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Well, it's to create robotisized robots. They can enslaved them, do all their work and program their thinking. Take less food and water, maybe. They are just greedy demons. Backyard junk dogs or bullies

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You may derive some comfort regarding AI from this old Homily by Douglas Adams. The Good News is precious little has in fact changed in the 30-odd years since he wrote it...


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The internet is like that Babble Fish... by facilitating communications gave rise to more and bloodier wars than ever before. lots of quotes from THHGTHG.

the monkey, not his one I think, but they said if you got a million monkeys banging away on a typewiter for a million years, eventually one of them would hammer out a page of passable Shakespeare. Some wit responded, decades of the Internet has put paid to that theory. and that joke was 15 years ago.

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Oh, the monkeys made into Hitchhikers too:

"Ford! There's an infinite number of monkeys out here that want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they've worked out!" 😘

Share, and enjoy!

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21st century Hitchhiker’s: “Ford! There's an infinite number of monkeys out here that want to talk to us about this blueprint for a Boeing 737 Max 800 they've worked out!" 😘

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Like Christopher Marlow being the real composer of the works of PDQ Bach: I'm sure the monkeys would have done a better job... 🙄


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STOP!!! this is too silly. / MontyPython

and so long, and thanks for all the fish (and torrents) / HGTTG

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The plumage don't enter into it my good man! When I bought this parrot not half an hour ago in this very boutique you explained its total lack of movement as "being shagged out after a prolonged squawk!"

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See YouTube add for the Nanotechnology Program out of University Of Waterloo where it states Nanotechnology was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines! Nano refers to size of the particle. Nano is so small it can slip into any cell it touches, even passing the blood brain barrier. And this synthetic biology ( which is technology mixed with biology and vise versa) is self spreading like a gas and self assembling like a long never seen before 2021 white rubbery clot that Embalmers are reporting. See Stewpeters. Com Died Suddenly Documentary for that information. Good luck everyone!

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"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

– Arthur Koestler

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I would say the speakers and mic on our side are on mute.

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I don't know about that Alina... 🤔 I pray all the time. All I seem to get in response is a deafening silence. 😥

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If you repented and turned back from all sin, if you trust in Jesus’ blood shed for your sins, if you live godly life and read the bible every day, if you are filled with the Holy Spirit, than God is your true father.

Father and son speak unless there is something else hindering the relationship. Yours to discover. He says, “whoever seeks me, finds me, but you must seek me with all your heart.”

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With due respect, time is running out. The Lord helps those who help themselves. Get busy and tell everyone about this outrage--threaten your "elected public servants" with abandonment in the upcoming election unless they decisively move against this.

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So true

It is fear the makes people submit to satan


But we need to fear God for all our sins and blasphemy

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Yeah, did that... 🤔

"Since this partial answer to his prayers, Hannibal Lecter had not been bothered by any considerations of deity, other than to recognize how his own modest predations paled beside those of God, who is in irony matchless, and in wanton malice beyond measure."

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Captain Roy Harkness, I I have been seeking The Creator Of All sincerely for as long as I can remember. I saw a shooting star moving horizontally from right to left, make a 90° angle and move up vertically and out of sight in 1999; followed in that moment by a light at the same level horizontally moving while blinking on off on off in the same horizontal direction. I found what I was looking for in 2000 through fasting on raw food only, praying and following The 10 Commandments and The Golden Rules; and I captured a Seriphim in a Polaroid possibly. Many wonderful things happened in that time. Then in 2019 an Angel in the form of a white round light came to my Mother's house and it was silent and sitting just above the houses and street lights across the street in her subdivision, it was 5 to 15 feet in diameter; and she saw the light as well as myself. I asked her, "Do you think it's a UFO?". She said, "I don't know.". We both walked away I forgetting about it until 15 minutes later when I thought, "I wonder if that light is still there?". I went back to look out of the front door and it was still there! Then in 2021 I asked my Mother to recount Her Marion Apperition for the second time in my life. It was a sunny clear blue summer day in Ontario with two small white puffy clouds far apart in the sky. Seconds after my Mother recounted her Marion Apperition experience there sounded a loud Thunder Crack in the sky. It rained 4 to 5 hours later.

Nanotechnologies are messing with the song of life. The Bible warned not to give the statue a voice. Some do not open their eyes to the gifts nature has given; greed blinds. God holds a principle, Holy Spirit, The Spirit Of Truth. We were warned not to lie and kill and dishonor. Until mankind holds these morels how will Heaven allow us in?

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The world has overcome massive genetic catastrophes before. The evidence is in the genes . One possible mechanism behind the near ubiquity of LINE-1 gene fragments in every vertebrate species, suggest that there was a massive genetic event long ago, where inactive fragments of silenced viruses are peppered throughout not only our own genome, but that of every species we know of.

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You've been banned for not reading my articles




Take the time that I've now given you since you won't be able to post repetitive comments to read what I've written and become intelligent.

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This will explain what all have been doing in order to kill humanity

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Thank you, for sharing. It's on my reading list

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A Seal team needs to go in and destroy the facilities.

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This is worse than a "Level 4" Gain of Function lab. The facilities must be precisely and utterly sterilised. Don't think a Seal team could do that...

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This is exactly what the Japanese government and Meiji are doing with the Replicon experiment. It`s a Gain of Function experiment out in the open, in public, with human subjects.

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I'm going to see if that question can get a good answer

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I'm told it's fully doable with current tech by one who knows and fully practiced in the trade. ;>)

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How can this be expedited? -- I'm here in Japan and have been super-alarmed by this development since I heard about it months ago, but most people here are total sheep, and by the time they catch on, it will be too late.

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Globally there are a number of companies messing about with saRNA.

The other group of vampires that are in on this are both Bill Gates (BMGF) and the Welcome Trust holding control it is rumored to over 60% of the vaccine marketplace.

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did you mean to say "is" at stake in the statement below? or am i'm not understanding:

"The entire ecosystem is not at stake thanks to the Japanese government and its corporate partners both in America and Japan."

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He surely meant 'now at stake.' Typos are typical for anyone who writes prolifically, and spell-check software won't catch some.

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Thank you, it was late in Japan when I wrote that. (Maybe it was also wishful thinking that the government here might suddenly ban all genetic experimentation and vaccines)

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sure. Any time. Thanks for the post 🥰

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How much funding would it take to prove the non-existence of viruses?

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infinite, as you`d need to check everything in the entire universe.

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Ya gotsta check the jews, first, Sheeples!!! For some reason, I really think the jews are just trying to hide that, Invisable, Imaginary, peskey, little, virus, critter, thingy, for some strange reason? Just like they want to hide The LORD GOD AND CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. Daniel really is an Asian shabbos goy boy! Watch him ban, block, and delete my comments on the subject real quick now!

Be warned, Sheeple Grabblers!!!


Perception of Genetic Code

Based on the provided search results, the answer is a nuanced one. While genes themselves are not directly observable, scientists have made significant progress in visualizing and understanding the process of gene expression.

In living cells, genes are not visible as discrete entities. Instead, they are composed of DNA sequences that are tightly packed into the nucleus. However, researchers have developed techniques to observe the early stages of gene expression, such as:

Clustering of RNA polymerase molecules: Studies have captured videos of these enzyme clusters forming in living cells, providing insight into the initiation of gene transcription.

MS2 tagging: This technique has revealed the dynamic behavior of RNA polymerase and other transcription factors as they interact with DNA, shedding light on the complex process of gene activation.

These observations have not directly shown a “gene” as a tangible entity but rather have illuminated the intricate mechanisms involved in gene expression. The search results emphasize the dynamic and complex nature of gene activity, highlighting the ongoing efforts to understand the process.

In summary, while genes themselves are not directly visible, scientists have made significant progress in visualizing and understanding the early stages of gene expression, providing a deeper understanding of the molecular machinery involved.

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None. As far as I have seen viruses can only be proven through virus computer models and genome computer models which is not proof. If there is no virus there is no spike. Studies do not use isolated spike protein from isolated virus samples to analyze its amino acid sequence and test what it does to the cells. They take the gene sequence from a questionable origin of the virus from a computer database and reduce the genes responsible for the spike protein.They then create a plasmid (string of genes) coded for that spike protein (claimed to be) and insert it into a bacteria so that it produces a spike. The goo is then purified to produce a protein and used it to detect so called antibodies or create renderings and show that it binds to ACE 2 receptors. The first alleged proof in 1954 was by Mr Enders winning the Nobel prize. The methodology was a joke. No control group. He took one sample from a measles patient, added milk, bovine fluid, horse serum, phenyl red, monkey kidney cells and other toxins. The cell culture will break down due to toxins and lack of nutrients and voila we have a virus.

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The human body proves it every day in the Emergency department. Bacterial infections cause an increase in neutrophils which are white blood cells that can kill things outside the cell.


On the other hand. Viral infections cause Lymphocyte suppression when they leave the blood to go into tissues, followed by lymphocyte proliferation when the bone marrow catches up to make more. Lymphocytes deal with cells that are producing viruses either destroying them directly or by sending signals for that cell and the ones nearby to make interferons to inhibit replication of viruses.

Lymphocytes then make antibodies about a week later to deal with viruses floating around.

The only people who think you need a computer to prove the existence of a virus don’t know the most basic human biology.

That is why I wrote this. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/what-is-a-living-thing I wish more people who are clearly literate would read it first before taking on unreasonable beliefs.

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You cannot prove a negative, so as Dr Nagase says, infinite is true, kinda. The onus is on who claims they found a virus to prove it, without computer models.

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None, it's so fuckin' obvious that they have never seen one! Wakey² sheeples, all jews can do is lie!

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I've never met an Asian jew before!

Please , doesn't anybody here realize that the jew Rothschilds own the central Bank in Japan and China, and every other country in the Universe?

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Lee is one of Springmeir's bloodlines of the Illumiati. and the Jesuits found Hebrews there (asian) when they arrived. apart from that, it is lame to say jew all the time just to express disagreement. especially when they make sense against the Psyops of Stupid, High School Microscope Nanotards, and Truther Supremacists who learn nothing.

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Uh, jew jew jew, Moloch, Moloch, Moloch!!!🤣😎

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I’m fed up to the eyeballs and mega-sick 🤢 of hearing about the latest global PharmaWorld depopulation agendas. Seriously — how crazy can people get, and how do these greedy biotech folks and their investors think THEY can possibly escape being killed off by their own products — which is bound to happen if this product is as toxic as it sounds..🤪🤑😵

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