This is a tragedy, and a travesty.

Do Theo's doctors wish to kill this child?

It would seem so.

Killing elderly, and children, is inexpensive compared to years of medical care and interventions.

This is surely medical malpractice?


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I think you are correct about their intentions. However the private hospitals make profits on every patient. Costs are charged back to taxpayers with a mark-up. So killing patients doesn't add up unless there is a big payout at the end.

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yes, i hear that all hospitals are privately owned in canada, and the greater the hospital bill, the greater the wealth transfer from public to private via tax funds. The gentleman i talked to sat at a fundraiser where one of the owners of surrey memorial hospital attended, (the second largest ER in canada)

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This is a sad and infuriating update Daniel. This account as well as your last one about the legal system in BC are very disturbing. It’s God Complex on steroids, and that is a dark part of the hive mind.. Systems like AI, can be heartless but for the people ‘just doing their jobs’ to be so merciless and going stone cold in the heart is really disheartening. It is an abuse of the system, and the power, that they were entrusted with. I am a believer, and i am saying prayers for reunions, for the family/s and all, that are being kept apart and abused at this time.

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So they allow the parents to see the child but do not allow the parents to ask questions that any parents would be normally expected to ask. (Under normal circumstances, if the parents didn't ask such questions, they would be criticised for being indifferent about the child's needs....)

Is this in a written agreement btwn the parents and MCFD? Did the parents sign any legal doc to agree to adhere to certain rules during contact ? If not, on this occasion, the father was treated unfairly.

It feels as though this child is taken hostage.

Abuse of power for sure, and I don't think what these professionals have done is in the best interest of the child. But at the same time, I wonder why they are so interested in this child.

Btw Theo is amazing. He has been surviving all these traumatic events. I think he wants to live...

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I did sign guidelines. I deeply regretted it after.

It was done under duress. By not letting me or my wife and girls see my son for over a month. Just because I went to the 7th floor and passed a letter to the nurse to pass the the doctor and my wife bringing in a doctor for a second opinion a week before that.

The guidelines are designed to control people and accuse them. It gives them power so I cannot use my phone to expose their crimes.

To silence me even if I have any concerns about his medical treatments that is causing harm.

I was thinking to withdrawal my agreement but then it would jeopardize my visits with my son.

Can I justify my disobedience to the guidelines I signed when they did not honor our agreement we had? when Brianne Lande the intake MCFD social worker said Theo would not be vaccinated and yet later they allowed the hospital to do it.

Proverbs 16:12 It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

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Ah so I am clear now. That is a standard practice under this kind of circumstance. (It's true there are cases of violent parents ). That gives them the power to terminate the contact.

HOWEVER, I would say, from my years of practice in the UK, this is an inappropriate use of power and I stress this is NOT in the best interest of the child.

(I hope the social workers will read this. If they had any adequate training, they should get what I meant. Don't they understand why the father had to go against the agreement and speak up??)

The access supervisor is a bio robot s/he only does the job as told. (Cannot put things in the context. )

I believe you could only revoke or make amendments to the agreement via legal. Isn't there any mtg in the interim btwn yourselves, MCFD and legal b4 the full hearing in Jan?

Do you have any recording of the SW saying Theo would not be vaccinated? Medical literature and the immunization law in Japan (Dr Nagase quotes) particularly the 1994 amendment indicate Theo comes under the unsuitable group & risk category. Can the Canadian pediatricians make a sound judgment?

Recently Canada's parliament gave a standing ovation to a Nazi SS war criminal who has been obviously living in Canada's safe haven for yrs. Consequently the house speaker resigned. (I am speechless about this idiocracy) Now Poland wants this war criminal to be extradited.

The medical practitioners, social workers and judges think it's ok to go along with what the establishment tells them? Think twice. They will be the next victim.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/Lua0gJuYXn1t/ - another woman persecuted by the Crown in BC

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I can personally relate to the witchcraft persecution of myself and tortured daughter - still held by these devils he while life. They have prevented me seeing or speaking/communicating to her to the present. See http://TrustChristORGoToHell.org for more.

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Thank you for advocating on behalf of Baby Theo, Daniel, and I truly hope sanity will prevail and his parents will be able to rescue him from the hospiciders.

If only Baby Alex had had an advocate like you, he might have survived:

• “Baby Alex: The Definitive Account—in His Mother’s Own Words” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/baby-alex-the-definitive-accountin)

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when it hurts me as much as it does to read this I cannot even imagine the anguish of poor Theo’s parents. It is not often I am rendered speechless.

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Notice how they all are holding their arms exactly the same? Social workers have power control issues. They are backed by cops/brainless order followers when they kidnap and poison children. Every sw I have met has acted like they could do whatever they want without consequence. Because they can! The judges and attys are the worst co-conspirators in this business of ruining families and killing children. They all need to be stripped of their so-called authority and taken to jail.

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A few years ago this would've been unheard of. People have literally lost their minds. This is pure evil using this beautiful baby for their own control. One thing Ive learned over the past couple years is stay away from hospitals if at all possible and also out of the school system. They want the kids and will do anything to get them. Sending prayers 🙏 for Theo and his loving family.

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The doctors, nurses and social workers are all stuck in power mode. Sickening. I agree with small wrongs adding up to great evils. Culitsh behaviorist, especially by the infectious diseases docs to give multiple vaccines all at once and then the ventilator/ breathing battle. They don't want to allow you to be right Dr Nagase as you have been labelled ( wrongly) a quack doc.

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My heart is broken for this family. Thank you for sharing their story. It is so important to be aware of these terrible cases.

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This poor child is being used like a lab puppy, forced into medical experimentation. Anything and everything can be done to him in the name of "science". I also wonder if gvt is using this situation to get the population used to more uniformed/forced medical procedures as a threat for non-compliance, to any authority's dictacte, or pure punishment?

Anyone that goes along, participates and doesn't speak out is a sympathizer of authoritarian rule. We will bring them to justice in this life or the next.

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Donnelly looks like an evil Masonic witch.

Rothstein. Do you think Rothstein cares about any goyim children in hospitals?

The sooner you get Theo out of there the better. I detailed where I think this is headed in a previous comment.

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Very sad to hear this. What we must understand is that there's a massive cull going on right now and it seems that it doesn't discriminate on age. I think Dr Mike Yeadon recently stated that this Cabal is going for broke that want us all dead. We always fear the worst but I think Covid 19 one is the tip of the iceberg compared to the next one, get ready.

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Thr social worker witch must be in a cover. Head witch. Reminds me of the other social witch MCFD that burned to death as she did a ritual in a park in BC some years ago! May the same happen to all these statist thieves.

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Heartbreaking. Still, I would rather know than not.

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I am new to your posts but thank you for rebuking and exposing the Satanic filth by name and pictures. CURSE THE CROWN

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OMG … This family, this baby are in constant stress!! Parents know their kids!!! These parents sound very intelligent and knowledgeable about their child. They know that child better than any HCP!!! In my experience, parents of sick kids who manage at home are trained and supported for signs and symptoms of concern. They are most courageous and deeply love their kids. This takes fortitude and a willingness to learn. These parents are unsung heroes. May god bless them!!

THIS ALSO TAkES $$$ but not near as much as hospital care… it takes courageous parents to do this… This is an act of endless love.

This brings to my mind many,many questions:

1. I have a medical background and my first thought after reading this account is perhaps the so-called medical authorities are benefiting from this situation as ventilated, rare- disease babies cost mega-bucks$$$ and now the hospital gets the benefit and not the parents in a Homecare environment .

2. Could this poor little baby be a victim of future “so-called” studies and research?? Are there any non- profits involved in this debacle?? Is this baby a potential cash cow for the health care system/ hospital??

3. Is the goal to permanently remove guardianship from parents so this this child would be owned by the government authorities??? Keep family away means that there is no-one monitoring this child’s hospital care! This is a red flag!!

4. Hyperinflation is a big deal. Weaning is a very slow process needing constant attention and consistent care. Why does the medical docs avoid the obvious need to give this little one a chance at breathing at reduced vent pressures? Why do they continue to avoid encouraging independent breathing? This child needs socializing, love, touching and holding in a meaningful parental way!!

5. The current medical model is all about “protocols “ and following these pre-planned algorithms… I have seen this happen … THIS PATIENT MUST FIT A PARTICULAR PROTOCOL… follow it no matter what!!! No critical thinking, no asking questions required… just follow the damn protocol!! Even novice medical residents with no experience can be trusted to do this action… especially unsupervised on a busy weekend ( during the night with little or no sleep) and if heaven forbid the baby dies, the medical excuse is that “ I followed the protocol”

6. The vaccine catch-up that nearly killed this baby sounds like complete malfeasance but will likely be postured as evidence that baby needs full-on mechanical ventilation for the rest of his short life! Could this be a plan to prevent his parents from ever taking him home again and ever seeing him. They are destroying the parents/child bond for some evil reason. I can see the official story: “THE MEDICAL SYSTEM SAVES ABUSED CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS FROM PARENTAL ABUSE!!! “ This banner sounds really good when presenting information at medical rounds and conferences…Look how we have saved this baby. For the medical personnel hearing this quick personal story then lends the listeners to support the current medical team as the loving surrogate parents keeping special baby away from evil parents.

The real intention is to keep said baby isolated for their own medical manipulation!

As I see it, the medical team will attempt to look like loving surrogate parents during their medical rounds and discussions and you can’t do this if the real parents are hanging around asking pertinent questions that cannot be answered by so-called protocols

May god bless all who are involved in this debacle … this special family remains in my prayers 🙏❤️

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