Prophecy is telling the truth.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Prophesy is something that cannot be changed. True. It’s not given by man that it could be changed by man. But prophecy points us in the direction of changing our individual destinies by believing in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. We can change our lives, and if we do, our destiny changes while prophecy remains unchanged (thus proving the truth of the prophecy of God).

The universe might be a machine (as implied), but every single machine needs a designer and an operator…. Seems like this most crucial point is lost on the author. The fact that each one of us has the ability to chose good or evil (obey or disobey) proves we have free will. The prophecy outlines the unchangeable consequences of each choice.

Did the prophecy foretell the mark of the beast? It’s here, and more to come. Those who believed, obeyed, did not and will not take it, changed their destinies while the prophecy still remains true.

Prophecy is given to believers to eliminate fear - not to instil it. But the only ones who don’t fear are the ones who trust and obey God and believe his unchangeable word of prophecy.

A Crude analogy: if we don’t speed, we have nothing to fear, but if we do speed??? We Better fear! We have good reasons to fear. Does not believing/obeying the speed limits change the reality that we eventually get caught and punished? No. We will be! One can’t change the speed limits, but should obey them to be safe.

Same with prophecy.

I have nothing to add to what I have stated. If you like it, great. If you attack it, fine. I am not going to defend myself or God. He is perfectly capable of doing so.

I do not subscribe to any “religion” or attend any “church.”

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Here's where it is so important to look at things carefully. If someone with infinite wisdom was going to warn about a mandatory mRNA tag or nanotechnology to conduct commerce, they would say "People will be tagged with mRNA, silicon nanochip, graphene RFID in order to buy, sell, or trade"

The fact that it doesn't say that exact phrase anywhere means either:

1) God is not a perfect communicator


2) What you're reading is not actually the word of God.

If someone had transcribed the communication of a perfect being accurately, it might read with the following caveat. "You won't know what DNA, mRNA, or self assembling polymer nanotechnology is for another 2000 years, but in the century leading up to my "prophecy" (that a loving creator would never actually force upon his creations) you will find out what all these things are..."

If something written is true, then the proof will be right there in the text.

If something is false, the proof will also be there in the text.

The surprise is the ability to tell the difference between truth and falsehood is not written in ANY text, it is written in the heart and mind of every individual with a soul.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

The exact interpretation and explanation belong to the Holy Spirit who communicates with the individuals who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. I guess, in scientific terms it would be called (quantum) entanglement??? Whatever the case, God is a perfect communicator to his children - those who belong to him. The rest can’t understand anything because they have no Holy Spirit. Religion and church do not help here at all. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, they are a great hinderance. It is strictly an individual matter between God and his child. No Holy Spirit in the life of an individual = no communication and relationship.

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Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

How does the Holy Spirit interprets the prophesies exactly?

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1 Corinthians 2:14 “But the natural man [unsaved, without Holy Spirit] receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

Jeremiah 29:13 “ And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

Matthew 7:7-8 “ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”

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Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

You didn’t answer my question. Let’s try another way. Feel free to use quantum entanglement theory if need be…

What’s the Holy Spirit then?

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

“People will be tagged with mRNA, silicon nanochip, graphene RFID in order to buy, sell, or trade"

Are you referring to this prophecy?

Rev 13: 16

“And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name.

I doubt very much this prophecy is referring to mRNA or any other vaccines or a chip as the “mark of the beast”, unless a Bill Gates is already working on mRNA patches that will be applied to one’s forehead. lol

Quick search revealed that most of the book of Revelation uses symbolism, which means the mark of the beast can’t be literal.

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Anyone of sufficient benevolence and honesty wouldn't trust humans with interpretation of "symbolism", especially text symbolism. Actual symbols, if there is a rational process that connects the subject with the symbol is another matter.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I look at this this way: if the Bible, or any holy book, is from supernatural source, it should explain itself. In other words, there must be some clues as to what the symbols used mean.

Another thing to consider is that if the holy book is from a supernatural source it should be consistent with solid scientific evidence. Two things that first struck me the Bible must have come from supernatural source: it states that the universe had a beginning and what precautions to take against infections diseases. There is just no way that even the most intelligent humans could have known those scientific facts 3500 years ago that scientists found out just recently.

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About The Great Pyramid, in the book ‘;The Great Pyramid its Divine Message’ by D. Davidson and H. Aldersmith David Davidson M.C. , M.I. Struct. E. writes a radically different interpretation of the Great Pyramid is presented, more specifically that it represents a symbolic portrayal of The Truth in structural form.

From the 6th Revised Edition :

My elucidation of the various phases of the Great Pyramid’s design has led me to perceive that it is an expression of the Truth in structural form.

I proclaim , with humility, and yet with confidence, that the Pyramid’s Message establishes the Bible as the Inspired Word of God, and testifies that Jesus Christ, by His DISPLACEMENT, paid the purchase price of Mankind’s Redemption, and effected the Salvation of all who truly believe in Him. This Message concerns all mankind, to whom, in a humble spirit, this work is dedicated, in the hope that it may bring enlightenment and comfort to many.


The thoughtful mind will naturally hesitate to attribute elaborate symbolic meanings to the rooms in an ancient and mysterious building. However, in view of the absence of any clues other than the passages themselves, and in view of Isaiah’s reference to the Great Pyramid as a corroboration of the Bible, it would seem justified to analyze the passages for symbolic meaning. Numerous investigators did so, and agreed that the passages and chambers correspond nicely to the historic and prophetic periods of the Bible. When a remarkable 1 Pyramid-inch-to- the-year chronology was discovered which verified the time periods with precise accuracy, the answer became obvious: the Architect of the Great Pyramid was not burying a dead Pharaoh; he was enshrining an immortal idea in the simple language of analogy and mathematical proportion.

Here is a link to a condensed summary of the view presented


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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

true! But why science if we are not able to find the Truth? the Truth is always in the evidence and equation, a theory that can show equation! people can not agree on the evidence because they twist the logic. So LOGIC is where the truth is, and you can not make any Mind logical if he/she does not want to SUBORDINATE to it! this is why Jesus repeats, you serve to some idea: logic or lack of logic, there is not the third option to choose from! read in my blog, its all free Where are you? There is one other fact you did not consider and that you have to know God before you can even try to understand him :)and that is a lifelong process, read about my text the difference on predicting the future!

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What I suspect was actually created was the system with both no answers and infinite answers. (Take time to think that through, there is a lot in that one statement)

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we “know”

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Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I really like your words so clearly making the case for how I see it too, thank you. KK

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

👍 - my “Like” button has been disabled on comments. So everyone gets a thumbs uP 😀

The Temple is Within 💚

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Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Yours might be the only like/thumbs up I will get, but that’s perfectly fine. ❤️

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Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

😀👍 - “ If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away”

~ Henry David Thoreau

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you do! you have your God, the highest good in your life, which is it?? or you lack any order in your life

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Are you referring to the religion and church part? Not sure… My post was long. If affirmative, I have faith. Deep faith in God and personal relationship with the creator - both based on the bible and the spiritual light I get from him as I continue to obey. That’s a far cry from having a religion. Most would call me a heretic or mentally unstable, but so be it. No prob.

As far as “church” is concerned, I do not attend a physical church as I haven’t found one that is based solely on bible. “The Lord knows those who are his”. He said, “I will feed my sheep.” And he does feed and lead me!

If you referred to something else, my apology for misunderstanding.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

to your last sentence , there is no atheism, nobody lives without conviction in something. :)) no worries! we may agree on many things then.....you can have a look at some of my posts, yes communication happens only if we face our Lord, and we all are called to communicate , or we can turn our back on him and pretend to be God, but this is to our peril, in the wrong position to sustain our life we must "steal" from others, and the Soul suffocates and shrinks

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

These 4 old tapes are “prophecy” as well. They contain Prophecies of evil masters of this world who set themselves as lords over us. Pretty terrifying considering that most of it all happened recently during our lifetime while foretold in the 1960s.


Or separately with transcript as the audio quality is pretty low.

1. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/everything-is-in-place-and-nobody

2. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/if-population-growth-didnt-slow-down

3. Behind pay wall - unfortunately

4. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-day-tapes-final-tape-for-the

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Much more diabolical are the portions of the bible where people say to themselves "The Lord is my Shep-Herd" or something similar. It tells people to be sheep that follow whatever they perceive to be a "Lord".

A Shep-Herd vs a Guiding Light are 2 very different concepts. 1 is a controller of Animals, the other gives information for intelligent beings to make good decisions. What do you think the creator of the universe actually wrote?

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

What I think comes straight from the Bible:

1 Corinthians 2:14

“But the natural man [unsaved, without Holy Spirit] receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”

And 2 Peter 2:12

“But these [men], as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption.”

And Proverbs 30:5

“ Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.”

I will not be commenting on prophecy and spiritual matters anymore. I sense a strong spiritual opposition, and this is not my own stack.

Sorry… I had troubles posting.

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Those are statements. A writer of average wisdom would also include the logical proofs of those statements to make sure that no one interferes or tampers with a "divine" message. What is a logical proof? It is the process that is used to create the statement. For example the process to create 10 commandments is far more important than the commandment itself. If you have the process of how to create "commandments" then you can make new commandments when necessary. For example, if men are compelled to wrongdoing and evil out of fear, e.g. I'll lose my job if i don't force my employees to take the jab, then the solution is to create an 11th commandment, "erase all fear".


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Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Budgies do this too Daniel…turn their heads to the side..it’s such a lark to see they’re more interested in us than most other ppl are.

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Spatial processing systems like the visual system in birds, dogs and people can sometimes enhance their problem solving by altering the angle from which inputs are taken in. Hence the head tilt.

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Here is a link to a description about the help General Allenby received from his understanding of Biblical prophecy when he was charged with the liberation of Jerusalem in 1917. If nothing else this should encourage us for the days we live in in terms of that WE ALSO can make a significant difference and experience Divine Help and Intervention through Prayer and the understanding of Biblical Prophecy :


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Here's the central problem with omnipotence vs "Holy land".

For any being that is truly omnipotent AND generous, every land would be sacred.

There would be no geographic limitations to what is "special" for anyone with the knowledge of an average parent knows that creating scarcity amongst children only creattes conflict.

If someone is truly omnipotent then every stone will have the sanctity and beauty of one's creation.

The geographic confines of Jerusalem are a very strong indicator that the entire concept is anything but divine

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So true, that is also why Jesus Himself corrected the woman at the well in John 4 by saying that neither the physical Jerusalem nor the tempelsite the Samaritans venerated was the True place of worship. God is Spirit and they who worship Him must ( are called to) worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Of course by (further) reading in John's Gospel we discover that Jesus Himself is The True Temple and Tabernacle of God. John 2: 18 - 22 speaks of The Temple that is His Body and John 1:14 says literally that The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.

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Agreed. The ability to be in all places is omnipotence. That's what makes all the fighting and killing in 1 place - Israel- all the more ungodly. Particularly when stories like this come out of the "holy" land https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2024-07-30/riot-erupts-israeli-military-base-after-idf-reservists-arrested-sex-abuse-prisoners One of the commenters serfergirl put in some particularly poignant quotes from the Old Testament.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

This is the ultimate prophecy all previous bad and good prophecies lead to.

In the book or Revelation chapter 21: 3-4

‘With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’

Because God doesn’t plan but rather purposes, all mankind’s turmoils related to Adam and Eve’s original sin come to an end. The return to the original purpose of earthly paradise, where there is no pain, no sickness, no death and no outcry because of Satan’s influences on mankind.

‘The former things have passed away.’

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Remember to verify everything you read with your soul.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

Let me know how you do it.

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if something doesn't seem right, for example "chosen people", then figure out why. Anyone with the wisdom of a parent knows what will happen if one child is selected to be "chosen".

Pure thoughts and ideas don't need you to make excuses, (especially on the creator's behalf).

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Jul 12Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

By “chosen people”, are you referring to the Israelites? If so, maybe you should research first why they were chosen, what was the purpose of this special treatment and protection, when it ended and why. I’d be glad to provide resources.

The feeling we may have that ‘something doesn’t seem right’ is often the direct consequence of the lack of our full understanding of God’s purpose.

Just an aside, did you know that anybody could have joined the ‘chosen people’? When the Israelites were leaving Egypt, likely thousands of Egyptians joint them and became a part of ‘chosen people’.

The Creator doesn’t need to explain anything. It is our responsibility to seek the truth when we feel ‘something doesn’t seem right’.

I am looking forward to your next post on religion and philosophy.

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there's also the likelihood that the entire story of king david was stolen from the life of Pharaoh Tuthmosis III .

Throughout history, people have been known to lie about everything. The only thing that's for sure is the Bible is a book copied and passed down from man to man, and therefore also subject to all the dishonesties of man.

"The Egyptian Origins of King David and the Temple of Solomon"

By Ahmed Osman

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

It is interesting.

Just because similar events happened in history it doesn’t mean one was invented because of the other. Small guy beating up a big guy is more likely to get registered in the history books than the other way around. The David and Goliath event had more significance than any other events recorded. The Philistines were not only threatening the Israelites. They, but especially Goliath, were mocking their God and David was passionate about it because of his faith and his previous life experiences when he had felt God’s help.

This event is not as ingrained in popular culture as Noah’s Flood. Historians and anthropologists were amused that a story of few people with animals surviving a deluge in a boat have been found all over the world in some 270 legends.


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Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

“ Plato defined the soul as that which moves matter”

If this is true, what move a virus? Does it have a soul???

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closer to a distributed living organism than what you or i would consider an individual with a soul.

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Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

You said this post would be less controversial. Is it?

You are going right into the “soul” issue that has been one of the most controversial issues among the scholars, philosophers and the like… Tongue-in-cheek. I get it. Good for you :-)

I found it pretty amusing that most of 10.000, or so, Christian denominations don’t argue much about the soul… Most believe it is a thing, but some don’t.

Good thing a have a friend I consider a bible scholar or I would be lost, including your post not withstanding lol

If you really would like to understand prophecies from a scientific point of view, look into quantum mechanics. You are a pretty smart guy so you may figure out that the real world, the subatomic world, is actually the world of probabilities…or so we think lol

Which leads me to the soul issue… I’m not sure where your stand is on this topic but most philosophers, including Plato had unorthodox beliefs.

“ Plato defined the soul as that which moves matter.”

What Plato meant is that he believed the soul made the inanimate matter animate. When the soul, or the breath of life (power or energy) left the animate body, it was just an inanimate matter.

So, the question still remains: What makes an inanimate matter animate,or alive?

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The power of thought.


Consider this, at some point you reach omniscience, which creates omnipotence. But one of the things you must know how to create to be omniscient is how to create infinity. Not just infinity of space, or infinity of time. You have to create infinity of infinity. That is infinity of everything that exists AND everything that doesn't exist yet. The only concept that can do that is pure imagination, at which point the imagination of something not imagined yet ends the omniscience.

(btw. I really thought putting a picture of a cute dog would make things less controversial. but oh well)

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Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

These are my kind of gymnastics - of the mind, of reason and soul stuff

Keep it up good people,

Very enlightening, much enjoyed …back for more soon

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

I fell in love with your dog! It was such a good illustration using him .

Funny thing is my oldest son does the same thing when he doesn’t understand something or, yeah, he disagrees… Don’t tell anybody I said this lol

I can’t get a dog yet, because I’m semi-retired…but I’m going to get one soon… hopefully…anyways…

What are your thought on border-collie? They are ADHD dogs lthat need a dog psychiatrist? lol

Infinity is something I thought about a lot. More than a lot..

Did you know that QM equations I can’t write allow an infinite number of dimensions?

When my limited senses processed this fact I was in awe…

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Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

that is a truly brilliant conclusion

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

its very easy Truth is eternal! Newton laws are eternal! they are valid at their limited scope but true, hence eternal. If you want to live for ever turn whatever you do into Truth :)

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Jul 8Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

One thing though: an omniscient and omnipotent supernatural has to be outside of space and time in order to prophesy with such accuracy. Since on subatomic level, quantum level, time and space either don’t matter or don’t exist, it follows whoever created the subatomic world is not affected or influence by it…

BTW: The famous double-slit experiment seems to imply time can run backwards…lol

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Creation is generous enough to all that people can observe the greatness of what is around them.

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Prophecies are not planned. They are individual events of the grand scheme of things - purpose. Since QM is fundamentally based on probabilities, we could assume Judas became the most likely person to fulfill the prophecy to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Since Judas wasn't predestined to betray Jesus, he must have shown negative traits early on to fulfill that prophecy.

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Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

you can read about it in my posts! I have explained everything about Soul, what it does, where it is located in the body, and this explains the human psychology so much better than any psychologist can do! SOul is in your gut! your Gut feeling is how your Soul acts, and the difference between souls that are suffocating and tortured by their -mind and heart and healthy SOul...its pure sicence, i.e. math there is 0 interpretation when it comes what do we consist of!

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Diff angle for the ears to hear better?

If you believe in, and live according to, prophecy you might just be a fatalist. (Said in my best Jeff Foxworthy voice)

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Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Agreed, this supports your argument ...religions are baked in the cake.

Directly from the bankers (dogs) 😅👌

"Insurance companies often limit or exclude coverage for acts of God. Acts of God do not absolve people from a duty to exercise reasonable care."

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Jul 7Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

"The true religious experience is not faith but an event—some sort of personal encounter with something greater (numinosum) which instills pistis (trust and loyalty) into us. With trust or loyalty to one’s own experience, an individual has a solid base on which to build a life. Absent such experience, forced to rely on belief and faith, a person is liable to doubt, credulity and fear."

C. G. Jung

And fear breeds fanaticism.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

so so true FEAR is symptom of infected SOul by lies! read in my blog. BTW what is belief? just higher level of knowledge: seeing what is not in front of oyur eyes immediately! but you can prove it logically! and grasp it intelectually if only you can subdue to logic! many people can not!

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Fear is one of the "Possessions" that can "Occupy the Mind" which is not listed in the 7 deadly sins, even though Fear is the deadliest sin that causes the most death in human history. Greed is the next deadliest "Possession". When the mind is freed from "Possessions" that is when people can see the clearest and therefore have reason without prejudice.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

oh have you maybe read my post on two deadly omissions in seven deadly sins? Actually it is lying the fundamental of all sins, the lack of love for God, godlesness (what Eve did) and then lying. Fear is the symptom that points to the sick Soul but is not a sin if you do not act upon it. lying is always a sin :)...so this notion of white lies is so toxic, people go about it as banal harmless stuff, while this is true killer, like a virus! no virus is trivial if you have it all the time. I tried to explain the logic behind in 3 of the posts prior to that one. Its the lies that make Mind darkened

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agreed, speaking falsehoods to manipulate people is a great sin. Unfortunately that is the predominant culture in Canada, where people are expected to withhold truth, or tell a lie for the sake of "People's Feelings". But can there be situations where falsehoods can be accepted? For example a situation where someone who is "possessed" is about to murder innocents?

Then we have to consider concepts like Immanuel Kant spoke of, the A Priori Intent of the action.

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Jul 31Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

This is a widespread sin everywhere not only in Canada. People who refuse to follow this culture are often viewed as old-fashioned, naive or even stupid, because they refuse to cheat on taxes, for example.

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Let’s take morality one level deeper. If one is aware that one’s taxes are being used to commit crimes against humanity, is it moral to pay them? Isn’t contributing even 1/10,000 th of a percent towards murder still a accessory to murder? That is one very old testament, and likely pre-old testament definition of sin. Anything that is even slightly off the truth otherwise known as “What’s Right” is a “sin”. And if you think about it, many great sins and crimes happen because of the support of little sins, such as people “just paying” their taxes to avoid inconvenience, or out of fear. Does fear of jail justify accessory to infanticide, if it is “just” 1/10,000th of a percent?

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no there is absolutely no exception whatsoever to lying. We must hate lies. this is why we should turn on the Mind and work more, to think of solution how to stay completely true and not be rude. Recent example was with COVID19, if you get fired because of saying the truth then be it, fighting for a truth is never easy, this is what St. Theresa of Calcutta said always take the harder way. It is easy to not say a thing, but silence is agreeing when you should speak out. This is decision making , and being courageous. I know many friends who have zero courage, and talk very little thinking that is good way of managing people, calling it emotional intelligence, but agreeing with lies leaves the Mind in the dark, so its our choice: weather to build fake relationship with people, then we will have the same fake relationship with God, one can not have it both ways, and 99% of people think they can, that is the biggest lie ever. Possession is a rare thing, I have some examples in my posts of mass murderers, they have Mind SHUT DOWN! that is the constant pattern. I was amazed when the theory fitted the reality, there is series of Pierce Morgan......What did Kant say , I do not know?

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Sorry, I’m more Roman (RC) than Greek. My faith reserves souls to the peeps (my apologies to the protists, poppies and puppies).

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exclusivity is a sure sign of limited power, aka, not omnipotent.

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Not necessarily. There are other qualities that can balance omnipotence, such as mercy, patience or self control.

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