This story is absolutely unbelievable..dystopian DISGUSTING and infuriating. It’s nothing short of child trafficking, not to mention satanic!! Don’t even ask how I feel with regard to “Social worker” Jennifer Connelly .....

Only thing that can fix this kind of pure evil.......well.....I cannot express myself at this point

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Jennifer Donnelly.


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This social worker is evil and needs to be charged with child abuse. Im not quite sure how it is that a social worker with no medical experience can override a doctor and a nurse. I pray Theo can be reunited with his family ASAP.

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We tried the legal approach, but the judge from August 30th adjourned the case to go to trial in January 2024. Why the judiciary might not care about child abuse I write about here. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/a-criminal-surprise

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The Hospital needs to be charged with child abuse, neglect, failure to provide necessities of life, there is so much their liable for.

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I used to work with disabled children in a similar capacity. I am confused from the beginning. Do you have a copy of the initial temporary care order (guardianship order) and the judge's reasoning? (The judge should make recommendations for monitoring, reunification, further assessment etc, unless the judge was 'out of order' ( pun intended). Also in BC, is the temp order being automatically renewed, unless one of the lawyers asks for a court hearting at the time of renewal to revoke the order or replace the order with something else?)

Anyway being guided by your info, my comments as follows.

- Sloppy SW statement. She doesn't even identify who reported the vent incident to her. Was the discrepancy in the info being looked at in the court? The practitioner in the hospital who allegedly reported the incident should be brought into the court as a witness under oath.

- Given the timescale and consideration for the child's development, did the judge state why she had decided to adjourn the case for another 5 months? No ref to previous concerns about the parents' interaction with the baby. But If the parenting was concerned, why could the judge not recommend or order supervised contact to assess the progress or a parenting assessment with a view to resuming contact or reunification. What is the SW dept's proposed plan to keep the family together? A temp court order without any SW plan seems peculiar and unprofessional to me since in this case, the SW decided that the parent was deemed to be posing a risk to the child. Normally making an order to remove parental responsibility (or share the PR w the local authority) should be considered the last resort.

-Your assessments on the child's ability and development sounds right. Many children w special needs can form an attachment to their parents. They may be non verbal but their behaviour and emotional state can convey a lot of info. Has the impact of the absence of primary carers on Baby Theo been looked at by the SW dept rather than threatening to call the police? (Why is the SW paying so much attention to a criminal aspect?? To me it sounds like she is trying to punish the parents and is that her role?) Can Baby Theo have contact with his siblings?

- Whose benefit is this? What was this court order for? Is this a child centred practice? What are they protecting ? The child personal info? Or the establishment's info and practice and reputation and their salary? Or something else? By the way I wonder in BC, once the guardianship is granted to the local authority, if they will cover all the medical costs for Theo as a quasi parent? (Pls do not tell me the parents continue to pay the medical expenses whilst their parental responsibility is stripped away.)

- Final thoughts. Do the SW dept, hospital and the court have any intention to keep the family together? Or do they have another plan for Baby Theo?

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This was a temp order, so I don't think it's possible to auto renew. Maybe the doctors made a second request without notice, but then we'd know by now.

The judge didn't consider any discrepancy in the Social Work report.

Judge McQueen said she had to adjourn because she didn't have time to hear the case. She had "20" other cases she said. (There weren't even 20 other people in the room). But as I've said before in https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/a-criminal-surprise There's no consequences for judges lying.

There appears to be no regard for the child, from social work, the judiciary, or even the doctors.

For them, Baby Theo seems to be just a tool to be used for other ends.

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I see. It sounds like Judge McQueen sat for the initial hearing as a matter of formality. (Tho it is possible there are other cases in queue, given the current climate. Even in the pre cvd, the lawyers would battle to squeeze the dates for a hearing. This is one of the reasons why legal proceedings often take so long. Or perhaps an excuse from the judge. Anyway let's stick to her story.)

Now technically the child is in custody of the hospital.

Then the parents have to go bk to the SW dept. Collect evidence of their sloppy practice (mal practice).

Btw, just curious. what evidence (documentation) did the SW & lawyer present to the court on their application for the initial temp order? Did the SW interview the parents after receiving the report? How could the SW make a risk assessment? In any case the parents need to be informed of the procedure.

This case may not go anywhere in the interim, but the last point I make is, in principle, the child should be contained within the family and should avoid institutionalisation for obvious reasons. Secondly it is $$$$ (tax payers money of course) for the state (govt) to accommodate the child on a care order (guardianship in Canada as I understand) so they would normally make any effort to avoid taking the child in care.

It's surprising to see a SW dishing out a guardianship order so quickly in Canada.

These days ppl make a 180° turn and do things contradictory to their professional discipline.

Clearly they operate on benefits, not on principles.

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I assume social work just presented just their report. I saw no affidavits from dr's or the social worker. The lawyer for the family, even though he had all the medical records -- the same ones I reviewed in part 1, he presented none of it.

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Bizarre. Smell a rat.

Clearly they are onto something...

If I were the SW of the case, knowing what I am doing, I would be having sleepless nights.

(I hope they will read my comment.)

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McQueen is a prominent name in the peerage. Think Steve McQueen. A big red flag. So now we have the judge and one social worker with highly probable links to the peerage /Freemason/Jewish/Phoenician families.

We need to link the suspect doctors and management next.

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How did you find out about the phonecians? That's not commonly known! This goes way back to slave trade in the mediterrainian and before.

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Yes it does. I've been reading Miles Mathis papers for many years. He is the top researcher on the planet in my opinion.

He's been outing and exposing the Phoenician families for some time now. He shows how they are all related and interconnected.

He wrote a paper "Where did all the Phoenicians go?" a few years back. You can find it if you word search here:


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Whoever they are, they are all in on it.

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I will write an article on their accusations. the social workers with MCFD here in BC have too much power. What they report becomes the "gospel". i have been told many of them are young single ladies that follow orders and are paid well to write up a juicy story. The judge keeps pushing the trial to later dates. January is when they want the 6 day trial.

MCFD makes all the recommendations and not the judges.

Not sure about the auto renew of the temp order, but so far i think it is auto renewed for us.

The 5 month adjournment is because the court system is to over loaded and also there was an excuse that the doctors were not available during the earlier dates.

there was a mediation done and the direction was to keep my son in our family. but because of my posts on Facebook and my wife not reporting me, the direction of the director is to put my son into foster care.

Baby Theo's 3 sisters cannot see him.

the Benefit is for the system. A way to get kids to keep coming back to the hospital because they are trached and need a vent machine and the gj tube procedure is a nightmare when the tube comes out of the intestine. Gives social workers, supervisors, lawyers and judges work. Exploitation to the fullest and the creation of a false economy.

Medical care is paid by Canadian government, but the special formula "nourish" we give him we pay out of our own pocket.

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Thank you for explaining to us. I've got a clearer picture now.

So in BC,.the judge just agrees with MFCD SW's recommendations ? It's only an expert opinion and experts can make mistakes. What's the role of a judge there?.

And I am surprised to learn they completely severed the contact, even supervised contact. (They can also collect evidence after observing your interactions with Theo).

Even if they put Theo in foster care, he will still have to stay in or come bk to the hospital from time to time, correct? Foster care costs them more. Also given the challenging transition he will have to undergo (on top of having all these medical procedures), what's the merit of foster care then?

Ok so in January they are going straight into the full hearing.

I am not sure what's in your son's care proceeding but you (and your counsel) will need to seek an independent opinion (assessment) to prove that you and your wife are capable of providing adequate care and meeting the child's need.

I hope you have a good counsel. From my court experiences, it often depends on the counsel's abilities and skills to present good evidence and argue the case.

Oh and when you write a piece about their accusations, I think it will be good if you can include a brief chronology so the readers can follow the timeline of events easily. And highlight any discrepancies. At each event did you have a chance to discuss the situation with them? Were you fully informed of the procedure and the legislation they constantly refer to (rather than telling you to be careful - which is, in my experience, not a good social work practice and certainly not beneficial for the parents and child in a long run anyway)

My heart goes to your son. I hope he will be reunited with his parents and sisters, sooner than later. Take care.

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I think the financial angle needs to be considered here as well. Is Jennifer Donnelly motivated by money? How could she gain financially from her actions?

Who is Jennifer Donnelly? Is she related to the wealthy Donnelly Group? Donnelly Group has recently filed for creditor protection. Does she have a big home or hidden wealth? Donnelly is a peerage name and does raise a red flag immediately. Many Freemasons are peerage.

Dr. Nagase mentioned the palliative care threat made. I think this is important. Is it possible for two evil social workers, one rotten pediatrician, two disgusting senior or executive level managers, and one corrupt judge, to secretly target children in hospitals with the end objective of moving them into palliative care?

Are these hospitals and care centers private and do they answer to stakeholders? How much money are these stakeholders making from organ donations? Each donor is worth many millions in profit. Let's say 5 million. Say 1 million from that is paid to those five or six individuals for doing their part. There is the financial motivation. Brown paper bags full of cash.

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The ministry of children and family development call Baby Theo their CLIENT.

I'm sure that ministry bills the provincial government quite a sum for each Client with special needs.

One thing I have learned about British Columbia hospitals is that they are not owned by the public. There are apparently private holding companies that bill the provincial government for hospital services.

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This is outrageous abuse of 'power' and fully criminal. This is the kind of abuse that simply can not be allowed. Who the pfuck do these people think they are? And no help from a judge? Yeah, time to walk away from these constructs - supposedly there to 'serve' us, and start over. Beyond outrageous. Beyond criminal.

These are the kinds of abuses that can start revolutions. Understandably.

I can't even imagine what baby Theo and his family are going through. But it's not a compassionate human that would put them all through it. It's a robot or a zombie or a psycho. Or some combination. (I suspect she's being told what to do, why? No idea, but it's not good.)

I will pray for them.

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Request a s/w that aligns with the culture , values and ethnicity of the parents; otherwise why is there a deliberate effort to reduce the mother’s visitation?

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I’ve supported this family from the beginning, and know these facts none to well. The exact same situation (messed up med records, MCFD threats, BCCH coercive control, denial of care to my child, misdiagnosis and over sedation…)I was the one who took it to the Senior Director of Medical Affairs and he could careless about anything. Power is in numbers; I’m hoping something will turn around in there. These are our children.

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Thank you Dr Daniel for your help in propagating justice! We miss our son so much. The RCMP has not helped and we keep getting directed to mcfd social worker Jennifer who does not respond to us.

But the issue or conumdrum is that the doctors called in mcfd to get full power over kids when parents are dissenters of benzos, unneeded antibiotics, overseeing, and refuse risky and uneffective vaccines to their children. So when mcfd starts going rogue... The medical team keeps quiet and allow the abuse or else mcfd won't help them next time. A toxic relationship... But out of convenience and the ability to exploit their prey they continue on their toxic tango.

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The whole situation sounds bizarre from a non Canadian's point of view. (* I used to practice in a similar capacity.)

Mr Lim, May I ask, since you have a child with special needs and might be networking with other parents in similar circumstances, is this something new (them derailing from their regular practice, or has it been going on since however long before?

Could you approach the medical freedom movement outside Canada like some US orgs and alternative news outlets? Canada is going rouge (as you know)

Meanwhile pls record / log any contact with the authorities.

I'd assume Theo's siblings can visit him, no? Since the restriction is imposed on the parents, not his siblings, if they are old enough.

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Baby Theo must return to his family.

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This is when people need to take arms to defend their rights.

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They do all work together. Otherwise, this bs wouldnt happen. They keep it secret. Thats how they do it. I know from experience. These people are EVIL.

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I am a friend of the family.what can I do?

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Find out everything you can about Jennifer Donnelly

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Great link, I liked - Bety Tesfay, a lawyer with West Coast Legal Education and Action Fund, which intervened in the case, said the ruling is a milestone and “important victory for parents' right to privacy.”

Tesfay said the child protection system is more akin to a “family policing” system that regulates, surveils and punishes parents rather than focusing on family well-being, which her organization is pushing for.

A system that recognizes children are better off with their families, Tesfay said, would be more “collaborative and respectful of the dignity and autonomy of (a) parent.”

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This is so sad and cruel. I just can't believe how people can do this to a baby (and the family).

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I share in the outrage expressed by others. Would it perhaps be worthwhile to contact someone in the media to publicize this egregious injustice; a journalist with integrity?

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A journalist with integrity? That's not allowed in the mainstream.

However you have the right idea. These cockroaches will scatter if you shine a big enough light on them.

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We're contacting rebel news.

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Rebel News is a controlled opposition platform so they may not touch this story; but it's worth a try.

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