Hello Daniel.

First, let me say,. for your readers that I am in NO way a health care professional or researcher. I like very much your in depth look into things other people don't think about. Congrats.

So, that said, I think Replicon is an advanced version of previous mRNA injections... Perhaps a bioweapon. I think that interfering with protein production on a cellular level is totally stupid... For your readers... ALL the proteins that your body needs is produced in your own cells by breaking down the food you eat and constructing the proteins, and enzymes, that it needs.

The proteins produced by your cells from the mRNA injection are considered FOREIGN PROTEIN by your metabolism and protection in the form of autophagy is initiated. Autophagy breaks down miss folded protein that your body makes by mistake... A natural metabolic protection.

The Spike Protein IS a foreign protein. Replicon is going to CONTINUALLY tell your cells to MAKE THIS PROTEIN and other systems are going to say DESTROY and reuse this protein.... Conflict. What process will win?

Now, autophagy is an individual thing and how well it functions depends on an individuals health. If you look into autophagy you will discover that fasting up-regulates it as does a low carb diet. I think any one who is concerned with removing spike protein should be reading about autophagy... Fasting is really about protein restriction... That is why the metabolism recycles proteins and breaks down abnormal protein structures in order to reuse them for current needs.

Additionally, I think you are correct about Zinc. I also highly regard vitamin C (5+grams/day, powder not pills) and D3.

I'm not so sure whether exosomes are anything other than disintegrating cells and are perhaps not a problem for other people... But we shall see.

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https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/2023-year-in-review is my article about fasting to stop cancers (and supercancers)

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I have read this article and...

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Oops.... And I have some thoughts... Your article speaks to genetic manipulation. Two things: 1.) Each genetic therapy must be individually evaluated.

2.) NO genetic therapy should be applied to all who have a particular ailment.

About fasting... Have you read about the "Fasting Mimicking Diet"... It is a way to explore fasting while not starving yourself. Search: Valter Longo... USC. Look for old stuff. New stuff is not instructive

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I will read that. Thanks.

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Sep 20Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Well, maybe someone should look at the vials with dark field microscope. They have them now at 40,000x. I suspect it will look much like the COVID vials. Stuff self assembling. The same can be found with dark field live blood analysis. News from Florida: the new product insert for the Pfizer booster lists myocarditis and pericarditis. Previous inserts were all blank. The Florida Department of Health has issued a statement not recommending fall COVID shots due to risk of myocarditis, POTS, autoimmune diseases and DNA damage. Hmmm… maybe the pandemic are the shots. No “virus” has done such damage. My take on it is the injection is stealing electrons to self assemble. As cellular voltage drops, the body becomes more acidic and all sorts of diseases especially cancer occur.

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Tis thoughtful of you to included this admonition - "This article should be viewed from the highest perspective you can achieve" - in the text, which I believe encourages anyone reading to abandon(at least momentarily)the current compulsion to discuss the minutiae of pandemic related phenomena.

That broadens the scope of discussion to allow for input from previous(and forgotten)giants of human discourse - whose compelling insights into human affairs prior to the hijacking of all media by certain "interests" is a little known characteristic of the 19th century which we moderns are taught to view as antiquated curiosities - rather than nuggets of hard won insight! Chief among these giants I would propose the name of E A Poe - a name somewhat appropriate to the topic here - the macabre, madness, social decay and the limits of human 'reason.'

Now only known as a writer of 'horror fiction,' and somewhat maniacal character, Poe's legacy as a first rate investigator of both 'science' and it's competing methodologies is lost to view. His 'cosmological' speculations - most brilliantly on display in his late work "Eureka," anticipated many of the greatest 'breakthroughs' in 20th century physics yet those insights are indeed 'eclipsed' by his unfathomable ability to "prophesize" events which would transpire in the (putative)real world via his (putatively)works of "fiction!"

Indeed, I would argue that only by appreciating his grasp of the way that "supra-rational" faculties once common to us are needed to not just "solve crimes" a la his fictional detective "Augustin Dupin" - but to actually comprehend the true horror of the really real agenda masked by this phony pandemic story created to cover the machinations of really "mad" scientists hijacking public funds to conduct their cheap horror fiction come to life.

Your recent writing seems to be able to reach close to those storied heights of revelation which the great Master of the Real EA Poe was both blessed and burdened with. I hope you can wear those robes comfortably! For more on Poe's role in defining/describing our current "reality" - please see my "Poe at the Pole" https://numinosum.substack.com/p/poe-at-the-pole.

Just as that frozen wasteland known now as "Canada" was at the center of the events which would anticipate our current dilemma at the time of Poe's demise, so it remains an 'epicenter' of madness and evil as inculcated through the 'work' of those madmen in lab coats who infect your very own province - vis. - characters such as Pieter Cullis, who needs be placed right up there with the rest of the rogue's gallery from "Chapel Hill" to U of Wisconsin and the P4 lab in Winnipeg.

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Said the Raven , nevermore.

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Sep 20Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

WHY would the Japanese do that? It makes no sense, unless, of course, there is a protected class or an expensive antidote/treatment.

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Sadly, people/people in positions of power do all kinds of things when they are forced to do them by organized crime. We are not living in rational times, at all. That is the frightening reality of our time. It seems there are many intelligent people in Japan. Let's hope they do what they need to do to protect themselves.

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Sep 21Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Follow the money and there you'll find who is behind this evil.

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I used to work in Japan quite a bit. There is more of a "herd instinct" there, but this is truly mind-boggling. And at the same time, some Japanese scientists are ringing alarm bells about mRNA evils. I think logic is no longer a useful tool.

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Sep 20Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Doom is near at hand.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Daniel Nagase MD

Daniel, you're doing a great job in bringing attention to the dangers implicit in these Self-Amplifying mRNA jabs.

Some points I would like to make though, and you're a doctor and I'm merely an analyst. I have spent the past 4 1/2 years trying to understand the role of RdRP/Replicons (RNA dependent RNA Polymerase) and RALPH BARIC's research on BLOCKING them with natural ingredients. So correct me if my analysis is flawed.

1. HCQ is a synthetic version of Quinine, a natural extract of the Cinchona bush. It is a "drug", but it's molecule is closely matched to the natural compound. That's probably why its been deemed so safe.

2. For the sa-mRNA jabs, HCQ's Extra-cellular (outside the cell) antiviral properties probably will not be applicable to the sa-mRNA jab. However, as a Zinc Ionophore "Gun", that "shoots" the ZINC "bullet" into the cells, it remains the most powerful that I am aware of.

3. But I have found that EGCG Green Tea Extract works nearly as well as HCQ and is widely available, as is Quercetin. But we should never focus on the "gun". Focus on the "bullet".. ZINC. Most of us, IMO, have hidden Zinc (and other mineral/vitamin) deficiencies that don't always show up in tests. We must focus, IMO, on resolving critical nutritional deficiencies, and certainly Zinc, before we ever consider experimental vaccines and therapeutics. How can a vaccine elicit a "robust" immune response if the person's immuno-compromised in the first place due to nutritional deficiencies? Something to ponder.

4. Blood Serum Zinc tests are, at best, a calculated guess of overall Zinc levels representing transport of free Zinc between one location in the body to another. They could also represent cannibalization of Zinc from one cell undergoing apoptosis, to another that requires that Zinc.

5. Urine Zinc tests might seem more representative of excess Zinc being excreted from the body and deemed a sign of Zinc sufficiency. But the 800 pound Gorilla in the room are the impact of herbicidal glyphosates that cause chelation of metal ions in both plants, as well as the bodies of people who consume those treated crops. Glyphosates are systemics, which means they permeate all through the plant, killing those which are not GMO modified to resist the herbicide (crops). But that glyphosate still exists within them, and when we consume them, those glyphosates continue their metal ion binding and chelation of the minerals critical to our physiology. Eat Organic, if at all possible (and that is increasingly more difficult, as if by design.. Hmmm...

6. Back to the Replicons.. sa-mRNA jabs are, essentially, "viral vaccines". They use the same RdRP as an actual RNA virus. They just engineered to only contain that RdRP/Replicon, to which they attach the desired antigen (Spike.. etc) of the RNA virus they are targeting. Since it uses RdRP, and not the bodies RNA intrinsic Polymerase, it will, as you mention, continue pumping out copies of that antigenic particle so long as the cell is a alive and the necessary amino acids are present. It requires the cell to die naturally due to age, or for the Killer T-cells to respond and kill it. At which point the RdRP/Replicon should cease to function as it no longer has access to the Ribosomes (3D Protein Printers) with in the cell.

7. Consider this point. If we can neutralize the sa-mRNA vaccines with ZINC and a modified version of the Zelenko Protocol, then we can neutralize the actual VIRUS.. (and vice versa). All that needs to be researched is testing the sa-mRNA jabs against the Zelenko Protocol and you've just pulled the rug out from under the entire need for any form of RNA virus related Vaccine. All of those RNA viruses can be dealt with through EARLY treatment. So find a researcher to apply Baric's research against the sa-mRNA "replicon" to see what effect it has. If it works, as I firmly that it will, then you've just changed the world, and removed the WHO's ability to use plandemics and mandatory vaccination (passports) to control the human race. And you've opened up a political and social pandora's box that should send any number of people in the Pharma industry to prison..

8. What seems more nefarious to me is the Lipid Nano-Particles (LNPs) can cross the blood-brain barrier, as well as practically every other cell in the body. They don't require a specific binding receptor that would permit that RdRP/Replicon to enter the cells, as in an actual virus RBD binding domain receptor. Normal viruses can only enter cells that possess the necessary receptor. In the case of SARS-2, the primary receptor is ACE-2, the primary function of which is to help regulate blood pressure. However, once those LNPs are injected into our arms, they can travel anywhere in the body, carrying that RdRP/Replicon.

8. Having a bunch of Replicons endlessly creating Spike protein, which can then clog up the ACE2 receptors throughout the body, in blood vessel endothelium, and in other locations where ACE2 is highly present, is the predominant danger, certainly from blood clotting and heart damage. But I am not so concerned about other cells being infected by a replicon vaccine. Once that is inside of the cells, it requires a ribosome to transcribed the Spike (or other) antigen. And the only thing, it would produce is the antigenic Spike particle, that WOULD impact ACE2 expression, as well as messing with p53 protein creation and function.

9. And since the Spike protein seems to have this ability to interfere with the proper function of the critical anti-tumor p53 protein, which also regulates the cGAS/STING interferon pathways (think pathogenic "smoke detectors" for our immune response), there are ramifications for both cancer and arterial clotting, and lord know what else. Disrupting p53 screws up the entire immune response. But it would appear the Zelenko Protocol can ALSO play a role in re-activating that dysfunction p53 protein, based upon my research.

This paper was written by one of the foremost experts in p53, out of Brown University. He's claiming the "wild" Spike protein interferes with p53, which directly implies the vaccine versions will have a similar effect (but he couldn't directly state that)..


Watch the video in the link below for a fuller sense of what the paper states.. Remember that p53 must "sense" damaged DNA for it to bind to it and prevent it's further division into a cancerous mass. p53 acts like genetic "handcuffs" on damaged DNA, which then leads to further signals to either repair the DNA, or to target the cell for destruction. That's pretty critical when it comes to cancer. And the Spike protein, whether "wild" or vax generated, appears to disrupt it, giving cancer the upper hand.


10. ZINC is critical to the proper "folding/function" of p53. It just requires a single ZINC ion, but without that Zinc, the p53 protein can not properly fold into a functioning protein. Which means it can not perform its role as an anti-tumor guardian. Thus, daily ZINC sufficiency, in combination with a potent Zinc Ionophore can insure that the proper amounts of free zinc are available for p53 transcription. Any excess will be transported out of the cells back into the interstitial fluids, and/or blood stream. Better to be ZINC sufficient and may be a bit more (but supplement Copper --at a 10 Zinc mgs, to 1 Copper mg ratio-- in such a case) than to be deficient. Or just eat a lot of oceanic oysters/scallops/clams. They have a ton of most of the essential minerals.

11. The LNPs can cause inflammatory responses as well, as they are not natural to our biology. But those SHOULD be of a shorter duration, but I can't, yet, be certain on that.

12. Here the TRULY nefarious aspect of sa-mRNA jabs. If you get one of these, and that replicon is spewing out Viral antigens constantly, won't that cause all of the recipients to show up as PCR positive? Every one who is vaccinated with these Replicons will suddenly be long-term PCR positive.

They can literally inject/infiltrate these sa-mRNA jabs into animals, or people, and create the "ILLUSION" of a global pandemic of a new virus, even if those particles are incapable of actually infecting other people and making them sick. Imagine them doing this with H5N1 which, to date, has a 52% mortality rate (so they say)? Dairy cows, Pigs, Poultry, or any animal they so desire to inject can be made to appear "infectious", requiring new sa-mRNA vaccines and continuing to use humans as "jab rats".

But I believe, using the Zelenko Protocol, FOCUSING on the ZINC, and using a variety of NATURAL Zinc Ionophore "Guns", we can remove that fear, as well as their ability to control the human population with their viral biological weapons, and viral vaccines.

Long response, but I hope it helps to provide some amplification and clarity on how this SHOULD be discussed there in Japan. You folks are on the front lines and I wish I could be there to assist in helping you ask the HARD questions and forcing the powers to be to answer them..

But remember one more thing.. When you discuss the Zelenko Protocol, you MUST invoke Ralph Baric's name, credentials, and reputation. There is literally NO ONE I can find who is more qualified in the area of RNA viruses and Gain of Function, that he is. And he's STILL working on such EARLY treatment therapeutics via his non-profit READDI. He calls them "Broad Spectrum Small Molecule" therapeutics. (NOTE: you may need to connect to a US VPN location to see this link).


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I think I see why the best post-apocalyptic anime comes from Japan…

“ The consequences of the entire world placing Japan on a complete quarantine to stop the spread of Replicon vaccines through birds, mosquitoes and fish would end Japan’s economy and possibly cause a global market crash.”

This right here is the more likely purpose of these things.

Assuming such a thing does pass into wild, especially migratory animal populations, no simple attempt at quarantine could succeed. Well perhaps except through some widespread eradication of all relevant lifeforms across the countryside and out of the air and water.

This says any effort to quarantine Japan under the guise of protecting the world from replicons would likely not have anything to do with health (when has that happened before? 🤔). Which implies initiating such a panic in Japan feeds more toward intended economic consequences to damage or destroy it.

Should we be seeing such escape, spread and mass casualties among the trial populations already? To what extent is there visibility into what is happening there? Is there a push for replicon trial transparency?

Completely agree keep healthy otherwise and just keep everyone holding a syringe well away from you

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19 hrs agoLiked by Daniel Nagase MD

Is there no way to prevent the Japanese from carrying out this horrible act? I don’t understand why, with all the dangers that they must be aware of, would they endeavor to destroy themselves and potentially the rest of the world!??!

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Mortality rate data in the short period after vaccination in March 2021 when there was little concealment:

Pfizer BNT162b2: 0.17-6.99%: 41-fold difference

Moderna mRNA-1273: 1.04-4.07%: 4-fold difference

Looking at this, it seems that biotechnology cannot produce something as accurate as theory. (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/addressing-hysteria-around-self-amplifying?publication_id=870364)

In particular, the SGP part of the link between the amplification enzyme GeneRNA and SpikeRNA seems difficult, and if this part is not accurate, the infectiousness will be relatively weak, and conversely, incomprehensible RNA may be mixed in and the side effects for individuals may be widened?

This may have an effect on promoting the sale of a wide variety of long-term side effect treatment drugs for the pharmaceutical industry.

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All true, yet the implications of those generic 'facts' which the quoted/linked author has dredged up in order to rebut the imputed danger of the so-called 'replicon' are greatly in need of a [re]intrepretation which reads less like a study in 'one-up-manship'...

and more like a balanced view of the whole "terrain." Indeed, that expansion of the 'terrain' is exactly what Nagase went to some lengths to plead for in his opening remarks here. Lost in translation, as per usual I suppose.

Somewhat ironically, Latypova's lead off commenter has managed to make the case most precisely - "As usual technological claims are presented as almost magical, when in fact the only technology that reliably works on their behalf is psychological and social manipulation. That is their "killer app". The technology is an afterthought and like much of Western 'advanced' science it is mainly marketing that does the job they require of it." Martin Neil

Neil's precis may likely 'get lost' to the same degree as Nagase's - so just to hammer it home -

Big Pharma's ability to get beyond mediocre quality control standards is beside the point... the "manufacture" of fear & terror as "products" of the complicit medias/controlled government is being handled 'to perfection' - and the results are in keeping with the desired end result. Hundreds of millions(not my choice of figure, but the one being mooted)of "excess" deaths being able to be swept under the rug, and not even interfere with what is likely to be an imminent rollout of and even 'deadlier' "fear & terror product" is a marvel of modern technology - not be sneered at!

Clearly, the devils in charge of this macabre extinction attempt no longer "sweat the little stuff." As Nagase has rightly indicated, without a 'big picture' view of what is going down right in front the the unseeing yeux of all those peering through microscopes in order to catch sight of mysterious "self-assembly" the whole death march being conducted for most of humankind right now will proceed unimpeded.

Regardless of what is (or is not) in the vials, those individuals most susceptible to the "strategy of tension" being employed by the medical terrorists in imitation of the previous centuries' political gambit of the same name will manifest that weakness in sickness and/or death.

"The tension of being attacked from within(the exact sensation described by sufferers of Morgellons)and without, the deliberate efforts of one’s own government to create disease, or mass terror[9-11], breeds this incipient ‘shocking emotional stress’ into a condition of constant, repressed terror which can be remotely controlled via the tools now possessed by the security organs of the state. From the first efforts with Pasteur to induce sickness and create diseases as a research tool…to the deliberately carcinogenated polio vaccines of Jonas Salk… to the intensive production and mass application of bio-weapons created in the labs of Roy Ash’s Litton and the National Institutes of Health’s Ft Detrick, the path is simple and direct." - Market Sentiments - Part Two - the Rise of Voodoo Science.

Sasha may be in need of 'falling pon her own sword' here - instead of expressing 'surprise' at Nagase's deviation from the banal standards now being imposed upon discussion in the so-called 'resistance' media space.

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More of super genious Danny's non-existent virus Fearmongering!

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