Please send the 2 relevant articles right away so I can save them and send them to thousands of people all across the country and around the world

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Canada has gone to the dogs. US is half way there too.

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Who is this Mr. Justice "J. Taylor" plz? The only current Justice "Taylor' on the Court Roster is Justice Matthew Taylor. If it is Mr. Justice James D. Taylor he reportedly retired in 2006. And Master Grant Taylor (who is a Master not a Judge) retired in 2021. Just wondering as retired judges are directed by the CJC NOT to appear in any capacity in Court proceedings unless there are "special circumstances". Were there special circumstances here? What is the Court Registry Number plz. I am interested in following up. Thanks.

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Please send the articles to james3d@shaw.ca

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This is deeply distressing, Daniel. Please use archive.ph and archive.org to save the articles before they are memory-holed!

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

How incompetent and corrupt this judge hence Canada's court system is.

No integrity. Just abuse of power.

And it reveals that's where it hurts.

What's your problem Canada?

What you put out is what you get back.

If you guys keep doing this, Karma will get you bk.

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This is quite shocking. I hope you can keep yourself safe. Obviously some of the demons are completely out of control and there's no telling what they're capable of. It would seem to me that this is an unlawful 'order' and therefore you cannot be expected to follow it. I hope you can share this with someone who can do something about it. This is beyond wrong, it's criminal and dangerous.

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Can you appeal this, wth, how is this even legal??

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That is shocking Daniel - we all know the legal system (another oxymoron) is been highly compromised, which is a dark harbinger of things to come. Canada, oh Ireland, the UK, the EU, Oz, NZ and a lot of the US is going down the toilet. Sad!!!

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God keep you

Make His face to shine upon you

And grant you Peace 🙏

The Truth will out! ⚡☝️

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I just filled out a survey regarding changes the Alberta government needs to make.

YOU CAN FILL IT OUT ALSO - https://www.alberta.ca/budget-2024-consultation

On my survey, I wrote that the law must be changed so that we elect judges - and NEVER appoint judges again. A HUGE majority of the judges in Canada are out of control, insane, communist psychopaths that must be stopped. They have no accountability! They are above the law! They have to power to break every law we have and there is no way to hold them accountable! One judge in BC put a father in jail for trying to stop his 14 year old daughters breasts from being cut off! What kind of sick pervert does that to a father! THE MOTHER SHOULD BE IN JAIL FOR SUPPORTING THIS - NOT THE FATHER! A good father was imprisoned! This was insane and just one of hundreds of examples of this travesty and attack against basic human rights by unelected woke judicial ideologues. I am sorry for my spicy language but this is completely and totally evil! These judges are no different than corrupt "judges" in China and other totalitarian regimes around the world. This country is no longer the "True North Strong and Free" but a parody and a gulag. Lets talk, and write, and call EVERY one of our elected officials and put PEACEFUL heat on them to finally do something about this UNSPEAKABLE EVIL!

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What ended up happening? Was the judgement enforced?

Did you end up deleting the two posts?

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Its kind of an honour to you, Dr. Nagase, that you have called attention to this totalitarian bid aimed at silencing you. Let's stand up for our right not to have Daniel Nagase silenced. We need the Doctor's assessments of the main lies and crimes of our times.

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Feb 4Liked by Daniel Nagase MD

Wow. Yes...this is communism. Far far along communism ..democide...end times.

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I would not comply.

I will pray for you Dr Nagase 🙏 ❤️

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023

They say ‘the truth hurts’ — we can only imagine who is butthurt enough by your words to attempt to censor you. SMH at the Supreme Court. . Wishing you strength, protection and guidance, going forward.

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