While religion can be a source of great strength, especially during difficult times, it can also be a source of deception if not viewed with a clear mind.
Prophecy is a much discussed topic in freedom circles, however I noticed while it helps some to comprehend the events of today, it also leads many to resignation and inaction.
What is Prophecy?
“Prophecy” is a foretelling of the future. In Canadian religious circles this often refers to Revelations where there are 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. One is Plague, where COVID-19 and the subsequent tsunami of vaccine side effects is often cited as proof that “Revelations” is currently upon the world and mankind.
The next horse is War, and certainly with all the movements to another world war in Israel, Taiwan and Europe, many see this as further proof that the foretellings of catastrophe listed in the Bible will come true. However, given that war is recurrent throughout human history, war in and of itself cannot verify a prophecy. In fact when one looks at recurrent themes in religions, some major religions seem to push people to war, raising the prospect that prophecies are not revelations at all, rather they are the propaganda that creates the futures they predict.
(Certainly when religions emphasize stories of Vengeance, vengeful followers are often the product. Followers acting out their narratives of vengeance, starting endless cycles of War, should come as no surprise. Who might benefit from such endless cycles of war inspired by religious “teachings” I talk about in:
Back to Prophecy
If prophecy is an inevitable foretelling of the future
No one has the freedom to change the future.
If no one has the freedom to change the future
We are all robots with predetermined actions.
Any Universe where everything proceeds towards a set, predictable future dictated by prophecy is a Machine.
The Universe might be a great Machine, a beautiful Machine, a complex Machine, but any machine is, at the end of the day, still a Machine.
The only universe that is greater than a machine is a universe that has FREEDOM.
What separates us from robots just acting out predestined destinies in a mechanical universe, is Freedom. The universe where individuals have the freedom to not be a robot, and choose their fate, is the creation that is greater than a universe of machines, mindless robots and prophecies.
To believe in prophecies means we live in a Universe everything is “Fate” and there is no Freedom.
The Universe we live in has Freedom, which is the only thing greater than fate.
And when enough people choose Freedom, the future does change.
The universe greater than a machine can have no such thing as “prophecy”. Once there is freedom, there can only be predictions. The future is built on the choices made by individuals with the freedom to choose their future as well as the future of others around them.
(For those who are already far beyond “prophetic” and “fate” based thought, I wrote this article last year: )
Some of my deeply religious friends may find it difficult to question Revelations, because the preface to many religious documents is that “This is the word of God”. The idea that “Prophecy” is a mistranslation of another document that actually said “prediction” or “warning” might be difficult to entertain. However, in my own observations, anything true, whether it be in philosophy, religion or science stands to questioning. In fact, the questioning validates ideas that are perfect, and invalidates those that are not.
For an example of 1 idea that stands true to questioning is the “Overturning of the Money tables”.
Anyone who “Overturns” money in their own consciousness gains the power to choose without “possession” - either by the greed for money, or the fear of losing it.
(Possessions btw are not just materials, they can be anything that “occupies the mind”)
For more about money vs power where the principles are true at any scale, from individuals to entire nations:
So if a prophecy is impossible in a universe that has freedom, why is it called “Prophecy?”
What motive could anyone have for trying to convince people that there’s nothing they can do about their coming fate of Plague, War, Famine and Death?
For anyone who is a “Grand Master Planner” who wants people just to accept their fate without exercising their freedom to create a better future, there would be great incentive to make people believe that a “Prophecy” must come true because “God Said So”.
Is this possible for someone to have tainted every English translation of the Bible into a “Self Fulfilling Prophecy?” (An affront to the greatest gift mankind has ever received - namely freedom?)
We saw with the COVID-19 pandemic how a false narrative was fabricated and coordinated internationally.
We see today how a World War 3 narrative is being fabricated.
Is it likely that “fabricated” narratives just started in the 20th century?
So what are we supposed to do about it?
How are you going to stop a giant prophetic war horse?
One means is to consider taking your county or state independent of any national government dragging its citizens into World War III.
What that does is it gives civilians Rome Statute protection from attack, in jurisdictions who have proclaimed themselves not to be part of a warring nation.
Article 8: 2: (b)
(i) Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;1
If enough localities refuse any part of war, then any plan to depopulate the world using a war grinds to a halt, and a devilish plan to trick people into giving up their freedom (and power) to change the future using a "prophecy" was just cut down by 25%.
As i've said many times to people over the past 3 years, a prophecy is hardly a prophecy if it's someone's plan.
Free will and destiny should be exclusionary. And yet it seems they are not. Maybe the so-called "laws" of the universe-- of "nature"-- are much more limited that we are told. Maybe the universe in all its multitudinous multidimensional diversity is much more freedom loving, variable and impetuous than we have been told.
Hi Daniel, nicely laid out. This will gel with a lot of ppl. Better yet I think will promote ppl less inclined to care about much-to see we do have the power to make a difference not only for our selves, but for the whole of good society the world over.
Make it happen ppl !
Much appreciated focal point.KK