Thank you Daniel for writing about WWIII, Ukraine, Isra-HELL, Religion and psychiatry (psychopaths).

Excellent post and I don't see any reason to apologize for putting blatant facts, reality into writing.

There isn't one politician or drug pushing doctor apologizing for killing patients, right?

How I understand/understood War.

Growing up in a "peaceful" Country with no War within I can't comprehend the killing in the Name of Greed Profit Power & Control.

The "war" I experienced was within my own family, there was an abundance of hate, jealousy and pure evil.

As a kid I loved being around seniors and many of my neighbours became a second family. I loved helping them and in return I would be showered with informations, wisdom and kindness.

Yes, War is the fault of Humans, Evil Humans. It is the ultimate failure of bridging the difference between nations just like Jacque Fresco said:

-"War, poverty, corruption, hunger, misery, human suffering will not change in a monetary system. That is, there will be very little significant change. It’s going to take the redesign of our culture and values." Jacque Fresco

The world is full of psychopaths and they are not the ones the average citizen would suspect.

So many people now use the phrase now, "oh yeah, they must be mentally ill"....

I also spent many years (decades) in the health care system so I understand and can imagine the horrors that you Daniel have seen. As a parent of a BPD (borderline personality disorder) diagnosed child here in Canada, BC, we/I endured the crimes against our most vulnerable.

There is no HEALTH Care especially no MENTAL HEALTH CARE, the way our patients are treated is criminal.

Sad that so many out there don't know much about mental illness or don't want to know or don't care, just like they don't care that our Rulers are Psychopath. We're ruled by the ugliest evil cult who only answers to Satan.

Fear is something I don't babysit, never did. Yes of course I got/get afraid, but that's where courage comes in and I won't let fear stop me.

I see the fearful society and most of them are people that are afraid of speaking out, they repeat the bs news, glued to their TV ++, hooked on reality shows, soap opera's, sports of kinds, religion, always in the know about rich & famous folks, anything to avoid reality. I believe if they would see reality for what it is, they would have to get their butt off the couch and they would have to do something about it, and that is way too hard, hence they just keep their head buried in the sand.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of The World Is Working Brilliantly Evil.

Still today some of the greatest weapons the Elite uses is Divide and Conquer. The scamdemic is the latest proof.

I don't do Religion. I don't need religion to have morals, I know right from wrong, I have a huge amount of empathy, compassion, generosity, sympathy, the very traits psychopaths (politicians etc) don't have or lack by choice or design.

Poverty, War, homelessness, addictions, pharma greed, All By Design. The Love Lust for money is pure Evil driven, nobody needs to be a Billionaire. I blame mostly the people that worship that kind of filth fame and riches.

If I may add this link below? Fresco is my mentor.

Jacque Fresco Conscription of War a great mind


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Thanks for your heartfelt words. I can certainly relate to many of your life experiences.

I hope you find peace.

Best, TW

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About greed...

Greed is a Symptom of Energy Accounting (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/greed-is-a-symptom-of-energy-accounting

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I have always believed, even as a child, of a loving God and the humans got the rest wrong. I was raised Catholic and just ignored most of it. It was somehow intuitive. I was never one for any rules and life became very simple as I ignored most of it. That probably saved my life and the life of my family during the covid time. None of us complied. Thanks Daniel for all you do.

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All religions of which I’m aware seem to have been created to sustain human power structures which actually keep people/followers within those structures separated from the Divine Universal Limitless Creative Force (ie, “god”) that underlies everything. Note: I do not consider buddhist or taoist traditions or practices to be religions because they do not require belief in a certain “God story” to belong but rather the practice of certain ACTIONS designed to help achieve freedom of body mind and spirit and lasting deepening connection to the peace that lies within the vast unknowability of the Divine (“beginners” or “child’s” mind). There are of course people and subcultures and sects within all three Abrahamic religions that also seek real connection with the Divine. But they do so IN SPITE OF or even SET AGAINST the basic power structures and stories of their religions and affiliations. The surest way out of our current morass is a rejection of ALL these false prophets and religions. I think it’s all fear-based hooey and I’m tired of hearing almost everyone on earth go on about this nonsense. We are all literally intrinsically integrated into and manifestations of the Divine. Everything is. Humans are also really good at telling themselves and others stories. Many of which are bullshit. Hence the utility of a practice designed to facilitate detachment from stories. Peace.

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Addendum: I include in my definition of “religion” not just the “religions” but also worship of moloch, worship of money, worship of fear, worship of power, worship of false prophets (“Science TM” - ahem), worship of any sin, worship of any dark demonic powers (satan) … all of these seem to work pretty much exactly like what most folk call “religion” and all “religions” seem to have an endless supply of all this nasty evil shit goin on all the time …. (hmmm, i wonder why?)

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I wrote https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/what-is-a-living-thing

What is a living thing? to prove the division between biology and chemistry was false, chemistry and physics false, physics and mathematics is one and the same, mathematics and philosophy are one, and philosophy and religion are one. Further the division between sciences and arts is also false because thought in its most advanced form is creativity, aka art.

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We are all doing creative integration now, all the time. All of us who see, that is. That is the work.

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Note the etymology of “religion”

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It's always seemed strange to me that these organised religions promote love and tolerance on one hand while simultaneously ordering death to those who oppose whatever doctrine it is promoting.on the other.

The hypocrisy is staggering.

Live and let live. Leave me to my way and I will leave you to yours seems a much more loving and tolerant way of behaving. That's not good enough for these religions who always seek to prove their way is right and everything else is wrong. Hence the missions to convert. Regardless of which club it is they are all alike in this aspect.

Sorry, I'm not in anyone's club. Leave me be and will leave you be.

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I think this is the best Substack you’ve ever written and you’ve written some good ones Daniel

Wow Thought provoking and excellent food for thought

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After the past 4 years I don't know what to believe anymore to be honest Dr. Nagase. I used to believe in God, now I believe that the goodness is within each of us, our frequency and the sounds around us that are natural, birds singing, the sounds of water rippling in a stream, etc.

I don't think I believe in the written word of the bible or the testaments that were written by men...were they good men? were they evil men? What side did were they really on? Were they trying to control us all with fear for the good side or the bad side? I don't understand how God/the creator/source can give us free will and let us be evil with it....wars, genocides, abusing children, etc.... What the past 4 years have shown us is that everything may be manipulated and scripted to fit whatever agenda they want...maybe this has been going on for thousands of years as a way to control people?

IMHO people need to live simply....do no harm to others, do not trespass, live your life peacefully and be kind.

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Trust your conscience. On the scale of languages, the most advanced ones retain the same meaning across all users across all of time. The limit of advanced communication theoretically doesn't even need a physical form like a book, yet it would exist everywhere for all to access. Realizing that any omnipotent or close to omnipotent being would use advanced languages made me realize truth can be communicated directly to your soul, likely through your conscience / consciousness. That means truth is already right there with you, and it will always be with you whenever you seek it.

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Thank you Dr. Nagase, I think I understand what you are saying. However there are those who lack a conscience as we are witnessing in the evil that exists today. The “languages” that speak to me come from actions, feelings, music, sounds and not language as it is written in book, as that type of script, mathematics, scriptures, and symbols seem to be easily manipulated and can have so many meanings when interpreted by individuals….IMHO

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One of the things that can cover up or hide a conscience are sayings. One masonic saying is "Liar Liar pants on fire, Cross your heart hope to die, stick a needle in your eye". I suspect the meaning is cross out your heart (conscience) and become blind to wrongdoings. I recently learned that every mason is buried in a masonic ceremony with their arms across their chest, so that when they rot away their bones are crossing their heart (skull and crossbones)

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You are not the only one doubting your faith and trust. Unfortunately this may just be the “beginning of pangs of distress.”

IMHO, many institutions viewed over the years if not centuries as trustworthy have been exposed as failures, including science, medical science, religion as a whole (with very few exceptions) and many other institutions, like universities and health and technological institutions.

I feel as though it was deliberate.

I have no proof of this but I have a hunch that when the dam finally breaks, all these institutions, which knowingly participated in this agenda (some institutions just didn’t know) will eventually be exposed and they will collapse. When that happens, nobody will say we will need WWIII to solve world problems.

Just as an aside, I’ve recently read somewhere that only if one science of virology were to collapse due to the backlash of the mandatory covid-19 vaccines or something like that, as much as half of all the pharmaceutical business would disappear. It occurred to me that there are “many powers” that will do almost anything to prevent that from happening.

I wonder what Dr. Nagase thinks about this unlikely possibility.

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Yes, I tend to agree with your statement about the various institutions, agencies, etc being failures…perhaps through infiltration of ideologies with hidden agendas for many years? I do agree with your hypothesis that it was all deliberate. It seems that history will continue to repeat itself until mankind learns how to unite in our similarities instead of focussing on our differences. If we really cared about each other and not just ourselves, If we could do that, and truly unify as brothers and sisters irregardless of our sex, race or creed, social status, etc, humanity would have a real chance. That is our true power I believe.

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I wish I were as positive as you are regarding the future of mankind ruled by men. When you analyze all the political systems that have been experimented with but more so within the last 200 years it becomes clear all of them have blood on their hands of millions of their own citizens. The last one, the so-called democracy, is no different. To me this is just another piece of evidence that wicked, demonic, blood thirsty forces are manipulating the world governments into self-destruction. If God doesn’t step in, the pandemics and wars will never stop. The bible promises Satan’s time to prove his rulership is superior to God’s is running out. This began in the Garden of Eden when Satan challenged God’s right to choose what is right and what is wrong. Adam and Eve were the first human rebels.Satan has a short period of time left and he is angry. Satan’s madness and the influence on the world scene can be clearly identified just within the last 5 years. When covid-19 pandemic was unfolding right in front of my eyes I realized it was going to be a significant event in world’s history. Many people now refer to this piece of history as before covid and after covid. Rightly so, I think.

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I have never understood the Old Testament. Cruelty abounds there. The New Testament however seems to be the antithesis. And there we see the model of kindness in the person of Jesus Christ. And his demise very relatable as the kindest person was crushed. Who can’t relate to that? I think it’s the role model of JC that’s leading to the conversions we’re seeing today of many, including lifelong atheists.

Anyway, thank you for a clear eyed analysis of motivations of the broken wicked.

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Let's put it simple. Human specie is a war like creature , not advanced at all. Still tribal wars over territories. This creature (except some) is primitive to it's core. The reason is tribalism. The collective mind, where mases are ruled by a leader. Here critical thought do not exist. The collective mind is responsible for the Coved fraud and so on. This can lead to elimination of the specie, unless individualism wins over the collective.

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I tried to understand this passage but ran into too many problems to reconcile it with truth. There is a line of thought that Amalek was a Nephilim and therefore genetically contaminated. Unfortunately, that does not hold water because apparently Amalek was given ~400 years to repent. If it was genetic repentance would not suffice.

If they were so terrible, why didn't God kill them himself rather than people do it and become psychopathic killers? Here is an instance where God killed the bad guys:

2 Kings 19:35 And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an hundred fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.

A little comical, but it was done according to the 2nd book of Kings.

In the West the primary victims of religious psychopaths are Christians themselves. Maybe some atheist was foolish enough to speak out in the middle ages, but most were Christian's that broke a rule such as having a passage of the Bible in English which was not allowed.

For some reason, Zionist Christians are attracted to the ideals of the psychopaths. I don't remember Church being anything these people believe. There seems to be more lower moral people in the world today.

Actual Christian teaching from the New Testament is problematic to the rulers and psychopaths because there is no hierarchy. We are brethren peers. The KJV and other Bibles after that added hierarchy. The Roman Catholic Church seems to get its priest hierarchy from the Old Testament as it is not found or supported in the NT.

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One way of looking at it is that it is a psychopath breeding program. The reason the lord almighty orders Israelites to commit an atrocity is to find and punish anyone who has the conscience not to commit infanticide. Therefore it is only the obedient killers that "win" the lords favor and get to spawn the next generation of that tribe. Over a thousand or two thousand years anyone with a higher conscience is removed from the tribal gene pool.

Then the next step is to breed one or more "slave" tribes to be selected for obedience and fealty to the psychopath tribe. Meekness would be a desirable characteristic for the "worker" tribe.

The funny thing is, that conscience keeps popping up in the psychopath tribe, and courage keeps popping up in the "slave" tribe over and over again, despite 2 thousand or more years of selective "breeding"

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It seems to be a breeding program. Another problem with the program is they have a disproportionate number of people that are mentally ill, and have other health problems.

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If you'd really like to understand why the almighty God allows suffering, including his worshippers, you should read the book of Job chapter 1 :6 to 2 : 10.

It is clear from those scriptures Satan challenged God's sovereignty accusing him of bias and dishonesty, etc.

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The more reasonable concept of suffering is held by the Viking thought system, where suffering and hell are processes to purify and strengthen the soul. Without looking outside 1 book that only claims its the word of god, viewing the world from greater perspectives will be difficult.

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Amalekites could've have been Nephilim because they all had died in the flood. Amalekites were known to be tall and some spies sent by Joshua called them like Nephilim, meaning very tall.

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Yes, but there was another out break because there were giants in the earth Genesis 6 and David killed a giant.

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The whole old Testament is replete with God's fury when society fails to fear God aka keep the ten commandments.

Noah's story. All mankind was paired down to his family and their wives.

Lot and Lot's family, as the only family spared from burning down the wicked community. His wife turns to a pillar of sand.

I guess as we face off the globalists who see us universally as cattle, without redemption, as useless eaters to be culled top to bottom...ask yourself who doesn't fear God.

This fury is just not unique. End times predict a battle between the forces of Satan and those of God. An antichrist.

Like Herod who asked for the death of babies.

Are the forces aligned against mankind God fearing, or even could they be open worshippers of Satan. Certainly their symbols infer this.

The war is for martial law, for the draft, for depopulation. They are all sides of it in my view. With mankind in the cross hairs. How do they sit together sign up IHR amendments and treaties, tedros is Xi's, the amendments ate Biden’s

They are school girls coloring a treaty, while going to war.

As America's enemy why doesn't China denounce Biden’s amendments.

As China's enemy why doesn't America denounce biontech shots being made by ccp. Why do they not see the weapon the Paris agreement is. Why are they dumb and uninterested in the real causes of climate changing. Why do they instead invest in non green economy wrecking green.

Why is the western world Russia India etc copying social credit cbdc, 15 minute cities. Why are oecd nations copying ccp

If they are different from.

If you are at war with your extermination, will there be guidance for this. In ww2 was a tactic to eliminate all farms so the German army could be starved.

I am not saying I understand the word but it isn't the only place God's wrath eliminated a society. Or a course of action.

Even the tower of babel is akin in ways to the UN.

We are facing difficult times.

I have a hard time with conceiving

The prophet that warns a society of an evil

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When the nature of omnipotence dawns on people, one of the realizations is that it has no "wrath" or "fury". If you see things like that, it's likely from a less than omnipotent being.

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What many people are not aware of, including many religious people and their leaders, is that God is not the ruler of this world. Satan the Devil is. 1 John 5 : 19

“We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.”

Many, if not most misunderstandings about God likely spring from the fact that God is not in charge of human affairs (most of them) with the exception of the actions he must take related to his long-standing purpose. If God is not the ruler of this world, then many conflicts and religious wars could be explained where members of the same religions go to war against each other. They are simply manipulated by the ruler of this world where the command “You must not kill” gets a “religious exemption” in the name of nationalism supported by the great majority of religions today. There is a surprisingly logical explanation for the world’s problems found in Revelation 12:12.

”On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

It is unlikely God would allow WWIII. It would likely not be aligned with his purpose for the earth to become an earth-wide paradise without death and with the resurrection of all those who haven’t had a chance to make up their minds about living in it, including many of the Amalekite-like peoples.

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While visiting the mosque of a friend in Seoul Korea, inevitably there was a religious discussion, and when I made the point about the importance of choice, the most devout and learned of the Muslims I was chatting with exclaimed, "Yes, otherwise it would have no meaning". He clearly comprehended the sanctity of Freedom. This made clear to me that Truth is not the sole property of anyone, but the converse is also true. That is that sin, being anything amiss of the truth, and the evils that arise from it are not the sole blame to be put upon anyone either. And this is what makes the Lord Almighty that ordered infanticide of the Amekelite tribe sinful, and by that definition a deceiver aka the devil. (or a psychopath)

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Have you ever taped or recorded a live event, like a football game, or a show, and watched it later? If you have, I’d know that you have a choice to watch it from the beginning without knowing the final outcome, or you can fast forward it to the end and know the outcome beforehand. The same principles apply to God. Although God has the ability to foresee the future, he uses this ability selectively. One of the reasons for that is free will given to humans.

In the case of the Amalakites, or the Canaanite, it is likely God already knew none of those people were going to repent in the future despite giving them 400 years to do so. And, as already identified by you, those tribes were determined to interfere with the chosen nation leading to the messiah - Jesus - who was supposed to provide the ransom for the whole mankind, including you and I. Clearly, Satan was manipulating those nations not only to worship him by their bloody and corrupt practices, he was also making sure they interfere with God’s purpose to save mankind. God made sure this was not going to happen.

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An omnipotent god would have a better solution than infanticide. Maybe something good like sending a Christ of the Amalekites. If it was necessary, an Omniscient deity would do the infanticide himself and hide it knowing that one infanticide repeated over and over again in story form will be used to justify others. If you assume everything in the bible is true, then the first character Christ would throw a millstone around the neck of and drown in the sea is the Old Testament "Almighty"

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Very thought provoking piece Dr. Nagase.

I had never made the *direct* connection between psychopathy and what I call the "bankster priesthood mindset," but it is so much clearer now.

It's a bit long, but if you read my three-part Synagogue of Satan series (especially see the second part in particular: Part 2 – Bankster Priesthood, Satanic Ritual Sacrifices, & Secret Societies, https://fournier.substack.com/p/the-synagogue-of-satan-part-2-bankster) this is EXACTLY the deranged mindset that those at the very top espouse and practise.

They have no value for human life or any of God's creations.

Just look at their wanton destruction of the natural environment (including us, of course) through geoengineering (i.e., the deliberate program to poison our environment, and depopulate the masses while looting us with Carbon Taxes to clean up their own mess). I've written extensively about this in my 4-part series on Geoengineering. Our Canadian gov't is FULLY COMPLICIT in these crimes (and so many others). Just look at our so-called "leader" in Justin Castreau. I think by definition, he fits the mold of a psychopath, or perhaps more accurately a "narcissistic psychopath" (for which I think they should add a clinical definition for if it doesn't already exist).

Not sure if you are familiar with former elite Dutch banker Ronald Bernard. But, I have included links to his testimonies in my of my writings (see 'The International Banking Cabal', https://fournier.substack.com/i/124770843/the-international-banking-cabal).

Basically, Ronald Bernard had attained a very high level in the bankster priesthood and had been invited to perform a child sacrifice - at which point he totally lost it and escaped the cult.

Bernard presents a very rare glimpse/opportunity to have an intimate look at this bankster priesthood MINDSET. As one who studied this filed as described in your article, I am sure you will find it interesting. In the second video below, he explains how as a child he was physically and sexually abused and thereafter made it his life's mission to DESTROY everything good and pure in this world. Sadly, this is the same mindset that most Illuminati family members suffer, as they ALL are abused when young and forced into sexual slavery (see about a dozen of interviews of Nathan Reynolds on SGT Report - he escaped his situation in his later teens; he discusses in very great detail what was asked of him as a child and what he had to do). For links to his first interviews, just search for his name in Part 2 of my series and you can access them.

A sampling of videos of former Dutch elite banker Ronald Bernard:

1) Ronald Bernard on child sacrifices and abuse (partial/short 4-minute clip from longer interview):


note: if YouTube doesn't let you access it or asks for age-verification, you can view it from my link above.

Full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oczqtf6X2eE

2) Heartbreaking Testimonies Former Banker Ronald Bernard In ITNJ Seating


The 2nd video listed above is also a MUST WATCH, for Bernard explains in detail the physical and sexual abuses he suffered as a child fully explaining the mindset he had adopted thereafter.

So, in a nutshell, the few thousand psychopaths who truly run this world love one thing and one thing only after greed, that is DESTRUCTION.

On a final note, did you notice how the major arms manufacturers/contractors stock's spiked up like 12-14% during last week's stock market crash? WWIII is indeed coming.

I need to catch up on more of your writings Dr. Nagase. Thanks again for sharing your very thoughtful perspectives on these dark matters. The more we understand it, the better we are able to counter this evil.

God bless.

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You mention a Trinity of warring religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Mark Passio, former priest in the Church of Satan, also says in this presentation https://www.whatonearthishappening.wtf/p/fake-ass-christians-part-1 that the world is ruled from: Mecca, Vatican City, and Jerusalem. You both seem to think alike.

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One caveat and salient difference. The financial, military industrial and banking world is ruled from Mecca, the Vatican, and Jerusalem.

The natural world, once you step out into it doesn't have such "rulers".

In fact, everyone with a functional soul can enter a world above Mecca, Vatican and Jerusalem and live by higher principles.

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I agree, and I suspect those who have stepped out into the natural world, will resonate with this post https://www.whatonearthishappening.wtf/p/the-parable-of-the-revolution-of which honors that Creator's natural law principles of moral living, which ALL governments violate. Nuthin natural bout "government".

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Thank you

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It’s Our fault.

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The 3 old testament religions are truly poison. They have infected the minds of much of humanity, and are an excellent control mechanism for those whose hands are on the levers of power. No religious book is the word of the Creator. They were all written by men and contain a few grains of truth surrounded by lies and perversions. As a child I was baptized as a Christian, but no longer associate myself with said group. Let me tell you about Christians......they have been punked by the Tribe using the old testament to manipulate them. The "god" of the old testament is yahweh, a blood thirsty lunatic who claims that the tribe are his chosen people. What a perverse lie, but christians eat it up with a spoon. Zionism is preached from every evangelical pulpit in America. Here is another fun fact, the new testament may be a lie as well. No historical accounts of Jesus, and there are many who think the new testament was written under the direction of the roman emperors. The entire story may be a very perverse work of fiction. So what are the consequences? In America, the tribe controls every politician in Washington, it controls Trump, it controls all media, all tech, all banking, the legal system, and the educational system. And yet if anyone dares to point this out, they are called an antisemite. A very convenient and powerful word.

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Awesome article, Thank you for all you do to wake up all the brain dead people.

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