Thank you. The best I could get into the mind of a globalist was something similar. They treat us like pests, not humans. Poison us with food, trap us with entertainment, and even spray us from the skies.
Divisions can be healed... For example, those who have lost friends or family and those who have sadly been damaged by the COVID injections now realise that those of us who were warning them to reject the shots were informed and reliable sources of information. They are much more likely to trust us when Gates and co launch their 2nd scamdemic.
My favorite comment from a recent @dutchsinse earthquake update on EweToob : “sure the world is flat….ALL THE WAY AROUND”. I had the same observation about the “dysunderstanding” going on (I think I just made up a new word) regarding the germ terrain pseudo debates.
The discussions alone demonstrate epic levels of cognitive dissonance.
Another interesting debate is the 2+2=5 crowd. Clown world is tedious.
I’m a “no virus cultist” and proud! I’m not a flat earther yet but I don’t exclude looking at it in the future more completely. I think hubris brought us to this place of believing that we know more than we actually do. Medical freedom and indeed any freedom movement means all views are tolerated, right???!!! The last 4 years have taught me to be truly sceptical of all “established science “. Have you actually read the work of Lanka, Cowans, Christine Massey, dpl and viroliegy?
I don't follow any idols. Just observe, learn and think for myself. But if I was a deep state scientist who knew how to manipulate DNA to make proteins, the first thing I would make is a self replicating protein / DNA entity with the capability to adapt so as to make people ill at least once a year to keep the medico industrial complex running.
The human genome is a fascinating read with genetic sequences that might have been full viruses in the distant past who've decided to stop multiplying and just make an occasional copy now and then in the nucleus. LINE-1 is one example. Every mammalian species on this planet is peppered with retrotransposons. So either rabbits developed bioweapons and waged global war during another age of high terrestrial technology...
Every species on this planet has suffered and survived multiple genetic plagues of self replicating DNA/RNA.
In other words, as I pointed out, we know very little. BTW, I am a psychiatrist and once believed most of the slop served up as medical education. I never fell for the rubbish about overpopulation/ CO2/ warming which a basic understanding of chemistry easily destroys. I did believe in vexines and DNA but now I see that they are just unproven theories , useful for conferring titles and money mostly
I’ve been listening a lot to Dr. JJ Couey re: virus, infectious clones, the no-virus trap. I think there is so much we are still not fully aware of in our understanding of human physiology we should be more humble. Virus/exosome signalling. Not all illness is due to pathogens ( vitamin deficiency, toxins) . Nuance. Nothing is black or white.
I like that you're stating your beliefs in a respectful way that isn't attacking other people, saying how you've come to your beliefs. I don't believe what you do And I don't know you very well so I can't say how you are at all times but I do really appreciate your approach right now. Thank you.
Thanks I may check it out but really not interested in what the earth looks like at the moment. When you say that I am sliding into error, it sounds religious to me. This is a scientific discussion. If you wish, we can switch to religion of which there is only one true faith.
I don't think we can know for sure what the shape of the earth is. Space flight photos are demonstrably fake and the moon landings and space shuttles and space station are cartoonish fakery. It's clear to me that the earth is bigger than we've been told, simply because of the observable data. We see much further than we should be able to based on the official story that the earth is 25,000 miles in circumference. The flat earthers go too far claiming the earth is flat when that is yet to be proven. They also feel they have to explain pretty much everything else in physics. The main thing that people need to do is investigate for themselves by taking their own measurements of distances to still visible far away objects. Look up basic math formulas for calculating curvature on a sphere and plug your measurements into the formula. It's a complicated formula but has been simplified to obtain a pretty close approximate answer. The simplified formula is 8" of curvature per mile squared or MxMx8. So for an object one mile distant you multiply one mile times one mile times 8, which gives you 8. So there is 8 inches drop in height due to curvature. At two miles the formula looks like this 2x2x8=32. So at two miles the drop will be 32 inches due to curvature. The absence of curvature at great distances over a hundred miles are well documented. Everyone go check it out online or if you are curious you can go measure it yourself.
Thank you, humoured YT video on "flat earth" after 15 minutes my brain hurt. Another quick debunk is flight paths of planes, if it's flat no arc required to travel to one hemisphere to the other.
Flat earth is another creation by Intel to make truthers look ridiculous by association. .
The truth/alternative media is is almost completely controlled by the same people who control the MSM. They have virtually unlimited budgets for these ops. Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Stew Peters, etc. The list goes on and on. They are there waiting for you when you step outside the mainstream channels.
Regarding the Sars Cov-2 virus. Was there a deadly virus that killed off millions of people? No. It was seasonal flu rebranding, inflated death counts, and murders by hospital.
I'd say most fake truth media are just heavily promoted by search engines and inflated view counts on various video platforms.
Real truthers are censored, attacked, and ignored.
So many people have stepped out onto the alternative media minefield only to get spun so badly they can never find their way out. I see a lot of that with those within the Freedom community.
Some more thoughts about alternative media personalities. Mike Adams has been outed as an agent. Adams are high ranking families in the peerage. 99% of the time you can out other agents by association.
Christopher James Pritchard was a guest on Natural News with Adams. Christine Massey has been a guest on with Christopher James. Pritchards and Masseys are also from the peerage. Both have been pushing the no virus angle.
Cowan is a variation of Cohen. A very high ranking Phoenician family.
Rebel News was awarded $20k in a court case against a government minister for being blocked on X. Does this make sense? Ezra Levant is owner of Rebel News. Enough said.
Thank you! That explains why I've never been interviewed on Mike Adams. (I've emailed him a couple of times) This was back when even inforwars Owen Shroyer interviewed me about reverse transcriptase and genetic alteration of the human species.
Thank you! That's interesting. Red flags popped up for me as soon as i realized Kaufman was a psychiatrist. WTF does a psychiatrist know about genetics. Genetics is virology.
Have you seen the videos where they shoot a laser over a body of water and disprove curvature? This is pernicious because it actually works.. the laser travels much farther than it should. This kind of thing provides experiential first hand evidence that is really convincing, and hard to break out of, and creates authentic, earnest adherents and evangelists.
The cause is refraction which curves the light path near the water surface. It doesn't work if you repeat the experiment 15 feet off the ground. But somehow you won't find the disproof videos on YouTube so easily. This anomaly was documented over 100 years ago.
Flat Earth is a fascinating psyop because it's designed to discredit the idea of "the evidence of your own eyes". The earth "looks" flat locally; the level test works. But we are asked to suspend those "observations" in support of a somewhat counterintuitive spherical model (which also pulls in a lot of other stuff like gravity...) because it addresses a lot of other anomalous observations like the circumference of Antarctica not being 50k miles long.
The message is, to the "truther", do not trust your eyes and local measurements, do not think for yourself, you are not qualified. And for the normie it's a big joke about those truther idiots who don't believe the earth is round, because everyone learned that in kindergarten.
This was a good one Daniel, thanks for the reference to the 4th generation warfare handbook. I look forward to reading it. I never fell for the flat earth theory, always saw it as way of discrediting people in the freedom movement to make it look like people involved in the freedom movement are just people who believe every and all conspiracies and don't have the ability to discern or critically think for themselves. That is definetly not true of the people in the freedom movement as a whole but definetly how "some people" want the freedom movement to be viewed as in order to deture the rest of the population from looking into things more deeply. Unfortunately some people have fallen for it, it just goes to show that some are still alseep and still not really thinking for themselves even when they think they are awake by following the freedom movement.
I don't think this is unique to the Freedom movement though, I see it everywhere, and I do think that we are all suseptable on some level. People in general are being targeted and bombarded with new conspiracies and blatantly untrue information all the time and theres always a little truth mixed in. And with everything at a swipe of a finger on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, the content is endless and its done to confuse people in their comprehension and in their confidence in reality or truth to the point that no one knows whats true anymore and no one trusts any sources, and as a result things become no longer based on facts through observe, document and confirm, but instead are strictly based on belief system. I think that a lot of people following this flat earth theory have been demoralized to the point they no longer trust the government and the indoctrination of the school system as they feel they have been lied to about what seems like almost everything in history and science that people are questioning everything they've ever known. It's obvious that History is being rewritten all the time and people go to school only to be decieved or intentionally held back from making inteligent advancements especially when it comes to medicine as we've seen with the pharmasudicals and Cancer for example, Physics as we know physics is not complete and Space as we've been told there is no life outside of earth and now we're being told the government has had contact with aliens for an undisclosed number of years (officially disclosed in Us Congress to the world this July). And with this covid thing and all of that being a lie and it being devastating on the world, people are questioning everything. I think with this flat earth theory people are sadly also hoping for a way out, that they can escape from this slave like societal structure to hidden lands that have truly free advanced civilizations living on them.
And as another perspective, on the side of the government agenda and the warfare on consciousness, with social media and gossipy stories being sensationalized, all conspiracies both true and fictitious are being constantly pushed and then discredited so that people are then forced to pick a side based on which information they have been exposed to and how believable it is. By doing this it really dumbs down the population, divides people and makes people more susseptable to suggestion and manipulation by media and government because it causes confusion and demoralisation in the end to where Down is Up and Up is down. And also with everyone fighting with each other its a destraction away from the nafarious actions taking place behind the scenes.
4th generation warfare handbook was required reading for all officers at westpoint, or so I've heard. When you listen to the modern warfare institute lectures it's amazing the nightmarish things they come up with. And it seems like they keep people distracted from everything that they do through massive information dilution, planned decades in advance. Add to that combining real physical events with endless video clips timed repeatedly to desensitize and diffuse people's attention away from real society changing ideas like principa then you see the scale of resources they've put into this operation.
If anyone is open to the idea, havent made up their mind or is curious about the flat earth theory here are some short youtube videos that easily debunk the theory:
Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 1 : The Moon
I was absolutely staggered by a friend, who is above average IQ, state that the earth was flat!!?! I couldn’t stop laughing.
She pointed me to pictures and websites, etc. She had read that in 1890’s or turn of the century, some random explorer found at the North Pole an ice wall that is too high to crossover and this is why we can’t sail over the edge!?! Apparently this wall is the border and which is now heavily guarded by the military so no one can get pictures or prove anything. It’s guarded because the Cabal doesn’t want anyone to have definitive proof that God is real!!
This is my definition of brainwashing and its roots are deeply embedded. Yet, I am the brainwashed one 😂🤣 I don’t know what videos these flat earth folks have watched but it has been very effective at getting people hooked, line, and sinker!!
Funny thing about videos and me…I stopped trusting videos early during the Plandemic. Videos of all kinds and in many different platforms. I found that videos contained more flashing things and strobing attributes all of which gave me a dull headache so, I stopped watching.
Often I will simply listen to a video and at an increased speed of around 1.5x to 1.75. I figure if there’s anything suggestive hidden in the audio it might be defeated by an unintended speed of play.
I have also noticed that when you take a pic on an iPhone, the flash of the screen has increased significantly. Maybe I’m being overly cautious and/or paranoid but I keep running into instances where flashing/strobing is used far too frequently.
repetitive flashing, for example nearly invisible flashing through infrared can induce brainwave states similar to hypnosis. Also repetitive motifs in the background or in the corner of the screen can also leave subliminal messages. (These can sometimes be inserted without the author of the video even knowing)
I’m the last person to be hypnotized or brainwashed. I wouldn’t even join a sorority when I was at University because it seemed cultish.
So, I was correct about the flashing and different things that were instant headache inducing for me. In fact I was so convinced of it that I sold my television 🤣😁 I haven’t missed it one bit! Praise God for giving me insight and you the knowledge to impart!
The physiologic cause of the headache might be the interesting part. If your subconscious is rational, e.g. not possessed by the 7 sins + fear (8) + acceptance of falsehoods (9), then while your conscious is watching the video, your subconscious is trying to figure out the subliminal messages in the flashing and sidebars. A rational subconscious will try to reconcile the subliminal messages with your conscious thoughts, but if the subliminal messages are saying something different, the discrepancy “headache” might be the way your subconscious tells your conscious to “turn it off There is something sinister”.
I totally believe that because it takes just a minute or two and I’m exiting out of the app or video. Of course these days, rare is the video that I will actually watch.
If you watch the videos of the pride parades in the States you soon realized that we are not a civilization any longer, the degradation of humans is on its last frontiers, and children looking at. What did happen with “ protect the kids” mantra? We are descending into darkness, we are darker than the “ dark ages” that were not so dark if you read really history. Then the deceivers took over and we are living a Truman Show.
The opening image is laughable at best. The models have vastly different ideas of how the sun provides light. After getting destroyed on his first "psyop" post, one would hope he would have taken more time with this one.
This is interesting. I happen to like the electric universe theory of cosmology, although I don't know enough to really vet it, but dark matter bothers me so in my ignorance I like EU as an alternative.
I'm not sure I get why this supports flat Earth though, the EU theory of gravity still involves spherical earth. If electrostatics explains the ocean sticking to the earth, why does the ocean itself not fly apart given it is all positively charged?
My opinion: it could be that flat Earth is here being used to tar and discredit EU models and related theories about the nature of gravity, which are becoming more difficult to ignore.
there's nothing flat about electromagnetic fields, electrostatic charge or plasma charged bodies.
EU is the physics that was hidden that the safire project is finally revealing. Get enough power transformers in series with good enough insulation and you too can make a extreme voltage, low current plasma reactor. Safire project does high energy physics with commonly available resources. You're not supposed to be able to do a nuclear change without a nuclear reaction, but these guys did tungsten to iridium with electricity alone.
Human ingenuity in the hands of rational and CURIOUS minds is a marvel to behold.
That is what I find irksome about these psyops.
People claim to be thinking for themselves when they're just following what someone else told them to say.
The Webb telescope is also producing lots of inconvenient data. It's crazy to me that EU theory is so effectively shunned into the dark corners of the Internet.. although nowadays I guess I see it's not that unusual.
I do worry that I have difficulty evaluating all of the ramifications of the theory, and so I worry I could be falling into a flat Earth like trap. Maybe there's some real problem with it, but at least I can say I haven't been personally confronted with clear counterevidence like is trivially discovered with the no virus and flat Earth.
I would love to see a real discussion of the merits of EU with a dark matter / string theory cosmologist.. do you know of any? Or a list of holes in the EU theory?
If Einstein and the idolism in physics that followed him is a psyop... that's my next target. The false path of physics since einstein. Do we actually live in a Boscovich universe? That's a real frame shift from atomic...I'll have to brush up on my calculus to defend against physicist trolls.
WOW!!! one or two submissions -ago...from your Substack, I referred to you as a....a....”genius” but here you are ...a flat earth denier. Wow mind officially blown.
So after three years of pressure, you finally circum to it. I suggest taking deep breaths and reconsider it again... because the Solar system is within the Firmament, eh! work on it...
George, what are you saying exactly about Dr Nagase? 🤔 I ask as I also have no certain position on flat earth vs round earth...I don’t feel I know enough scientifically to say. But I like Dr Nagase & was wondering what you were implying...😊
He wouldn't take the bait
He wouldn't come to me
He wouldn't let me fumigate
He just wouldn't let me be
I hear him scurrying all around
Multiplying by the week
I hear him in the ceilings
I hear him under feet
I even offered him my sandwich
And my Netflix and Prime accounts
I offered him incentives
To try and flush him out
I threatened him with hammers
With poisons and disease
I told him he would have to register
To get a block of cheese
But he won't come out
He won't ever show
This darned rat
Just has to go
I tried bribing him with favors
And ransoming his wife
But he keeps on squealing
Warning the others
And it's causing me so much strife
It's ruining my life.
How to kill a rat
That doesn't want to die
Maybe I should come up with
A novel and complex lie
And spread and seed rumors
All throughout his kin
Get them all questioning
Divisioning within
And tearing themselves apart
Yes, that's it…
That's the plan
That's exactly where I'll start.
Thank you. The best I could get into the mind of a globalist was something similar. They treat us like pests, not humans. Poison us with food, trap us with entertainment, and even spray us from the skies.
I just wish a few hundred million more realised
We are the rats in this story
And, we don't have to be
But if we keep on letting them divide us
It's exactly what is going to be
Divisions can be healed... For example, those who have lost friends or family and those who have sadly been damaged by the COVID injections now realise that those of us who were warning them to reject the shots were informed and reliable sources of information. They are much more likely to trust us when Gates and co launch their 2nd scamdemic.
My favorite comment from a recent @dutchsinse earthquake update on EweToob : “sure the world is flat….ALL THE WAY AROUND”. I had the same observation about the “dysunderstanding” going on (I think I just made up a new word) regarding the germ terrain pseudo debates.
The discussions alone demonstrate epic levels of cognitive dissonance.
Another interesting debate is the 2+2=5 crowd. Clown world is tedious.
Dysunderstanding ! I love it.
Dutchsinse is amazing !!!!
I’m a “no virus cultist” and proud! I’m not a flat earther yet but I don’t exclude looking at it in the future more completely. I think hubris brought us to this place of believing that we know more than we actually do. Medical freedom and indeed any freedom movement means all views are tolerated, right???!!! The last 4 years have taught me to be truly sceptical of all “established science “. Have you actually read the work of Lanka, Cowans, Christine Massey, dpl and viroliegy?
I don't follow any idols. Just observe, learn and think for myself. But if I was a deep state scientist who knew how to manipulate DNA to make proteins, the first thing I would make is a self replicating protein / DNA entity with the capability to adapt so as to make people ill at least once a year to keep the medico industrial complex running.
The human genome is a fascinating read with genetic sequences that might have been full viruses in the distant past who've decided to stop multiplying and just make an occasional copy now and then in the nucleus. LINE-1 is one example. Every mammalian species on this planet is peppered with retrotransposons. So either rabbits developed bioweapons and waged global war during another age of high terrestrial technology...
Every species on this planet has suffered and survived multiple genetic plagues of self replicating DNA/RNA.
In other words, as I pointed out, we know very little. BTW, I am a psychiatrist and once believed most of the slop served up as medical education. I never fell for the rubbish about overpopulation/ CO2/ warming which a basic understanding of chemistry easily destroys. I did believe in vexines and DNA but now I see that they are just unproven theories , useful for conferring titles and money mostly
I’ve been listening a lot to Dr. JJ Couey re: virus, infectious clones, the no-virus trap. I think there is so much we are still not fully aware of in our understanding of human physiology we should be more humble. Virus/exosome signalling. Not all illness is due to pathogens ( vitamin deficiency, toxins) . Nuance. Nothing is black or white.
And your argument contains a false binary assumption. There are millions of other explanations
I like that you're stating your beliefs in a respectful way that isn't attacking other people, saying how you've come to your beliefs. I don't believe what you do And I don't know you very well so I can't say how you are at all times but I do really appreciate your approach right now. Thank you.
Thank you Heidi and nice to see you around💜
You're on a slippery slope.. here read this before you go further deep into error.. and unplug from the internet.. ✌️
Refuting flat earth
Thanks I may check it out but really not interested in what the earth looks like at the moment. When you say that I am sliding into error, it sounds religious to me. This is a scientific discussion. If you wish, we can switch to religion of which there is only one true faith.
I don't think we can know for sure what the shape of the earth is. Space flight photos are demonstrably fake and the moon landings and space shuttles and space station are cartoonish fakery. It's clear to me that the earth is bigger than we've been told, simply because of the observable data. We see much further than we should be able to based on the official story that the earth is 25,000 miles in circumference. The flat earthers go too far claiming the earth is flat when that is yet to be proven. They also feel they have to explain pretty much everything else in physics. The main thing that people need to do is investigate for themselves by taking their own measurements of distances to still visible far away objects. Look up basic math formulas for calculating curvature on a sphere and plug your measurements into the formula. It's a complicated formula but has been simplified to obtain a pretty close approximate answer. The simplified formula is 8" of curvature per mile squared or MxMx8. So for an object one mile distant you multiply one mile times one mile times 8, which gives you 8. So there is 8 inches drop in height due to curvature. At two miles the formula looks like this 2x2x8=32. So at two miles the drop will be 32 inches due to curvature. The absence of curvature at great distances over a hundred miles are well documented. Everyone go check it out online or if you are curious you can go measure it yourself.
Exactly Richard, the minute one starts to look at anything too closely, the official story often falls apart
Thank you, humoured YT video on "flat earth" after 15 minutes my brain hurt. Another quick debunk is flight paths of planes, if it's flat no arc required to travel to one hemisphere to the other.
Flat earth is another creation by Intel to make truthers look ridiculous by association. .
The truth/alternative media is is almost completely controlled by the same people who control the MSM. They have virtually unlimited budgets for these ops. Alex Jones, Mike Adams, Stew Peters, etc. The list goes on and on. They are there waiting for you when you step outside the mainstream channels.
Regarding the Sars Cov-2 virus. Was there a deadly virus that killed off millions of people? No. It was seasonal flu rebranding, inflated death counts, and murders by hospital.
Absolutely! I wish more people realized the war machine is an unlimited budget operation. They have inroads in all media, medicine, and the judiciary.
Like I exposed Robert Malone in Citizenfreepress -- at 1 point the 3rd largest "Alt Media" in the US still pushes Robert Malone. If Citizenfreepress is bought, all alt media is now bought.
Anyone not in their pockets already they will try to buy with buckets of money.
I'd say most fake truth media are just heavily promoted by search engines and inflated view counts on various video platforms.
Real truthers are censored, attacked, and ignored.
So many people have stepped out onto the alternative media minefield only to get spun so badly they can never find their way out. I see a lot of that with those within the Freedom community.
It takes time to sort through it all.
And yeah Malone is a spook.
Some more thoughts about alternative media personalities. Mike Adams has been outed as an agent. Adams are high ranking families in the peerage. 99% of the time you can out other agents by association.
Christopher James Pritchard was a guest on Natural News with Adams. Christine Massey has been a guest on with Christopher James. Pritchards and Masseys are also from the peerage. Both have been pushing the no virus angle.
Cowan is a variation of Cohen. A very high ranking Phoenician family.
Rebel News was awarded $20k in a court case against a government minister for being blocked on X. Does this make sense? Ezra Levant is owner of Rebel News. Enough said.
Thank you! That explains why I've never been interviewed on Mike Adams. (I've emailed him a couple of times) This was back when even inforwars Owen Shroyer interviewed me about reverse transcriptase and genetic alteration of the human species.
Mathis wrote a new paper on Tuesday. "Terrain Theory ia a Psyop". He discusses how to spot psyops from a different perspective.
Thank you! That's interesting. Red flags popped up for me as soon as i realized Kaufman was a psychiatrist. WTF does a psychiatrist know about genetics. Genetics is virology.
Have you seen the videos where they shoot a laser over a body of water and disprove curvature? This is pernicious because it actually works.. the laser travels much farther than it should. This kind of thing provides experiential first hand evidence that is really convincing, and hard to break out of, and creates authentic, earnest adherents and evangelists.
The cause is refraction which curves the light path near the water surface. It doesn't work if you repeat the experiment 15 feet off the ground. But somehow you won't find the disproof videos on YouTube so easily. This anomaly was documented over 100 years ago.
Flat Earth is a fascinating psyop because it's designed to discredit the idea of "the evidence of your own eyes". The earth "looks" flat locally; the level test works. But we are asked to suspend those "observations" in support of a somewhat counterintuitive spherical model (which also pulls in a lot of other stuff like gravity...) because it addresses a lot of other anomalous observations like the circumference of Antarctica not being 50k miles long.
The message is, to the "truther", do not trust your eyes and local measurements, do not think for yourself, you are not qualified. And for the normie it's a big joke about those truther idiots who don't believe the earth is round, because everyone learned that in kindergarten.
This was a good one Daniel, thanks for the reference to the 4th generation warfare handbook. I look forward to reading it. I never fell for the flat earth theory, always saw it as way of discrediting people in the freedom movement to make it look like people involved in the freedom movement are just people who believe every and all conspiracies and don't have the ability to discern or critically think for themselves. That is definetly not true of the people in the freedom movement as a whole but definetly how "some people" want the freedom movement to be viewed as in order to deture the rest of the population from looking into things more deeply. Unfortunately some people have fallen for it, it just goes to show that some are still alseep and still not really thinking for themselves even when they think they are awake by following the freedom movement.
I don't think this is unique to the Freedom movement though, I see it everywhere, and I do think that we are all suseptable on some level. People in general are being targeted and bombarded with new conspiracies and blatantly untrue information all the time and theres always a little truth mixed in. And with everything at a swipe of a finger on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, the content is endless and its done to confuse people in their comprehension and in their confidence in reality or truth to the point that no one knows whats true anymore and no one trusts any sources, and as a result things become no longer based on facts through observe, document and confirm, but instead are strictly based on belief system. I think that a lot of people following this flat earth theory have been demoralized to the point they no longer trust the government and the indoctrination of the school system as they feel they have been lied to about what seems like almost everything in history and science that people are questioning everything they've ever known. It's obvious that History is being rewritten all the time and people go to school only to be decieved or intentionally held back from making inteligent advancements especially when it comes to medicine as we've seen with the pharmasudicals and Cancer for example, Physics as we know physics is not complete and Space as we've been told there is no life outside of earth and now we're being told the government has had contact with aliens for an undisclosed number of years (officially disclosed in Us Congress to the world this July). And with this covid thing and all of that being a lie and it being devastating on the world, people are questioning everything. I think with this flat earth theory people are sadly also hoping for a way out, that they can escape from this slave like societal structure to hidden lands that have truly free advanced civilizations living on them.
And as another perspective, on the side of the government agenda and the warfare on consciousness, with social media and gossipy stories being sensationalized, all conspiracies both true and fictitious are being constantly pushed and then discredited so that people are then forced to pick a side based on which information they have been exposed to and how believable it is. By doing this it really dumbs down the population, divides people and makes people more susseptable to suggestion and manipulation by media and government because it causes confusion and demoralisation in the end to where Down is Up and Up is down. And also with everyone fighting with each other its a destraction away from the nafarious actions taking place behind the scenes.
Anyways, Thanks again! Keep it coming!
4th generation warfare handbook was required reading for all officers at westpoint, or so I've heard. When you listen to the modern warfare institute lectures it's amazing the nightmarish things they come up with. And it seems like they keep people distracted from everything that they do through massive information dilution, planned decades in advance. Add to that combining real physical events with endless video clips timed repeatedly to desensitize and diffuse people's attention away from real society changing ideas like principa then you see the scale of resources they've put into this operation.
If anyone is open to the idea, havent made up their mind or is curious about the flat earth theory here are some short youtube videos that easily debunk the theory:
Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 1 : The Moon
Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 2 : The Stars
Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 3 : Airplanes
The Earth is Deffinetly Not Flat
I was absolutely staggered by a friend, who is above average IQ, state that the earth was flat!!?! I couldn’t stop laughing.
She pointed me to pictures and websites, etc. She had read that in 1890’s or turn of the century, some random explorer found at the North Pole an ice wall that is too high to crossover and this is why we can’t sail over the edge!?! Apparently this wall is the border and which is now heavily guarded by the military so no one can get pictures or prove anything. It’s guarded because the Cabal doesn’t want anyone to have definitive proof that God is real!!
This is my definition of brainwashing and its roots are deeply embedded. Yet, I am the brainwashed one 😂🤣 I don’t know what videos these flat earth folks have watched but it has been very effective at getting people hooked, line, and sinker!!
MK Ultra techniques for mind control have been applied broadly. Video seems to be the most effective method of delivery, hypnosis and brain washing.
IQ seems to have only a tenuous relationship to lateral thought, which is key to breaking psy ops.
Funny thing about videos and me…I stopped trusting videos early during the Plandemic. Videos of all kinds and in many different platforms. I found that videos contained more flashing things and strobing attributes all of which gave me a dull headache so, I stopped watching.
Often I will simply listen to a video and at an increased speed of around 1.5x to 1.75. I figure if there’s anything suggestive hidden in the audio it might be defeated by an unintended speed of play.
I have also noticed that when you take a pic on an iPhone, the flash of the screen has increased significantly. Maybe I’m being overly cautious and/or paranoid but I keep running into instances where flashing/strobing is used far too frequently.
repetitive flashing, for example nearly invisible flashing through infrared can induce brainwave states similar to hypnosis. Also repetitive motifs in the background or in the corner of the screen can also leave subliminal messages. (These can sometimes be inserted without the author of the video even knowing)
I’m the last person to be hypnotized or brainwashed. I wouldn’t even join a sorority when I was at University because it seemed cultish.
So, I was correct about the flashing and different things that were instant headache inducing for me. In fact I was so convinced of it that I sold my television 🤣😁 I haven’t missed it one bit! Praise God for giving me insight and you the knowledge to impart!
The physiologic cause of the headache might be the interesting part. If your subconscious is rational, e.g. not possessed by the 7 sins + fear (8) + acceptance of falsehoods (9), then while your conscious is watching the video, your subconscious is trying to figure out the subliminal messages in the flashing and sidebars. A rational subconscious will try to reconcile the subliminal messages with your conscious thoughts, but if the subliminal messages are saying something different, the discrepancy “headache” might be the way your subconscious tells your conscious to “turn it off There is something sinister”.
I totally believe that because it takes just a minute or two and I’m exiting out of the app or video. Of course these days, rare is the video that I will actually watch.
If you watch the videos of the pride parades in the States you soon realized that we are not a civilization any longer, the degradation of humans is on its last frontiers, and children looking at. What did happen with “ protect the kids” mantra? We are descending into darkness, we are darker than the “ dark ages” that were not so dark if you read really history. Then the deceivers took over and we are living a Truman Show.
The opening image is laughable at best. The models have vastly different ideas of how the sun provides light. After getting destroyed on his first "psyop" post, one would hope he would have taken more time with this one.
worth a look, a compendium of posts on everything flat earth… questions welcomed…
This is interesting. I happen to like the electric universe theory of cosmology, although I don't know enough to really vet it, but dark matter bothers me so in my ignorance I like EU as an alternative.
I'm not sure I get why this supports flat Earth though, the EU theory of gravity still involves spherical earth. If electrostatics explains the ocean sticking to the earth, why does the ocean itself not fly apart given it is all positively charged?
My opinion: it could be that flat Earth is here being used to tar and discredit EU models and related theories about the nature of gravity, which are becoming more difficult to ignore.
there's nothing flat about electromagnetic fields, electrostatic charge or plasma charged bodies.
EU is the physics that was hidden that the safire project is finally revealing. Get enough power transformers in series with good enough insulation and you too can make a extreme voltage, low current plasma reactor. Safire project does high energy physics with commonly available resources. You're not supposed to be able to do a nuclear change without a nuclear reaction, but these guys did tungsten to iridium with electricity alone.
Human ingenuity in the hands of rational and CURIOUS minds is a marvel to behold.
That is what I find irksome about these psyops.
People claim to be thinking for themselves when they're just following what someone else told them to say.
The Webb telescope is also producing lots of inconvenient data. It's crazy to me that EU theory is so effectively shunned into the dark corners of the Internet.. although nowadays I guess I see it's not that unusual.
I do worry that I have difficulty evaluating all of the ramifications of the theory, and so I worry I could be falling into a flat Earth like trap. Maybe there's some real problem with it, but at least I can say I haven't been personally confronted with clear counterevidence like is trivially discovered with the no virus and flat Earth.
I would love to see a real discussion of the merits of EU with a dark matter / string theory cosmologist.. do you know of any? Or a list of holes in the EU theory?
The Late Dr. Edward Dowdye on sky scholar.
thanks for the reference!
Interesting that gravitational lensing is called into question, as that is one of the key bases of "evidence" of dark matter.
Questioning Einstein is like the third rail of physics :)
If Einstein and the idolism in physics that followed him is a psyop... that's my next target. The false path of physics since einstein. Do we actually live in a Boscovich universe? That's a real frame shift from atomic...I'll have to brush up on my calculus to defend against physicist trolls.
I suggest reading Miles Mathis science papers. He has solved many problems with the photonic charge field and a new atomic structure.
WOW!!! one or two submissions -ago...from your Substack, I referred to you as a....a....”genius” but here you are ...a flat earth denier. Wow mind officially blown.
So after three years of pressure, you finally circum to it. I suggest taking deep breaths and reconsider it again... because the Solar system is within the Firmament, eh! work on it...
Circum = succumb ( very clever)
George, what are you saying exactly about Dr Nagase? 🤔 I ask as I also have no certain position on flat earth vs round earth...I don’t feel I know enough scientifically to say. But I like Dr Nagase & was wondering what you were implying...😊
Found it!
Can’t open even when I put it in my search engine it won’t open
Thank you for everything you do