One by one they fall, traitors all.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

In this context, clearly, NDA is not about confidentiality to protect the privacy of the patient. And it has nothing to do with the national security against China and Russia :-P

I noted that Smith was passionately embraced by some folks in the freedom movement. Now you wrote about your experience w her. And it reminded me of someone (a spiritual guru in a nutshell). He has said all the right thing all along, seemingly sounding friendly and warm with a bit of charisma . But his ultimate goal lied somewhere else. Delivering loving messages and cutting edge, jaw dropping info was only a part of grooming process to gain trust from his followers. So when he finally acts on his ultimate objective, his followers will be still hypnotised and his true agenda will be unnoticed.

I hope Smith is not another installment. Has to be a tough cookie to stand up against dirty Justin & his elite friends tho.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Very interesting. And I am so sorry for all the betrayal you have had. In my faith, the enemy attacks those who are trying to do good in the world. I have followed your work and admired what you did since I read about how courageous you were by looking out for patients. I had no idea what happened to you afterwards until I recently found you substack, I hope you don't let all this insanity break you. I hope your children are ok as well. I hope many good things come to you in the future.

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We are run by The WEFer party.


ALL politicians are COWARDS.


Most of them are liars ,sorry lawyers which is why they go into politics because most lawyers are COWARDS.

I don't know where this is headed but it ain't good.

We'll see what happens this fall,winter, spring when shelves are more empty which is when the SHEEPLE wake up through out history.

My two uncles starved to death after the Germans came in to starve out the Dutch in 1939.

My Dad and 6 other kids made it here to CHINADA with their suitcases.

My Gramps who went through two WWs warned us about this in the 60s and 70s.

Tyranny that can take our freedom away in one generation.

Smith is simply part of the REPTILE BRAINS running us.

When will the POLICE do their jobs and ARESST the real criminals Daniel?

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The night is darkest before dawn. We have to take the law into our own hands and do citizen's arrests. https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/wyntk.html

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

https://www.msn.com/en-ca/health/other/i-know-i-m-63-years-old-but-i-m-not-ready-to-go/ar-AA1ff1xz?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=f28e460d05b9414ba1c684c7a366b5aa&ei=13 This article by "The Canadian Press" - Laura Stradiotto, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Sudbury Star (posted 14 August 2023) mentions how "the University Health Network, which runs the Lung Transplant program in Toronto, indicated the COVID-19 vaccine is no longer required" - as of this week. Why do you think there was a sudden change to the policy requiring vaccination in order to be considered for a transplant...or could this just be more propaganda?

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I have to wonder if the harms of the vaccination have become so obvious that the bureaucracies fear accountability

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Regarding your idea of breaking non-disclosure agreements, it seems to me that if a patient (or anyone else) has made a non-disclosure agreement with an arm of the government, then the Charter of Rights and Freedoms should uphold the patient’s right to break it. A non-disclosure agreement should not be able to override section 2, which protects freedom of expression. Given the way that the justice system has been distorted by corruption I am not saying that the courts would in fact uphold breaking non-disclosure agreements, just that they should.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

You are much appreciated Daniel. You are a truth teller, and one who does not live by lies. Thank you for all the work you do to expose the corruption and help us understand the history of where we live in this time and space.

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Aug 10, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Maybe there's a reason those court cases don't get far, or decisions that are not good for everyday Canadians are touted as "wins."

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