I'm a big believer in intermittent fasting and Keto/Mediterranean type diets. I'm certainly more attentive when it comes to the carbs.
The one issue I have with fasting is that some people I know totally avoid supplementing minerals and vitamins during their fast. I can see part of their rationale, but I also know that Zinc plays a role in Autophagy..
I've seen both sides argued in the research, some saying Zinc deficiency increases autophagy, others saying Zinc assists in autophagy..
But logic tells me that we want autophagy to target extraneous/surplus tissues, not for the body to be scavenging critical minerals from desirable cells by destroying them. And over 50% of our Zinc supply is in the muscles and skeletons, so we don't those sacrificed in the body's quest for Zinc.
Ex-NASA as a reference, come on, I agree with McCollough promoting nonsense and he is no saviour, much more was done on the ground with original natural healers
Natural healers did have effective means of treatment centuries before the Russian research into starvation, dehydration and its aftereffects. (Which for those who survived the starvation / dehydration was beneficial)
I fasted for almost ten days and the entire time i had no “effects” from the vaccine …as soon as i ate food my symptoms returned…I honestly think and i know this sounds far out but maybe the ole “jesus fasted for 30 days” story is a hint at how we defeat these parasites..i plan to put it to the test soon
its sad to think that someone that was leading the war against the vaccines in the very beginning when no one knew what the heck was going on , could be controlled opposition.
I heard some months ago the wellness company backer(s) are behind it. Polly does a deep dive on the charismatic philanthropist who helped "found" THe Wellness Co. I didnt dig too deep to verify any of it, but it resonated with my mindset.
it was a fantastic video - and she was villified for it. There are alot of substack articles now about Peter McCullough. And Robert Mallone - although Polly did not find Malone connected with the Wellness Company. I don't know - I think they are alll exposing the NWO. I mostly stay out of all this....but I agree it is suspicious that the Wellness Company is being run by ex military people. Robert Malone has connections to the military as well I believe.
yes, I beleive that spiritual stuff. But its still depressing here in Canada - I'm being taxed out of house and home basically. These horrible people have control of whether we live or die. And its a weird thought that our government wants to kill us....bizarre...and yet not bizarre. Our governmental system is so fucked up . Why wouldn't crooks want the job. They get to control all the tax money.
33:33 mins Trevor Fitzgibbon, public relations. Check out his client list. LinkedIn page: Fitzgibbon who breaks high powered information operations works with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation/Steve Kirsh, Drs. Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/the-wellness-company-online-influence
Ah hum where have they been for the last 40 years. I subscribe to all of the above on Substack because I like to know my enemies and it helps to keep discernment acute.
Side note: I too moved from Ontario in June 2022. Fired from my position of 28 years for not disclosing my personal medical information. I was working from home and my former colleagues are still working from home. I moved to Alberta because a friend told me that I would love it here and also I refused to wear a mask or social distance and after 2 years I was getting into fights with men half my age in checkout lines. I didn’t like walking around being disgruntled and pissed off at people’s stupidity. Mother’s masking their babies and toddlers.
One day in a checkout line the man in front of me demanded that I show my mask exemption and said it was people like me that kept him from seeing his mother. Well I was gripped with irresistible urge and followed through. I’m 66 and this guy was in his and he was postering with me. I started to walk away and instead turned around and coughed in his face. My breaking point and I knew I had to regroup and feed my soul. There is much more to my story as I live with and am sole caregiver for my 34 year old son who has schizophrenia. He has been in hospital since March 16 because of a psychotic episode and have been spending between 6 and twelve hours a day at hospital with him to make sure he wasn’t offered MAID and he was discharged last Thursday.
I love Alberta however AHS is, in my opinion, the most dis functional system I have ever seen and believe it to be intentional.
No,he did NOT lead the way in speaking out! He has a long history of being very dogmatic about vax for everyone. He simply changed suits and got on board the correct train…but now he acts as if he is the leader of the movement when he is far from that. He is riding the shirttails to make a name and $$$ for himself. Haven’t trusted him for a long time now. He has added NOTHING to debate or science, but simply shares what others have done but DOES NOT give them the credit for their work, he acts like it’s his work. Dont be fooled by him.
Every time I've seen him interviewed, he mentions research studies and names the authors. He had also published recent research himself, along with co-authors.
Dr Northurp, Obgyn was reporting on irregularities with women’s mentrual cycles early on: young children and post menopausal women in their 80s bleeding. The cases she reported on had not received the shot but had spent time with people who were jabbed.
Dr Buttar was murdered for speaking out and helping people. He was poisoned at a conference.
Dr Joseph Mercola was threatened and ordered to take any information regarding COVID off of his website. The list goes on. Not to mention many Canadian doctors who spoke out very early including Dr Daniel Nagase!!!!!!
It was my dear friend Dr. Mel Bruchet who was 81 years old at the time, who was institutionalized at Lions Gate Hospital Hope Center (a Vancouver Psychiatric Institution). The Emergency Doctor Ann Watt did the unthinkable, she "Certified" Dr. Mel Bruchet and took away all his rights for an alleged diagnosis of "Frontal Lobe Dementia".
I've worked ER my entire career, and the only situations where you're allowed to take away someone's rights and force them into an institution is if they are of imminent harm to themselves or others. There was no documentation of this in Dr. Watt's ER chart for Dr. Bruchet.
Yet again, the College of Physicians and surgeons ignores a Human Rights Violation by a BC ER physician, who is part responsible for the mini Stroke Dr. Bruchet had while being forcibly medicated.
The other crime still being ignored by the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons, AND the Attorney General's office is a homicide in Trail BC.
Yet another example showing why people’s faith and trust in the criminal enterprise they fancifully imagine is serving them is utterly unfounded and undeserved.
Yes! I got suspicious when I heard him express concerns that people would stop taking statins. I've known for ages those are a bad idea, and one of my relatives has a primary care doctor who will admit the "evidence" for statins stinks. My relative's doctor only mentioned statins at the first appointment, I figure as a CYA move since it's "standard of care" for the elderly, but very quickly accepted my relative's answer of "no" and never mentioned it again.
Thank you very much for this warning. This evil man/controlled opposition is bothering me so much with his Wellness Company shilling for big pharma and now his latest siRNA shtick. Here comes my understanding: among other issues, they want to make 💯 sure that VMAT2 is silenced and for good.
Dr. Peter McCullough is chief scientific officer of The Wellness Company and many alt media key influencers are in direct sponsor and/or affiliate relationship with The Wellness Company.
I was concerned over the monoclonal antibodies and how he “right out of the gate” gave a summary of what Damar Hamlin’s injured could be that clearly did not reflect the vaccine. Took it in an entirely different direction.
Steve Kirsch phoned him immediately and Dr M indicated that it had a probability of being some issue that arises from being “hit in the chest” - it was a medical term that i was unfamiliar with - that comment was the first one aired.
McCullough cowrites his Substack w John Leake whom, over many posts labored to deny the obvious about the intentional DEWing of Lahaina - even personally attacking anyone who disagreed w him. That McCullough would associate with someone hellbent on trying to cover that all up was my first clue … thank you Dr Nagase.
Dr. McCullough also promotes Statins! Says they don’t cause dementia, when most healthcare professionals know they do, and everyone with high cholesterol or heart disease should be on one. Very dangerous advice. Don’t trust him.
Thanks, JJ Couey, Mike Yeadon, Jane Ruby and some others also raising alarm. Too bad, but the voices allowed to amplify - as we know now - usually have a hidden agenda attached.
JJ Couey came to my mind too. This is a good recent video of his and he mentions P.McCull, and some other “alt darlings” also. Can start somewhere around :24.
Yes! JJ is amazing, and I'm hoping we can take Dr Nagase's proposal and run with it. JJ is one of the first people I'd like to contact if Dr N is onboard with making it real. He's already speaking it into existence IMO. Hell. If Trump can raise $52m in a couple of days, we can get cooking.
I’m truly bewildered. He is so outspoken against the covid vaccine but then he says that ‘of course statins are proven beyond doubt’ or something to that effect. And I have my doubts about the Wellness Company, but there are other doctors involved with it whom I DO trust, like Dr James Thorp. My head hurts.
Wow! Important information for us to know! Thank you Dr. Nagase, your continued providing of truths is so appreciated.
There have been some concerns in my thinking about Dr. McCullough even though he has spoken out on aspects of the plandemic... I hope he develops comprehension that causes him to consider details such as the company that participated in the toxic push might not be the one to lean on for the 'answer' to their initial contribution to the poisoning.... Kind of like the big pharma sorcery of buying up/investing in companies that were looking to develop 'vaccines' to cure cancer... being convenient way to increase their pursuit of greedy gain in causing the cancers in the first place through the jabs...
Say it out loud and listen to yourself say it. What a waste of breath. Why don’t you check your facts before you accuse someone of speculating. No. No one got rich on the recent vax. You are ridiculous.
It took a while but I found the McCullough article I was referring you to. I'm interested in your reaction to this. McCullough states in the linked article below: "siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) appears to be safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions."
I find this to be outrageous genetic experimentation on trusting patients.
Alberta Dr. William Makis who escaped communist Czechoslovakia as I did promotes fasting for elimination of mRNA
Is there any research to show evidence of this?
I've done it myself, and people say I look far younger than my years.
I'm a big believer in intermittent fasting and Keto/Mediterranean type diets. I'm certainly more attentive when it comes to the carbs.
The one issue I have with fasting is that some people I know totally avoid supplementing minerals and vitamins during their fast. I can see part of their rationale, but I also know that Zinc plays a role in Autophagy..
I've seen both sides argued in the research, some saying Zinc deficiency increases autophagy, others saying Zinc assists in autophagy..
But logic tells me that we want autophagy to target extraneous/surplus tissues, not for the body to be scavenging critical minerals from desirable cells by destroying them. And over 50% of our Zinc supply is in the muscles and skeletons, so we don't those sacrificed in the body's quest for Zinc.
My article has a link to the book by August Dunning from NASA
Ex-NASA as a reference, come on, I agree with McCollough promoting nonsense and he is no saviour, much more was done on the ground with original natural healers
Natural healers did have effective means of treatment centuries before the Russian research into starvation, dehydration and its aftereffects. (Which for those who survived the starvation / dehydration was beneficial)
Ask Dr. William Makis
I fasted for almost ten days and the entire time i had no “effects” from the vaccine …as soon as i ate food my symptoms returned…I honestly think and i know this sounds far out but maybe the ole “jesus fasted for 30 days” story is a hint at how we defeat these parasites..i plan to put it to the test soon
its sad to think that someone that was leading the war against the vaccines in the very beginning when no one knew what the heck was going on , could be controlled opposition.
First of all many people knew what was going on long before he spoke out.
Many doctors, scientists and health practitioners were demonized and censored. Possible you’ve heard of the disinformation dozen?
“Best way to control the opposition is to lead it”
If you don’t know who said this, you need to catch up on history.
If more people knew history, we would not be in this rhyming mess.
Exhausting that Bread /Circuses/lower 3 chakra pursuits has lost our freedoms and rule of law.
Real history, not what "they" teach us. Same forked tongue does both!!!
Thanks for the correction. We should know their template by now.
I was taught in school that the victors write the history books. Look at the revamping of books done in Germany after WW2.
I heard some months ago the wellness company backer(s) are behind it. Polly does a deep dive on the charismatic philanthropist who helped "found" THe Wellness Co. I didnt dig too deep to verify any of it, but it resonated with my mindset.
it was a fantastic video - and she was villified for it. There are alot of substack articles now about Peter McCullough. And Robert Mallone - although Polly did not find Malone connected with the Wellness Company. I don't know - I think they are alll exposing the NWO. I mostly stay out of all this....but I agree it is suspicious that the Wellness Company is being run by ex military people. Robert Malone has connections to the military as well I believe.
I also heard very recently that soros had purchased shares of Rumble. Prepare accordingly.
so depressing about all these crooks.
the more you know..... chin up!
IMO: we are here to experience this realm and make our own choices.
yes, I beleive that spiritual stuff. But its still depressing here in Canada - I'm being taxed out of house and home basically. These horrible people have control of whether we live or die. And its a weird thought that our government wants to kill us....bizarre...and yet not bizarre. Our governmental system is so fucked up . Why wouldn't crooks want the job. They get to control all the tax money.
33:33 mins Trevor Fitzgibbon, public relations. Check out his client list. LinkedIn page: Fitzgibbon who breaks high powered information operations works with the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation/Steve Kirsh, Drs. Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/the-wellness-company-online-influence
Ah hum where have they been for the last 40 years. I subscribe to all of the above on Substack because I like to know my enemies and it helps to keep discernment acute.
Side note: I too moved from Ontario in June 2022. Fired from my position of 28 years for not disclosing my personal medical information. I was working from home and my former colleagues are still working from home. I moved to Alberta because a friend told me that I would love it here and also I refused to wear a mask or social distance and after 2 years I was getting into fights with men half my age in checkout lines. I didn’t like walking around being disgruntled and pissed off at people’s stupidity. Mother’s masking their babies and toddlers.
One day in a checkout line the man in front of me demanded that I show my mask exemption and said it was people like me that kept him from seeing his mother. Well I was gripped with irresistible urge and followed through. I’m 66 and this guy was in his and he was postering with me. I started to walk away and instead turned around and coughed in his face. My breaking point and I knew I had to regroup and feed my soul. There is much more to my story as I live with and am sole caregiver for my 34 year old son who has schizophrenia. He has been in hospital since March 16 because of a psychotic episode and have been spending between 6 and twelve hours a day at hospital with him to make sure he wasn’t offered MAID and he was discharged last Thursday.
I love Alberta however AHS is, in my opinion, the most dis functional system I have ever seen and believe it to be intentional.
thanks - I'll have a look. I haven't heard anything good about Steve Kirsch neither...but maybe they're just the greedy types...like George Soros
What is Pollys last name. I use to watch her and I can't recall where.
No last name info but this is her on bitchute
Thank you so MUCH !!!!
No,he did NOT lead the way in speaking out! He has a long history of being very dogmatic about vax for everyone. He simply changed suits and got on board the correct train…but now he acts as if he is the leader of the movement when he is far from that. He is riding the shirttails to make a name and $$$ for himself. Haven’t trusted him for a long time now. He has added NOTHING to debate or science, but simply shares what others have done but DOES NOT give them the credit for their work, he acts like it’s his work. Dont be fooled by him.
Every time I've seen him interviewed, he mentions research studies and names the authors. He had also published recent research himself, along with co-authors.
False profits. We were warned about this.
The 5 Docs were the first to call BS in 2020.
Dr Northurp, Obgyn was reporting on irregularities with women’s mentrual cycles early on: young children and post menopausal women in their 80s bleeding. The cases she reported on had not received the shot but had spent time with people who were jabbed.
Dr Buttar was murdered for speaking out and helping people. He was poisoned at a conference.
Dr Joseph Mercola was threatened and ordered to take any information regarding COVID off of his website. The list goes on. Not to mention many Canadian doctors who spoke out very early including Dr Daniel Nagase!!!!!!
Dr Steven Malthouse
BC Canada
Also, the B.C Canada Dr with Dr Nagase who early on reported on stillbirths. He was put in a Psychiatric Institute.
It was my dear friend Dr. Mel Bruchet who was 81 years old at the time, who was institutionalized at Lions Gate Hospital Hope Center (a Vancouver Psychiatric Institution). The Emergency Doctor Ann Watt did the unthinkable, she "Certified" Dr. Mel Bruchet and took away all his rights for an alleged diagnosis of "Frontal Lobe Dementia".
I've worked ER my entire career, and the only situations where you're allowed to take away someone's rights and force them into an institution is if they are of imminent harm to themselves or others. There was no documentation of this in Dr. Watt's ER chart for Dr. Bruchet.
Yet again, the College of Physicians and surgeons ignores a Human Rights Violation by a BC ER physician, who is part responsible for the mini Stroke Dr. Bruchet had while being forcibly medicated.
The other crime still being ignored by the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons, AND the Attorney General's office is a homicide in Trail BC.
Yet another example showing why people’s faith and trust in the criminal enterprise they fancifully imagine is serving them is utterly unfounded and undeserved.
I always provide names and links , but I could not find the info online at this date.
Thank you.
Thank Dr. Bruchet.
A true healer and not a medical mafia member.
Many do not know the colleges are private and run by lawyers.
I know it’s disgusting
Our silence was disgusting. Saved our jobs and retirement (not - already looted)) and watched others go through the witch-hunt.
And the 2 doctors from Bakersfield, Ca!
He's been pushing monoclonal antibodies, statins, and Tamiflu for a while already...
Yes! I got suspicious when I heard him express concerns that people would stop taking statins. I've known for ages those are a bad idea, and one of my relatives has a primary care doctor who will admit the "evidence" for statins stinks. My relative's doctor only mentioned statins at the first appointment, I figure as a CYA move since it's "standard of care" for the elderly, but very quickly accepted my relative's answer of "no" and never mentioned it again.
Paxlovid , “the virus “ ..and “the spike protein”
Thank you very much for this warning. This evil man/controlled opposition is bothering me so much with his Wellness Company shilling for big pharma and now his latest siRNA shtick. Here comes my understanding: among other issues, they want to make 💯 sure that VMAT2 is silenced and for good.
TY! Dr. Michael Yeadon and others caution bird flu is a lie.
Dr. Peter McCullough says "Ahead of time get the black Contagion Kit from the Wellness Company and if acutely ill with suspected bird flu, use the guidebook or telemedicine service for instructions on what to do next. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/trust-your-pandemic-health-judgement
Dr. Peter McCullough is chief scientific officer of The Wellness Company and many alt media key influencers are in direct sponsor and/or affiliate relationship with The Wellness Company.
The Wellness Company: Altruistic alternative healthcare empire, or intelligence operation? https://beyondthemaze.substack.com/p/the-wellness-company
The Mormons ran the Ancestry DNA pyramid. Watch THIS Before Taking a DNA Test 06:34 mins
Follow the money 💰
And the mad scientists! They are all insane!
Yes, we were, and more, which perpetrators of darkness have long researched, studied and learned to potentialize and use against us. TY!
Thank you for confirming my 'gut' feeling. I will be wary.
Mine too!
I was concerned over the monoclonal antibodies and how he “right out of the gate” gave a summary of what Damar Hamlin’s injured could be that clearly did not reflect the vaccine. Took it in an entirely different direction.
I remember him saying exactly the opposite- that his injury was most likely the vaccine.
Yea Me too! He definitely was discounting the commotio corditis that the MSM and NFL tried to spin
Yes, I have heard him say that sudden death today should be immediately linked to the experimental gene altering bio weapon unless proven otherwise.
Steve Kirsch phoned him immediately and Dr M indicated that it had a probability of being some issue that arises from being “hit in the chest” - it was a medical term that i was unfamiliar with - that comment was the first one aired.
McCullough cowrites his Substack w John Leake whom, over many posts labored to deny the obvious about the intentional DEWing of Lahaina - even personally attacking anyone who disagreed w him. That McCullough would associate with someone hellbent on trying to cover that all up was my first clue … thank you Dr Nagase.
I thought the exact same thing! I never read his substack again after that
And yet there is a very famous doctor who lives there and she put her regular work on hold and was on the beaches feeding and helping people.
Sage Hana on her stack, and Dr Jane Ruby on the Dr Jane Ruby show both have same suspicions. I do, too!
If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, well it’s probably a duck!
yeah but when it identifies itself as a duck and it gives itself a duck-typical name it's probably a gaggle of geese.
Dr. McCullough also promotes Statins! Says they don’t cause dementia, when most healthcare professionals know they do, and everyone with high cholesterol or heart disease should be on one. Very dangerous advice. Don’t trust him.
Checkout “The Magnesium Miracle” by Dr Carolyn Dean. This book allowed me to leave pharma behind and Iam now frug free!! Using her protocols.
What is the mechanism of “magnesium miracle”? What does it do exactly other than possibly relaxing the arteries and some organs?
Dr Thomas E Levy is a cardiologist
What are you suggesting? High cholesterol levels are not correlated with coronary heart disease? Or, statins don’t prevent it?
Is there a third option?
Thanks, JJ Couey, Mike Yeadon, Jane Ruby and some others also raising alarm. Too bad, but the voices allowed to amplify - as we know now - usually have a hidden agenda attached.
JJ Couey came to my mind too. This is a good recent video of his and he mentions P.McCull, and some other “alt darlings” also. Can start somewhere around :24.
Yes! JJ is amazing, and I'm hoping we can take Dr Nagase's proposal and run with it. JJ is one of the first people I'd like to contact if Dr N is onboard with making it real. He's already speaking it into existence IMO. Hell. If Trump can raise $52m in a couple of days, we can get cooking.
Why do you think the guy is promoting this 'therapy' (beyond the fact he probably gets a lot of money to do so)?
Genuinely curious.
Cashing in on another "Patented" therapy.
Fasting is free.
And Everolimus is long out of patent.
So just $$$? Nothing more nefarious than that in your opinion?
I’m truly bewildered. He is so outspoken against the covid vaccine but then he says that ‘of course statins are proven beyond doubt’ or something to that effect. And I have my doubts about the Wellness Company, but there are other doctors involved with it whom I DO trust, like Dr James Thorp. My head hurts.
Wow! Important information for us to know! Thank you Dr. Nagase, your continued providing of truths is so appreciated.
There have been some concerns in my thinking about Dr. McCullough even though he has spoken out on aspects of the plandemic... I hope he develops comprehension that causes him to consider details such as the company that participated in the toxic push might not be the one to lean on for the 'answer' to their initial contribution to the poisoning.... Kind of like the big pharma sorcery of buying up/investing in companies that were looking to develop 'vaccines' to cure cancer... being convenient way to increase their pursuit of greedy gain in causing the cancers in the first place through the jabs...
Peter McCullough is on my Email, did notice he promoting siRNA but lately he start to oppose all classical vaccines for a reason.
He is worth already over 5 mln. Certainly the more the better?!
Not clear what you mean
He will get enriched even more if he pushes trendy, genetic vaccines.
You speculate.
Sure. 🤦🏼♀️
Say it out loud and listen to yourself say it. What a waste of breath. Why don’t you check your facts before you accuse someone of speculating. No. No one got rich on the recent vax. You are ridiculous.
I still do not know what is this all about, that cardiologist become prominent in his fight against the mRNA bioweapon. You say he is selling it?
Trying to maintain his cover.
McCullough's promotion of siRNA is very problematic for me.
Where is your prove Dr. McCullough promoting this "vaccine"?
His own substack. I'm just about to prepare dinner but will try to find it and send you the link tonight, Paul.
It took a while but I found the McCullough article I was referring you to. I'm interested in your reaction to this. McCullough states in the linked article below: "siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) appears to be safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions."
I find this to be outrageous genetic experimentation on trusting patients.